InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Wake up to a decision ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Nineteen) +^ Wake up to a decision

Feeling warm, Kagome wakes up and turns on her side to be greeted by Yucca who is sitting in a chair beside the bed she was currently lying in.

"Nice to see you're awake. I just recently manage to get lord Sesshoumaru out of this room."

"Hi, Yucca. Where are the others?" Asked Kagome sitting up.

"Oh, your friends are doing well here in the palace. Sesshoumaru-Sama let them stay, for now."

"How long was I asleep?"

"Five days."

"Five days?" Kagome was shocked she slept that long.

"Yes, and Sesshoumaru-Sama hadn't left your side. That is, not until, just a few moments ago."

"Oh. That long, eh?"

"Yes. Will you excuse me! I must go inform lord Sesshoumaru and the others that you have awaken." Yucca got off the seat and left.

After a few minutes the door cracked open and in flew an orange fuzz-ball.

It was headed straight for Kagome.

"Kagome! I thought you weren't going to wake up! 'That mean' Sesshoumaru kept everyone from entering. Every time some one would get near the door he would growl or something. I'm just glad your okay!"

Fumed Shippou, setting in Kagome's lap hugging her around the waist the best he could with his little arms and hands.

"Is that so?" She said in a teasing tone.

"Kagome-Sama! Rin-I is glad you're awake. Now we can play in the gardens. We can play hide and go seek. Then pick a bunch of flowers for Sesshoumaru- Sama! You are going to be . . . my mommy, aren't you? I want you and Shippou-Chan to stay with Sesshoumaru-Sama and me! Me think Sesshoumaru- Sama lo-!"

"Rin." Came a deep monotone voice from the doorway. The trios' attention turned to the door where the owner of the voice is.

"Yes Sesshoumaru-Sama?"

"You and the kit, leave. I have matters to discuss with the Miko. Alone."

"But Ses-"

"Leave. You may be in her presences later."

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-Sama." Came the child's reply and the children both left.

"Sesshoumaru I-" Kagome started, but was cut off.

"Do not explain. I know of the anecdote."


"I am not a Tai youkai for nothing." He paused than continued.

"Kagome, he cannot make you do anything you don't want to or harm you as long as Kudos is with him. " ' And I here with you.' "We must get them to become mates."

"Do the others know what's going on?"


"Let me guess. Kudos came back and explained everything while I was asleep!"

" Yes."

"Welcome back to the world of the living Kagome-sama."

Spoke Miroku, walking in the room followed by Sango, Inuyasha, and Kirara.

" Nice to see your doing well." Stated Sango, shooting a glare at Sesshoumaru' s direction, which in turn was ignored.

"Same here, Kagome-chan." Kirara said.

" Yeah, He refused to let any of us come in!" Inuyasha pouted, crossing his arms other his chest.

Kagome processed to tell them what she knew about the situation.

" Do you know why he wants you?" Asked Sango.

Kagome shook her head slowly then responded. " He wants me so he can become stronger, right?"

Miroku answers. " Not only that. He wants your love as well."

There was a growl that echoed in the room.

They choose to ignore it.

"Eh? He has Kudos to do that."

" He wants you as a mate because you are an untrained powerful miko that wont be able to subdue him. Which means he could drain you or/and will be able to have control over you."


Miroku sighs.

" The only way he will be able to look in Kudos direction is if you have a mate."

Kagome looked shocked and looked at Sango but she didn't bash the monk. Only agreed.

' Well, they must have already talked about this.' Getting out of her shock she spoke.

" Then, who is going to 'pretend' to be my mate so that he will leave me alone?"

Miroku piped up. " I would love t-" THUMP!


" Still being a pervert Monk? Kagome, I am sorry to say this, but-" Sesshoumaru interrupted Sango.

" He would know if it is not real. "

Sango glared at him again. Muttering stuff about rude white dogs wearing make-up. Even though she knew it was his birth marking.

"Oh." Kagome said looking down at her hands that suddenly became the most interesting thing while her cheeks were tinted pink.

" Which is why, I will be your mate."

Her head shot up gapping at him stunned by his statement.

' Did he just say, what I think he said?"

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah