InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ To Be Prepared ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ishi - Stone
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Embracing Ice
Chapter Fifteen: To Be Prepared
Written By: Yabou
Edited By: FireAngel8723
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“You are not focusing.” The woman commented, not even bothering to open her eyes to prove that her student was distracted yet again.
“Um…” The younger human nodded and sighed. “It's hard. I don't know what I'm looking for.”
“You should. This is why I was asked here. You are completely incompetent.”
The young woman gave a `humph' and straightened her back, trying to clear her energy of any impediments. Her concentration lasted a total of four and a half seconds before her mind once again began to wander to more interesting subjects. `I wonder what Sesshoumaru is doing…' At that particular thought, she gave a heavy blush.
Kagome slouched her shoulders in protest. “I know…I'm no good. You've been telling me this for nine days now, you know? I told you that it was hopeless from the beginning. I've never had any training with my powers because they don't listen to it.”
The older human growled and pushed to her feet, her long red hakama fluttering angrily in the strong breeze. “You do not learn because you do not wish it so!” She turned away and began walking back toward the Lord of the Western Land's temporary home. “I will not teach one that does not seek to learn.”
Kagome sniffled. She knew there were tears on her cheeks but didn't bother wiping them away. It was no use. She was a sad excuse for a human now - her time consumed by weeping and worrying about the `what-ifs'. `I don't belong here.'
After she had moped around the large estate for nearly two weeks doing absolutely nothing, Lord Konton had summoned one of the most powerful priestesses in the area to come and `train' Kagome. Unfortunately he hadn't expected any resistance on the part of the mostly pleasing young human.
Kagome, however, did not wish to learn the ways of those born with the talent she possessed. All that the sad woman wanted to do was to go home…or at least to be able to return to the era she was more familiar with. So, in response to the Lord's command of training, Kagome opposed it with every fiber of strength in her body. For the first time in her short life, she withstood something that would crucially better her person because of a stupid, petty reason.
Training with the miko, Ishi, meant time, and time was something that Kagome no longer believed she had. She had to return. Training would mean staying, and she couldn't bear to do that any longer. The more time she abided by in the Heian Period the more of her heart she lost to its people.
Lady Bishou, Lord Konton, and even Sesshoumaru were becoming an intricate part of her life that she couldn't bear to be separated from. Her heart had a nasty habit of doing that…tying itself to people that just weren't meant to be.
Kagome saw bare feet appear on the stones in front of her, meaning only one thing - Ishi had not given up.
“Kagome,” she began, her voice a veritable stream of wisdom. “I do not know what troubles you, my child, but my years have taught me this: you must live, for without life, you are only a myth.”
Kagome frowned. The woman might have been wise beyond her few years, but she wasn't always the most lucid source of information.
Ishi looked away, the fading sunlight catching the beginnings of wrinkles at the tip of her eye and at the corner of her mouth. She reminded Kagome of her own mother - an endless pool of natural beauty that could not be hindered even by the few gray wisps that sprinkled their way through her hair. “Young miko would those you love be happy that you are as you are?”
Kagome felt the return of her tears. `Mama. Souta. Grandpa. Inuyasha. Shippo. Sango. Miroku. Kirara… what would you want me to do?' She looked at Ishi again and nodded. “They would tell me to smile.”
Ishi laughed. “And smile you should, child.” She tapped the kneeling girl on the head. “Smile you will. I expect your utmost cooperation at the morrow's first ray.” Her brown eyes twinkled with light. “But…tonight…this night, let your heart enjoy the festivities.”
“Festivities?” Kagome's eyes widened. She hadn't been told about a party.
“Yes, I have been told that it is Lord Sesshoumaru's time of birth.”
Kagome smiled. “It's Sesshoumaru's birthday…” Her eyes widened in despair. “I didn't get him anything!”
Ishi gave another short laugh. “I am sure our young Lord will not care that you have no gift. He will, however, be very upset if you are not presentable.”
Kagome ran away with a blush staining her cheeks. `She doesn't know what she's talking about.' She told herself, and yet…her heart whispered its disagreement.
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“I don't know what to wear!” Kagome cried out in frustration. She had been bathed by several of Lady Bishou's servant's in preparation for the night's activities, but now she stood alone in the middle of her room with twenty or so kimonos decorating her floor. It was hopeless.
“Kagome?” A voice called from the doorway. An obviously amused voice.
“Come in.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes as Lady Bishou laughed at the disaster that had once been a stately guest room. The miko did have a way of turning one's world upside down. Why did she expect her personal items to be cared for any differently?
“Are you ill?” She questioned, trying to keep the laughter out of her tone. It was very difficult when the girl sat in the middle of her floor with only the binding covering her midsection to protect her against the draft.
“No.” Kagome grumbled, flopping back onto the folded bedding. “I don't have anything to wear.” She repeated.
“Well that does prove to be a fair problem.”
The young miko raised her eyebrows at the mischievous smile covering the youkai's face. “What are you up to?”
“Do you accuse this Lady Bishou of treachery and deceit?”
“Ah,” she feigned weeping, throwing her hands over her heart. “You wound me horribly.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kagome grumbled, shoving her body into a standing position. “So, what have you got up your sleeves.” She paused at the white-haired woman's growing grin. “You got me a new kimono, didn't you?!”
Her youthful exuberance poured out of her tiny frame and she leapt over to the woman - arms nearly squeezing her senseless. “W-Why would you say such a thing?”
Kagome smiled back. “Because you love me!”
Lady Bishou threw her head back in a tinkering laughter. “You see through my trickery far too easily.”
The miko gave one final jump for joy before ransacking the Lady for the hidden parcel, which was promptly handed over after Kagome accidentally untied one of the knots in her over-elaborate obi.
The plain white rice paper slid away to reveal deep purple outer-kimono with shades of lavender and gray dying the other layers. A graceful flock of silver cranes decorated the right sleeve and most of the back while rolling waves of carnation pink danced along the bottom hemline. “It's beautiful.” Kagome sighed, her fingertips running across the width of the largest crane's wingspan.
“I am glad you find it acceptable.” Lady Bishou smiled. “It was once mine.”
Kagome turned to her with a questioning look when her eyes grew misty with memories. “When did you wear it?”
She smiled down at the curious young woman. Such an endearing child. It wouldn't be too terribly hard to get her son to realize that he would fall in love with a mere mortal. “I was wearing this kimono the day that I saw my love for my Lord for what it was.”
The Lady only hoped that she would be able to get the couple to admit their feelings before the strings of Fate dealt a foul hand. Such a fickle thing. What would come would be, but the hearts of the living refused to let it alone.
Kagome turned away to hide the pink dusting her cheeks and chest. “And what did you find, Bishou?”
“That Love is a timeless creation. True and pure to a fault.” She pulled the finely sculpted hair ornament she had given to the young miko several weeks ago and tugged her toward the mirror. “Come. Let us ready you for entrance.”
Her skilled hands moved deftly through the masses of thick, black hair. The knot she erected was really quite simple; something Kagome considered to be a traditional assortment of a French twist. The white lotus blossom comb gleamed in the low lamp lighting, pinned into the left side and making Kagome want to tilt her head ever so slightly to center it up.
Lady Bishou pulled the first lavender layer over her shoulders and tied it closed. “Try not to breathe too heavily for a moment. This is one of the heavier sets that I own.”
Kagome sighed. “Great.”
The fidgeting mannequin counted the colors in silence. `Lavender. Fuchsia. Gray. Lavender. Gray. Fuchsia. Gray. Gray. That's odd… Lavender. Fuchsia. Gray. Ah…almost done.' Her breath caught in her throat; the product of breathing before the final obi was tied into place.
