InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fortune of Dreams ❯ Remembering the Past ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Now~~ Here comes the happy parts~~ Yay! (See, if there weren't sad bits' then there wouldn't really be any sad bits now would there? ^^ Also, I want to note that I have changed the part where Sango says she has been separated from her family to that people had killed all her family but her. Okay?!! (Sorry about this change to those who don't like it...but then if I didn't, I won't make sense that Sango goes with Kagome to the Western Lands, right?^^)

And hey, would anyone mind to tell me what AU and OOC stands for? I keep seeing them but I don't know what they mean (yes, I know, I know, I'm kinda stupid :P ^^)

Chapter 8 - Remembering the Past

Kagome and Sesshoumaru walked to the garden, hand in hand as they met Inutaishou and Sango.

"Ohiyou!" Sango shouted over to them as then arrived, waving. Kagome goes to hugged her friend.

"Thank you for trying to comfort me." She said.

"Well, you certainly seem much better today?" Sango said to her while thinking, `She recovered quickly. But recovered better than wounded.'

"Yes, and that is all thank to you for all your help and comforting," she smiled at her smile as she pulled back and seeing Inutaishou at the corner of her eye she added. "And you too." She went to hug him too. Sesshoumaru was surprised how close his wife and father have become but then, they did depend of each other while they were here in the past three years.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, we are ready to leave." A soldier came and told Sesshoumaru.

"Do you want to come with us Sango?" Kagome asked her friend as she got onto a horse with Sesshoumaru following after her.

"Well, I have no where else to go..."

"Then why don't you get on a horse too?" Kagome told her, giving her a wink.


Two days passed by and the journey has been calm and peaceful, finally, they had reached Sesshoumaru's men.

"Kagome, rest in here, I have some other matters to attend to at the moment." He said to her, kissing the top of her hand.

"It's okay, don't worry. I understand. Go." Kagome smiled before entering the tent to have a nap.


"Father, I want you to come with me to the forest for a moment." Sesshoumaru turned to Inutaishou. He nodded and agreed.

Following his son, they traveled into the forest no too far away from the camp.


"Who?" Inutaishou asked his son. A dark cloud formed in front of them and in about three seconds later a figure of a woman came out.

"Ah~ Sesshoumaru, I figured you'd be wanting my help sooner or later..." She began.

"Who are you?" Inutaishou asked the stranger.

"Father, I want to ask you, do you want to change back to your old self?" Sesshoumaru interrupted. Inutaishou just stood there looking relieved.

"Yes, did you find a way?" He asked.

"I shall be you assistance to achieving that." Tsubaki spoke up.

"Father, meet Tsubaki, she is a miko and-"

"A miko?! Son! Have you gone mad?! She might purify you!" Inutaishou immediately stood in front of his son protectively.

"Don't worry, she is in my debt and will do one last thing a wish for and that is to change you back to normal," Sesshoumaru told his father calmly. "And it is the only way."

"Yes Inutaishou-sama, he is correct and since the onslaught of the previous mikos and houshis you might not find much of them around. So that leaves you, me." Tsubaki informed him. Trusting his son's decision, he agreed.


Back at the camp, Sesshoumaru walked into his tent to find his wife still asleep. He kneeled down beside her, brushing hair away from her slightly bruised face. Sesshoumaru will never be able to heal the wounds that were cut into Kagome, it made him feel heavy with guilt.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner, to stop you being in the state you are now." He whispered softly, his hand holding Kagome's cheeks. She looked so peaceful, fast asleep. Sesshoumaru only wished that he could have accompanied her in the last three years, to be beside her, to help her...just anything as long as he was with her! He closed his with regret of ever leaving her alone outside the forest three years ago. If he had been by her side at that time, she might not had to suffer...


Sesshoumaru looked down at Kagome, she was beginning to stir awake.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked, noticing that the bruises on her face are now barely visible.

"No, no. I've been asleep...for how long?" Kagome asked him.

"About and hour now." Sesshoumaru moved forward to give Kagome a hug.

"Okay, and so it's about time I woke up." Kagome said, trying to add a bit of humour to the atmosphere. "Ne, let go outside." She said, while leaning on and her hands gently on Sesshoumaru's torso and her head under his chin, enjoying the moment of peace. Sesshoumaru nodded slightly and stood up pulling her along.

The men bowed as Sesshoumaru and Kagome went pass them.

"Where are you leading me, Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked him as he lead her off.

"I thought you might want to see you friend Sango." He told her. Immediately a big smile appeared on Kagome's face.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Kagome jumped happily. "I have lots to talk to her about and all. Oh~ thank you soo much!!" And Kagome placed a kiss on his cheek lightly.


"Sango, how have you been?" Kagome asked her.

`Just like the way she was before, always caring about others before herself.' "I'm doing fine thanks. It looks like you're doing fine yourself."

"Yep! I'm feeling much happier now." Kagome said but suddenly became quite as the member of that night crept back into her mind and shook her head lightly.

"Are you alright Kagome?" Sesshoumaru asked her, worried by her sudden silence.

"Oh, it's-it's nothing, don't worry." She smiled at him. But deep down Sesshoumaru knew that she was just hiding that fact that she was still scared. "Anyway, when are we having dinner? I'm kind of getting a bit hungry."

"Oh~ I think they're cooking now," Sango said but still worried about her friend. "Are you sure you're fine Kagome?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Lets see what we can do to help cooking dinner, hm?" Kagome asked Sango. "It has been our speciality." She winked at her.

"Okay, don't think much of these men can cook a decent meal here. I think we'd better help them." Sango laughed at the fact about men.

`What was that about?' Sesshoumaru thought. Seeing his curious face Kagome told him about her life back in the city.

"We use to work at a restaurant back in Tokyo." Kagome told him before leaving with Sango to find the chief of their dinner and help him out.

`She had to do such work while she was on her own, and there I was only using my men to searching for her and father when I really she should have gone and looked for her myself. It could have save that pain that is embedded in her.' Sesshoumaru thought as he watch the two ladies went towards the chief, guilt washed over him again and he shut his eyes for a moment.

"Don't blame yourself son,"

"But I should have been there, she shouldn't had to suffer, I am her husband and I was suppose to make sure she doesn't suffer! But I failed doing that, I got her hurt deeply and it'll stay with her for the rest of her life." Sesshoumaru said to his father. "Just why?" Sesshoumaru shut his eyes tightly feeling frustrated. Inutaishou looked at his son helplessly, he couldn't argue with him when he was speaking the truth. Just then Kagome came up to him.

"Hey, Sesshoumaru, what do you want for dinner? And what should the soldiers eat?" Kagome asked, she didn't know what men in battle would eat.

"I'll eat anything you cook," Sesshoumaru told her. "And the men can eat something simple."

"But it'll need to be nutritious though!" Kagome added and Sesshoumaru nodded in agreement; then, Kagome turned to Inutaishou. "How about you?"

"It's okay, anything will be fine for me thank you for asking." He replied.

"Okay," Kagome shrugged and walked off to get the orders in.


Later that even, after the dinner, Kagome lay asleep next to Sesshoumaru who was still awake thinking about everything that has happened so far. Suddenly, Kagome began to struggle and Sesshoumaru immediately placed his arms around her and tries to wake her up.

"Shh~ Kagome, wake up, it's just a dream...Kagome?" He looked down at his wife to see the same frightened face and lightly patted on her cheek. Opening her eyes, she saw the face of Sesshoumaru close to her and then abruptly started to push him away.

"Kagome?" Sesshoumaru asked in a worried tone. She stopped crawling away and then started to cry. "Shh, don't cry, it was just a dream." He said as he went comfort her.

"I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away, I was...I was just..." Kagome couldn't say it and she was afraid that she might had angered Sesshoumaru and that he had mistaken her that she doesn't want him near her by pushing him away.

"I know, I understand." Sesshoumaru whispered gently as he held her close to him. Kagome buried herself in Sesshoumaru's chest, taking in the comfort he was giving her.

"I should be the one that should be sorry," He said a moment later. Kagome parted away from his chest and looked kneeled up straighter to look into his eyes that were filled with sadness, regret, guilt, and his loving passion towards her.

"Why?" She whispered softly as she held his right cheek in her hand and Sesshoumaru leaned into her hold.

"Because if it wasn't for me, leaving all the hunting to my men, I could have found you sooner, then you wouldn't have to suffer what you have and you could have been saved from the sad fate you ended in back there." Sesshoumaru put his arms around his wife, drawing her into a hug. Kagome's heart was fill with love for her husband, the way he tries to comfort her really tells Kagome how much he loves her. There she stayed, in Sesshoumaru's embrace, slowly, she calmed down as she rested her head against his.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru, for understand and being here with me." Kagome whispered a while later. Gently, Sesshoumaru laid back down on the bed with Kagome's head resting on top of his chest.

"Sleep." He said softly. Kagome was tired and did it obediently. Soon, Sesshoumaru had fallen asleep, hold his wife close to him, making her feel secure and breathing in her sweet scent.


"Only one more day of travel before we reach Himeji!" Kagome shouted out happily, after this night, she would finally be home. "Anyway, I look forward to meeting Yumiko." She smiled at him. "And we are expecting her to give birth to your second child and five months' time right?" Sesshoumaru just nodded and smiled at her. How he wished he could have children mixed with his and Kagome's blood as well.

"We still have the afternoon to travel still though." Sesshoumaru reminded her, resting his head on top of Kagome's as they rode on the horse. He has been thinking the night Kagome had the nightmare, she had asked him to help her to forget that bastard Toujin and remember that past, and he is pondering over that, trying to find a way to help her.


"Sesshoumaru," Kagome said soft as she was sleeping on the side, in Sesshoumaru hug.


"Can you help me forget it?" Kagome asked him, closing her eyes and cuddled closer to Sesshoumaru. "And remember the past? The times when I'm with you and how happy I was? I'm surrounded by all these...these strange negative feeling around me and flashbacks just keep popping up every now and then. It's so hard to bare!"

Sesshoumaru held his wife tight and closer to him on every word she had spoken, he was worried about this, he had noticed that she would become silent for a few seconds and then her eyes would looked shocked but when she realises what she is doing, she would shake herself out of it.

"Don't worry, Kagome, I'll try..."

~*~End Flashback~*~

It was then when he thought off something that might just work. A mischievous smile spread on his face but it was gone when the next thought came up.

`She might even get worse after that matter, I still have to try.' He thought determinedly.


Night came not too long later, and they had come to the border of the forest route back to Himeji city. Kagome was sleep, sitting side ways on the horse, her head leaning on Sesshoumaru's shoulder.

"Kagome," Sesshoumaru spoke, bulging his should to wake Kagome up.

"Huh~?" Kagome stirred, rubbing her eyes as her conscience came to her.

"We're need to make camp now." Sesshoumaru explained as he got of the horse, turning around to help his wife of the horse.

"Thank you." Kagome said quietly in a child-like way. (AN: You know, as in "dank you" with a short pronunciation...) "I'll go and help make dinner." And with a smile, she walked off to the tool carriage.

"Me too~" Sango followed Kagome off.

"Son, what are you thinking? You seemed troubled." Inutaishou asked his son.

Sesshoumaru watched one of his men approach his wife and her friend to help them carry the two pots. He was proud of his wife; she had earned her respect of his men fast in the last month, and they tend to be very friendly with each other when he isn't around so that he won't be there to tell them off of being so informal in front of the Lady of the Western Lands.

"Just what I can do to help her."

"I think you already know," Inutaishou encouraged his son to do what he think is correct. "But I have something to tell you and I'm not sure whether Kagome has told you or not."

Sesshoumaru raised and eyebrow, what would Kagome had told his father and not him?

"She is not the real daughter of the Eastern Lands." Inutaishou told him, Sesshoumaru eyes shot open wide, shock but Inutaishou continued. "She was an orphan before she was adopted by Lady Higurashi to be a house maid at a young age around four. For four years, she worked as a servant, even taught herself how use the bow and arrows and the basic combat skills using the katana which she learnt it from watching the soldiers being trained, tried to learnt how to read and write secretly, and also, that was why she could cook so well too. Then, when she adopted, she was restricted from all the violent actives that she used to do and was trained to be more lady-like and that is how she became who she is now today. I must say, she had been through much hardship in her life." Inutaishou said, shaking his head slightly.

Sesshoumaru was stunned as he continued to watch Kagome and Sango starting to cook. All this detail about Kagome, why hadn't she told him?

"Thank you for sharing this with me father." Sesshoumaru told his father but didn't look at him as he kept his glaze on his wife who seems to be having fun chopping up the food. He walked towards her, and his men bowed to him.

"Hey, Sesshoumaru, what do you want to eat for dinner?" Kagome asked, giggling still as she walked towards him but kneeled down when she burst out in laughter.

"What's? So funny?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Not sure, she just started to laugh her head off like that." Sango told him, with a worried expression on his face.

"It''s haha ha ha ha~" Her laughing came to a stop when she silently became silent but suddenly, she held her head in her hand, against her knees, shaking her head furiously. Sesshoumaru immediately went to his mate side to comfort her.

(AN: Hey, I know, I know, I've only used the term wife before but I think a wider range of vocabulary would be good so taada~)

"It's okay," Sesshoumaru told her as he held her shaking form tightly against him.

"Kagome-sama!" The men nearby shouted in unison as they watched their lady friend fall to the ground.

Kagome opened her eyes as and as she looked into Sesshoumaru's eyes, she screamed.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Kagome tried to break free and Sesshoumaru didn't stop her from being out of his grasp and she ran to Sango.

"Shh, Kagome it's okay, calm down." She hugged her friend comfortingly and patted her back. "It's just a flashback, come back to reality now, there is no need to fear Sesshoumaru, it truly is him." Kagome calmed down then looked into Sesshoumaru's eye. It was filled with worry, care and sadness in them. Kagome walked back towards her beloved husband. Why? Why? Why? WHY? Why does that happen to her? She knows that Toujin is dead yet why does this still happen. Kagome embraced Sesshoumaru, her arm around his waist and hands resting on his back.

"I'm sorry," Kagome whispered as she cried into his chest. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around Kagome, securing her in his. Gently, he patted her head. Sango and the rest of his men walked off so that their lord and lady may be alone.

"Here no need to be, you've done nothing wrong." Sesshoumaru told her softly.

"But I-"

"No need buts Kagome, I know it isn't your fault and I don't blame you so you don't need to blame yourself." Sesshoumaru kissed her forehead and then stood to care Kagome in his arms bridal style back into their tent so Kagome can have a rest.

"Wait, I need to help with dinner." Kagome said, looking up to Sesshoumaru with her arms around his neck.

"No, she and the chef can cook without you tonight, I want you to have some rest."

They entered the tent, it wasn't filled with lots of furniture and things like that a large futon, a lamp, a desk and his trunk was kept at the front of the futon. Laying Kagome down on the bed gently, Sesshoumaru kneeled down next to her, brushing the fringe out of her face.

"Sleep." And he cupped one side of her face with one hand. Kagome did as she was told, closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. Sesshoumaru waited until she in deep slumber before he left.

`I will do whatever I can to help her, I can't bare to see her like this, suffering in this pain!' Sesshoumaru though frustrated. `I must think of how I can help her remember her past.' With one last look at Kagome's sleeping form, he walk out to continue his work.

(AN: Ayeya~! I don't too like that bit there, it just doesn't sound too how did you guys find it? -.-)


The sun set behind the mountain and the moon rose, and the stars fill the sky. Sesshoumaru went to wake Kagome but when he went inside the tent he found her awake already.

"How you feeling now, love?" Sesshoumaru asked her caringly.

"Much better," She smile, but Sesshoumaru saw past the mask and through her eyes, he saw a hint of sadness in them.

`She's trying to force herself to be happy again,' Sesshoumaru thought. "If really not feeling well or still up set, don't lock it inside, let it out and tell me, perhaps I can help you."

"Sesshoumaru, really, I'm fine, thanks for caring thought." Kagome up from sitting on the bed and walked to him hooked her arm around his.

"If you really are fine then. Anyway, dinner is ready, lets go."

"Great! I'm hungry."

~*~ (An: hehe~ that was so random ;P)

Kagome enjoyed dinner, they laughed together with Sango and even some of the men joined in; but Sesshoumaru stayed out of it, not interested. But as the sleeping time came, everything quite and calm once more.

"Haaoomm..." Kagome yawned, "Lets go to sleep Sesshoumaru," But before she had walked two steps, Sesshoumaru's arm was around her waist and he drew her close to him.

"I want to take you some where," He whispered in her ear and turned her around to face him. "Hold on to me."

When they finally stopped, Kagome found herself in a middle of a field as Sesshoumaru let her loose.

"This's so familiar..." Kagome spoke quietly. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around his shoulders with her back against his chest.

"We have been here three years ago, you saved my life, remember?" He said as he breathed in the sweet scent of sweet berries and rested his head on Kagome's shoulder.

"You saved my life too, that's what I remember." Kagome said as she turned around to face Sesshoumaru. Looking in his eyes, it was glistening with the emotion of love. She held his face and then drew them down to give him a kiss.

"No, you saved me twice, once back then and one just recently from that - that place." Kagome tried to smile as the memory of that place began to haunt her again

"Kagome, don't think of anything to do with it again now." Sesshoumaru bent down a little to clasped her tight with her head resting on his shoulder, his hand holding on to the back of her head. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop it from happening. Stop you from suffering." Kagome listened with her eyes closed now as Sesshoumaru continued "And all your hardship before all this, your life started so bitterly and when you had just found happiness, you were taken away from it and I am held responsible for not being to draw it closer to you earlier, my mistreatment of you when we just met and then not truly doing all I can to find you and lead you back to the happiness that you found."

"Sesshoumaru..." Kagome whispered as she placed her hands on to his back; she loved him so much, the words he spoke, but how did he know? "I don't blame you, and the happiness that I found was in my heart the day I found it, and that was when found you in my heart. I don't blame you..." They moved away from each other a little, only to look at each other. Once their eyes met, they were locked on each other's glaze. Sesshoumaru leaned forward and gave Kagome a passionate kiss. Kagome fully accepted it and switched from having her arms around his waist to his neck to deepen the kiss.

Sesshoumaru was hoping that this would help Kagome forget what Toujin had down to her, to remember the past of what they had shared together but he doesn't want to hurt her in the process. But when tears began to fall, Sesshoumaru tried to pull away but Kagome kept kissing him.

"Kagome, I...I don't think we should...continue..." Sesshoumaru said in between kisses.

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't to force yourself..."

Kagome pulled away, looked in his eyes and told him.

"These are tears of happiness, not of fear, Sesshoumaru. I feel cared for and I want to remember..." Kagome brushed some of his fringe out of the way. "Truly, I want to forget him. Please help me?" She pleaded.

Sesshoumaru was assure and a desire began to fill him that lead him to caress Kagome's neck.

"Sesshoumaru..." Kagome whispered softly and drew his attention to her mouth.

After a few moment filled with heated kisses, the couples were found naked lying in the field.

"I care for you more than life; the last thing I want to do to you is hurt you..." Sesshoumaru told her, looking down to the flushed face.

"I believe you won't," With another kiss Sesshoumaru drew up again just to tell her…


Then an immense feeling of pure pleasure as memories came flooding back into her, only to make her feel loved all the more.

"Your eyes look even more beautiful than the stars, the way they sparkle..."



The beautiful memories filled her heart with pure delight and love.

"Kagome..." Sesshoumaru moaned her name as they made love. He held her with one arm across her back and the other holding her head as he own was next to hers.



When the coupled finally climaxed, Sesshoumaru laid still on top of Kagome and Kagome had her hand resting on his back. Breathing in air, both of them calmed down and Kagome shifted her head to look at Sesshoumaru and he lifted himself off Kagome and looked into her eyes.

"I love you too." Kagome smiled. Her first true smile. Sesshoumaru felt the heavy weight on his heart when he found Kagome a month ago, lifted from him. He moved aside on to his back next to where Kagome lay and pulled her along with him so that she was resting on his chest with her upper body, her head just under his chin.

Sesshoumaru placed a small kiss on her forehead and Kagome one of her hand over his shoulder (the side that she isn't sleeping on) and moved herself slightly to find a comfortable position.

"Oyasumi nasai." Kagome said in a just audible volume of Sesshoumaru's sensitive ears as she falls asleep from listening to his heartbeat like a lullaby. Sesshoumaru covered them in his fur to keep out the cold air, trapping in the heat as they sleep.

With the atmosphere full of love.……...

AN: HAHAHA~~ Hey ya~ You guys like this chapter? I hope you won't count the above as a lime coz it's really just `memories' than those `lemon/lime' stuff...(I don't write that stuff thank you very much~*crosses arms and looks proud*) Anyway, I think this is the longest chapter yet, and a happy one too~ No cliffy, and I don't think I'll write one either for next chapter~~


Chapter 9: The Meeting of Wives

Basically, Kagome meets Yumiko and even help look after her children too!

That's all for now! Now, REVIEW PLEASE!!!!!