InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Party! for she is a Stalker! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter: kinda short but hope its good!



"Miroku I can't believe you..!" Sango grumbled as she walked down the hallway to her dorm room. The man besides her was holding his left cheek where a red handprint was from his recent success of goosing Sango.

"But Sango-san... I was only checking to make sure you had no injuries from your judo practice..!" He said matter O' factly.

She sent him a death glare.

"Nice try... but I don't think I'd have injuries THERE Miroku..."

He sighed. It was worth a try.

Sango stopped before an bare door that led to her shared dorm room and unlocked it.

She stepped inside, closely followed by the perverted man only for them both to stop short.

Kagome, there long time friend, was on the ground laughing clutching her sides as tears rolled down her cheeks. On top of her grinning like made was an small kitsune child tickling her to death.

"St....Stop...!" She gasped.

"Na-uh Okaa-san!! You tickled me first!" The child said cheerfully back.

The two college students stood in the doorway with wide eyes before Miroku finally spoke.

"Shippou-chan..? What are you doing here?"

The kid looked up and cracked an huge smile.

"Miroku! Sango!" He cried leaping at them.

He wrapped his tiny arms around Sango's neck effectively choking her.

"Sango! I've missed you!" He looked over and sent Miroku and curious look at the mark on Miroku's cheek.

"Miroku..." He said innocently "Did you try feeling Sango up again?"

"Of course not..!" The man said with the most charming smile that screamed 'I'm-way-to-sexy-to-be-as-lecherous-as-that'.

Everyone snorted at him so that as his face sullened and he nodded.

The other people in the room brightened and smirked at each other knowingly.

"So Shippou-chan.... what are you doing here?" Sango asked as she pried him off her neck to breathe.

"I was playing hide and go seek with Hachi in the park when I got lost. Then I overheard some conversation two demons were having. I guess it was important for when one of them finally noticed me they started chasing me.." He took a breath before continuing casting warm smiles at his adoptive mother who was now sitting upright listening.

"Anyways I ran until I came to this dead end alleyway and they were about to hurt me really really bad when Kagome came and beat them up, saving me! She even said that I could stay here with her!"

Miroku sent Kagome an confused look which she smoothly cut in to the conversation.

"You see whatever those demons were talking about must have been something important so that they'd try hurting him. So it's no doubt either them or their employer will come back to make sure he won't tell anybody. And OBVIOUSLY since Hachi can't take care of my son and probably wouldn't be able to protect him.. it would be best if he stayed here." She concluded happily.

The others just nodded and Shippou beamed still feeling the effects of the candy bar she gave him.

"Alright Kagome-san but lets just make sure that things don't get too suspicious around here. Demons aren't exactly normal these days.." Sango warned.

Kagome nodded in understandment.

"I know. We already worked out an way to conceal his youkai appearances and aura... even from Sesshoumaru."

"Yeah!" Shippou cheered bouncing back to Kagome's arms.

Sango and Miroku just watched the two before Miroku tried something.... earning an hard slap and an infuriated Sango.

"HENTAI!!!" She screamed.

"But Sango-chan I was checking for--" He began.

"Save it! You already tried that one..!"

"Have I? Darn.. now I'll have to think up another one.." He said rubbing his chin, while his other hand drifted.

Sango's fist tightened as she glowered down at him.

"M-I-R-O-K-U--!!!!!!" She said through clenched teeth.

"Yes my darling?" He said looking up at her not realizing the danger.

"You... are... so..... DEAD!!!!"

She leapt at him and started choking him silly until his eyes rolled back in to his head.

Sango huffed trying to rein her anger as Shippou and Kagome laughed.

"This.... this is just like when we're at home..!" Shippou said choking back his laughter.

Everyone agreed with a smile and nod... except for Miroku because he was currently off in lala land.

"Now all we need is---" Shippou began when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Sango called as Kagome reached for her glasses and put them on.

"Feh. Open up wench!" A familiar voice called.

"Dear Kagome please let your knight in shining armor in..!" Another voice said sweetly.

Shippou choked at that one.

"Kouga's getting worse with his pick up lines..." He laughed.

Kagome nodded but went to open the door.

Smiling at the two there, her hands were instantly warmed as Kouga clasped his hands over hers.

"My dear sweet angel its such a pleasure to see you again..!" He cried.

She smiled at him as Inuyasha snorted in disgust.

"Great now the whole gang's here!" She said cheerfully as she discreetly pulled her hands away from the wolf youkai.

They looked at her confused before looking past her to see the others and a smirking deviously Shippou waving.

Instantly fear struck the hanyou Inuyasha's heart as he backed up slightly.

Kagome looked at him curiously.


"T-that brat is h-here?!!!"

She looked at him and to Shippou, brows knit together before realization dawned on her.

"Inuyasha.." Kagome said in an sing song voice.. "Your still not afraid of Shippou-chan are you?"

He crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.

"Feh. No!" Although the nervous twitching of his now unconcealed dog ears gave him away.

"Ha! Yes you are! C'mon just because he dyed your hair pink a few times while you were sleeping, sometimes puts laxative in your drinks, chases you with a giant hammer, and tells every girl you've ever met that you were a cross dresser.. doesn't mean you should be scared of him. I mean he's just an INNOCENT little KID..." She taunted him, making him cringe at all the memories.

"I told you I'm not scared of him.." He said quietly.

To test his words. Shippou walked up to him and hopped on to his shoulder saying

"Reeaalllllyy Inuyasha?"

He flinched.


"Really really?"


"Really really really?"

"......... Yes............................................" He said beads of sweat forming on his brow as the kitsune leaned closer.

"Really really really real---" He began.

"Okay you stupid fox! I'm scared! Who WOULDN'T be scared of an evil kid who does all that stuff to them!?!?!!" He screamed finally.

Shippou grinned in satisfaction hopping back to his mother's shoulder.

"I told you he would crack.." He said holding out an tiny hand "You own me 500 yen Okaa-san..."

She sighed shaking his head.

"Alright Alright... I'll give it to you later.."

Everybody's jaw dropped open as they shouted

"You made a BET on it?!!?!?!?!?!!?!"

They looked innocently at the rest of them.

"Of course... is there something wrong with it?"

Everyone sighed shaking their heads at them.

The mother and son just continued grinning as the inu hanyou pouted.

"No one understands me...." He muttered.


Sesshoumaru walked out of the teacher's classroom. He had to have an meeting with the professor of ancient Japan because of his astounding knowledge on it. The professor had told him he had one of the top grades in the class.. He was tied for the number one position with that Kekkai woman.

It was appalling, an freshman woman tied with him.

Maybe if he looked the way she did too he would get better grades.

He snorted berating himself for thinking of her again; even if it was just insulting.

Hearing an ringing he pulled out his cell phone and held it up to his ear.


"Lord Sesshoumaru, I have some information you may find interesting.." An deep silky voice said through the other end.

"Who is this?" He demanded not missing an beat in his steps.

"I believe you will find out soon enough my lord..." he said laughing slightly.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed.

"It does not matter. What is it you want." It wasn't an question in was an demand.

"Just if you are interested in the information I have to give... are you..?"

"What information."

"That you'll have to find out, although I can tell you it has something to do with the Higurashi clan and your own. Meet me at the warehouse on the north side of town tonight. You should know the one. See you there... Sesshoumaru. Alone." The phone clicked and the dial tone rang in his ear as Sesshoumaru threw it back in to his pocket annoyed.

He was no fool, but if there was an possible danger for his clan or one he was in alliance with then there was an obligation to go. Growling he decided upon it.

He would go and if it was an set up, then he could rely on his skills to get him out. Whatever this information was better be worth his time.


Kagome yawned as she left her room. They had ran out of food as being the NICE person she was she had volunteered to go out and get some more. She was clad in tight black pants and a red shirt with her black hair tied up in an high bun atop her head. Kagome wasn't wearing her glasses considering Kouga had hidden them before he passed out from drinking to much; as to where they had found the drinks she had no idea.

Reminding herself to also pick up hangover medicine for them as well.

Slipping outside she started her way down the sidewalk before an flash of white caught her attention right before it ran right in to her. She felt herself tumbling backwards until something firm caught her around the waist and firmly holding her there until they regained their balance. Turning an curious eye upwards she was surprised to see Sesshoumaru staring down at her.

He had an raised eyebrow at her as he gazed at her face. Kagome felt herself flush un-noticeably but kept her gaze level.

"Thank you." She said as she took an step away from him, purposely making her voice an pitch lower so he wouldn't get too suspicious.

He just nodded and sauntered around her continuing on his way.

She snorted indignantly as she stomped forward before stopping abruptly.


What WAS Sesshoumaru doing out here anyways?

Didn't he have an car?

Unless.... he had an job tonight.

Her father's words coming back to her she cursed and turned on her heels to follow him silently, while covering her scent professionally.

Curse my begotten luck..! She thought mentally as she stalked the handsome man.


Okay that's all for now! you like? Inuyasha afriad of Shippou-- ha! that's a new twist..! usually its theo therway around!! its so cool.... go Shippou-chan, spawn of Satan!!!!!! MWAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem*

Thank you for the reveiws:


Frozen Lightning



Princess of the white rose





Aries Greymon



Hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was surprised to find some of my favorite authors reveiwing my stories! I was so happy! Anyways bye for now!!!


*Miko Angel*