InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Who gets beaten ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Fourteen) +^ Who gets beaten

        Rascal-Yin made a promise himself to rid the earth of his mate to be main enemy.

He will show the world he is not as bad as everyone claims him to be.

So, here he was with his energy sword in hand fighting one on one with the so call tough evil villain.

" Have you gotten any hits in chump?" Yin spoke in a mocking tone.

" I, Naraku am no chump."

'Just don't go after my back and the jewel. Stupid Onigumo's weak heart.' Thought Naraku.

' You know? I can read your mind like a book, you sorry excuse of a villain.' He said in his opponents mind.

Naraku backed up afraid for the first time in a long time.

Rascal smirked. He had been blocking all Naraku's attacks.

Every time he would block he would hit Naraku.

Naraku didn't know that Yin was going to come for him and that he wanted him dead.

Naraku had a lot of gashes in his body, but he had to use the half of shikon shards that he possessed to make limbs grow back and heal the wounds.

Unfortunate for him, Rascal-Yin already knew what Naraku was doing.

Every time Naraku's Saimyoushou would try to attack Rascal-Yin, the red shield around him would turn them into dust.

Now Rascal-Yin was getting bored of his opponent. He smirked.

' Where is that darn Kagura when you need her.' Thought a frustrated Naraku.

" Oh don't worry she wont be coming." Replied a very amused Rascal-Yin.

' Stupid. Now I know his weakness.'

Rascal had raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at his target.

His left hand still held the red energy sword.

Then a red light came out and hit where the jewels where.

The shikon shards came flying out landing on the ground behind his opponent.

" You * beep *." Growled Naraku.

Naraku turned around to get the jewel.

Before he noticed his mistake he was already sliced in half with a red energy sword.

Rascal took his heart out and shot it with his finger.

It disintegrated. Then Naraku's whole body did as well.

" Didn't I say you were a chump?"

Rascal picked up the jewel half with a special cloth of his and putted in his pocket.

'Now, I can go see my love.' Then he left.

+^ The searching gang ^+

They looked up at a castle far ahead.

" So, that * beep * took Kagome." Stated the hanyou.

Kirara was on his left side with his arm around her waist.

He bent he head and nuzzled her neck.

" Are you my neko?" He purred in her ear. She nodded.

Miroku had been acting strange; he's been messing with his hand. So, Sango decided to ask.

" Houshi-Sama, Are you alright?"

He looked at her to see her with a worried expression.

Then he answered. " Yes. Sango-Sama, I'm fine."

Then they began walking toward the castle.

Kouga and his clan followed.

+^ Else where ^+

Kudos-Yang and Shippou made it in the garden of the castle.

They met Rin and became quick friends.

" Shippou- Chan, stay here with Rin, I'll be back. Okay?"

Shippou nodded even though he wanted to come with her he kind-of understood why he couldn't.

So, he stayed there and played with Rin. Then Kudos-Yang disappeared.


I'll update the next chapter tomorrow. Don't forget to review.
+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah