InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ The Blue-Eyed Instigator Called Jealousy ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

OMAKE at the end of this chapter…


A/N: Well, GUEST AUTHOR this chapter! ^_^ One of my very favorites…Rinseternalsoul. If you haven’t checked out her page for some of the greatest ones fictions you’ve ever seen, then scoot over there now.

The character Anubis is portrayed directly from the pages of her story “As Death Gives Life.” (Definitely one of my all time favorites.) You can find her on Single Spark (where you might want to look since she’s got some delicious NC-17 pieces).

TO BE ADDED TO MY UPDATE LIST: Go to http: // groups . yahoo . com / group / sesskag-seika / (minus the spaces) and join. That’s my personal space.


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Seventeen: The Blue-Eyed Instigator Called Jealousy

Written By: Yabou

Character of Anubis and Chapter Co-Written By: Rinseternalsoul

Edited By: Swasdiva

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The electrical impulses dramatically increased and poured forth a raw power that overcame the mystical creatures in the courtyard. They twisted in and collapsed against each other like waves lapping against the shore, giving way to a supreme being.


“Who are you?” Lord Konton growled, preparing to stand off against whoever dared to intrude into his private terrain.


“I am Lord Anubis, Egyptian God of the Dead, He Who is Before the Divine Booth, He Who Counts the Hearts, Dweller of the Mummy Chamber, Governor of the Divine House. I have many names, Lord Konton,” he said with fluid grace.


Lady Bishou stepped a little behind her mate. ‘This inuGod holds immense power.’ Warily she took in his appearance. He was a tall, magnificent male specimen with dark hair flowing down his back. The raven tresses glistened in the torch light. His eyes were crystal blue, and his face was chiseled to perfection.


He had a dark purple mark, which started just above his left brow, then broke to continue below his eye down to meet his cheekbone. It was a slender mark similar to a diamond, but the bottom point appeared to swell out into a drip. He wore strange navy robes embroidered in gold. The light material danced in the breeze mingling with his long hair.


All in his presence were stricken with his power and dark beauty.


The Inu no Taisho’s hand loosed its hold around his sword as he stood in front of his wife and son. “What interest leads you into my home without invitation?”


Anubis considered this meager inu Lord before him. His arrogance in his presence was thoroughly distasteful, however he had already taken this honored vow. It would not do to slay the one destined to protect the priestess who lay bound at his feet. With a shift of his lean body, his taught muscles rippled with contained strength, silently warning the dog before him of the danger he posed to his house.


“This woman, Lady Ikris, is my valued priestess, and also belongs to my cousin and most valued general, Wepwawet, who is the ‘Opener of the Ways’. Lady Ikris carries within her womb a pup of great strength, born of my kin and deserving of life. I come before you today seeking your protection of this woman as her line will inevitably, in the far future, cross your own.”


“She is of no concern to me.” Konton grunted, displeased with the insult Anubis pressed upon him with his every word and gesture. “I have no interest in keeping your servant.”


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A male voice rippled in her mind, drawing her through the sludge of deep sleep, pulling her from slumber to wonder at the source. “Miko....”


Kagome blinked, trying to determine if this was dream or reality. “Huh?”


“Miko Kagome...”


Again the silken voice of a male called out to her. Frightened and unsure, Kagome darted up from her futon and looked around frantically in search of the intruder.


“Calm yourself, beautiful miko. I mean you no harm.”


Kagome’s heart was pounding in her chest. The voice was a whisper, a caress against her skin, but there was no one in her room. “Who... what are you?”


The enchanting sound of a deep male chuckle followed her question. Kagome was beginning to get irritated, but before she could voice her temper the voice answered. “I am Lord Anubis, a most revered Egyptian God of the Dead. I have come to speak for a human priestess devoted to my house, who’s life is even now, being determined by the inu Lord Konton.”


“Lord Konton?” Kagome was confused. What did she have to do with this? Why would an Egyptian Priestess be threatened by Lord Konton?


“You must come to the courtyard, lovely Kagome. You must come now. Save the priestess, and meet this Anubis face to face.”


Without a second thought Kagome jumped up and snatched the outer layer of her kimono from the silken heap on the floor. She wrapped it about her body while sliding open her door to rush to the aid of the Egyptian priestess.


