InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Finding True Love ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sesshomaru and/or Rin so please don't take anything else!

I know as some of you pointed out, that Kohaku was OOC in the last chapter, and its understandably true.. I noticed it too, but left it there because it helps later... OKAY THEN! READ!!!

Finding True Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Twelve

His long silver hair fluttered in the wind as he continued his slow pace through the forest. He had been searching for Rin for the past couple of months, and had found nothing. The Inu-youkai didn’t understand how one little teenaged human girl had disappeared without a trace after the accident, but somehow she had accomplished it. Over the long period of time that he’d been traveling on his own, it felt as though a piece of him had left the minute Rin was taken from him. It angered Sesshomaru that he still hadn’t been able to stop Masao’s initial attack, but not being able to protect Rin was yet another bruise to his rather swelled ego.

Closing his eyes, Sesshomaru tried to clear his thoughts, if he kept going on the way he currently was, he’d drive himself insane. The Inu-youkai wandered through the thick foliage for a few hours longer until his sensitive ears caught a faint scream that made his blood run cold. His eyes narrowed and he was off faster than the bat of an eyelash. As he came closer to the scene, he could plainly smell her scent as well as that of a male’s arousal. The odd thing was that Sesshomaru could vaguely remember the male scent and it irritated him to no end. Jumping through the trees, the Inu-youkai was able to get a bird’s eyes view of the landscape below him.

Landing on his feet in the tall grass, Sesshomaru stood up straight on his feet and glanced around at his surroundings, the snake youkai would become an unwanted nuisance. Cracking his knuckles, Sesshomaru flung out his whip and easily slaughtered the snake youkai a few feet away. He watched without any emotions as the boy fell to the ground unharmed. Sesshomaru would deal with him later, but for now the Inu-youkai focused his attention on the human girl laying on the ground.

Going over to where Rin lay completely unconscious, the Inu-youkai silently kneeled and picked her up with the gentlest of ease. Sesshomaru immediately noticed the unnatural angle of Rin’s right arm, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Kohaku quickly climbed to his feet as fast as possible and ran after the Inu-youkai, he wasn’t going to allow him to take Rin.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Kohaku yelled angrily as he grabbed his weapon, chasing after the Inu-youkai.

Sesshomaru didn’t say a word as he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Kohaku only to give the most threatening and cold glare ever thought imaginable. Whatever words Kohaku had been going to say died on his lips immediately and he could only stand there like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar as Sesshomaru continued on his way. Sesshomaru disappeared into the trees and headed into the heart of the forest where he knew the demon exterminator 'wanna be' wouldn’t be able to follow.

Stopping momentarily, the Inu-youkai laid Rin on the ground and looked cautiously at her dislocated arm before taking it and snapping the joint back into its socket. The loud popping sound it made had Sesshomaru involuntarily cringing, but it was gone in less than a second, emotions were not allowed.

“Rin wake up,” He commanded standing up and crossing his arms over his chest as much as possible.

It was as if his voice had an affect on the young girl as she lazily opened her eyes and gazed at him with uncertainty. Was she dead? Brushing all those kinds of thoughts from her mind, Rin tried to sit up but cried out in pain as her right arm sent jolts of pain throughout her body. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. She had to suck it up or she knew that he would surely leave her behind. It was hard for her to get to her feet with only one hand, but she managed to stand and silently followed behind Sesshomaru to god knows where.


Kohaku watched Sesshomaru disappear into the forest with Rin and he could feel the anger pulse throughout his body. If the Inu-youkai thought he could walk away with his Rin so easily. Kohaku would be sure to show Sesshomaru where his place was. Picking up his weapon again, Kohaku turned and headed in the direction of his village, but came face to face with someone wearing a baboon pelt like it was a costume.

“I couldn’t help but see the predicament that you’re in young boy,” the man’s voice held an eerie calmness to it that made Kohaku suspicious.

“I’m not in any predicament,’’ Kohaku growled defensively. “So why don’t you just mind your business.”

“But you see young boy,” the man continued. “A friend of is having quite a problem with that demon who just took your wife I presume?” Kohaku narrowed his eyes, but let the man continue, ”and since we both are after the same person I thought it would be wise to team up and take back what that mongrel has stolen from us.”

He knew that he shouldn’t, but his need to have Rin back was a lot stronger than his common sense at the moment. The baboon man smiled coyly when Kohaku agreed and nineteen year old became a little worried about his irrational decision, but it’s not like it mattered anymore. Kohaku frowned when the man in the baboon pelt handed him a jar filled with a green liquid.

“What is this?” Kohaku asked curiously taking the jar.

“It is a type of poison,” the man said coyly. “If you put some on your weapon it will help you with that pesky Inu-youkai.”

It sounded good to Kohaku, real good, but there still was something that made him very uneasy about it. Shaking his mind of all the unwanted thoughts, Kohaku put the small bottle carefully into a pouch on his hip and ran his fingers through is hair. All he needed to do now was go after Rin.

“Is there anything else that I need to know,” Kohaku asked hooking his weapon to his waist.

“My name is Naraku,” the man said calloused, “And I hope that you get what you want because you won’t have a second chance.”

Kohaku disregarded “Naraku’s” statement and left the man in the baboon pelt behind, he wanted help and there was only one way that he’d thought it would be possible. Pulling out a hidden dagger from his shirt, he slashed the gash in his arm larger, he would need to be convincing. Running back to the village, he headed in the direction of his sister’s home. He was sure that Sango would help him even if he stretched some of the details.

“Kohaku what’s going on? You’re wounded,” it was Miroku’s voice a few feet away.

“Rin’s been kidnapped,” Kohaku exclaimed holding his arm. “I tried to save her, but I was no match for the demon that snatched her.”

Alarm went off in the monk’s eyes and a moment later, Miroku, Sango, and a few other villagers were getting ready to leave. Kirara, the neko youkai patiently waited for the demon exterminators to grab their weapons. They still had to catch up to Sesshomaru, but no one except Kohaku knew that it that it was the Inu-youkai that they were after. After everyone headed off, Kohaku trailed ahead, rubbing the poison carefully onto his weapon, he was going to make sure that he was the one to take Sesshomaru down. Kohaku was going to make the Inu-youkai pay dearly for taking what didn’t belong to him. The anger burned deep within Kohaku’s heart and it only grew stronger every foot he ran. It was as if he was becoming a monster, but he was going to make sure Sesshomaru knew what pain was before too long.


OMG WTF? lol Well that is all for now... Personally my favorite chapter is the next one! I'll update whenever, but I'd still like the reviews! Thank you so much I love ya'll!
