InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Mates! ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Twenty-One) +^ Mates!

' How could I have let him do that to me?'

Kagome sat in a huge bed in Sesshoumaru's chambers. It was like a canopy with white silky see-through sheets that draped from the poles above. She was holding a hand over his mark. Kagome sat in the middle of the bed wearing a white night gown.

" I should have gone home." Kagome muttered to herself.

" Why hasn't anyone come to visit me again?" Sesshoumaru had told her to stay in bed when she woke up in his arms that morning. Breakfast was brought to her.

Kagome was glad that he only decided to mark her the night before. She remembered Sesshoumaru say that he would wait until she is ready. That did make her a feel little better.

" I am going outside this room. " Said Kagome with a bored sighed.

Kagome was getting up and getting ready to leave the room when she hears Sesshoumaru. ' Where are you going?' Came his thought. She yelped looking around but didn't see him. She let out a sigh of relief.

' I must have been hearing things.'

" Stay in bed." He said walking from the door in the room.

" You can't tell me what to do!" She said loudly.

" I believe we already had this discussion, 'love'." His eyes flashed dangerously and Kagome shuddered.

" Take me to the gardens."

" Do not give orders to this Sesshoumaru."

" Fluffy-sama, please take me to the gardens?" She pleads with heavy sarcasm.

" What did you call me?" He growled.

" Hello? I know you didn't lose your hearing. I said -"

She was pinned to the bed beneath him. His face was so close their noses where touching. " Don't say it unless you're 'ready'."

Then he moved swiftly off of her and pulled her up with him.

" Come. You may be among the gardens with me."


Rin and Shippou were playing in the gardens.

When Sesshoumaru and Kagome entered the garden they saw Shippou and Rin playing. Kagome was wearing a dark blue kimono. She ran to join the children. " Kagome-chan!"

She tickled Rin and Shippou. They were lying in the grass by flowers laughing. Sesshoumaru was watching the scene on a bench. He caught moving by the corner right side of his eyes. He focus his scenes on the area but found no aura, no scent, no sounds, no figure but shadow and trees along with flowers.

Even though the Tai youkai found nothing he kept his scenes on alert. Standing up he looked to see Rin picking flowers. Shippou, he decided to go and chase butterflies. Their adopted children were preoccupied.

Kagome, she the one being his mate was relaxing under a sakura tree. She made a beautiful picture bathed in the sunlight with the sakura pink pebbles. The pebbles fettler down around her while she continues to watch the children.

The woman-child looked at peace. Then he felt it. Another presence. A red blur began heading straight for Kagome. Sesshoumaru's blood boiled and he saw red. He went straight for Kagome. He quickly grabbed her by snaking an arm around her waist pulling her to him. Then he moved away from where she was. He did not know he could move in such a speed with their pervious distance.


Rascal could see Sesshoumaru seated on a bench. The guy was alert to him when he was going step out for the miko. It's a good thing he hid himself. That Tai youkai was strong but Rascal was strong too.

He saw her in the garden playing with the children. When she was resting under the tree she looked like a goddess with the sakura peddles descending and the morning sunglow that shined over her. Rascal saw the chance and took it.

He raced over to grab the female but when he got there he grabbed air. She wasn't there! He fumed angrily knowing who must have stopped him. Looking over where the Inuyoukai had been. He found an empty bench. 'What could have gone wrong? I will fight him for her then!' The Tai youkai was standing some ways away from the area where the children were playing holding the miko. The children were not there but running into the building.


Kagome was enjoying watching the children play while the sun played on their moving little bodies. They looked so cute. But the next thing she knew was being quickly lifted up and brought into the arms and chest of Sesshoumaru.

He turned and told the children to leave inside the castle. She looked up from Sesshoumaru's chest to ask him what was he doing, but stopped when she saw he was glaring at something behind her.

' His... his eyes are tinted red.'

Kagome took in a shaking deep breath from being moved so quickly. Sesshoumaru growled. It vibrated against her body that was held tightly to his larger masculine one. ' I hope he clams down.' She balled her hands into his clothes. ' Huh? Why is he not wearing his armor?' Sighing Kagome was about to push away when she found she couldn't.


Sesshoumaru growled again when Kagome tried to move away.

" I challenge you, Tai youkai of the West, to a duel. A duel for the miko."


So now Rascal is challenging Sesshoumaru. Do you think they will go through with it? Or if they do, who will win?
+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah