InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Split in Two ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: Hey, guys! Thanks for the reviews I appreciate them very, very much! I hope you enjoy this next chapter! ^_^
Split in Two
The world was flying by in blurry colors of the forest. Was she flying? Kagome blinked and looked downward. A brown, furry tail was dancing with the wind just inches from her face. She continued to examine her surroundings she then noticed exactly what she was looking at. Ah! I'm staring at Koga's butt! She lifted herself from her current upside-down position by using the wolf demon's lower back for leverage.
“Koga! Put me down!” She commanded then asked, “Where are you taking me?” The wolf just turned his head back to her and smiled before responding.
“Somewhere safe, so that mutt can't touch you,” he answered.
Hmm. Kagome sighed and turned back and watched the appearing scenery disappear in the horizon as fast as it came. He's not going to listen to me. So she decided just to wait it out until Inuyasha catches up to them. She propped up her head using her elbow against his back. Just after a few minutes, she spotted the hanyou easily with his red clothing and pissed off expression.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome called and waved happily at her rescuer, who was amazingly matching Koga's speed. Kagome quickly found herself flung upwards and into Koga's arms in a bridal style. Koga turned on his heels to face the hanyou, continuing to run at demonic speed backwards.
“Hey! I'm impressed, mutt-face! Even without my jewel shards, I'm the fastest around. You must be really determined,” Koga rang, leaping back from one large boulder to the next only to be mimicked by Inuyasha.
“Bastard! You give her back!” Inuyasha barked in anger while he leaped as fast as he could to keep up with the wolf. Koga let out a roaring laugh.
“I'm not taking the risk of leaving her with you in her condition,” He said. “You probably can't control yourself.”
Condition? It wasn't like she was hurt or anything. What's Koga talking about?
“Feh! I could say the same thing to you!” Inuyasha growled and made his distance a little closer.
“Not likely, I'll never force her to do anything like a weak half-breed such as yourself,” Koga said. And with that, Inuyasha let out a low growl and pounced forward. Koga halted and dodged the pursuer easily but halted again to another demon.
Sesshoumaru stood tall and merely inches away from them, the two full youkai exchanged glares. Inuyasha stopped shortly behind them with Tetsusaiga drawn. Silence.
“Put the female down,” Sesshoumaru commanded. Koga knew that the some-what lord was at least five times stronger than him and could easily kill him. He didn't seem as a threat to Kagome. Hesitantly, he let the girl slide out of his arms and back on her feet. Kagome wobbled a bit, feeling like she just got off of a gnarly theme park attraction.
“Koga! What is this all about?!” she asked demandingly before turning to Inuyasha. “And what is this condition I'm supposedly in?” It seem that both suitors were too embarrassed to speak, giving that they both had blushes on their faces as they stood dumbly before her.
“You are in heat, miko,” the lord demon mewed amusingly. “Their animalistic character can't resist the change in your scent.” All three of them stared wide-eyed at Sesshoumaru's casual answer in the conversation.
“HUH?!” Kagome rasped out as Inuyasha twitched an eye and Koga, his tail. The demon lord left in silence.
“O……Kaaaaaaay?!” Kagome rang after at the random encounter. She then turned on her heels to face the two men. “Just what is going on? Please don't tell me that Sesshoumaru's right!”
“Ah!” Kagome covered her ears in embarrassment then suddenly lashed out, “This isn't the discovery channel, you know! Just how much more immaturity can you guys dish up?! I can' believe this!”
“What's the discovery channel?” Koga asked Inuyasha as Kagome continued to rant and rave.
“Beats to me, she always talk about weird things,” Inuyasha said.
“Are you two listening to me?!” Kagome shot out. Both males turned their heads to the frustrated priestess in front of them.
“Ah!” Kagome huffed out and stomped before turning to leave their presence.
“Oi! Just where are you going?!” Inuyasha asked.
“Away from you!” She shot out and disappeared in the vegetation.
Kouga started after Kagome, indicating that he gave her a fair amount of time to cool off, plus the mutt was annoying him to no end. He followed her delicious scent deeper in the forest but it was almost over clouded by another scent. A musky but clean scent that was quite similar to the mutt's. Kouga halted at the lord youkai who stood protectively in front of a private pathway that led to his pack's campsite.
“Where's Kagome?” Kouga demanded, taking a rather bold move in raising his voice to the higher ranking demon.
“The miko does not wish to see either you or the half-breed,” Sesshoumaru calmly said. He took a moment to explore the wolf's scent. “You seem familiar, have we cross paths before?”
“I've been around,” Kouga stated as he uneasily watched the lord stare at him with a leering glare. “I want to speak with Kagome and apologize for the way she was treated. What's your connection to Kagome?” Kouga's stomach turned. If this Sesshoumaru was another suitor, he knew that he'll have no chance against him.
“There is no connection, she's merely one of Rin's acquaintances,” Sesshoumaru said. “You may not go any further, if the girl wants to talk to you then she'll come to you.” At that the lord turned and disappeared down the path.
Grrr! How dare he keep him from seeing Kagome! First the mutt, now this territorial bastard. He just had to get around this guy. Just what did this Sesshoumaru have against him? He could smell the anger and hate off of him as he was examined. Just what familiarity did they have?
Rin inched her nose up to the sighing girl in front of her. She smiled her biggest and offered her a steaming trout on a stick.
“Hungry, Kagome? I made it just for you!” The small girl rang. Kagome returned her smile and accepted the food. She hasn't eaten since that morning and spent all day being upset over the rave of the animal planet she had earlier. But mostly she was thinking about Inuyasha. Did he only kiss her because of her biological cycle? Was the passion he was displaying just lust with animal instinct? Whatever happened, it bothered her to no end.
“Kagome?” Rin called. Kagome raised her head up in reply. “Are you ok?” Kagome forced a smile and nodded.
“I'm alright, Rin. Just having trouble with men,” Kagome said. “Just wait until you get older. The boys would make you go bananas.”
“Oh! Don't worry; Lord Sesshoumaru already makes me go bananas! I have to wait until he's asleep before he lets me brush his hair. It's gonna end up looking like Inuyasha's hair if he doesn't take care of it!” At that comment Kagome laughed a little.
“By the way, how did you and Sesshoumaru end up traveling together? He's not the one to tolerate humans,” Kagome asked.
“Oh, well. I found Lord Sesshoumaru when he was severely hurt from a battle so I nursed him back to health.” Rin explained. “One day, he gained his strength and disappeared. Later that week, some wolves that raided the village attacked me. Sesshoumaru found me and healed me with his sword. He let me follow him around ever since. I had no where else to go, the wolves killed the whole village.”
“That's so sad. What kind of wolves raids a whole village? They weren't the man-eating wolves were they?” Kagome asked and Rin gave her a confirming nod in reply. Kouga's packs of wolves are man-eaters; I wonder if they were the same ones that attacked Rin's village.
Kagome sighed again and looked up towards Inuyasha's direction. She couldn't see him but his aura was near by. She wished to see him so badly that her chest ached. But she concluded that he was just going to keep his distance and guard the area for the night. Sesshoumaru had just returned to the campground, giving his pet dragon Ah-Uh a tap on each head.
AN: Sorry for the late update. I promise I'll write more. I've been working hours on end and trying to juggle a boyfriend on the side. Hope you liked it!