InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ What's going on ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Fifteen) +^ What's going on

Kagome was finally feeling better.

She went into the library for a book to read.

Good thing was no one was in there.

The woman-child scanned the bookshelves.

It seems to have taken her a long time to find a book she would be interested in.

When she did get a book that seemed like it would be interesting she sat down in a chair and began reading it.
{'A couple Yin and Yang were to be married because they were not human, hanyou, nor youkai.

They were more of spirits and known to be the last of the most powerful forest creatures.

~ Skip ~

One day a dark Miko cast a spell upon the couple because Yin was trying to marry her and had killed a lot of her people in the process. Yang was the only one able to control Yin, but she was not there during Yin's slaughter. ~ Skip ~

So the dark Miko turned them both into a flower. Yang was a blue flower and Yin the flower red. It was said Yin would try to take a Miko as a mate once he and Yang reawakens.'}

During her reading someone had enter the library and touched her shoulder.

Kagome was startled and looked into a familiar pair of red eyes.

"My love, I believe this belongs to you."

He spoke while holding out the half of the shikon.

"W-where did you get those?" Kagome asked almost afraid of the answer.

"Relax, this jewel piece did not come from your friends. I just rid the earth of Naraku."

"You killed him? How?" She asked disbelieving of what she heard.

"This Rascal will not let some chump bet him. You know? He was truly afraid of what you could do to him."

The Miko got up and moved away from him. Still eye locked.

"He-he-" She started but he interrupted.

"Yes, yes. A true wimp he was." Rascal spoke while walking to her.

Kagome paled when he got a foot away. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"No, she is not alright Yin." Spoke a female voice from behind him.

Turning around his suspicions was confirmed. "Yang leave me be."

"No. You chose not to leave the Miko be." She stated.

Turning into her teenage looking self she walked up to Yin.

"My lady, excuse my rudeness. I am Kudos-Yang. The guy over here has a problem with killing off his own evil kind. "

She spoke while looking at Kagome.

"Could someone please tell me what's going on?" Asked Kagome.

"Yes well, Yin and I were to be married a long time ago so we would live in peace and vanish from this earth but Yin had to go after that Miko."

She paused for a moment while looking at Kagome.

"I think she was much least beautiful and powerful than you." She sighed.

"He decided he didn't want to be powerful and vanish to our world.

So he came upon a Miko that was more powerful than the others.

Yin wanted to live on this earth along with being more powerful." Said Yang.

"In other words I needed a Miko to mate with for it to happen." He spoke up.

"But I will not let that happen. I would like to go home unlike Yin." She said while glaring at Yin.

Then she continued.

"We were to be mated. Now he wants to finish his plans by with mating you. You do have a mate, do you not?"

"I-I, no. I will not mate with him though."

"I know." She paused. "Someone powerful is approaching. Rascal we must leave." Yang said.

She puts her hand on his shoulder.

"No! I want to stay with my love." Then they vanished.

Kagome had tears coming down her cheek when she thought about Kohaku because she had his shard as well.

Sitting the book down on a table.

She then pulled the shikon no Kakera (jewel shards) on a necklace around her neck out of her kimono neckline.

Then holding them close to each other they emerged together.

'Now it looks like all I need is seven more Shikon no Kakera.'

After placing the jewel in her back around her neck the library door slid open.

"Where is he? " He demanded.

Coming close to her he has an emotionless mask on.

"I smell another as well. Tell me, did they hurt you? "

He spoke with no emotion in his voice but wanting an answer.

Then she lifted her tear-stained face and smiled a bright smile at him then hugged him.

'He cares.'

"No, Sess-Chan. No they did not." He raised an eyebrow at the nickname.


"Sesshoumaru-Sama! Sesshoumaru-Sama!"

Called the toad youkai running toward the library door.

He runs in and sees a human hugging his lord. He turned his face in disgust.

"Ewe, you filthy human. Remove your filthy hands from m`lord."

"Jaken." Sesshoumaru spat his name sharply.

Kagome had jumped a little at his voice.

Sesshoumaru putted his arms around Kagome's waist and held her against him.

Jaken was gapping at what he saw. "Y-yes my lord?"

"Stated why you came." He orders his retainer.

"Y-yes, well, um the h-hanyou has come for the w-wench a-along with some friends a-and the wolf clan."

He turned his full attention back to Kagome.

"We will speak on the matter later. Do not follow."

Then Sesshoumaru was out the library after kissing her.

The toad was trying to catch up. "Wait for me, m`lord."

But he did not slow down.

Suddenly Yin and Yang appeared with two children.

"Here, he belongs to you."

Kudos spoke handing Shippou to Kagome, who hugged her tight.

Kudos elbowed Yin. "Here, she belongs to that guy."

Rascal said and handed Rin to Kagome.

They disappeared before she could thank them.

Kagome called for Yucca. She came in the library.

"Please, put the children in my room for now."

Then Yucca left with the children to do so.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah