InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Finding True Love ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sesshomaru and/or Rin so please don't take anything else!

In sleep he sang to me,
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name

If you haven't seen the "Phantom of the Opera" yet, you should because that movie is totally bitchin!

My Past, My Future, My Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Six

To Rin everything seemed to be looking up for her, she was with the person that she spent most of her life worshiping and there were no strings attached. Sure, sometimes it was lonely, he didn’t speak to her much, and it felt as though she was a burden, but none the less she stayed by his side. She understood that there were reasons why Sesshomaru acted the way he did, but she never imagined that his stoic nature was the way he desired to live. Forever shrouded in coldness, a solitary prison that he seemed to want, it was so confusing, so frightening, yet exciting at the same time.

At night, while she was completely left alone with her thoughts, Rin found herself asking childish questions like ‘Was it possible that everything she believed to be right was wrong?’ or ‘Was Sesshomaru really as contempt with his surroundings as he seemed to be?’ These thoughts plagued her, but she never asked them aloud, she didn’t have the courage. Rin knew what death felt like, what it looked like, and she never wished to experience it again, so she stayed by his side. To her, he was a safe haven, her protector, her giver of life, but he was empty in a way she couldn’t understand.

She may have been a few feet away from him, but it felt as though she was an entire universe away. During the day when they sometimes traveled, she would sing herself a happy melody, sometimes a lullaby her mother sang to Taromaru, or a soft hum that she put together herself. Yes, it all did seem childish for a sixteen year old to do, but the only she had left now was herself and everything around her, she was free, but in a way caged in many different agenda’s.

Everyday repeated itself and Rin didn’t know how Sesshomaru did it all the time. She was sure that he didn’t live in the outdoors, he was too well breed to do such a heinous thing, he was like royalty. Rin noticed it by the way the Inu-youkai carried himself, his looks, his demeanor in general, he was made to be a leader. Sighing to herself, Rin watched the days pass like leaves in the wind, the life she was living was so surreal and she didn’t know how to conduct herself. How was she supposed to act? Who was she supposed to be, if anyone but herself? Why wouldn’t he talk to her?

Silence. It was something that had become her friend over the years, her savior, but with him it seemed like a punishment. Something about her companion screamed for her to try and speak to him, to see if he knew how himself, but the look in his eyes told her not to utter something unless she wanted to suffer consequences. That’s how it was for her and soon she would find herself making it a daily routine, silence had become a part of her, and it would only serve to grow every day.

This day seemed different though, Sesshomaru was more alert than usual. He had this aura about him that made Rin nervous, she didn’t like the way he carried himself. The clouds were everywhere, yet seemingly nowhere, the trees crowding together as if they were blocking their passage. That was something she knew that Sesshomaru wouldn’t put up with, he would slice each tree down to its roots if it tried to keep the Inu-youkai from his destination. He was a beautiful, yet terrifying creature.

“Rin,” his voice was almost alien to her, but Rin knew it was his and she immediately looked at him. “Stay.”

Rin wanted to frown in displeasure, but merely nodded her head and stopped dead in her tracks. If he wanted her to stay that’s exactly what she would do. Calmly she watched Sesshomaru walk away from her, she could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest and she didn’t know what do think, Rin didn’t know what to do, but obey.

She stood there quietly as she watched Sesshomaru from the distance. He told her to stay put and she did while he continued on his way. The two of them had been traveling with each other for only a short while, but she was finding herself holding feelings in her heart for the Inu-youkai. Rin tried to act as though she normally would, yet no matter how hard she tried, it wasn’t working. She hoped that Sesshomaru couldn’t tell the difference in her behavior, but deep down she knew that he’d never miss anything. Her eyes lazily left Sesshomaru’s person and wandered elsewhere, the thoughts in her mind were most unbecoming and not appropriate. It was just by chance that she was still alive and she still hadn’t found a way to repay Sesshomaru for the kindness he’d shown her.

‘Who am I kidding?’ She thought. ‘He doesn’t even know what the word kindness means… I know that he is a cold person, but whatever I saw when I was a child must have been a stupid fantasy. There’s no way that Sesshomaru is capable of anything but what he is now. He doesn’t know love and I highly doubt he understands it.’

Rin could feel the anger building in her heart and she didn’t know if she could just keep herself at bay any longer. Clenching and unclenching her fists, she shot a glare at Sesshomaru’s back before she turned and stormed off. She didn’t think anything of her actions, but kept walking away. Somehow she would find civilization and she would reside their until she sought it fit to leave again.

“Rin,” his voice echoed through the air and made her stop dead in her tracks. “Didn’t this Sesshomaru tell you to stay put?”

She wanted to apologize to him and go back to the direct spot, but she was upset and she wanted to somehow show him that she wasn’t a floor mat. Looking back at the Inu-youkai, she narrowed her eyes at him before whipping her hair from her shoulders and continuing on her way. If he wanted her to stay put, he would have to come after her because Rin was tired of taking orders from selfish people and youkai.

“Rin,” there was a threatening growl in his tone that scared her, but she wasn’t going to let herself cower. She demanded some kind of respect from Sesshomaru and if he wouldn’t acknowledge her, then she was gone.

And she blew him off. She didn’t care if he threw a tantrum because she could be doing other things instead of hanging out with an Inu-youkai, following him around like a lost puppy and hoping that he would one day see her for who she really was, a woman. She could feel the painful tugging in her heart as she let Sesshomaru fade through the trees, but she knew that she could live one, love wasn’t everything right?

Going forwards she frowned to herself before she ran directly into something firm yet soft and her blood ran cold. Her eyes traveled slowly up his form, his white haori felt like silk and she’d been lucky to not have walked directly into his spiked breastplates. His silver hair swayed in the unfelt breeze, but she knew it was definitely there. When she locked her eyes onto his amber ones, she was taken back and gasped as she tried to back up only to have his clawed hand shoot out and grab her elbow. Rin could plainly hear the growling coming from his throat, but the emotions playing in his eyes had all of her attention for the time being.

“This Sesshomaru will not have you disobey,” He said coldly.

“Well I didn’t really care what ‘this Sesshomaru’ will and will not have…” She mocked him angrily.

His grip tightened on her elbow and she gritted her teeth, “do not mock this Sesshomaru.” He was warning her.

“Or what?” She growled trying to pry herself out of his grasp, “Will you kill me Sesshomaru? Can you slaughter me like a worthless piece of shit that’s not worthy of your time? HUH? Well then do it! Kill me and get it over with because I can’t stand to be around you for another day! I don’t need someone as cold as you dictating my every move! I’m not a child and you’re not my father!!!!”

“This Sesshomaru doesn’t need to listen to a childish tantrum,” He told her emotionlessly.

She was livid now. Rin couldn’t believe what Sesshomaru was saying. He was wrong, she wasn’t throwing a tantrum, or a childish one at that. He was just a self-centered bastard who had probably never once been put in his place.

“You’re just the pot calling the kettle black!” She yelled, “Don’t you dare say I’m being childish! You don’t know anything! It’s not like I want to be treated like crap by you! How can you stand there and say that when the only one who’s throwing a tantrum is you! I don’t know how you can stand there acting as if everyone is beneath you! You don’t even have a clue to what is going on around yourself even thought it’s staring your pampered ass in the face!”

Rin could plainly see the anger in his eyes as he looked down at her, but she wasn’t done insulting his ego yet. Many more vulgar words flew from her mouth and all Sesshomaru did was stand there like a stone and took what she dished out. His eyes would flash with an emotion, but it was quickly tucked away and it only made Rin evermore upset than before. Rin had ran out of things to yell at him for, but it didn’t make her stop. She couldn’t stop herself from screaming out all her life’s frustrations to the Inu-youkai and it left her completely drained of all energy to the point of tears.

“Why weren’t you there to protect me from them?” She sniffled. “Why did you just abandon me and let my family die?”

Sesshomaru didn’t quite understand how it was his fault for the things Rin claimed, but he listened none the less. He could smell the fatigue radiating off her and the Inu-youkai knew that she wouldn’t last much longer so he decided to wait. It didn’t take long for Rin to slump against him, but instead of words, she was sobbing and held his haori tightly. The feeling was new to him and he had no idea what to do, crying wasn’t something he witnessed too much in his lifetime and he didn’t know how to react to it.

He stood there listening to the quiet sobs of the girl holing onto him as if he was her last lifeline and he felt a sharp tugging at his heart. There were emotions that he was beginning to feel that he’d never experienced before in his long life and it irritated him. He tried to push the feelings away, but they wouldn’t leave his mind at ease. To him emotions of any sort was like having a weakness, one that he was afraid would never leave.

“… I was so scared… “ He heard her whisper and it made the feeling in his chest increase tenfold.

Against his better judgment not to, Sesshomaru gently picked Rin up bridal style and held her close to his chest. There was something that told him that she would lead him to his death one day, but a bigger part wanted to keep her by his side for as long as he could. Sesshomaru hated the things he was feeling, but he didn’t argue with his instincts.

“Sleep,” he told Rin as he began walking in the direction of his castle. He believed that it was about time that he returned home and take a look at all that happened while he was away. He wanted to know what Jaken did wrong this time.


Hey, prom's this weekened for me and I won't be able to update. Please leave reviews and tell me what you think, I would really like to get some actual imput. There's not a lot of chapters left, probably 15 or so, I dunno.

So until next time, Krystal.

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