InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ He's cute or not ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Seventeen) +^ He's cute or not

Once the youkai exterminator Sango was finished bathing she was acquired a red silky kimono with silver trimming.

Silver printed flowers were on both sleeves and at the bottom front of the kimono.

She was given a fan that matched, along with silver slippers.

She was rounding the corn and bumped into something hard and warm.

She was about to fall on her buttock when she was grabbed around the waist and pulled by a pair of strong arms.

"Sorry." Sango spoke softly.

Looking up Sango was locked in a pair of silver eyes.

His silky long hair was gold.

His outfit was like Inuyasha's but all white with silver trimming and two golden dragons printed on the front's chest.

You could tell he was youkai.

Handsome youkai.

Something moved in the back of him.

'Does he have wings?' Then as if to answer her question it moved again.

'Yes. He has wings.'

Then she mentally shook herself out of her thoughts.

'Sango get a hold of yourself.'

Then she noticed him to be one of Sesshoumaru's servants.

She begins to blush.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay my lady . . . "

He began while still holding her in his left arm.

He took her small left hand into his right claw hand and lifts it then placed a kiss on it.

She blushed a deeper red.

"Just be more careful where your walking next time." He said softly.

He gave her a charming smile.

There was a noise behind him that sounded like a growl.

The servant turns he head and sees the human monk in different clothes glaring at him.

He was wearing a silk outfit similar to his.

Where his was white Miroku was purple.

Where his was silver Miroku was blue with one silver lady figure in a dance position on the left front of his chest.

He simply smirked at Miroku.

Then he turned his head to Sango.

"I, Zeta will see you later, my lady."

Letting Sango go he was about to take her hand when she was pulled out of the way.


"No_ you_ will_ not." Spoke Miroku in a most dangerous voice Sango never heard him use not even with Naraku.

'No one but me will have now that Naraku is gone.' Thought Miroku. She stiffened in his hold when he had spoke.

He held one arm around her waist.

He was holding her against his body with her arms clamped down by his other arm around her.

'What is wrong with Houshi-Sama?' She thought.

The way Miroku was acting kind-of scared her. 'Don't like feeling this helpless.'

Zeta sensing Sango's discomfort asked. "Are you all right my lady?"

"I- I'm fine." He decided not to pressure her.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you." He replied then bowed.

Then he continues on his way down the hall.

When he was out of sight Sango was the first to speak.

"What's gotten into you Houshi-Sama? Let me go."

"Do you like him?" Asked Miroku while still holding on her firmly.

"N-No. Now let go."

'It's a good thing she doesn't have her boomerang.'

Thought Miroku still not letting go.

He moves his right hand into her view.

"Oh, Huo-" He turned her around and held her facing him.

Dark brown eyes locked with violate.

"Sango, will you be my wife?"

There was a long pause and her legs felt like they would give way, actually they did. But the monk was holding her so she was unable to fall. She had her head down with tears beginning to flow.

He thought she wasn't going to answer.

Miroku was about to let go when she answered.

"Yes." She whispered. "Yes I'll be your wife Huo-"

"No." She looked up into his eyes searching.

"No Sango. It's Miroku."

Then he squeezed her. "Loosen ~up ~some."

The monk loosened his grip. "My Sango. Say my name."

"Miroku I lo-" Then he brought her into a passionate kiss that seemed to have lasted forever.

When she responded he nibbled on her bottom lip.

Then he glided his tongue on her lips.

She parted her lips and he smirked.

Her arms went around his neck while he held her closer.

Once his tongue entered her mouth they were in battle of tasting each other.


Inuyasha and Kirara were sitting in the garden under the cherry blossom tree.

They sat there holding each other.

" Inu-Chan what are we going to tell Kagome-Sama?"

Asked Kirara with her head lying on her lover's chest.

" I don't know. We'll know when the time comes. I just hope it won't be to late."


Sesshoumaru sat in Kagome's room watching her while she sleeps.

'He will not have you.'

He gently strokes her cheek with his claws fingers then his knuckles.

She lend into he touch.

When he moves his claw hand away she whimpered.

Kagome moved closer toward him to find where the warmth went.

When Sesshoumaru touch her, she stopped moving around.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah