InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Beginnings of the End ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome leaned back against the park bench waiting for everyone to arrive for their meeting. Her glasses were resting on the bridge of he nose as she stared up at the rustling green leaves above her. Shippou was leaning against her side, slightly snoring in his sleep. Kagome smiled and petted his tail affectionately.

It was around five in the afternoon with the sun was starting it's long descent from the sky making shadows to begin playing in the park hiding behind every tree.

She chuckled lightly as memories swarmed back in to her memories. This was the same park where she had met her 'hero' and almost set Sesshoumaru's servant on fire.

Good times they were...

Good times.

Her cheerful disposition faded slightly until a distasteful frown was settled on her lips.

He father's plans for this political ball she was going too..

She could have gone with Kouga or Inuyasha, making her job a LOT more easier, but he had insisted for her too attend with Sesshoumaru.

Now, not only did she have to complete her mission, but had to keep watch over the Oya-bun and make sure he didn't find out who she really was.

And this wasn't going to be a easy routine mission either.

Their team had to get as much information as they could on who ever was Naraku's operatives, Protect the targeted politician, and solve her unfinished business with certain businessmen.

Not only that, but her -father- had given her a lecture on what was proper to wear to the occasion.

To WEAR. The old man would be considered a mental patient if anyone found out he was giving his college aged daughter clothes advice.

In all her jobs, including formal affairs, he had never -ever- tried giving her pointers on how to look.

Act - yes.

Dress - no.

She would bet her own sanity on the fact her father was definitely up to something. And she had the annoying feeling it had something to do with that ego inflated moron, Sesshoumaru.

Growling in frustration she tried clearing her head as she abruptly became aware of the ki of her friends entering the public park.

Distracting herself, she spread out her senses to see who exactly they were.

Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Kouga from the East side...

Inu-yasha and Kikyou from the North...

Hakkaku, Ginta, and Ayame from the West...

Finally Bankotsu and his men from the South.

She grinned as she nudged the kitsune awake.

"Hunh..?" He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes "What is it mama..?"

"Everybody's here Shippou." She said.

His eyes immediately popped open as he smiled brightly.


She nodded.


Kagome's grin widened as she prepared for a long long talk with her team.

Let the fun begin.


Sesshoumaru pulled his name-brand coat over his shoulders as he exited the campus. The winds were starting to pick up, as it started getting colder.

Just his luck, he thought bitterly, adding it to his list of unfavorable things happening to him at the moment.

This was right underneath his plans for the weekend.

He growled against the wind as if it would automatically bend to his will and stop it's blowing.

It didn't obey.

Just like two certain women he knew of...

His growl reached a higher pitch scaring away a group of nearby freshman.

Why was he still thinking about those insufferable hags??!!?

They were just nuisances to his once controlled life.

How did he let them slip past his unemotional barrier? How come he did not kill them to preserve his own self? Why -WHY- did he agree to this whole ordeal..?

Damn you Higurashi!

Harsh winds blew painfully in to his sensitive ears as if it heard his mental curse.

Sesshoumaru snorted at the stupid notion.

He had to do what he could with the things given to him.

He needed to send out his own spies for the ball and prepare incase any thing unexpected happened. Things had a tendency to do that when one or more Yakuza members were involved.

He resisted the urge to groan as a vital thought struck him.

As he was going with Tennyou... he'd have to stand her through an entire limo ride there and back.


Her sharp tongue was probably going to be on high attack since she KNEW he couldn't kill her unless he wished to anger Higurashi. Even though he might just damn it all to the seven hells and strangle her anyway.

The thought was sorely tempting even as the image of her pale ivory neck came in view, making the darker side of his mind think other thoughts.

He growled and tightened his fists inside his pocket roughly.

That woman...!

Lost in his thought, he ignored his senses picking up the array of powerful auras meeting in the park next to him, brushing it off as some college students partying and fighting.

Idiot humans.




Kagome pulled her shawl around her shoulders tightly as a draft went through her skirt.

"C'mon Sesshoumaru! Where are you..?!" She hissed under her breath.

She was standing outside a cafe they had agreed as their meeting place, yet the demon had yet to show.

Odd, considering she imagined Sesshoumaru as a punctual person.

Seemed he was more like Inuyasha then she thought.

If he didn'y hurry up, they would be late for the ball...!

Hearing a car down close behind her, she looked over and saw a tall man climbing out of a sleek black stretch limo.

Kagome snapped her jaw shut as she tried not to gape at him.


Sesshoumaru was walking towards her wearing a expensive black suit with his jacket opened showing a pressed white shirt, chiseled muscles rippling beneath it. His hair was flowing freely behind him and his face as stoic and beautiful as ever.

It was a heart stopping sight, but she would not fall victim to it.

She turned to fully look at him and said in annoyed tones,

"You're late."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I am not." He replied his nose stuck in to the air.

Letting out a annoyed, unladylike snort she said

"Whatever.. Are you ready?"


"Shall we go then?" She asked trying to regain some politeness. She wasn't raised to be a snob like some OTHER people she could name.

He didn't make a sound, but turned and headed back for the car door, Kagome trailing behind him.

Sesshoumaru opened the door with a click but didn't enter right away. Instead he looked to the side, while holding out a hand to her.

Hiding her shock, she smiled at him while taking his hand to climb in.

"Thank you."


Shrugging her shoulders, she ducked inside and slid on to a leather upholstery seat. Sesshoumaru stepped in after her, and sat on the opposite seat.

The limo moved forward as she saw the buildings pass by her tinted windows.

Glancing around the limo, she caught sight of a wine bottle with two glasses beside it.

Grinning she looked at him and asked

"Do you mind?"

He looked at her in a cold unfeeling stare asking,

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?"

Her smile widened.

"Of course not...!"

"No." Was the blunt answer.

She frowned.

"And why not?"

"I don't want to deal with a drunken female for the rest of my night."

She sent a fiery glare at him but kept her mouth shut.

'His' night? What about -her- night? She didn't exactly want to be here with -him- either.

Sucking in a deep breath to calm her nerves, Kagome grabbed a bottle of pop from the mini refrigerator and popped it open.

In would be in both their best interests if she tried to keep her temper reigned in for the night. She could stand ONE night of chivalry with him... couldn't she? If she yelled at him at the party, their cover would be blown. If she yelled at him now, he'd be even MORE of a bastard the rest of the night.

Either way... patience was the key to solving her problems.

Remembering the calming method she'd learned once, Kagome stared out the window absently sipping at her drink every once in a while.

1....... 2......... 3..........4......


Sesshoumaru watched the woman across from him in slight interest. She hadn't thrown any insults back at him yet or argue on his decision...

What was she up to?

She would only be quiet if she was thinking or planning.

Neither seemed to appeal in his best interest considering her obvious dislike for him.

He studied her attire for the night and mentally approved in her taste of clothing.

Tennyou was in a strapless black dress, trimmed in crimson that went thigh length in the front but draped longer in the back to her ankles. On her feet were black high heel shoes that went pointed at the toes with laces that tied up her calves. A red silk shawl was around her shoulders, and a single black choker was around her throat. Her face was covered in scarce make up and he noted she was wearing green color contacts. A real looking brown wig was on her head, pulled back in to a twist atop her head, none of her black hair visible.

He raised a eyebrow.

She truly was a master of disguise it seemed.

He hardly recognized her when they picked her up. But they could hardly miss her when they came for her. It was hardly a normal occurrence for a girl to be standing in the middle of a sidewalk, alone, and dressed up like a doll.

Then with her not being as annoying as their first meeting, she was actually having some appeal to him then more of a annoying human wench.

A forgotten query resurfaced as he recalled the night at the warehouse.

How did she have those powers?

They couldn't possibly belong to a human woman... so how was it she had them..?!

Sinking in to his thoughts, he kept his gaze on her, not noticing how increasingly agitated she was becoming with his stare.


Okay that's all folk! Also thanks for the reviews everyone! They were so inspiring! The big party is in the next chapter, and for those starting to get bored.. action and romance scenes! Mwhahaahaa! I'll update when I can, but school is making it impossible for me to do it as much as I like... T-T anyways until I can, sy ya and hope you enjoyed this chappie!


*Miko Angel*