Kagome rounded the corner just as she haphazardly tied the obi about her waist. Her eyes widened at the scene before her. On the ground in a heap was a beautiful young human woman with tears in her eyes. Surrounding her were hundreds of youkai all with flaring auras. She looked to the side and found Lord Konton and Lady Bishou. Sesshomaru was next to his father, and then she saw him.


It had to be him, Lord Anubis. He was looking right at her with a twinkle of amusement in his ice blue eyes. By the Gods he was gorgeous, and obviously the source of the unusual power surging in the air. Kagome was stunned.


This was the Egyptian mythological dog god, Anubis. And he was very, very real.


“Greetings Lady Kagome,” Anubis nodded slightly to the pretty little miko. He always had a thing for petite raven-haired beauties with power, and this young woman held much power. He waited for her to step up to him and took her hand in his own. He smirked when she jumped as his power made contact with hers. He held her gaze as he leaned slowly to place a soft kiss upon the back of her hand.


Sesshomaru took in this ridiculous display by the newcomer. How dare he touch Kagome in such a way?! Why was she here now anyway, when he himself had put her into her bed? The demon prince stepped forward, fully meaning to put an end to the contact between Kagome and this so-called Egyptian God.


Konton perceived the anger in his son and moved to stop him before he did something foolish. While Sesshomaru held great power, it paled in comparison to this creature. Sesshomaru turned with a raised brow in question, to which his father simply gave a slight shake of his head. Although unhappy about his order, Sesshomaru stayed his advance. Konton turned back to Kagome and the InuGod who seemed a little too interested in the miko in his opinion.


Anubis made no move to release her hand and Kagome flushed a brilliant shade of red. “Um... nice to meet you, Lord Anubis.” She fidgeted nervously. All eyes were on her at the moment and she suddenly became painfully aware of her current disheveled appearance, not to mention half dressed state. If possible, she became even redder than before.


He found it refreshingly delightful to meet a young woman such as this miko. Anubis knew that Ikris would be safe in her care. “Lady Kagome, I ask you to find it in your heart to plead the life of this woman, Lady Ikris, head priestess of my temple in Egypt.”


Kagome gave a slow nod and turned toward Lord Konton. “My Lord, who is this woman?”


“She is a servant of Kalabsha that has been…given to me.”


Several members of the youkai court murmured in wonder at the way their leader willingly confided in the young human woman.


“Who is this woman?” Whispered the first.


“Do you recognize her garment?” Questioned a second.


“I see it now.” Answered a third. “She costumes herself in the Presentation kimono of Lady Bishou herself!”


And the gossip began to blaze about the group like wildfire.


“Silence!” Lord Konton boomed – stilling all of the murmurs at once.


“My Lord,” Kagome spoke again, coming to stand at the kneeling woman’s side.


“Yes, Miko Kagome?”


The young female gulped and took a quick glance at the inu-god. “What will you do with this human woman?”


The Inu no Taisho’s eyes spared at glance at the center of their conversation. “I will release her into the Western Lands. This Konton has no debt to you, Lord Anubis.”


Kagome shook her head. “There are those who would kill a woman bearing a hanyou child. No matter the state of your own opinion she will not be safe.”


“As this Konton has proclaimed, Miko Kagome,” the inu-youkai nearly growled at her defiance. “Her state of affairs is of no interest to the Western Lands or their Ruler.”


“Then,” Kagome gripped the woman’s shoulder tightly. “I shall make it my own burden, My Lord.” She did not kneel or bow as customary when asking a favor of her lord, but then again, she wasn’t asking. “Give me this woman. Let her life fall into my hands, and I will release you from the obligations of your debt to me.”


“Debt?” Lord Konton questioned, wondering where she had gained such a notion.


“Is it not true that this Kagome has protected the life of your mate twice now?” Her legs were shaking so badly that she nearly had to lean on the silent woman at her side in order to keep from falling to the ground.


Lord Konton’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Has this Konton not done the same for you, Miko Kagome?”


Kagome bowed her head, unwilling to look into the eyes of her savior. “Yes, My Lord. You have, but it was not the same.”


“Speak sense, miko.”


“I do not value my own life as highly as you value that of your mate.” She quietly answered. “It is impossible for this Kagome to rival the worth of one who is loved.”


Lord Konton looked toward his mate in wonder. Everything that poured out of the young human’s mouth was another mystery that was very difficult to unravel, and with this knot, she had managed to push him into a corner. He could not deny the importance of his mate. “So be it, Miko Kagome. I allow you to take charge of the one you deem so necessary of protection.”


Only then did Kagome bow. “Thank you, My Lord.” ‘What have I gotten myself into now?’


“Go,” Lord Konton ordered the male servant of Methaphis. “Tell your Lord that I have accepted his gift.”


Anubis once more took the hand of Lady Kagome, even going so far as to flash her one of his rare and melting smiles before placing another tender kiss upon her tiny hand. “I have the utmost faith in your abilities, miko Kagome. Have you need of me in the future, you have but to call my name.”


Kagome couldn’t seem to respond. Her tongue just wouldn’t cooperate with her mind. This inuGod was totally hot, and openly flirting with her! HER! The warm hand holding hers so gently began to sparkle and fade and before her very eyes the fabled Egyptian God Anubis disappeared.


Lord Konton fought back the urge to laugh at the waves of anger that rolled off of his son’s body. “Does something affect you, my Son?” He asked, keeping his inquiry low enough to stay out of the attention of the stunned crowd.


Sesshoumaru stared at the lump of grass that Anubis had stood upon in pure hatred. “Bastard.”


Lord Konton gave a small chuckle. “I do believe that this Konton will agree with you, Lord Sesshoumaru.”


Kagome called one of the other servants and quickly directed her to let the Lady Ikris seek a comfortable rest within the comfortable security of her own rooms. Lady Ikris gave her a slightly shaken smile before allowing the teenaged human girl to lead her away from the glaring crowds.


“Guests,” Lady Bishou announced. “A final refreshment is being served in the main hall.”


The trail of murmurs quietly shifted back toward the house and left the small family to their own devices in the garden.


“Kagome?” Lady Bishou called to the woman-child worriedly. “Is everything all right? How do you know of Lord Anubis?”


Kagome sighed and ran a hand through her tousled hair. “I don’t. He called out to me in my sleep and asked me to protect Lady Ikris.”


“What?” Lord Konton groused. “You followed the orders of some dream weaver?”


The young miko gave a healthy blush. “I can’t explain it, but I felt as if he was telling the truth. And my intuition is never wrong.”


Lady Bishou nodded. “She is right, Konton. The inuGod showed no malice or contempt. He merely wished to protect the mate of his dear cousin.”


“I couldn’t allow her to go when I knew what would seek her out in the wilds of Japan, My Lord.” Kagome responded.


Lord Konton sighed and gave his wife a loose hug. “Your heart will get you into trouble, Kagome.”


Kagome gave a small laugh. “It already has, and I know that it always will.”


The Inu no Taisho shook his head and led his mate toward the breezeway. “Good night, Kagome. Good night, Sesshoumaru. Your presence is no longer required. I am sure our guests will retire for the evening very shortly.”


Sesshoumaru nodded and waited for his parents to disappear into the main house. “You do not know of this Lord Anubis?” He questioned.


“No.” Kagome blushed again.


“And yet you allowed him to handle you so familiarly?” His jaw clenched at the strong blush that painted her cheeks.


“Well, I-.”


“Does he interest you so much, Kagome? Are you blinded by his appeal?”


Kagome gasped in shock at his accusing tone. “What are you talking about, Sesshoumaru? He was just being friendly for crying out loud!”


“Friendly?” He nearly sneered. “Is that what you call his…handling of you?! He placed his mouth upon your hand, and you make no objection?!”


Kagome frowned and gave him a firm poke in the chest. “Haven’t you kissed me before?”


“That is different.” He proclaimed, crossing his arms over his chest.


The miko began to gape at him like a fish out of water. “You…You’re jealous!”


“What?” He huffed. “Do not accuse me of such.”


“You are!” She laughed. “You’re jealous of Anubis!”


“This Sesshoumaru is not.”


“Ha!” She gave him a cheshire grin. “You are too.”


Sesshoumaru growled. “You know nothing of the matter.” He turned and began stalking toward his own quarters.


“Wait!” Kagome called out, still giggling. “Wait, Sesshoumaru! Come back! I didn’t mean it! I-I promise!”


“You would insult me so?” He paused, waiting for her to catch up.


Kagome latched her arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. “Sesshoumaru,” she whispered. “You have nothing to be jealous of.”


The young demon lord gently placed his hand on her cheek and lifted her face so that he could glimpse into her never-ending bedroom blue eyes. “Truth?”


Kagome gave him a warm smile. “Truth.”


His fingers slowly slid their way behind her neck and pulled her forward while the other hand wrapped around her back.


Her lips were a solid heat against his own. He could feel the warmth pouring out of her very soul and into his mouth. Carefully, he allowed the sensitive flesh of his tongue to caress her lower lip and tug it into his mouth in a soulful caress.


She sighed happily in his arms and welcomed him into her mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue over hers in rhythmic harmony. His mouth was still as cold as ever, and she couldn’t help but wonder what it was that caused it to be so. She’d have to remember to ask him when they weren’t so preoccupied.


Her arms slipped around his neck as she forced herself up onto her tip toes for a better angle, and she allowed her body to lean fully against his, knowing that he could support them both.


He tightened his splayed hand into a fist at her back, wrapping it in the silk of her obi. The soft sounds of approval that began to rise from the back of her throat were going to drive him insane.


Kagome pushed the last bit of oxygen left in her lungs out into his mouth and broke away gasping for fresh air.


His hand trailed down her ivory cheek as she gazed up at him in the moonlight.


At a loss for words against the torrent of emotions rumbling through the pit of her stomach, she tenderly grasped the crook of his arm and directed him down the pathway to her room. At the shoji, she finally turned and gave him a thoughtful look. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru.”


He nodded and turned away. “Thank you, Kagome.”


A soft smile overtook her face as she watched him fade back into the garden. “Goodnight, Sesshoumaru.”


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OMAKE: Pick this up…oh hell, just insert it at the end…


“Goodnight, Sesshoumaru.”


Waiting a few more moments, a wicked grin appeared on her face as she slid back the door again and dashed out into the night. “Just one more look and that will be all…”


The young miko searched high and low for the hidden treasure and could not find it anywhere.


Lady Bishou appeared from some dark, unknown corner. “Kagome?”


“Uh,” Kagome blushed – hand in cookie jar syndrome. “Yes, Bishou?”


“What are you doing out so late at night?”


“Uh…” ‘An answer…need an answer…a good one!’


“You wouldn’t,” the Lady youkai circled her slowly. “Happen to be looking for that hunky look sex-toy Anubis, now would you?”


The raven-haired woman smiled. “A female after my own heart.”


Lady Bishou winked. “How could one resist such yummy charms?”


“I have no idea.” Kagome swooned.


Aforementioned hunky flesh-of-meat…er…Lord Anubis, appeared out of thin air.


Kagome drooled heavily.


“Lord Anubis,” a deep voice hissed from behind the two gawking females. “Why are you here?”


Said inu-god merely raised an eyebrow and deemed the young miko safe before disappearing into the night.


“Noooooo!” Kagome cried out in despair.


Sesshoumaru growled. “Am I not good enough for you, woman?”


“Eh heh,” Kagome giggled. “I didn’t say that. I mean…you’re so hot, Sesshoumaru. Who could not want you?”


He sighed. “True.” His eyes glanced warily around the garden. “Now where did that tree escape too?”


“Um…” Kagome grinned. “I’ve got a better idea!”


“Do you?”


“Yeah!” She tugged the tall demon by the arm into her private chambers. “It’s scroggin’ time. This author is taking too freakin’ long!”


A muffled reply was the only understandable sound that followed before the air was filled with the sounds of moans, groans, and creaking wood.


Lord Konton materialized out of thin air. “And the moral of the story, boys and girls? Plastic equals protection.”


Lady Bishou tapped him on the shoulder. “Actually, it’s latex my dear.”




“Besid es,” she added. “They haven’t invented those yet.”


“Oh yeah,” he scratched his head and began to laugh. “Guess he’ll manage with the ol’ ‘I can pull out’ deal, eh?”


“What do you mean, ‘can manage’?” She fumed. “That’s what you told me you old bastard!”




&ldqu o;You said that you had timed it perfectly for our first child!”


Cue uncontrollable sobs here.




“You didn’t even want my little Fluffy-chan!”


All sounds of creaking and groaning ceased.


Sesshoumaru appeared in the doorway…albeit clothing askew.


“What did you call me?”


Lady Bishou giggled nervously. “Nothing, dear.”


“Aw, Fluffy-chan…how cute!” Kagome squealed.


Sesshoumaru growled and began to walk away from the fading scene…


“Wait! Where are you going?” Kagome trailed after him.


“I have to speak with a man about some lumber…”


And so, our happy journey fades to the loving sounds of Bishou’s oversized pocketbook slamming against her mate’s head. How romantic.