InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Finding True Love ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Sesshomaru and/or Rin so please don't take anything else!
I'm your faithful servant LORD ILLPALAZZO! ^^ well here's a new chapter for you!
My Past, My Future, My Love
By Miztikal_Dragon
Chapter Five
Sesshomaru traveled slowly as he felt the pulling shift of something and the pulsing of another. The air was now heavily filled with that of the wretched stench of death and blood. Human blood. At first he didn’t want to investigate because it could have just been another one of the useless battles human’s fought, but there was something that spiked the scent he smelt, it was familiar, but unrecognizable at the same time. The moment he came onto the blood mass of disgusting bandits, the sound all around him died almost instantly that left Sesshomaru with almost a foreboding feeling, almost.
The scene looked as if they’d tried fighting off the things that had ambushed them, but only unsuccessfully. It was that certain stench of wolf that left a nasty taste in the back of his mouth, but the scent he followed didn’t end there with the bandits, it continued on into the forest surrounding him. Curiosity got the better of him and Sesshomaru calmly followed whatever wanted him to follow. There was yet another unnerving pulse throughout his body and he was able to trace it to the blade hanging lifelessly at his side. It was his inherited blade, Tenseiga. A useless blade that couldn’t kill so it wasn’t anything that he wanted or would use.
The scent grew stronger each minute he walked and eventually so did the vulgar stench of death. There wasn’t that much blood around so he knew that whatever was drawing him was definitely dead, but whatever it was intrigued him so Sesshomaru would go and investigate. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he spied something not too far off in the distance. It was a body, a human body and there was something that almost unnerved him as it lay there lifelessly, in a small clearing, a single ray of light shinning brightly on pale white flesh. It was so angelic, but he wouldn’t exactly say that out loud no matter what the circumstances were.
Sesshomaru looked down indifferently at the young girl laying face down in the dirt. Her hair was sprawled out everywhere and the scent of blood and death was stronger there than anywhere else. The Inu-youkai remembered exactly when and where he’d first seen her, but how she had ended up dead was something he couldn’t answer. For some reason it made him irritated by the fowl smell of wolf that surrounded her, but he reminded himself that it didn’t’ matter because she was nothing but a human and she meant nothing to him. Yet in a way she was more important to him than a lot of things and he didn’t know why.
Narrowing his amber eyes yet again, Sesshomaru unsheathed his “useless” Tenseiga and he could plainly feel it pulsing stronger in his grasp than on his hip. He could also see the imp demons that surrounded her dead body clawing at her trying to steal her soul clearly. He growled deep within his chest and swung down at the imps, slicing them in half. He wouldn’t allow them to touch her. A light surrounded the human girl and absorbed into her body as her heart let out a strong beat and her chest inhaled deeply. She would live again.
He silently sheathed Tenseiga and watched her slowly get to her knees, her breathing was heavy, yet her eyes stayed focused on the ground and from the scent radiating from her body, Sesshomaru knew that she was afraid and probably confused.
“How am I alive?” She whispered to herself as her hair shielded her face from the Inu-youkai’s line of vision.
“This Sesshomaru has given you your life,” he wouldn’t have heard her if he hadn’t been a youkai, but when her head jerked, her eyes were suddenly focused desperately n him. Her mouth was slightly ajar and the surprise was completely evident on her face.
“…--Sesshomaru?…” Her voiced cracked and he felt something twinge.
“Get up.” He said rather coldly, “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
Rin nodded as she quickly did as he said and rose to her feet. She was ashamed that she looked like hell in front of him, but she couldn’t figure out how or why she was alive. Rin had waited for death to consume her for the longest time, the wolves had attacked then left her there to die. To her there was absolutely no chance of surviving, but then why was she standing before Sesshomaru as if nothing had happened and what she experienced seemed like nothing but a dream.
“How?” She questioned as if she couldn’t piece together the night’s events.
He didn’t say anything else to her after that, he just turned around and began heading back into the forest. At first Rin had no clue what to do, so she quickly followed the retreating Inu-youkai. Even if she didn’t want to follow him, she had no other place to go and she was afraid that the wolves or something even worse would come after her. She didn’t realize that she had said something to him until she was standing by his side and when she realized that in actuality she still was able to speak, she celebrated on the inside, but tried to stay passive on the outside. It didn’t work as well as she thought it did.
Before she knew what she was doing, Rin hugged the closest thing to her which happened to be Sesshomaru’s side and giggled girlishly before letting go and practically skipping to a song only she could hear. Things were beginning to look good for her and she was thankful that it was Sesshomaru that had been the one to save her when the end had taken a hold of her. It was something that she knew couldn’t be repaid, but Rin was determined to find any means necessary to show the Inu-youkai that she appreciated him for showing kindness to her.
OKay so that's it! REVIEW DAMMIT!
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