InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ The Nights Events ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Twelve) +^ The Nights Events
Kudos reappeared with the Kitsune holding her hand.

She decided to camp in the clear for her and the Kit to rest.

She looked around to see if there were any dangers around.

She had to take a break from flying around.

So they made camp.

+^~ During that time ~^+

He was trying to find the miko but it was harder then he thought.

He looked down at the group again and sighed even though it wasn't like him to sigh.

Through the search the Inu-hanyou and the fire cat youkai have been getting a long too well for his taste.

Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about the dog taking want he wanted.

Now the wolf on the other hand continues to say that she is 'his' woman.

Which is a doubt of what every one else says.

Not only was the woman-child missing but the child kit as well.

'Must be my on way, I can sense her. She's close.'

The figure in the shadows disappeared.

+^ In the castle ^+

He reappeared in a room.

The figure looked around and found he was in a bedroom chamber.

Not just any chamber, he was in her bedroom chamber.

The woman-child lay sleeping in the bed looking peaceful like there weren't a care in the world.

He stood there adsorbing her beauty. Then he moved over to her sleeping form.

She began to toss and turn and then she sat up awake breathing heavily.

'Hum, she must have had a nightmare.'

When she noticed his presence she turned in his direction and was about to scream but his hand shot out and covered her mouth.

She looked at him puzzled.

"Hi, my name is Rascal-Yin. You must be Kagome, am I right?"

He spoke than she nodded.

"I'm going to move my hand. Promise you won't scream." It was more of a demand instead of a question.

Still, she nodded.

Once he moved his hand she spoke.

"Who -I mean. What are you? And, why are you here?" She questioned, looking into his red eyes.

"I, Rascal am here for you my lady. You see? I will mate with you and you will be 'mine'." He told her giving Kagome a charming smile.

"Um . . . I don't know about this. Plus you're to young." She stated.

"That's what you think. Now watch as I show you me in my real age. Soon you will be my mate." He said in a dangerous voice that sat Kagome on edge. She watch as He started to glow a light pink light and then it grew brighter then vanished as quickly as it came.

There standing in he place was a young teen version of him still wearing a charming smile.

He walked over to her and knelt beside the bed and brushed his hand against her cheek.

"You know my love, is it true that you belong to the wolf? Because I smell nothing of him on you, but another I know not of. Tell me, who is the 'male' that you smell of?" He tried to clam the anger down while he spoke in a clam voice.

"I don't belong to the wolf." She relied meekly.

"What of the other?" He asked.

"I belong . . . to no one." She stated.

He raised an eyebrow at her and replied. "Oh, but you `will` belong to me."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I will not." She spoke angrily through clench teeth.

"I will return my love. Do get your beauty sleep." He purred and lent over the bed before she could protest and kissed her then left.

She sat in the bed with a finger on her lips thinking to herself.

'Why does everyone want to kiss me?' After a few minutes she decided to go back to sleep.

+^~ During that time ~^+

Ever since Sesshoumaru left Kagome he had an eerie feeling that something not good was going to happen.

He sat in the meeting and listened even though it was boring it was important that he knew what was going on.

They were telling him that Yin and Yang had reawaken.

Also that Yin is after a power that abides within a female and if he mates with her he will become stronger.

Yang is no threat to them. She is only a threat to Yin.

He listened half way through the rest as his mind kept going back to Kagome.

'I will treat her well to win her heart.' He thought before they ended the meeting.

Then he retired to his chambers.

'In the morning it would be different.' So, he thought.

He just doesn't know how wrong he is.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah