InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Destination ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


She walked out of her small cave to the waiting Sesshoumaru.


"Did you forget the dream already?"

"No, I just, it didn't feel real."

"I told you, I will help."

Kagome looked into his eyes, looking for any lies. They were masked, as usual, and she could

not tell whether he was lying or not. But, something inside of her was telling her to accept his



"Then let's get going. You said that Naraku would most likely have most of the shards. We will

try to get the ones we can."

Kagome nodded her head in agreement and went back to her cave to get her things. With

everything stowed safely she strung her bow and got her quiver of arrows ready.

"Ano, will we be walking?"

"No, that will take too long. It will be much faster if we fly."

Saying that, he said a complicated chant under his breath and a white cloud appeared

beneath their feet. It started to lift high up into the air. Kagome looked down in amazement,

slightly intimidated by the height. When Sesshoumaru tapped her shoulder to get her

attention she shrieked. He rubbed his ears in pain.

"Do you have to scream to loud? Your screams hurts my ears."

Kagame turned red.

"You scared me, I could have fallen!"

Sesshoumaru looked at her in disbelief.

"Then I would have caught you."

Kagome blushed again.

"Sorry. Hey, how come we never used this type of transportation before?"

"Making it is troublesome."

"It took less than a minute!"

"A minute of my time, which is certainly a waste."

Kagome turned her head away and rolled her eyes.

"Where is the shard?"

Kagome closed her eyes and spread her senses out in all directions. Sesshoumaru could feel a

prickling energy in the air, radiating from Kagome. She opened her eyes and pointed a finger.

"South, about 20 kilometers from here."

The cloud gracefully started to speed toward the direction of her finger. It took very little

time and Kagome felt like it was barely moving. She shaded her eyes against the sun and

looked down at the beautiful landscape before. Sesshoumaru silently sat, not caring to look

down at Nature's beauty. When they arrived Kagome could spy a large demon terrorizing

villagers. Sesshoumaru jumped down and in less than a second destroyed the demon with a

swipe of his hands. Kagome gaped as he nonchalantly brushed the remaining dust of the

demon's body from his already spotless clothes. The villagers stared at Sesshoumaru, then all

began to bow to his feet in thanks. The cloud floated down and Kagome searched for the

shard. She found it by the feet of a young child that was covered in blood. She looked at the

child sadly and said a silent prayer for him. The villagers tried to repay her but Kagome took

only a bit of food for lunch. She waved goodbye as the cloud lifted to the sky. She spread her

senses again and could feel another shard in the cold North. It was very far away, nearly a

week's worth of walking. It would probably take a day and a half for the cloud to reach there.

"Ah, Sesshoumaru?"

She took his silence as a response.

"Can we visit my home? I need some things."

"What things?"

"Clothes, food, and my books."

"Books for what?"

"I need to study if I am ever going to get into high school."

Sesshoumaru was amazed, this girl was actually educated? That was something he had not


"It will only take an hour at the most! I just need to pick some things up and say hi to my

family." she pleaded.

Sesshoumaru reluctantly agreed and the cloud changed direction. Kagome smiled at her luck

but could feel the pangs of loneliness. It had almost been like a scene with Inuyasha. With her

begging to go home and the youkai agreeing after some persuading. Sesshoumaru could feel

her change of moods as they came closer to Inuyasha's forest. He could feel the tension

coming from her as she scanned the ground for the figure of a certain dog youkai. She

stopped by Kaede's hut first to exchange news. Kaede looked surprised when Kagome

appeared before her in a cloud with Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome! Are you alright? Where have you been?"

"Kaede! I'm fine, and I've been looking for shards on my own. I've already found two!" Kagome

showed them to the old baba. She didn't remark on them, just nodded her head.

"Where is Inuyasha and the others?"

"They went after some rumour of the shard. They left nearly a week ago."

"Which direction?"



"Will you go and see them?"

"Maybe. I have to go Kaede, I need to visit my family. I just wanted to tell you that

everything is ok."

Before Kagome could leave Kaede gripped her arm.

"You are not alone, Kagome. Never alone. Remember that."

Kagome looked at the old miko and gave her a tight hug. She ran out and back to the cloud

before she could start crying. When they arrived to the well she quickly jumped in and was

rewarded with the familiar image of the well house's roof. She climbed out of the well on the

rope ladder and ran to her house, anxious to see her family. When she opened the door she

yelled out she was home. Hearing no reply she walked to the kitchen. There was a note on the



We have gone to the beach and won't be back for several days. Help yourself to

supplies, I bought more things for you. Love you always."

Kagome blinked back tears. She had hoped that she could say hi to her family but it looked as

if she wouldn't be able to. She walked upstairs to her room and changed into warmer and

more comfortable clothes. She got out another backpack from her closet, since her yellow

one was ruined. She stuffed everything she needed and was surprised by the weight. She put

on the heavy backpack and made her way back to the well. She jumped in and looked up to

see the blue sky of the feudal age.


He came into view and looked down.

"I need some help with my backpack. It's too heavy to bring up just by myself."

He gave a look that was almost impatient and jumped down. He took the backpack by one

hand and jumped up, landing outside the well easily. Kagome climbed vines and made it to

the top. Sesshoumaru was still holding her backpack.

"What do you keep in here? It looks as if you brought everything you have."

"I, uh, need a lot of things. And I have a feeling I won't be back for a while."

He threw the backpack on the cloud and waited for her to get on. The cloud was up again and

speeding away. The journey was quite long so Kagome spent most of her time studying.

Sesshoumaru, after going through the contents of her bag, was reading one of her Japanese

history books. He was fascinated by how wrong the humans had written history. Some of the

events in there were greatly exaggerated and there were no paragraphs whatsoever on


"Why are there no mention of youkai in this book?"

"In our time there are no youkai. Well, there might be, but they are hiding."

"They must be cowards."

"No, I think that they are just trying to blend in because there are many humans living in our

times. There are too many of us for any youkai to pose a threat. So they must be hiding their



But Sesshoumaru thought of it as he finished the book. They didn't stop at a village for the

night and kept on going toward the North. Kagome fell asleep, her head propped up by her

books. Sesshoumaru, noticing her shivers, quietly stopped at a village and purchased a warm

blanket. He covered her with it and went back to contemplating the mysteries of Kagome. In

the morning she woke up, groggy, but well rested. She felt something in her senses and

realized that they were getting close to the shard. She rubbed her eyes to take the sleep away.

"We are getting near the shard, I can feel it. It's over there."

Kagome pointed to a nearby mountain that was covered by a menacing fog. She could feel

evil coming from that mountain. *The jaki is so evil!* Kagome froze. *Could it be? Naraku?!*

Kagome stole a look at Sesshoumaru's face and saw that it was slightly tense. Something was

going to happen, and Kagome knew it would be the final showdown between Naraku and

those fighting for the world.