InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Steady Stars, Shifting Sands ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: 9-30-05


Sunao – meek

Muteppou – rash; reckless

Mizu – water


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Sixteen: Steady Stars, Shifting Sands

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: To be Edited…I got this out as fast as I could

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The night air was cool and inviting – perfect for the events that were to take place. Several groups of males and females mingled together within the confines of the largest enclosed garden of the estate. The heady scent of imported jasmine and lavender caressed the breeze and accented the rumbling laughter of its consorts.


Sesshoumaru stood amongst the crowds – nodding and chuckling politely when called upon – and waited with bated breath for the entrance of his parents. Their arrival would signal the beginning of the night’s events, and the end of his boredom.


The shy koi-youkai he spoke with gave a gentle giggle at his restless antics before turning eyes of wonderment upon some figure in the main breezeway. “My Lord, of what importance is a young noblewoman that she might be invited to your ceremonies?”


Sesshoumaru frowned in return. “I know not of who you speak, Lady Sunao.”


“Miko?” Lady Sunao gasped in surprise, pointing toward the shrouded form.


“Kagome?” Sesshoumaru turned to see the young woman smiling at him, her lavender and gray kimono shimmering in the moonlight.


“Lord Sesshoumaru, congratulations on your birthday.” Kagome gave a small bow.


“Thanks, My Lady.” He returned, nodding his head and holding out his arm.


Kagome blushed but accepted the offer, timidly placing her hand into the crook of his elbow.


“Lady Sunao,” Sesshoumaru turned back to the silently gaping koi. “This is Lady Kagome. She has been a guest of my family for several lunar cycles. She currently trains with the Miko Ishi on our grounds.”


Lady Sunao provided Kagome with a gentle smile and bow. “Greetings, Lady Kagome.”


Kagome gave a second blush and quickly bowed in return.


“Sunao?” A very tall, very fishy-smelling male koi-youkai stepped up behind the smaller, more demure female.


“Yes, My Lord?” She questioned without turning away from her companions.


His eyes darted from Kagome’s hand in Sesshoumaru’s arm before glancing back down at his mate. “Are you in need of assistance?”


Sunao smiled and gave the arm that had found a way to her slightly swollen belly a tender pat. “I am well, My Lord.”


He nodded only to return his attention to Sesshoumaru. “Greetings, Prince.”


Sesshoumaru gave a tilt of his head. “Welcome. Have the accommodations met your approval?”


“Yes, very well.” His eyes moved to watch Kagome’s face.


Sesshoumaru gave an inward sigh. “Lady Kagome, may I introduce Lord Muteppou, Daimyo of the Southernmost Islands of Mizu. Lord Muteppou, I am pleased to accompany you with Lady Kagome, a visiting miko who has been in the company of my family for sometime now.”


“A miko that finds her way so freely amongst youkai?” Lord Muteppou turned a scrutinizing gaze upon Kagome’s form. “Tell me, what purpose do you serve here, Miko Kagome?”


“I-,” Kagome choked. It was a question that she asked herself everyday. ‘What am I doing here?’


“As I told you before,” Sesshoumaru interrupted. “Lady Kagome is here for training.”


The fish frowned. “What does she hope to gain by training within the confines of youkai territory?”


Kagome watched as the small talk developed into a barely restrained argument. ‘Why am I here? What purpose do I serve in an era that I don’t belong to?’ Hoping to avoid any further questions, she quickly bowed her way out of the conversation and sought the comforts of one of the dark, quieter corners of the garden.


“My esteemed guests,” Lord Konton’s booming voice resonated through the gatherers. “I am pleased to welcome you all to my home.”


Sesshoumaru stared after Kagome’s fading form as he took his place at his father’s left side.


“As your Lord and Ally, this Konton pronounces his will that the Western Lands shall be passed to the rightful heir, Sesshoumaru, Demon-Lord born of the Lady Bishou.” The Inu no Taisho pressed his claws into his own son’s throat, testing the abilities of his strength before their audience of lesser lords, allies, and anyone who might try to overthrow the domain.


Black blood slowly oozed out of the wound and began to stain his hair a putrid gray. He held the ability of one of the original bloodlines – the House of Immortals and the Throne of Moon. No one would rise above his own power.


Sesshoumaru withstood the urge to clench his fists at the pain that jolted down his spine as his own father removed his lethal fingertips from the deep gashes. He felt the first tingles of his own regenerative energy a mere second later.


The crowd watched in silent awe as the wounds faded to a mere trickle under the glistening sheen of moonlight.


Blood crusted over.


Skin lanced itself together without the use of a needle or heated blade.


And Sesshoumaru…Sesshoumaru watched in hooded amazement as the masses of great youkai in the garden knelt on both knees and bowed low to their would-be ruler.


These were the people he had respected and looked up to his entire life, and now…they were showing their submission to him.


He was nearly overwhelmed by the idea that he one day be able to influence each of them merely by asking it to be so.


“Lord Sesshoumaru,” Konton greeted his son.


The younger male turned to him with the slightest amount of uncertainty in his eyes. His father had not called him Prince or Son.


His father believed that he could do great things. It was evident in his new greeting. The one and only Inu no Taisho had just called him an equal. No longer Prince or Son. Sesshoumaru was to be the leader of thousands and the greatest among greats.


“Will you accept the duties that lie before you?”


Sesshoumaru turned to the still kneeling assembly, “I shall protect the lands and people of my Lord. I will walk in the way of my Fathers, and I will not fall to the adversity that greets the door. My comrades shall find a place among my house, and mine enemies shall feel the strength of my wrath. This I commit in truth. I stand at the side of my Ancestor and rise to greet the new Day when all has come to pass.”


“And in accordance to your allies?” Lord Konton questioned, beginning the final step of Sesshoumaru’s acceptance.


“Arise, exalted Allies of the House of the Immortal Moon.”


Lady Bishou gave a joyful laugh as the last of their guests stood. “Come now, enough of formalities. Let us enjoy the night given for such festivities.”


Kagome stood off to Lady Bishou’s right side, watching as many of the guests sought out Sesshoumaru and gave him their encouragements. ‘How did you become what you are, Sesshoumaru? The uncertainty you carry now…where did it go? Did you lock it away with your heart?’


“Kagome,” Lady Bishou gave her a gentle nudge in Sesshoumaru’s direction. “I’m sure my Lord would be very pleased if you offered him a few words.”


Kagome blushed at her implication but nodded and made her way through the mass gathered at his feet. She waited until, one by one, they drifted away to take part in the food and drink that was being served in the makeshift outdoor dining hall.


“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome stood at his back, speaking quietly to keep from drawing far too much attention to herself. It really wasn’t easy being a miko among demons. Even the friendly ones.


He turned and offered her a relieved smile. “Greetings.”


She blushed again but managed to step closer to him as they walked off of the stairway and into the privacy of the garden. “You did very well.”


He nodded. “Thank you.”


Silence permeated the air.


“Um…beautiful night?” Kagome added, hoping to regain the comfortable feeling she was beginning to retain in his presence.


Sesshoumaru nodded once again, tilting his head back to stare at the ever-vigilant stars. “It is a most perfect night. I am glad to spend it in your company. You are most beautiful tonight, Lady Kagome.”


Kagome felt the heat rise to her cheeks and sought to change the subject. “I wish I could be like the stars.”


“Stars?” He questioned. “You would wish to be so distant?”


“No,” she sighed again. “Don’t you see? Stars…they’re always so…steady. They never have to worry about anything, and they’re never…alone. If one star goes out, there is always another one there to take its place and fill the night’s sky with more vibrant light. Stars always seem happy.”


“You do not think that a star is alone? Do you not see how far they span from one to another? They are very distant, and I imagine that they are also very cold. Who would wish to be such a thing?”


Kagome’s heart cried out at his words. ‘Can’t you see that you speak of yourself?’ “I guess you’re right. Who would want to be so cold and alone even when they’re surrounded by hundreds of others.”


Sesshoumaru turned away from the sky, capturing her gaze. “Why do you speak of being alone?”


She shrugged. “I don’t want to be alone.”


“Can you not see that you are surrounded by many?” He waved his hand in a wide sweep, gesturing toward the sounds of laughter and music.


“Haven’t you ever felt alone in a room full of people?”


“Alone with many? No. Why would I feel such a thing?”


“That’s not my point.” She madly stomped her foot. “Haven’t you ever been some place where the only person you had to talk to was yourself?”


His face appeared contemplative for a moment before he responded. “I suppose that I have.”


“That,” Kagome whispered. “I don’t want to be like that.”


“And I ask you again,” he continued. “Why would you feel such things? You are among allies and friends. There is no reason for you to feel such things…” ‘Around me…’


“I can’t help it,” the young miko admitted. “I’m afraid. I’m afraid of being alone here. I don’t really know anyone… How can I not feel alone? People surround me, but no one knows me. They do not know who I am. They do not know where I came from, and they do not know where I have been. How can I put my faith in people who see nothing of me?”


“Then tell them, Kagome.” He murmured. “Tell me. Who are you? What is it that my mother Sees that you have done? Why are you here when you should be in the future?”


Kagome gasped as her hand flew to cover her mouth – fear tinting her eyes. “You heard?”


“You attempted to tell me, did you not?”


“Well, I –.”


“Can you not see?” His voice hinted at anger. “These things matter not. You cannot return to the place from which you have come, so why must you worry yourself about a past that matters not?”


Tears pooled in her eyes. “Because they are all that I have left!”


“All that you have? Are you blind? Can you not look passed the memories that shadow your eyes to see the way that my mother looks at you? You have become the child that she is no longer able to carry. And what of the miko, Ishi? Does she not seek companionship in you?” He turned away again. “I do not understand how you leave your life to the shadows.”


“What am I supposed to do?” Kagome grabbed his arm, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “Do you think it’s that easy to forget everything I’ve ever known…to turn my back on my family and friends just because there doesn’t seem to be a way back? I’ve made it through worse, Sesshoumaru. I’ve never needed your help before I came here, and I certainly won’t need it after I leave!”


‘Before?’ The single word struck a cord in his head. “You know of me in your future.” He voiced the fact more to his own advantage than to hers.


Kagome’s eyes nearly tripled in size. “I d-didn’t say that.”


“You did.” He whispered. “What do you know of me? What are you to me?”


“Know? Me to you?” She repeated, backing away slowly.


“Yes.” His eyes narrowed in confusion at the panicked look taking over her face. “Kagome?”


“What?” She squeaked, backing herself into a wall. Blood pulsed through her veins at a heightening rate as she watched him approach her escape route.


“Kagome?” He repeated – fear lacing his voice.


“No,” she gasped. “Please, don’t hurt me. Please. Just leave them alone.” Her eyes dilated, and her breaths became short pants. ‘No!’ Her mind screamed out at the sudden lack of oxygen. ‘Don’t do this, Kagome. You’re panicking!’


He noticed the all to familiar signs taking over her body. Slowly, his hand reached for her wrist. “Shhhh, Kagome. It’s okay.”


Adrenaline flooded her veins, and she jerked her hands away.


“No.” He stared at her. “It’s okay. You’re safe with me, Kagome.”


Her facial expression melted into one of confusion. “Inuyasha?”


The hairs on his neck bristled at the unknown name. “No, Kagome. Sesshoumaru.”


“S-Sesshoumaru?” She bit her lip. “Good?”


“Yes,” he breathed a small sigh of relief, finally taking her hand in his own. “Breathe, Kagome.”


Her sudden intake only caused her to choke on the air.


“Breathe with me, Kagome.” He directed. “In, 1, 2, 3. Now, out, 1, 2, 3. Good, again.”


Her muscles slowly unclenched, releasing themselves from their fight or flight position. He listened closely as the heart rate he had become accustomed to following slowed into a slow, steady beat. Finally, he was able to wrap his arm around her shoulders and support her sagging weight against his hip.


After several more minutes, Kagome took a breath on her own. “Sesshoumaru?” She weakly called out.


“Yes?” His arms tightened around her body at the sound of her weak, child-like inquiry.


“What happened?”


Sesshoumaru sighed deeply. “I know not. Kagome?”


“Yeah?” She whispered, willing the world away by burrowing her head into his arm.


“You need not be afraid of being alone.”


“Why not?” She muttered, throwing one arm around his waist.


“I will always be here.” He replied, lifting her into his arms. “And I will never turn you away if you are in need of me.”


Kagome gave him a sleepy smile, unconsciously slipping deeper into his arms. “Thanks, Sesshoumaru. I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”


He shook his head and gave a snort. “I begin to wonder how these companions of yours treated you.” ‘And if I was among them…’


With a hearty leap, he cleared the roof of the garden entrance and made his way through the guest rooms to Kagome’s own corner. Sliding back the shoji screen with his foot, he joyously noted that her futon had already been prepared and turned down for the night.


“Kagome?” He prodded the woman in his arms.


“Hnnnn?” She lazily opened one eye. “What?”


“You must prepare yourself for bed, unless you wish to remain in such a cumbersome load.”


She yawned and stretched. “Oookay.”


Placing her on the floor next to her sleeping kimono, he turned to walk away. “I will wait outside while you dress, but I refuse to leave until your are tucked away for the night. It would not be appropriate for you to fall asleep sitting beside your own futon.”


And with that he was out the door.


Kagome twisted and tugged her way out of the thick kimono in a matter of minutes; this mostly due to the fact that she had ignored the knots altogether and simply peeled the layers over her head one by one. Donning her new kimono, she slid between the sheets and called out to Sesshoumaru in a sleepy voice. “I’m finished.”


The screens slid open a mere inch. “Good. I will see you at the morning meal.”


“Morning meal?” She questioned him. “Aren’t you coming in?”


His eyes widened a fraction at the closed shoji. “You would suggest such a thing?”


Kagome blushed fiercely into the darkness at the realization of what her inquiry must have sounded like to him. ‘An invitation into my bed…eep!’ “W-well, I-I really didn’t want to go to sleep alone.”


Sesshoumaru nodded at the screen. “I shall remain here until you are sleeping.”


Kagome stared around the dark room. “Sesshoumaru…p-please?”


He sighed and took a few quick glances around the yard. ‘As long as no one sees me…’ Slipping into the room, he sat at the edge of her futon. “Sleep, Kagome.”


She gave him a thankful smile and, without thought, brushed her lips against his cheek. Pulling away as soon as she felt his cool skin, she blushed and settled into the blankets. “Thanks, Sesshoumaru.”


He stared down at her in awe as she slipped out of consciousness, her hand clutching the fabric of his hakama (pants).


She appeared so innocent and vulnerable in every moment of the day. His eyes traced the way her legs tucked gently up into her chest and her teeth chewed on her lower lip, unconsciously suckling it in her sleep. It tugged on his heart in a very uncomfortable way. He felt the need to push her into some far corner of the earth where she could never be harmed while latching her to his side all at the same time.


A strange creature indeed.


“Sleep well, Kagome.” He whispered, stealing into the darkness of the night and returning to the hustle and bustle of the festivities.


At the edge of the garden, he heard loud shouts issuing from his father and quickly made his around to the opposite side of dining area. ‘No reason to lead to any suspicions.’


“My Lord Konton, Inu no Taisho, and Ruler of the Western Lands I was sent in honor of my Ruler, God Methaphis of Kalabsha. He sends his praises that you accept a gift of his appreciation.” A youkai servant was kneeled before the demon lord on the steps. Rough black hair was pulled up into a high tail, and tanned skin dripped with sweat and dirt. A long red marking ran from the base of his left ear to the top of his right brow in one sweeping arch. He wore a dirty white tunic and carried a short blade of sorts.


“Methaphis of Kalabsha has defeated his enemies?”


“Yes, my Lord. He sends word that your soldiers will return within one lunar cycle.”


“Very well.” Lord Konton waved his hand dismissively. “You may go.”


“The gift, my Lord?” The youkai questioned.


“Ah,” Lord Konton secretly ground his teeth together. A gift from the most self-righteous human on earth. How lovely. “Yes, the gift. Show it to me.”


The youkai stood and bowed once more before running to the far wall of the garden.


By this time, Sesshoumaru had managed to mingle his way back into the crowd and came to stand at his father’s side.


“Let go of me, you fool!” A female voice shrieked from the barriers of the garden.


“Quiet, woman!” The formerly subdued youkai servant slapped the human woman’s face and shoved her to the ground at Lord Konton’s feet.


Konton raised an eyebrow. “This is to be my gift? A human female? I am sure your Lord knows that youkai of my kind do not accept concubines.”


“A sacrifice to your power, my Lord.” The youkai bowed again.




At Lord Konton’s questioning voice, a sudden crackle filled the air with static electricity, and everyone was forced away from the bound woman.


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A/N: Well, well, well…whatever shall happen next? Remember, to know when I update go to my profile and click the link to join my Yahoo! Group.
