InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Oh, Kagome ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Sixteen) +^ Oh, Kagome

Rascal-Yin and Kudos-Yang was outside watching everything.

The toad youkai, Jaken and Tai youkai, Sesshoumaru would be coming out soon.

"Yin, we have to bring Lady Kagome here." Spoke Yang. He nodded.

Kagome was walking down the hall. "Lady Kagome." Called Kudos.

The woman-child stopped and turned around to see Kudos and Rascal standing not to far away from her.

Kudos held her hand out.

"Come, we must bring you to the entrance."

Kagome took hold of her hand.

Then the hall was silent with no one standing there anymore.

Sesshoumaru stepped out of the entrance.

Jaken was be hide him coming.

Inuyasha was the first to speak.

"You b*****, what did you do to Kagome." Stepping forward while growling.

Then in front of Sesshoumaru appeared Kagome with Rascal on her left and Kudos on her right.

They all spoke at once.

"Kagome-Chan, are you alright?" Sango's voiced her concern.

"Kagome-Sama, how are you fairing?" Asked Miroku.

"Lady Kagome." Spoke Kirara.

"Sister Kagome." Cried the wolves.

"Kagome." Called Inuyasha and Kouga.

All these things were said at once.

"Shh. . . Everyone please be quite and listen?"

They continued to talk. "Shh. . . Everyone please-"

"Sesshoumaru you will pay for taking Kagome." Growled Inuyasha angrily.

"Will some one listen to me? HELLO! I 'm trying to talk here."

No one was listening and Kagome was getting fed up with their babbling.

Her small hands balled into little fits and she began glowing.

"SHUT UP." Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. "Just shut your babbling." Saying the last sentence with a normal volume since they seemed to have quite down some.

Breathing heavily with her chest rising up, down and steam seems to be coming out of her head. Well, mentally able the steam.

Everyone was silent and just staring at an over p***** off Kagome.

She was glaring at them.

Well excepted Sesshoumaru and Jaken because they were behind her.

She wasn't even glaring at Kudos and Rascal either because they were beside her.

They were the four that stayed quite the whole time.

"Now listen to me. I'm okay. Naraku is destroyed. Thanks to Rascal-Yin. Shippou is here with me. Thanks to Kudos-Yang. All I need is the five jewel shards you got Inuyasha and your two shards Kouga-Kun."

She grounded out still looking angry.

She held out her hands for the guys to give her the shards.

They didn't even move. They just looked at each other stupidly and back to her.

"Well?" She asked a little inpatient move her fingers.

"K-Kagome your g-glowing light purple."

Stuttered Kouga and Inuyasha in union.

Indeed she was glowing and so was the two on both sides of her.

Rascal was glowing light red and Kudos was glowing light blue.

She looks to see the two glowing also.

"Ah sorry. This is Rascal-Yin."

Kagome said pointing to her left.

There was a growl from behind her and she turned to see Sesshoumaru.

'Well he still looks emotionless.' She thought.

Then she turns around to introduce the other.

Pointing to her right, she spoke.

"This is Kudos-Yang." They both bowed.

Kudos whispered some thing in Kagome's ear.

Then the two disappeared.

"W-where'd they go?" Asked Kouga.

"They will tell us why their here later." Kagome said in a soft voice.

"Now give me the shards to which I am the guardian of. "

She spoke while holding out her hands again.

"If not. I will be forced to take them."

They looked at her like she was a stranger.

"Okay then have you're way."

Her hands stayed out.

Her purifying powers shot out and grabbed the shards in Kouga legs and pulled them out.

"How am I supposed to protect my clan Kagome?" He asked.

"You and I both knew this day would come. To answer your question, you're their leader, figure something out."

'How could Kagome be so mean?'

"I have to do this. Inuyasha, the jewel shards please."

"No kago-"


The power shot out and grabbed the shards that Inuyasha was carrying and was placed in Kagome's hands.

The shards became purified.

She took the shards that hung around her neck and brought them to meet the ones she just got from the two guys.

They fused together.

They became back whole as they were before.

They were glowing, as was Kagome.

The light got brighter with each pulse it beat. It went in the same past with her heartbeat.

The Shikon no tama flew into the air above Kagome's head.

Kagome raised her hands and the Shikon no tama went into the plum of her left hand.

While this was going on no one was able to see this because the light had gotten too bright that it was able to blind some one.

The Shikon no tama moved itself back into her body where it used to be.

When the light dimmed some, Kagome was going to hit the ground but Sesshoumaru had caught her from be hind.

He looks down and notices she was unconscious.

He gathers her in his arms and stands up.

He turn on his heels with the others staring at him.

"You may come inside if you wish to do so."

Carrying the Miko in his arms he continued on down the hall to his destination.

The others begin to follow him.

Kouga and his clan left the premises to their dens.

He entered the room Kagome been sleeping in and seen two children lying on the bed.

Two servants came in. They went up to him and bowed.

"Yucca, make sure the guests are acquired rooms and clothing. Do prepare a meal."

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-Sama." She answered bowed then left.

He looked at the male servant.

"Zeta, prepare the guest their baths and bring the children to their rooms."

"Yes, lord Sesshoumaru." He bowed and did as told.

Once the children were moved Sesshoumaru gently laid Kagome on the bed.

Rascal appeared in the room.

The Tai youkai turned and glared at him.

When Rascal begins to approach Sesshoumaru growled a deep threatening growl and Rascal-Yin halted with fear for the first time.

Then he became his normal self again.

"What's the problem? Afraid of me touching what's mine?" He tainted.

"You_ will_ not_ go_ near_ her." Stated the Inu Tai Youkai in a more monotone voice. (If that's possible)

"She does not belong to you Rascal-Yin."

Spoke Kudos-Yang while appearing in the room.

He was about to respond when Kudos touched him and they disappeared out of sight.

'Where did they go? I will have to stay in here incase that red headed guy comes back.'

With that he sat in a chair by the bed and watched over Kagome.

The others decided not to say anything and just left once Yucca came back for them.

She showed them to their rooms the baths and the dinning.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah