InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Her and Him ❯ Chapter Twenty-Six ( Chapter 26 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 26
“I heard that Inu cheated on Kagome.”
“No. He wouldn't do that- you don't know Inuyasha like I do.” The second female voice said. Kagome closed her eyes, and stayed in the stall. This was not her week.
“He did though. With Kikyou. They say that he took her out on Saturday and took her home.”
Kagome flushed the toilet to drown out the girls. She didn't want to hear the details. Slamming out of the stall, she flattened a stare at the girls. “He wasn't with her.”
They stared at her, horrified. “Kagome.. How do you know he wasn't?”
“Because we spent Friday night together, at my birthday party- and hung out all Saturday.” The deep blue eyes rolled in disgust. “You people are so pathetic believing that whore. You and people like you can take themselves and shove it.” She turned away and sped out of the bathroom.
Sango blinked as the girl darted out in front of her. “Hey babe.”
“I have to get out of this school.” Kagome shook her head and almost started crying. “Have you heard the shit going around about Inu?”
“Yeah.” Sango said it so softly Kagome didn't really know if she had actually spoke. “It's been spread.”
Kagome smiled, changing drastically. “Good.” The two girls moved down the hall, talk going between people over Kagome's fake blinking and sniffling. Turning a corner, they both started laughing and headed to the cafeteria, sitting by Inu and Miroku.
“Part two complete.” Sango stated, crossing her legs and smiling across the table at Miroku. “It spread like fucking wild fire.”
“Next?” Kagome whispered.
“I have a friend coming into town. I think it's about time we put you guys as if you'd die for each other now.” Miroku sneered.
Naraku showed up less than a week later, dressed in his most gothic attire. Kagome caught his attention immediately because she and Sango had worn their old outfits.
“Hello ladies.” They both looked up at him and then went back to their meal, nodding to him. “I see people are friendly around here.”
“Sit down Naraku.” Miroku patted his friend on the back and sat beside Sango, smiling. “We need to talk about the details.”
The boy sat across from the ladies and just stared at Kagome, opening his sandwich slowly. Inuyasha sat down beside her, plopping his tray down to break the mental contact and took up position glaring at the new comer.
Miroku was blabbing about small things and Naraku just turned to him, catching Kagome's attention in the smoothness.
“Miroku, shut your god damn mouth, I know how to do these things. It's not this hard.” His hand darted across the table and took Kagome's, turning it over gently. “I know how to portray what I am not. With out instruction.”
She became enthralled with his voice and almost lost her act, pulling her hand away flustered. “You already caught attention.” Her eyes glinted to Kikyou's table, and she smirked at the glowering cinders in the other girl's eyes. “Good boy.”
Her hand tingled where he had touched her. Was this going to be as easy as they made it out to be?
It had been hours from lunch- hours from the time he had touched her and her hand still had that unrelenting itch he had left there.
She looked across the room to the gothic boy, who had caught the attention of every girl in the room. He was handsome. He was everything she had wanted before Inuyasha.
His eyes tore away from the girl in front of him and to Kagome. Eyes locked and he smiled at her, the girls taking notice. Kagome smiled back and blushed, turning away and facing the teacher. The girls huffed and backed up from Naraku.
Kagome had a sense of jealousy in the back of her head. And a sense of urgency to leave the room before everyone else.
She shivered slightly, and looked around taking everyone in. Her shirt was too tight. Her pants were rough. She had to get out now.
Standing she packed up her books quickly and took off, the teacher screaming behind her to come back. Her feet carried her into the gym and out onto the field. Her back slid down the tree and she smacked her head against it.
Shivering, she shut her eyes and waited for her heart to slow. “Kagome.”
“Naraku.” Her voice was soft and he dropped down into the grass in front of her, regardless of the two girls watching from a few feet away.
“I meant nothing.”
She stared at his crossed legs, pretending the girls weren't there. “I know.”
“I am sorry.”
“I know.” The girls wandered away from the two, talking in between themselves.
He stared at her, sighing. “Kagome, when I looked at you I knew, this couldn't just be an assignment for me. This is going to take over our lives for the next few weeks until we can get Kikyou interested.”
“Trust me. She's already entwined in you.” She glanced over to the group of cheerleaders screaming next to the football field. Kikyou glanced over and then proceeded to fall down on her job. First she was off on hand motions and then she lost the wording.
He smirked. “Well then, this is working.”
“Yeah.” She pulled her legs to her chest, looking away from him. “So I guess the next part of the plan should be started.”
Naraku leaned over to her. “I guess.” His lips caught hers when she turned around, and Kagome squeaked in surprise. His hand found her neck and pulled her closer.
Unfortunately for him, Inuyasha walked up. “What in the hell do you think you're doing?”
Naraku rose slowly, Inu pushing him back into the tree.
Kagome stood instantly, eyes wide with fear. “Inu.”
“It's just part of the plan dude.” Naraku intervened nicely. He shoved his hands into his pockets so he wouldn't be tempted to fight back.
“That is not part of the plan. You keep your little suicidal gothic fingers off my girlfriend.” Inu moved past him and looked down at Kagome. She stared right back up at him.
“It's moving faster than expected, Inu.” She spoke under her breath, glancing around every few seconds as if she was nervous.
Inuyasha gritted his teeth and raised his hand to hit her. She flinched and Naraku inhaled sharply, ready to move. “Don't ever- ever- think about going off with him.”
He stepped back and took off. Kagome was nearly in tears, but looked up anyway to watch Kikyou take off after Inu. After all, it wouldn't bode well if the tramp didn't try.