InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Graduation ❯ Telling ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome fiddled with the hem of her tank top as she followed Inuyasha through his forest in the direction of the village. Inuyasha held her other hand and was walking slightly in front of her, pulling her along. Her pack situated over his shoulder. He looked back at her, noting that the shirt she wore proudly showed off the healed bite mark at the juncture between her neck and shoulder; the shiny new scar shown brightly in the midmorning sun.
“How do you think everyone will react when they find out that we mated?” she asked as they neared the edge of the village.
“Dun'know, shocked prob'ly,” he answered. “But it doesn't really matter how they react, does it?” He smiled down at her.
“No, I guess not,” she replied, returning the smile and interlacing their fingers. They walked through the village and to Kaede's hut. Inuyasha pushed aside the reed mat door and entered, pulling Kagome with him. When they entered, they noticed that it was only occupied by Sango, who was currently polishing her bone boomerang.
“Welcome ba—” Sango stopped mid sentence as she saw how close her friends were standing, their interlaced fingers, and the mate mark on Kagome's shoulder. She squealed and launched herself at the startled couple, giving them each hugs with a big smile on her face.
“You mated! Finally! I trust that you told her everything that goes with demon mating, right Inuyasha? Because if you didn't then you're in for a world of pain!” she threatened.
“Of course she knows, wha'do you take me for?” the half-demon asked indignantly.
Before she could answer, Miroku, Shippou and Kaede entered the hut. “What's going on?” the lecherous monk asked.
Yet again, before Sango could answer, Shippou beat her to it. “You two mated?!” he yelled, shocked, his expression becoming one of slight depression.
Miroku and Kaede turned towards the priestess and half-demon, seeing for themselves the mate mark on the former's shoulder. Miroku grinned a perverted grin and said, “I see that congratulations are in order.”
“Say anything perverted, monk, and I can guarantee that you won't have the same opportunity,” Sango threatened. Miroku gave her an innocent look, but wisely kept his mouth shut.
“I congratulate thee as well,” Kaede said. “Alas, it is close to lunch time, Inuyasha would yeh fetch us some meat?”
The half-demon grunted and handed Kagome her pack then nuzzled her cheek with his nose and giving a soft growl before moving towards the door. He stopped just before the door and turned back. “Oi, runt! Com'on, this'll be your first lesson!” he called out to the fox kit.
Shippou, who had been sulking on Miroku's shoulder, shot his head up, looked wide eyed at Inuyasha before breaking out into a large grin and scampering over to him, settling on his shoulder. They left the hut and headed back in the direction of the forest to see what sort of animals they could bring back for food.
“Why'd Inuyasha do that?” Kagome wondered, thinking that her half-demon had never been so…fatherly…towards the kit before. She set her bag down in the corner of the room before taking a seat by the demon exterminator.
“He's accepting Shippou into his pack. Since Shippou sees you as his surrogate mother, Inuyasha would be his father,” Sango answered as she set down her boomerang and cloth, turning to stoke the fire in preparation of the demons' return.
“That's important to canines, huh?” Kagome asked.
“Very. Pack is the single most important thing to canines. Inuyasha as the alpha male would have the right to expel Shippou out of the pack, if he so deemed it necessary. But, as taking Shippou hunting with him, usually a father's duty, he's taken over the role as Shippou's father, therefore accepting him into his pack,” Sango explained.
Kagome `hmm'ed in understanding and rubbed her fingers lightly over her mate mark an action that did not go unnoticed by her companions. “So,” she asked, “how's it been going here?”
They chatted all the while, Kagome being informed of the village's happenings, until Inuyasha and Shippou barged into the hut, laden with fish and two rabbits. “Kagome, Kagome! I caught a rabbit!” Shippou happily exclaimed as he threw himself at his surrogate mother.
“That's great Shippou! You're growing up so fast!” Kagome told him as she cuddled him to her chest.
“Runt ain't half bad,” Inuyasha admitted, setting the soon to be meals down near the fire pit. “He caught half of these fish too.” He made his way over to Kagome and Shippou, plopped down next to her, nuzzled her cheek and then placed his chin on her shoulder, looking over her shoulder at Shippou as his arm wrapped itself around her waist. The other humans in the room watched the scene with curious eyes.
Once everyone had had their fill of food for lunch it ended up being mid afternoon. “Hey, Kagome, I'm heading down to the hot spring, would you care to join me?” Sango asked as she gathered her bathing supplies.
“Of course!” Kagome said, getting her things from her bag and moving to follow her friend.
“Don't go too far!” Inuyasha warned her.
“Yes, yes, oh overprotective mate of mine,” Kagome told him teasingly with a smile, moving out of the hut with Sango and made her way in the direction of the hot springs. Kaede followed them out of the hut, muttering something about checking a new mother and her child.
Miroku looked over to his fidgeting friend and smirked. “So,” he started casually,” how was it?” He had, actually, expected to be hit, but to be hit twice was a whole `nother deal.
One was obviously from the disgruntled and disgusted half-demon, and the other from an equally disgusted fox demon.
“Get you head outta yer ass, you perverted monk!” Inuyasha growled, his inner demon roaring at the disrespect that this puny human showed his powerful mate. Shippou grumbled inarticulately in the background (Gr-mn-frn-mbn!”).
Recovering surprisingly fast from the two blows, he put a hand to his chin and took on a sagely persona. “But you are aware that Lady Kagome will tell everything to Lady Sango,” he said, taking his hand away from his chin and extending his pointer finger, closing his eyes.
“You obviously don't know Kagome very well, lecher. She'll tell Sango some things, but not everything. She'd be too embarrassed.” Inuyasha retorted, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes.
“So you're going to just allow Lady Kagome to tell Lady Sango of your escapade last night and yet you won't even give me a hint as to how it was?” Miroku all but whined.
“Kagome can say whatever she likes, but that doesn't mean I'm gunna tell you anything,” Inuyasha growled.
“When did you become so caring?” Shippou asked from his perch on Inuyasha's shoulder.
“I've got a mate and pup to provide for now and there will be more pups on the way eventually,” he said opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling and leaning back against the wall. “Hey, monk, you think Kagome'd stay here if I built her a house?”
The monk looked at his friend in surprise. “I'm sure she'd love to, but you've have to ask her that, only she knows the answer,” Miroku answered, shifting his staff against his shoulder.
“I'm sure she'd like it!” Shippou chirped. “Kagome'd like it if you did it for her. Besides, mates can't be apart for too long, it strains the bond between them.”
There was a pause where no one spoke; both the fox demon and monk's attention were fixed on the half-demon, who appeared to be in deep thought. “I'm going to build her a big house,” Inuyasha said softly, finally breaking the silence. “Two or more stories, like the buildings in her time. Close to a hot spring so she can take her precious bathes; lots of room for all of our pups and maybe even a dojo. And close to the well so that she can still visit her family.”
A sound familiar to a whimper drew his attention to the reed mat door.

Sango and Kagome walked to the hot spring in a companionable silence. Kagome set her things down on a relatively flat rock near the edge of the spring. She stripped, setting her clothes next to her towel and pulled her hair up into a bun at the base of her neck. She sank into the naturally warm water with a sigh, soon joined by Sango who also had her hair pulled up. Kagome closed her eyes and leaned back against the side of the pool, sighing appreciatively.
“Did it hurt?” the sudden question startled the priestess out of her stupor.
“Did what hurt?” she asked the demon slayer, silently praying that she wasn't questioning about…that.
“The mark,” Sango said, fingering her own shoulder.
Kagome smiled and gave a sigh, relieved that she hadn't been asked that. “Not too much,” she admitted. “But my mind was otherwise…preoccupied at the time.” She grinned and blushed, surprised at her own boldness.
“So, how was it?” Sango inquired with a grin of her own, one that creepily rivaled Miroku's.
“Sango! You've been spending too much time with Miroku!” Kagome laughed, her blush darkening as she splashed her friend.
Sango laughed along with her and blocked the wave of water sent her way. “So…?” she pushed, raising a brow at her friend, her grin still on her face.
Kagome sighed and stared off into space with a glassy look in her eyes. “It was unbelievable,” she breathed.
“How unbelievable? Like, Inuyasha being friendly to Sesshomaru unbelievable?”
“Like Miroku turning homosexual and groping Naraku unbelievable.”
Sango laughed at the analogy and said, “That's pretty unbelievable.”
“He was so gentle and amazing and loving,” Kagome continued.
“What're you going to do now? Are you going to stay here permanently?” her friend asked.
“I would like to,” Kagome said. “I'd love to have a home with Inuyasha, one where we can live out our lives with our children.”
“Yeah, little Inuyashas and Kagomes running around. That'd be cute!” Sango giggled.
“Oh, I hope they have his ears,” Kagome giggled as well.
“His ears?”
“Sango, it is all about the ears,” Kagome said seriously.
They laughed as they got out of the water, dried off and headed back to the village. As they neared the hut, they grew quiet enough to hear a conversation going on inside the hut. Kagome motioned to Sango to stay quiet. They approached the hut but stopped outside, hearing the conversation clearly from their positions.
“I'm sure she'd like it!” they heard Shippou say enthusiastically. The girls glanced at each other as to say `who's like what?' But their `who' was soon answered as the little fox demon continued, “Kagome'd like it if you did that for her. Besides, mates can't be apart for too long, it strains the bond between them.”
There was a pause where Kagome looked to Sango and mouthed `what?' Sango answered her with a baffled look and a shrug of her shoulders.
“I'm going to build her a big house,” they heard Inuyasha speak in a soft tone. Both girls' eyes grew wide and they continued to listen intently. “Two or more stories, like the buildings in her time. Close to a hot spring, so she can take her precious bathes.” Tears were streaming down Kagome's face; she gripped her tank top tightly and smiled lightly. She listened as he continued, unaware of his other audience, “Lots of room for all of our pups and maybe even a dojo. And close to the well so that she can still visit her family.”
By this time Kagome had moved to the doorway and pushed the reed mat aside silently, staring lovingly at the half-demon who was sitting propped up against the wall to their right and staring at the ceiling.
Kagome tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to spill from her throat, but a whimper escaped her throat, drawing the attention of the men in the hut.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha asked as he stared at his teary eyed mate. He hadn't even heard or smelt her approach. His inner demon and human were going crazy at the idea that their mate was crying. He was confused by her scent; she was crying and yet extremely pleased. Why was she crying if she was happy? “What's wrong Kagome?” He pushed himself off the floor and took a step towards her, his arms held out in front of him.
She let out a sob and launched herself at him, crashing into his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck. He took a step back when she plowed into him causing his arms to automatically warp themselves around her waist.
She cupped his face in her hands and proceeded to shower his face with kisses; kissing his jaw, his nose, and his brow, her tears spilling onto his face.
“What's wrong, mate?” he asked softly a slight pleading note in his voice beseeching her to tell him, holding her tightly to him.
She half laughed half sobbed as she smiled up at him, returning her hands to the nape of his neck. “You're so sweet, Inuyasha,” she whispered, causing the half-demon to blush. “I want a house with you too.”
“You do?” he asked, hope filling his voice.
“Yes, with little pups and lots of space, oh, and we can't forget that hot spring you promised,” she said with a laugh.
He chuckled as well and pushed his nose into her hair, hugging her tightly to him. The two of them were completely oblivious to their pleased audience.
“Told you she'd be happy!” Shippou gloated. Sango smiled at the couple clinging happily to each other.
“How long do you think it'll take for them to get a start on those kids?” Miroku asked, using the term that Kagome had told them that people in her time used to address children, as he grinned lecherously.
“Pervert,” Sango muttered as she smacked him in the back of the head. “Would you like some help building this house? I'm sure we could get some of the men from the village to help as well,” she offered as she turned her attention back to the couple.
The half-demon and the priestess, jolted out of their happy daydreams of little feet and happy family moments, turned towards their friends with slight blushes. Kagome smiled at her friend. “We would love the help,” she said with sincerity. Inuyasha agreed with a slight nod.
“We'll start tomorrow,” Miroku said with a nod, “as it will be supper soon and then will quickly turn into dusk.”
Kagome grinned and hugged Inuyasha again, laughing lightly. Inuyasha gave a small smile and hugged her to himself, loving the way she fit against him. He returned to the daydream he had been having of a little girl that looked like Kagome, but had little black dog ears pocking out behind her bangs.

Well, there you go. I actually have to tell you that I wasn't planning on continuing this, it was supposed to stay a one-shot, but I guess that I forgot to mention that! ;
Either way, here you go. If you have any ideas on how to continue this story, please feel free to share! I have no idea where I'm going with this!!
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, I was kinda tired when I wrote this!
Please read and review!