Lady Bishou merely giggled at the slightly gagging girl before adding the final, royal purple layer and tying a dark red obi into place as the finishing touch. It was quite amazing really, how this simple mortal girl could become an ethereal beauty in a few mere minutes.
But then again, this woman-child was always a sight to behold. The way she held her body in confidence and pride. It was a strength that didn't manifest itself into the normal mortal women of the Nara Period. Lady Bishou had known that it would take a very special woman to claim the heart of her son, but she had never realized until the moment she met the mortal miko, Kagome, just how extraordinary she would be.
And, with that thought in mind, she left her black-haired counterpart staring into the mirror while she went to prepare her son for falling in love. `One must always be prepared.' And the Lady was nothing if not ready to thrust her only child head on into happiness.
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“Sesshoumaru?” Lord Konton appeared in the doorway, a very worried expressed etched into the frown on his face.
“Yes, Father?” Sesshoumaru greeted him.
The infamous Inu no Taisho looked both ways before darting into his son's rooms and sliding the screen shut with a resounding `click' of wood against wood. “Have you seen your mother?” he whispered.
Sesshoumaru frowned and gathered his yukata off of the small side table. “No, I have not. Do you require her presence? What troubles you, Father?”
Lord Konton gave a deep gulp. “I am afraid that I may have incurred her wrath earlier this eve.”
“What did you do?” Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed at the all too noticeable `it-wasn't-me' look.
“I,” the Inu no Taisho checked the hall once again. “I may have implied that the Lady's kimono was rather snug this eve.”
Sesshoumaru gave him a bland look. “Why did you do such a thing?”
Lord Konton gave a very young-blooded blush. “I merely meant to imply that her breasts have seemed much more pert as of late, but I am afraid that she felt differently.”
Sesshoumaru watched his father rub the back of his neck in inner turmoil. “Indeed.”
“Sesshoumaru?” A bell-like feminine voice called from behind the closed shoji. “Is your father in there?”
The young demon prince gave his father a look of warning before attending to his mother. Stepping into the breezeway, he prepared to allow the older demon the seconds necessary to escape the rage of a woman scorned. So, he did what many young sons had done countless times before him and asked his mother's opinion. “Does this look suitable?”
Lady Bishou's eyes immediately welled with tears - her husband forgotten at the remembrance of a promise made to bind her son to the rambunctious miko. “Of course it does.” She smiled, adjusting the hems and ties unnecessarily. She grasped his chin and pulled his head down, placing a light kiss against his forehead. “You look stunning. When did my son become such a handsome young inu?”
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. “I have no idea.”
Lady Bishou laughed and led him back into his room. “Now for your haori.” She paused in the entryway - a frown instantly marring her face. “Konton…”
The Inu no Taisho, Great Lord of the Western Lands, cowered outside of his son's open window, praying to whatever kamis were available that he be spared.
“Konton,” Lady Bishou stuck her hand out of the opening and grabbed the back of his collar, jerking him into the room and tossing him onto the floor like an unwanted rag doll. “You…you…how could you?”
He raised his arms in defense. “I only meant to complement your breasts, my Dear!”
Her eyes narrowed in response. “So, is that all you care about now? My breasts? You could see nothing else over the curves of my torso? You are an unbearable demon!”
Lord Konton gave her a boyish smile. “But you do love me, do you not?”
“Oh,” she growled. “Your play is not fair!”
He laughed as she launched herself at his chest and hoisted her dainty body over his shoulder. “My Son,” he turned back to Sesshoumaru just as he straightened the final ties on his formal obi. “Your mother and I will greet you at the ceremony.”
The younger male nodded at his father's jubilant laughter followed by his mother's loud curses echoing down the empty breezeway.
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A/N: Okay, first off, sorry for the delay. I got into a car accident and was rendered unwilling for a few days, and then I decided that I needed a little vacation. But, I'm back now, and the updates will become regular once again. Remember: Wednesday and Saturday for Embracing Ice and Monday and Thursday for Of Taiyoukai and Lace.