InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Listen to me! ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Twenty) +^ Listen to me!

'Oh god. My dream. Is this what it tried to show me?'

She was left speechless for the moment.

Inuyasha was about to protest but he was stopped mentally.

' Inu- chan don't!'

' But it's m-' ' Trust me.'

" We must leave now that that's settled," Informed the fire cat demon ness grabbing Inuyasha and pulling him out the door with her.

" Yes, well, um we will leave too. Right Miroku-kun?" Sango said to the now conscious monk leading him out of the door.

When Kagome heard that she made a mental note to ask Sango about that later. Then she remembered Sesshoumaru said that she would be his mate. Anger started to boil up her being.

" You know! You didn't have to say it like you were giving orders or something. " Said Kagome trying to control her anger.

' I was.' Came his thought staring impassively at her.

" Stay in bed. A servant will bring you food. Then I will escort you to the springs." He said walking to the door then stopped.

" How dare you change the subject?" She said loudly with waves of anger coming off her being.

Sesshoumaru turned around with amusement clearly showing in his eyes.

" Would you prefer we mate now, 'love'?" Kagome was rendered speechless again that day.

" I will bath with you when I return." He smirks when he heard a gasp and felt her anger raise a notch then left closes the door behind him.

A while later a servant came in with a tray of broth, water, and little beard.


Meanwhile, Kudos and Rascal were in a heated argument somewhere in the woods near Sesshoumaru's fortress.

"Can't you tell that she doesn't want you?" Kudos through her hands in the air in angered frustration.

" She didn't tell me to BACK OFF, now did she? NO!" Rascal barked angrily at her.

" Kagome-san won't give you love if you force yourself on her!" Rascal paced back and forth.

" The miko probably will not come willingly because of you! You just had to but in!"

" YES! You want to know why?" She shouted back at him.

" WHY?"

" Because STUPID, I want to go home!" ' And I love you.'

' What is this feeling? Guilt! No! It has to be another feeling. I probably should not do this to her. But I want to become stronger!' He though.

To break the silence he said, " You can have the Tai youkai and I the Miko. "

She stared at him in disbelief, disgust, and anger.

" Did you hear what I just said?? I want to go HOME and see my family unlike YOU! Idiot."

" Let's get some rest and discuses this later." He said sitting under a tree all of sudden feeling exhausted.

Kudos did the same.


Kagome was about to doze off when her bedroom door opened. Kagome sits up angry for the person had come in without knocking.

" Do you know how to knock before just coming in?"

" I do as I covet. This is my home." The Tai youkai strolled over to her bedside and sat down. He stared deeply into her eyes.

Kagome's hands are now balled up into little tight fists clenching to the bed sheets. Her heart sped up. She could feel the heat radiating off his being.

Sesshoumaru moves closer and puts a claw hand by her left on the bed.

" Do you truly want to be mine?" His voice made a dangerous shiver go down her body.

She nodded dumbly. She chews lightly on her bottom lip. It was like he just simply hyphenised her with his intense golden orbs.

" I... I'm human." Kagome barely breathed out. ' What's wrong with me?' She thought.

' I have not even kissed her yet and she seems breathless.'

He lend forward capturing her lips with his. They kissed for some time. Then Sesshoumaru pulled away and looked at Kagome's dazed expression with red swollen lips.

The next thing Kagome knew was being carried out the door and down the halls. Then she remembered that they were going to take a bath TOGETHER.

" Put me down!" She demanded, wiggling around to make him free her.

" No." He pulled her closer and tightened his hold on her.

" I am NOT going to bath with YOU!" They entered the area with hot springs.

" Yes, you will." His tone left no room for argument.


You know, Kagome.

Yes Kagome.

She ignored the warning in his tone.

" I will NOT you PERVERT!" She screamed at him when he had sat her on her feet.

And you know what that scream did?

It hurt poor Sesshoumaru's sensitive ears.

She continues to yell protests at him.

He tried to ignore her outbursts.


Kagome looked at him... and turned pale.

Oh, he was furious.

He began to approach her when she had gain some distanced between them.

She stepped back from him.

" You will speak to me with respect wench." His voice was low and dangerous once more.

He commences taking off his clothes. His eyes were flashing blood crimson to dark honey.

He gave her a predator look.


She felt like the prey.

" We will see each other."

All his clothes fell to the ground at his feet.


Well, she must like the view.

Her cheeks were flaming crimson.

She took another step back, covering her face in her hands.

Her foot slipped.


Kagome resurfaced the water and looked around. But.

She didn't see Sesshoumaru!

" Sesshoumaru?"

Then there was movement in the water. Turning around quickly she didn't see anyone. She began to panic.

' Where is Sesshoumaru? Oh my, gosh! How can I be so stupid? What is that? Something touched me! I can't feel my clothes! I CAN'T FEEL MY CLOTHES!'

Sesshoumaru comes out of the water in front of her... smirking?

He didn't even give her a minute to compose herself, he just began kisses her. He trailed hot open kisses down her jaw then her neck. Kissing and licking the spot he will mark her as his. Sesshoumaru held Kagome's body close to his.

" You will be mine." He whispered on her neck.

Then Sesshoumaru droved his fangs deeply into her sensitive skin drawing blood down her neck. Kagome arched against him and whimpered. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Kagome whimpered again at the burning pain Sesshoumaru's fangs caused. He lapped up the blood.

" You taste sweet my little miko."

The way he said it, kind of made her wonder if the choice she made was right.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah