InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Choices and Consequences! ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Twenty-Two) +^ Choices and Consequences!

Rascal knew he didn't really have a chance with her if she was marked and her mate lives. He also knew he still could claim her because they didn't finish the mating ritual. So, now he can duel her pre-mate or leave and claim Kudos. But he did not want to give up so easily.

Kagome was angry that Rascal would speak of her as if she was just some property! She had a feeling that he was stubborn and wouldn't back down with out a fight. She could feel Sesshoumaru's body heat rise. Or was it his youki.

Kagome felt protected with him holding her.

Sesshoumaru was angry with the idiot whom was still trying to claim HIS Kagome as his. Sesshoumaru chose to keep Kagome close because the red mystical spirit guy in front of him could vanish once he gets a chance to grab Kagome.

Sesshoumaru growled with displeasure. Kagome shivered at the feeling. His eyes bleed red while glaring at Rascal. The Tai Inu youkai was no fool. He knew Rascal had a lot of power. If he backs from the duel it would be like him giving up Kagome.

He growled in his chest so it wouldn't past his lips. Kagome felt it anyway. She buried her face into his clothed chest. Her hands remain fisted into his clothes. Sesshoumaru's tail slid under his arms and wrapped itself around them both.

Rascal saw that the Inuyoukai refuse to let the girl go which meant he chose to combat.

" I will take that as a, yes great Rascal."

" Don't flatter yourself." Spat Kagome.


In a huge clearing Sesshoumaru is standing in the middle on one side with Rascal standing across from him on the other side. They were facing each other off. Kagome is at the end of the clearing behind Sesshoumaru.

' I wonder if Kudos notice my nonappearance yet.'

" Don't worry miko. As soon as I get rid of this youkai you will belong to me."

He said stated proudly looking at Kagome.

"Pervert!" Yelled a female voice from afar.

`SLAP! `


Miroku landed on the ground from Sango's blow on the head and Kagome had a hopeful look on her face.

" You shouldn't have pushed her to hard monk!" Inuyasha's voice could be heard from a distance.

' They will not be of any use.' Thought Sesshoumaru.

" Why'd you hit me Sango dear?" He was ignored and not answered because she held a glare on her face.

" Are you alright Kagome?" Inuyasha yowled while approaching her with the others.

Sesshoumaru gave them a loud warning growl.

Inuyasha stopped moving. And so did the ones behind him. ' His eyes are red. Something's not right.'

"Huh? Why is he growling at us Inuyasha?" Asked Sango, wanting to know. Inuyasha thought for a moment before it came to him.

" That bozo over there," He snarled angrily pointing at Rascal ", had challenged Sesshoumaru for Kagome!!! And by the looks of it, his accepted it."

He sighed and Sango looked worried. " Is there anything we can do to help?"

He slowly shook his head. 'No.'

" We can't help protect Kagome?" He gave her another negative answer.

" We are not allowed in this fight. It's between them and Kagome." Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest.

" It's kind of based upon his pride or weather or not he can protect his mate to be, is it?" She softly asked.

" Yeah, and if he didn't accept he'd have to hand her over." Miroku spoke up to join in on the conversation. " So either way ~ he would have to fight."

Rascal moved slightly to the left. Then he brought out his red sword. Sesshoumaru draw Toukijin. The red guy attacked. Sesshoumaru blocked. `CLING ` He attacks and Rascal dodges. Then the Tai youkai saw an opening and unguarded area. `BAM! ` His is kicked in the left side instead and his armor begins to crack a little.

' How did he know? Did he planed it?' He stands up on guard.


He was punched in the right jaw and sent flying into a tree. `THUMB! ` The tree was damaged with an ostentatious gnash in it.

Kagome gasps. " Sesshoumaru!" She yelled.

Inuyasha stood back along with the rest of the group.

" You see, she will be my mate."

"Not likely, because she is already ready `mine`." Sesshoumaru growled while standing up and glaring at Rascal with a hard look that would have killed if it were so.

The Red mystical narrowed his eyes. ' I will take want I want Tai youkai.'

The Tai youkai heard and gave a tiny evil smirk. ' No wonder, He has been reading my thoughts.'

Then Sesshoumaru's impassive mask falls back into place again. He began to clam his thoughts where Rascal won't be able to read them. Rascal began to charge again, but then stopped.

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. " What? Afraid to fight when you can't read my mind?"

" No! I can still be- efh" `BAM, BOOM` `BAM`

Rascal slid to the ground with one hand clinging his right side and the other holding his face. Moving his hand from his face to see blood.

"Oh? Were you saying something?" Sesshoumaru said in a smooth cold voice.

"Ahh!" He stood up and began to form red balls in his hands. Then he started throwing them at Sesshoumaru. The Tai youkai flew in the air while blocking the red glowing balls with his sword. Then Rascal jumped up in the air holding his red sword that he picked back up from off the ground and came gilding down making a massive gap in the ground. " AHH!!!"

Soil and dust clouded over the clearing. When the air became clear of the dust again, neither Sesshoumaru nor Kagome was where they were. They just weren't there. He turned to his left. 'Where are they?' Sesshoumaru took out his yellow glowing whip that's like exotic venom in the bearer while holding Kagome.

Leaving Kagome there he came out and slashed at Rascal.




Rascal clothes got torn along with his skin and he began to bleed. He blocked every now and then with his sword or his small fireballs. They kept going at it for a while. Then Sesshoumaru hit one of Rascal's wrists. "Ahh!" Blood came flowing out of the newly wound. His red sword fell to the ground.

" Rascal-Yang!!!" Kudos Bawled in an anxious voice, followed by her figure coming into the clearing.

Her small hands were balled into fists. One was over her breasts and the other at her left side. She was breathing hard. They both turned their attention to the owner of the voice. Sesshoumaru's armor was almost broken off and his clothes were torn as well. Both of them look like they were striping in their tarter clothes while bath in blood. Then they began fighting once again. Sesshoumaru hit's Rascal in the stomach with Toukijin. `BAM! `

`THUNK! ` Rascal is forced off his feet and lands at least two yards away from Kudos. Dust came up and than cleared. She comes forward and kneels down than puts her arms around Rascal bringing him closer to her. He lies in her arms unconscious. Sesshoumaru approaches them and brings one of his claw hands up preparing to finish him off. Kudos looks up with tears streaming down her cheeks.

His claws begin to glow green with his acid. He glared coolly down at her.

" Move." He stated in a cold voice.

She glared at him through her teary eyes. " Don't you dare hurt him! Let me show him how much I love him!" She shouted. Then Kudos looked down at Rascal face that was smeared with his own blood. She placed a shaky hand on his face to cup a cheek. Kudos smile sadly down at him. " Why couldn't you just see that I love you?" She sniffs because of her running nose. " Why did you have to be so stupid Rascal to run after her when I am here for you, huh? You just don't know how much you hurt me." She hiccupped and moves her hand to brush the blood strains of hair off his face.

Rascal catches her hand. He looks into her eyes and sees the pain he'd caused. " I ..I di-didn't .. know. Cou-could you .. forgive me?" He could feel the poison in his system causing the pain. " Yes." Sesshoumaru looks to the side and sees a crying Kagome. "D-don't kill him." She says softly looking at him.

Sort of frowning at Kagome with disappointment, he looks back at the scene before him. " Jaken." His little green toady retainer hobbled over and bowed to him. " Yes, lord Sesshoumaru!"

Sesshoumaru is still looking at Kudos and Rascal. " Have a servant tend to his wounds. He is not aloud in my home." He ordered in his normal tone with an unemotional expression.

Then Jaken bow again saying, " Yes, lord Sesshoumaru. This Jaken will do as he-"

" Jaken." He said calmly.

Jaken bowed again then took off toward the castle. Sesshoumaru moved over to where he left Kagome. He grabbed Kagome and gently wraps her up in his fur. Her hands along with most of the top part of her body were not covered. Sesshoumaru brought her face close to his and whispered over her lips. " My love, you are all mine."

Closing the gap between them he pressed his lips upon hers in a passionate kiss. She didn't hesitant in responding. When the tip of his fur rubbed against the inside of her thigh she gasped. And he deepens the kiss. A cloud forms up under them. Sesshoumaru took flight in the air to go back to his castle. Pulling away he watches as Kagome wore an expression of pure bliss.

Her companions just watched as the scene unfold.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah