InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ The Distraction ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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A small growl erupted from her throat, as her grip tightened on the innocent bottle. She had felt the intense stare on her body for most of the car ride causing her want to squirm under his gaze... or choke him till he turned blue in the face.

Either way she was one minute away from turning around, grabbing her bottle, and shoving it up his high and mighty a--

"Where here." The driver said breaking off her violent scheming.

Looking up she put on a forced smile to the man she wanted to murder.

"Shall we go then?"

He nodded his head almost imperceptibly, as a man dressed in all black opened the car door for them.

Sesshoumaru climbed out first and helped her out as Kagome schooled her facial expressions back in to place.

Looping her arm through his, as to make them look like a real 'couple', they started their ascent up the carpeted stairs and in to the building.

The first thing to strike her were blinding bright lights and noisy chatter, making her whole form want to cringe back in to the darkness.

Forcing the temptation back, Kagome kept moving forward with the unemotional demon walking steadily beside her.

Glancing around the room she saw many men and women dressed up like dolls in assorted colors and clothes. A few were on the floor dancing whimsically through the music, others were at the tables daintily eating the food.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she set a small smile on her face as they approached a man checking off guests as they came in.

"Names?" He asked not looking up.

"Sesshoumaru." The demon answered, not bothering with his last name because everyone knew him.

"Ah, yes. and you?" He asked pointing his pen at Kagome.

"Ai Yumemori."

He nodded as he spotted the names on the list and checked them off.

"Enjoy your evenings. Next...?"

They did as Kagome held back her mocking smile at the man's lack of knowledge of Yakuza leaders, making the inu youkai on her arm stiffen haughtily in a condescending manner.

Squiriming slightly at his tight grip on her arm to keep her laughter a bay, they made their way towards the nearest table as he broke their silence by asking

"Your name is Ai?"

"For tonight it is. Request of Higurashi-sama directly." She asked with a taunting smirk.

He merely turned his head away from her, looking straight ahead.

Although she bet he was thinking the same thing as she was.

That old man is up to something....

Sesshoumaru spotted a empty table and motioned towards it.

Kagome nodded in acknowledgement, as they took a step towards it only to be intercepted.

"Sesshoumaru...! What in all the world are you doing here..?!" A joyous voice called out as the wolf youkai came bounding in to view, his empty wine glass waving proudly in his hand like a royal scepter, as he grinned fuzzily at the inu youkai giving him a chilly 'are you a freaking imbecile?' glare.

Kagome stifled her giggle. Kouga sure was getting in to his part.

"Kouga.." Sesshoumaru said in clipped tones "I am here on business."

The wolf raised a eyebrow, swaying slightly as he did so.

"Arree ya now? That's just like you..! All work and no play makes Sssessshou--ou.. ou.. Sesshou-san! a -very- dull boy!" He slurred, stating his thoughts proudly. "Loossssen up! There are lots of beeaau--tiful women here that will gladly want to hop in the sssack with you...!"

Kagome literally bit back the waves of amusement striking her form, as Sesshoumaru's gaze turned even harder on to the wolf. Kagome knew for a fact, that the wolf wasn't drunk, and had only arrived a few minutes earlier then them... liked they had planned.

The only one that didn't know this, however, was the highly annoyed demon beside her.

She'd treasure this particular memory for the rest of her life.

"Kouga, if you can, please refrain from speaking to me in a such manner." The inu growled.

The wolf frowned.

"Why..? Your too above it, all high and miiightty Sess..? I will do as I wisssh and.." He led off as his gaze feel solely on her, and she could see the mirth shining in his blue eyes. "Well, well, WELL! what do we have -here-?"

"Kouga..." Sesshoumaru warned.

The wolf ignored him. Instead he leaned forward and nudged her with a sly wink in the ribs with his elbow.

"Hey if you ever get bored of this old man, you just call me up ssshweety, and good ol' Kouga will be there to ease your sssshuffering..."

Kagome's face turned beet red, as she glared at him as he moved to the growling inu youkai, not quite done yet.

"Hey Sesshy! You have gotta tell me where you find these beautiful goddesses, I may pick up a few for mysself!"

Sesshoumaru gave a undignified snort.

"Beautiful?'" He echoed in feigned disbelief.

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him but Kouga cut in before blood could be shed.

"Well, Duty calls mates! Good bye fair goddess!" He called as he started leaving. Then with a smug smirk she only could see for a split second, he called in a slightly raised voice "See you too, FLUFFY!!"

Sesshoumaru's head snapped around and looked ready to murder the wolf youkai, but Kagome's light laughter broke his malicious intents.

He turned to look at her.

"What do you find so -funny-?"

Not able to resist, Kagome stifled her laughter and saluted him with her hand above her brow.

"Nothing at all, Lord Fluffy, Sir!"

He frowned at her, as she let a large smile form on her face, and tugged on his arm.

"Well then... since we aren't eating, and I don't feel like sitting down yet...." She began slowly, changing the subject. With Kouga's appeareance it was the indication to her to distract the Oya-bun so he didn't notice them working through the room, planting their high tech bugs in hiding places.

He raised a inquisitive eyebrow as if questioning her motive. Instead she put a thoughtful expression on her face as she asked him suddenly

"Do you know how to ballroom dance Sesshoumaru?"


"Alright then!" She laughed, and suddenly began dragging him to the dance floor, still grinning at him widely.

"I'm going to test your skills then..! I, Ai Yumemori, challenge you to a dance-off!!"

"And what will the winner get?" He questioned.

"Um.. dunno yet! We'll talk about it later..! It's party time!"


Sesshoumaru allowed himself to be dragged off by the crazed woman. Usually, he would not stand for such acts, but the way she was looking at him...

Smiling like she knew the best and worst of him and accepted it, like there was no badness in the world at all, like everything was in perfect balance..

He shook his head.

Where were these thoughts coming from?

She was Tennyou..!

The impudent, wench of a human being!!

The one he was suppose to gladly strangle!

He frowned again as they entered the floors, and she turned to face him, looking up in his golden gaze with sparkling, carefree green eyes.( A/N: remember the color contact?)

"Ready?" She asked in musical, gleeful tone.

He let a faint grin flit across his lips, as he slid his hand on to the small of her back, and clasped her other hand in his.

"To beat you? Yes." He responded.

She grinned.

"Ha! In your dreams..!"

They halted their threatening, as the song came on and they started dancing with hearts raising and falling with the music, making it seem much more then a simple dance.


Two beautiful figures spun gracefully across the ballroom floor, in perfect steps and rhythm to the music. They looked unearthly, in their grace and elegance, making the intricate steps look easy and effortless. The other dancers in the room, slowly stopped to stare in awe at the couple, and whisper amongst themselves. The look in each of the two dancer's eyes were something akin to joy and love, setting off most women to sigh at the romance of it all. Everyone was entranced and enthralled as the tall white haired young man slowly dipped the woman backwards at the end, their faces mere inches apart. The room held its breath, as the music wound down and his face slowly descended towards hers, smiling in expectation of what to come.


Kagome felt like she was on air, feeling a warm feeling tingle throughout her body, not just from the excitement thought...

But from his light, gentle touch.

It wasn't as uncomfortable as she would have expected.. being in such close proximity with him. it actually felt.. nice. It was odd, but true.

The music was dying in the background and she felt a tug of regret at her heart.

Wait--- what was she THINKING?!!

This is Sesshoumaru we're talking about here...!!

The cold, uncaring, jackass!!

The one you're suppose to throttle...!?!?

Kagome felt her back bend backwards and was snapped from her thoughts.


His face suddenly was very close to hers, a dazed expression on his usual indifferent face. Shocking the hell out of her.

The music died down, but she was completely unaware of it by then, too caught up in to her own world to notice the unnatural silence enveloping them.

Instead her attention was drawn to the firm, sensuous lips slowly drawing closer to hers.

Feeling a unnamed force taken over her body, her eyelids drooped closed, not questioning what she was doing at the moment.

His lips pressed softly on hers, and she felt the sure shock of electricity fly through both of them by the mere passionate touch.

But by then her entire thought process had flown out the window.

Slowly, they both became aware of the applause thundering around them.

He pulled away, and Kagome felt reluctant but opened her own hazed eyes to look around her.

Suddenly her mind kicked back in to gear and the realization of what just happened struck her fragile modest mind.

She had just kissed... Sesshoumaru... willingly.. in front of a whole room of people...

Fates must be getting a hernia from repressed laughter by now.

Curse it...!

Why her...?

Kagome slowly returned her gaze to Sesshoumaru who was regaining his mask of apathy. She gazed up in to his amber eyes and saw a shaken look lying there.

Well, she thought blandly, it was safe to say she had distracted him...

Taking in a deep breath of air, she let a half smile dance across her tingling lips.

"I think that's enough dancing for now, don`t you agree?"

He looked down at her as she felt a faint heat rise to her cheeks.

The handsome inu youkai nodded his head and started leading her to the originally intended table, ignoring the chatter going around about them on how `amazing they danced.'

Kagome suppressed a sigh.

This was something she hadn't planned... that was wrong.. but all too nice...

Was that a good thing?


A cluster of men stood off to the side of the dance floor, holding their sake glasses delicately in their hands. Among them was a man with a clean shaven face, with sparkling violet eyes. His black hair was pulled back in to a long braid that reached past his waist and sleek clothes adorned his body. He smirked as Kagome pulled away from a delicate kiss with a handsome man.

What was this..?

The kiss was avoidable.. but hadn't been evaded. If he knew her like he did.. she allowed it to happen.

Did that mean Kagome-chan finally found a interest in someone...?

Glancing around the hall he noticed Kouga, Inuyasha, and Jakotsu heading back to their posts.

They were finished with their tasks it seemed. The bugs were activated, so that means Sango and Kikyou could listen and see all the conversations from the van parked in a nearby alley, their base of commands.

Everything was set it seemed.

They could find out the operatives working of Naraku and inform Kagome later.

The rest of plans were all up to her for tonight, though.

"Who is that radiant woman?" A voice cut in to his thoughts, and he turned to focus his attention back on to the surrounding men he was talking with.

"She was most beautiful.." Another admitted.

"..And was that Sesshoumaru she was with? He's a Yakuza leader.." Another informed them.

"I heard he was ruthless... how could he end up with such a beautiful woman?" A mean pouted grumpily in to his glass.

The other men bobbed their heads in agreement as he raised a eyebrow. Slowly a small grin formed on his face. The didn't know who the players were in this game.. so why not stir things up a bit? He was, after all, the only confidant of Lord Higurashi's plans for his daughter and the inu youkai, it could use some trouble in its plots.

"That woman?" He asked, cryptically, earning the other males attentions.


"Yes... Why, do you know her Bankotsu?"

"I do. Her name is `Ai.'"

A young man gained a dreamy look on his face.

"Ah, the perfect name for such a woman."

Bankotsu snorted mentally. Idiot.

"Indeed. I used to be with her a few months back. You can never wear -that- girl down easily in bed. She has the such stamina. The perfect epitome of a women, if I say so myself." He let out a resigned sigh and sipped his sake daintily.

All the men had turned and were staring at her in a new, lustful light.

He resisted the urge to cackle maniacally.

Kagome would kill him if she ever found out about this, but if he knew her like he though he did... then if she found someone that interested her, she'd need a little challenge along the way to fid her `true love.' So why couldn't he help a little?

He, too, looked around at Kagome. She was sitting at a table, leaning forward in her seat and saying something angrily at him, which he seemed immune to.

He cocked a eyebrow at them.

The would be a interesting couple...

Just then, he noticed that in her heated debate, the inu's gaze had lowered to her slightly exposed cleavage. Kagome hadn't noticed, but the inu youkai did and a small secretive smirk twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Bankotsu shook his head.

Interesting match for sure.

Glancing at the drooling men around him, he let yet another grin.

Game set, and match.

Kagome Higurashi and Sesshoumaru.. prepare for the ride of your life.


An infuriated young woman sank back in to her chair, giving the man across from her a fixed stare.

He took another piece of chicken and put it in to his mouth, and began to eat elegantly.

It was beyond her on how he could even make -eating- alluring.

It defined the laws of nature.

Oh.. wait.. she forget.

Sesshoumaru is even above THAT.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like a sour old wench or are you actually going to do something productive?" He said not missing a beat in his `sexy eating.'

Kagome rolled her eyes and grumbled indecent words under her breath.

He raised a eyebrow.

"Are women even allowed to say that..?" He inquired.

She grinned smugly.

"I just did, didn't I..?"

He just leveled his gaze wit hers, as she tried to keep the smile from not showing on her face.

"It's indecent." He reprimanded.

"It's fun." She countered lifting both eyebrows in one suggestive movement, while grinning.

"Your impossible."

"Not as much as you."

"Only to you."

"Only to me?"



"Your annoying."

"Like your not...!"

"Your right. I'm not."

"Yes your are..! Your egotistical, condescending, indifferent, and a complete jerk..!" Kagome said, counting the traits off on her fingers.

He looked at her, nothing playing past his eyes that showed emotion.

"Is that so?"


"Then answer my question.." He said, pointing his chopsticks at her.

"...Which would be..?"

"If I'm as horrid as you say, Tennyou. Then how come you kissed me?"

Her mouth dropped open. There little argument had made her forget about that.

"YOU kissed me!" She hissed.

"Why would I kiss you?"

"Good question! Why DID you kiss me?"

"Because you seduced me."

"What?!! I did not! You were seducing me!"

"And how did I `seduce' you?"

"I... I don't know!!" She said flustered "Guys aren't suppose to kiss like THAT!"

He raised a eyebrow and a evil smirk formed on her lips.

Kagome immediately bit her tongue, already knowing she said too much.

Damn it.

"She admits she like it." He said, leaning back in his chair, ego filled thoughts running unchastised through his head.

Narrowing her eyes at him she said as nonchalantly as possible

"Yes. I'm not so piety as to lie."


Yeah. RIGHT.

By the look on his face.. he didn't believe it either.

Clucking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she got her feet, knowing if she didn't leave right now, she'd just get her self more and more in trouble.

He raised a eyebrow but didn't ask.

If he had, she would have just used the `ladies room' excuse... No guy questioned to much on that one.

Picking her way through the crowd, she made it to a narrow hallway with a sign above it reading `restrooms this way.'

Shrugging her shoulder she stepped in to the women's room and walked to the counter. Not looking in to the mirror she instead pulled a hand sized plastic container out of her purse. Clicking it open, a flat black screen glared dully back at her. Fixing the hearing piece in to her ear she pressed the operating button on the handheld and the screen lit up to reveal Sango and Kikyou inside their base of commands.

Her friends smiled at her and pulled headsets over their ears as well.

"Hi Tennyou." Kikyou greeted, using their codenames incase someone uninvited was on the same frequency.

"Hey Miko. Taijiya." Kagome said.

"So.. I take it you've had a interesting nigh so far?" Sango said, winking in a knowing way.

Kagome's face heated up.

"Not a word. It was a distraction. Remember?"

"Yeah.. SURE it was..." Kikyou scoffed with a roll of the eyes.

Kagome sighed.

"On to business. Any leads of the hired assassin yet?"

"No. But lots of suspects. Care to hear them?" Sango said as keyboard clicking was heard in the background.

"Yeah. Anything will help." Kagome conceded.

They turned away from her as she waited.

A sudden noise was heard behind her. She looked up and saw a figure cloaked in black behind her, daggers glinting dangerously in each hands. Slanted green eyes were staring out at her, giving off male confidence.

"Die." Was all he said before he thrust both daggers at her neck.

Kagome ducked down before they could touch flesh. The assassin's eyes turned down to her as she smirked back up at him.

"Good bye." She said as she swung her foot promptly out to trip him. He jumped upwards and her foot sailed through the air, as several darts flew down at her. She rolled out of the way as they struck the tiles. They melted inside of it, a rancid smell reachedh er arms.


This was no amateur they were dealing with.

More darts flew at her, as she leapt to her feet, as they hit where she once was moments before.

Crouching down in to a fighting position her opponent did the same. She could distantly hear the shouting of Sango and Kikyou through her handheld but ignored them.

They couldn't help her right now.

The assassin moved first.

Charging forward, he through a punch at her cheek, as she moved to the side and aimed a punch at his unguarded side. He blocked it with his opposite elbow, while sending a high kick at her neck. Kagome leaned out of the way and went to knee him in the groin.

He blocked, while pulling a short, slender blade out of his sleeve and thrusted it at her heart. she went to the right as it sliced through her arm, a red stripe quickly forming there.

Cursing under her breath she asked his stonily,

"Why are you attacking me?! Jinenji is your target, is he not?!?!"

A dry, emotionless chuckled sounded from his throat to her.

"He is. but my... associate, is already set up for his attack. Lord Naraku assigned me to kill -you.-"

She narrowed her eyes. That Naraku... when she got her hands on him...!

He had planned it so she would not be able to save her intended subject and would die in the process. Only he had underestimated her. Getting out of life or death situations wre her specialty.. one of many.

Flipping her hair over her shoulder she frowned at him.

"Well... I'll have to fix that little problem won't I?"

He didn't say anything.

Shrugging, she crouched low again in fighting stance.

This time, however, she led the first onslaught of attacks.

Throwing several flurries of punches and kicks, he was quickly blocking them away from his body. As he began slowing down, she did a spin kick at his abdomen and sent him in to the mirror, shattering it in to several slivers.

She waited a moment longer as he remained motionless, she spread out her senses to see if he was faking.

He was out cold.

Walking up to him, she pulled off his hood to reveal a young youkai with dark green hair.

Shaking her head, she picked up her communicator.

"Tennyou are you alright?!?!?!" Sango screeched as soon as she was in view.

"Ow..! Mou Sango! Your breaking my eardrums!" She hissed.

"Sorry... are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I believe we found one of our assassins. Did you hear through the handheld?"

"Yes. I already notified the others, their looking for the setup." Kikyou said.

"All right then." Kagome answered as she frowned in distaste, down at her cut. Focusing her power on it, she watched as blue magic filmed over it and the wound began healing quickly. "I'll get out there now too. I came here to get briefings. I guessed it worked one way or another."

"Your right. Just be careful okay, Tennyou?"

"Right, right. Over and out Miko. Taijiya." She said as she turned it off.

Cleaning herself off and placing the things back in to her purse, she headed to the door as another woman entered.

A gasp elicited from the woman's throat.

"W-What happened here?!" She asked, swooning slightly.

Kagome shook her head sadly, and jabbed a thumb at the unconscious man.

"I swear these perverts are getting worse and worse...! It just brings out the WORST in me."

Keeping a disappointed look on her face as she passed by the gawking woman, A smile broke out on her face as walked down the hallway.

That man was going to have LOTS of explaining to do when he woke up.

She laughed lowly until it went to all out maniacal laughter.

That saying was SO true.

Payback WAS a bitch..

... and it just happened to come in the form of Kagome Higurashi.


Well that's it people.

*finishes bandaging hands* ahh... that hurt! I was revising this and it is 15 some pages long...! ow.. fingers.. aching...

Anywho... guess what? I have over 100 reviews for this story! Whoohoo!!! ^o^

Thank you everyone!

Also I recieved a few questions from the last few chapters and thought I'd answer them now.

They are:

*Are Sesshoumaru and kagome both in disguise at school? And does Kagome knows who he is but he doesn't know who she is?*

Only Kagome, but Sesshoumaru being the better-that-thou kinda demon he is, he doesn't care if everyone knows. And, yes, Kagome holds all the secrets while Sess is left in the dark. *poor sesshy!*

*Is Inuyasha suppose to be one of the four Yakuza leaders?*

No. So far the only revealed ones are Higurashi, Sesshoumaru and Kouga. You'll figure out the other one( I already know who it is! : P) later.

*Is Kagome's Dad planning something between Kagome and Sesshoumaru?*

Ahm... I can't answer that.. YET. *wink**wink**nudge**nudge* I can tell you he is planning SOMETHING... I just can't tell you what.

Alrightly then that's all for now. Hoe you enjoyed the update! R&R and until next time!



*Miko Angel*