InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ In comes Shippou ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*ring* *ring*

Kagome dived for her phone. Grasping the phone from the charger she clicked it on and said breathlessly in to the phone

"MoshiMoshi! Kekkai Kagome speaking..!"

"Ah Kagome..!" A deep voice said. Her eyes widened as she squealed

"Father?!! Is that you?!"

A deep chuckle sounded in the speaker by her ears, confirming it was, indeed, her dad.

"How are you Kagome..?" He asked.

"I'm great! College life is... interesting... to say the least.." She said slowly biting her lip at the thoughts of her 'bodyguards' and Sesshoumaru.

"Well that's good to hear... Kagome.." he said "I called to ask you a favor actually..."

She grinned plopping her bag down by the side of her futon while pulling off her glasses.


"There is a Oya-bun I want you to check on for me..." He said slowly.

She grimaced. The only time she had protected an godfather, it was Kouga... and it WASN'T very pretty when she had finally snapped.

"Who is it?"

"Sesshoumaru Kumita.."

Kagome's face drained of all color as he spoke those two words.

"...........Kagome are you still there?" Her father asked when she didn't respond.

She gulped.

"May I ask why he needs protecting..?"

"Well..... an demon by the name of Onigumo Naraku is out to take his lands... or so my spies have reported before they were killed. If he succeeds then..." her father heaved a sigh, not finishing his words for he knew as well as she did what would happen.

Total Chaos.

Biting her lip she put her own feelings towards the arrogant man away as she slowly said

"Alright I'll do it.. but it will have to be without him noticing.. there are enough suspicions around as it is with Kouga and Inuyasha arriving here...."

"They're there with you?" He asked in shocked tones.

She allowed a small smile of mirth shine on her features.

"Hai...... they are causing quite a.... stir among the students. I don't think this school will ever be normal again.."

They both laughed at this.

"Well it was good to talk to you again Kagome.."

"Are you still in Kyoto father?" She asked.

"Hai... only I'll be home in about two more months.."

"Good! That's when our break is.. I'll be able to see you..!" She said ecstatically.

"That is what I plan anyways.." He said.

They both smiled.

"Well I have to get to archery practice.... so I'll talk to you later..." She said looking at her watch. Kagome had about five minutes to change and get down there.

"Alright. Bye Kagome.."

"Bye Father..."

The phone clicked off leaving an dial tone ringing in her ears. Sighing she put it back in its place before her thoughts returned to her.

Jumping up she quickly shrugged out of her clothes and in to her outfit, and grabbed her bow and arrows from the corner.

Taking a minute to tie her hair back and slide her glasses back on she darted out the door and through the hallways.


Sesshoumaru left the dojo, his hair still slightly damp from the showers. Kendo practice had just gotten over. No one had defeated him. Like usual.

Turning a corner he suddenly felt something run straight in to him at full force sending him on to his back with the 'thing' on top of him. His bag and a few other things went flying to the grounds besides them.

"Ow!" The 'thing' muttered.

He looked down through slightly shocked golden eyes only to stare at the dazed blue eyes.

Something registered in both of their minds on who the other was.

"You...!" They hissed at the same time.

Suddenly Sesshoumaru noticed something.

She was in an miko outfit with bows and arrows.

Was she in archery?

"Get off me girl..." He growled at her as he felt her warmth resting on him.

She scowled, and scrambled off him, but a faint blush stained her cheeks.

"Aren't glasses suppose to help people see?" He said sitting up.

"No of course not.." She said sarcastically "I only wear them to bump in to jerks all day because I think they're soooooo hooott...." Kagome was nearly gagging on her words but was rewarded by the disgusted look that crossed his face.

She smiled in satisfaction.

He glared at her as she grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows, before standing up.

"Well I do believe I'm late for practice." She said, as he too stood. "See ya Sesshoumaru.."

Kagome turned heels and once again hurried off down the hall.

He watched her form leave, a frown gracing his handsome features.

Just who, and what was this girl?


"Hey Kagome-san! Your late..!" Li called as he watched the panting girl run in to their dojo.

She ran over to him, glasses bouncing on her nose.

"Sorry Li-san... It's just... I got a call from my dad and I ran in to... Sesshoumaru... on my way here..." She gasped in between breaths.

His eyes widened.

"You know Sesshoumaru-sama?" He asked incredulously.

She looked at him curiously, while straightening her back.

"Sesshoumaru-'sama'? why so much respect? He's a jerk..!" Kagome huffed indignantly.

As soon as the insult passed her lips though he clamped an hand over her mouth, and fear in his eyes.

"Shh! Quiet! Don't you know who he IS and what he could do to you?!" He hissed.

Kagome shook her head although she could guess.

"Sesshoumaru-sama is a Yakuza Oya-bun... don't let his looks fool you. He's ruthless. I've even heard rumors that.." He dropped his voice even lower ".. That he's a youkai.."

Kagome couldn't help it. An snort escaped her as an suppressed smile forced itself on to her face.

"Li-san.... it doesn't matter who or what an person is.... no one can dictate who you are or what you can do.. Not even the great Sesshoumaru-SAMA.." She said laughter hinting her voice.

He looked at her doubtfully.

"I wish everybody had the same outlook on the matter as you do Kagome.." He sighed "Come on lets get practice started..."

She nodded following him, an still delightful twinkle in her eyes.

"If only you knew Li... if only you knew.." She whispered under her breath..


"Tell us who sent you kid...." An tall figure said with long black hair tied in a braid and red eyes. He stared down at an small battered kitsune cub who was lying on the ground, tears in his forest green eyes.

"I.. I won't tell you..!" He said bravely.

The figure smirked down at him another shorter and uglier version coming out from behind him.

"We have a way of making people tell us what we want cub. Don't we brother..?" The gangly intruder asked.

"Yes, Manten. Let's show the kit some of our methods.." It said smirking.


Kagome sighed heading for the noodle shop. Her muscles and joints slightly sore from practice.

She was tired.... and starving.

She had dressed in to something more comfortable and to her liking. Kagome was in a black tang top, and matching loose pants that rode her curves quite nicely. Trying not to be bothered by Sesshoumaru and his arrogant attitude, she had left her joke glasses in her room and she had her hair down so he wouldn't recognize her.

Walking down the street she suddenly felt a shiver run up her spine as she sensed three demons in a nearby alley. One felt familiar to her..

Drawing her brows together in determination she stepped before the alley's opening and shouted inside

"Who's there?!!"

Several shuffling noises were made inside the dark exterior when an small squeak of


Her eyes widened slightly at the sound of her adopted son.

"Shippou....?!!!" She called in shock.

"Okaa-san...!" The same voice squeaked only in a slightly stronger voice as a red fur ball darted out of the alley and in to her arms.

"Shippou! What are you doing here?! I thought Hachi was watching after you for me!!" She said encasing the kitsune child in her grasp.

"I--" He started but two figures emerged from the back way silencing them.

"Who are you wench?" An tall man with good looks growled. "Are you that Kitsune brat's mother?!"

Kagome glared at him, as Shippou crawled on to her shoulder, knowing when his mother was about to lose her temper.

"I am his mother... only I'd like to know why you were hurting my son!" She growled back at him, doing a fairly good job that she DID sound like a youkai.

"What WOMAN would use a child for a spy?!" An shorted, almost bald man said.

"For ONE.." Shippou yelled "I wasn't spying! I was in those trees before you even got there. for TWO.. you were stupid enough to not detect me..!"

"Why you little brat---!" The shorter began but Kagome turned a fiery glare at him and he instantly silenced.

"You beasts shouldn't treat children so rudely.." She glowered.

"Who are you wench, to tell us what to do?!?!!!" The taller one stated.

Kagome smirked.

"I'm me.. that should be enough...."

They glowered at her.

She stared cockily back.

"Your going to regret messing with us girl.." The smaller demon hissed lightning gather around his muzzle.

Kagome frowned and set Shippou down behind her before sliding in to a fighting position. Snapping her wrist once to loosen it she sped forward as he was about to open his mouth, moving at an extremely fast speed.

"I don't think so demon...!" She yelled as she pulled her hand in to a fist and struck him across the jaw, then spinned in mid-step to follow up with an high kick.

He went flying in to a nearby wall, the brick cracking and crumbling over him.

"Manten!!" The other demon yelled.

There was no response.

He turned coldly to Kagome and hissed, eyes blazing,

"You bitch! You'll pay for that...!"

He raised his hand and suddenly an long rod appeared in his hand as lightning started gathering at the tip.

She cursed under her breath as the lightning shot out at her.

Leaping to the side she did and flip in to the wall and kicked off it as lightning struck that as wall. Flying through the air she went to go punch him when he blocked her with the rod then backhanded her to the ground.

Kagome sat up feeling the blood trickling down her lip from the blow. She narrowed her eyes dangerously at him.

She stood her eyes a cold steel as she set herself in firm position for a challenging battle.

"You'll regret doing that.." She said emotionlessly to him.

"Like a woman could defeat me..! The great Hiten..!" He laughed at her.

She growled as her miko powers started flaring around her, lifting her hair slightly off her back so it floated around her head. Her eyes had started glowing a dim silver as she squatted before leaping to the air, lost in the night's sky.

Twisting slightly she kicked him solidly in the chest followed by an assault of lightning quick punches to the face and the body's pressure points.

In mere seconds she landed gracefully a few feet away from him, while Hiten was barely able to stand as he held his stomach with grimacing in pain.

"Bitch..." He hissed.

"No.." She said smirking, eyes glowing more brightly in her amusement ".. my name is Tennyou. Not bitch."

His eyes widened.

"Tennyou...?" Hiten murmured in shock before his crimson eyes rolled back in to his head and he collapsed to the ground.

Kagome sighed as her hair fell softly against her back and her eyes returned to normal.

:Stupid men and their pride..." She whispered to herself.

The woman began walking to her son when -something- began applauding behind her.

Spinning around quickly she turned to see who it was.

There, sure enough, not ten feet away was a handsome man with long wavy black hair and red eyes.

Kagome raised an eyebrow at him.

"Who are you?" She asked coldly.

He chuckled.

"Kukuku... ah Tennyou.. I finally have gotten the chance to meet you. Forgive me for my rudeness. I am Onigumo Naraku." He said smoothly.

She narrowed her eyes.

"Naraku.." She said lowly in dangerous tones.

"I see you know me. I have come to make you a proposition." He said stepping closer to her "If you help me.. dispose of Sesshoumaru, Oya-bun of the Kumita clan, I will give you what ever you wish.."

Kagome's eyes narrowed to mere slits.

How... How dare he!! Asking her to do his dirty work to kill an alliance of lord Higurashi..!

"I won't help you Naraku. My alliance only belongs to those of the Oya-bun. Not you." She said coldly.

His eyes lost their fire as he said.

"Have it your way Tennyou... but if you ever change your mind, find me." He said bowing as an miasma started swirling around him.

"I don't think I'll change my mind. But in your case, hold your breath and wait." She said rudely as he disappeared.

Feeling an tug on her pant leg she looked down and saw Shippou standing there asking

"Okaa-san... was that the bad man?"

She nodded, and bent down scooping him up in her arms. Examining his wounds she sighed.

"When I get my hands on Hachi is he ever going to get it..." She said. "Hold still Shippou.."

He did and she held her palm over him. A faint blue started radiating from it as it covered the small kitsune's body healing all his wounds.

After she was finished she looked down at him.

"Well since I can't trust Hachi to watch over you anymore... I guess your coming with me. AFTER I pick up dinner of course.." She said smiling warmly at him, rekindering the kitsune's soul once again.

"Hai Okaa-san!!" He said smiling back at her.


Alrightly. That's it for now!! You likey? R&R!!

I still can't believe I got so many reveiws! (well this is alot for me anyways..)

Thank you:

Frozen Lightning







Well bye for now.... JA NE!!

V -^_^- V

*Miko Angel*