InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Love and Leaving Home! ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Twenty-Three) +^ Love and Leaving Home!

" Ouch! Be careful wench!" Howled Rascal. Glaring at Sesshoumaru's servant Yucca while she clean and bandage his wounds up.

" Well, you would have never got hurt if you didn't choose to fight Sesshoumaru-sama."



Sango was walking in the hall. She had just left the room where some of the healer's were. ' How will I tell him?' Continuing on her way Sango was in search of Miroku. They had decided they were going to get married sometime after Kudos-Yin and Rascal-Yang returns home.

Sango sighed. Feet swiftly making their way toward her caught her attention. Turning around to see the one she was looking for she stops, waiting.

" Sango, where were you? In worry I've been looking for you. Tell me, you were not with that- that-"

Sango placed her index finger over his lips, silencing him. Smiling, she replies, " Miroku, you sound jealous more then worried. And no, I have not even seen him."

Miroku takes Sango's hand that held the finger over his lips in both of his hands and looks loving into her eyes. Miroku places his forehead on hers.

" I am to be jealous," He smiles thinking of away to make her understand him better. Miroku smirks, remembering what the prince of wolves always say to his friend. " Besides you are my woman."

They both share a kiss and when they broke away Sango speaks. " Miroku, I am with child." The responds she got was a huge smile that broke out on his handsome face and the next thing Sango know is being lifted off the ground.

Miroku had picked her up laughing whiling spinning around in a circle. He brought her into a hug she responded to quickly. Sango laid her head on his chest and held him close. Miroku held Sango close while baring his face in her hair. Breathing heavily he said, " I'm going to be a father."


Inuyasha sat on a mat watching Kirara draw pictures with Shippou and Rin. Kirara was lying on her belly. Rin was laying sideways drawing and Shippou was standing up facing a wall with the paper on it drawing.

It seem they were concentrating so hard that their tongues' would peek out their mouth off and on. But the most individual Inuyasha was observing though, is his beloved fire cat youkai.

Kirara, feeling eyes on her, turn to see Inuyasha staring at her. Smirking she says, " Inuyasha, care to join us?"

Mentally shaking himself out of his daze Inuyasha comes back into reality. " I will, if you let me draw you~" ' Naked.'

' No! You sound more like Miroku-sama. But you can draw me like I am now.'

She walked over to Inuyasha and handed him some paper and things to write with. "Here."

Rin was looking at her drawing of her new family.

Shippou was looking at his drawing that was based on the same thing as Rin's. The picture held Sesshoumaru holding Kagome with one arms and Rin in the other while Kagome held Shippou.


Jaken was smiling and walking down a hall, glad that he was free of baby- sitting. Even though he was the one to get sat on.


Kudos has kept watch over Rascal while he lay beside her. He looked peaceful. His chest would lift up and down while he breathed. She lifts a hand and caressed he face. Rascal's eyes filter open and look into her fresh blue ones.

" K-Kudos, will you do me- the honor of becoming my mate?"

Wetness drips on his face and could Kudos crying. ' She think I only asked because I- I lost.'

" Kudos, do not think that. It is not truth. Yes, I lost but I'm glad I did. Even though I'm not too fond of losing. What I'm trying to say is if I won I wouldn't be able to have you. Kudos, I realized that I'm happy with you."

Rascal reached up with a hand and gently brushes her tear streak cheeks. " I realized that I'm in love with you." He lifts up ignoring the protesting pain of his injuries and brings his lips to hers. When they pulled away Kudos agreed to be his and then proceed to scold him about reopening his wounds.


Giggling could be heard within the halls coming from a family room. Sesshoumaru, wondering what's the cause walks into the area and sees Kirara, Kagome, Shippou, and Rin crowding some body. There were more giggles while the being struggles to get free from their grasp.

" He~HElp!" Sesshoumaru figured his was getting tickled. Seeing silver hair on the floor from his view he declared the individual being Inuyasha. The Monk came in and sat down to watch.

Inuyasha caught a glimpse of Sesshoumaru.

" Ses~ssh~oou~MAA~ruuuu!!!" Sesshoumaru just looks at him in amusement.

Then the four let off of Inuyasha. " That'll teach ya for saying you can handled being tickled." Exclaimed Kagome.

A servant came in a bowed saying," Dinner is all set, milord."

He nodded his head. The servant bowed again then left.

" Come." They all followed him to the dinning room.


Dinner was eaten and everyone was about to retire to sleeping his or hers sleeping chambers when a servant ran into the room bowing and announced, " Lord Sesshoumaru! The mystical spirits wishes for milord, lady Kagome, lord Inuyasha, lady Kirara, lord Miroku, lady Sango, lord Shippou, and lady Rin's presences before they return home."

" Inform them we will come." She bowed then left.


Everyone is outside in front of the gate. Rascal and Kudos are holding each other.

" I just wanted to say thank you." Said Rascal.

" As I." Said Kudos.

They slowly began to fade. Kudos waves a hand and makes a piece of her clothes falls off the opposite shoulder. There was a fire shaped flower on her expose skin. A flower shaped rose appeared on Kudos and Rascal's forehead. His was a crystal blue; some parts look like ice when the other looks of water. Hers was a fiery red. Then the couple was gone.

"Wow." Was all Shippou and Rin could say.

Kagome had put the children to bed when she began making her way to her chambers. ' Sango and the others will be leaving tomorrow.'

When she came to the door of her room an appealing piece of art was block her way.

" Care to accompany my chamber's, Kagome?"

" No, Sesshoumaru. I most certainly will n-"

He grabbed her about the waist and pulled her close. " Oh? But you will. You see? Mates that's do not feel deeply for each other only sleeps in different rooms."

He proceeds to carry her to his chambers. " What ever." Came Kagome's only reply.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah