InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Happy Aniversary ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5: Happy Anniversary

smiled at herself in her mirror. Kouga was going to be here any minute, they we going out. It was the anniversay of the first time the met. As odd as it sounded, it wasn't her idea to celebrate all these little holidays, it was Kouga's, he was such a romantic. There was a knock on her door, and she stopped putting a flower in her hair to she her mother walk in. "Kouga's here." She stepped in and shut the door behind her. "You look beautiful. We chose so well." Ayame's mother said with a smile.
truth was, this wasn't her actual mother. In all aspects she was, she took care of Ayame in every way, but it wasn't her birth mother. When Ayame was 13, she got adopted. She wanted nothing to do with her new parents, and called them by their fist names, Kami and Attom. Then one day, Ayame had a horrible day at school, she came home and there Kami was, like always, waiting for her with cookies and milk. Ayame tried to butt her out, but Kami wouldn't, so Ayame finally broke down, crying in Kami's arms. The woman made Ayame feel so much better, that's when Ayame realized that that's all Kami really wanted, for Ayame to be happy. "Thanks, mom." Ayame had said, after Kami wiped the girl's tears. Since then, They've had a great relationship, Ayame's dad too. Sometimes they even joked about the adoption. Ayame wasn't sad about it any longer. In short, Ayame's birth mother had Ayame when she was really young, and didn't want to have her. But Ayame didn't care, She had a mother and father who both loved and wanted her.
mom gave her a hug, and took the flower from her dauter's hands. She put the flower in her hair, before grabbing her dauter's hand, and teirling her around. Ayame had a new dress on, it was a tighter haulter top that went to about mid-thigh, where it got more fabric, so when her mother twirled her, Ayame's dress lifted into the air. The light blue material layed lightly against Ayame's legs when her mother stopped. "Oh Ayame, how beautiful." Her mom gasped again. Ayame smiled and hugged her mom before they both walked down the stairs to meet Kouga.
was sitting on a couch in the living room, tapping is claws against his knee, when her heard Ayame and her mother walk into the room, he jumped up. He was about to say hello, when he lost his breath. Ayame looked beautiful, she smiled at him, and he suddenly could breathe again. "Ayame, you look gorgous." He said.
smile grew and she walked up to her boyfriend and kissed his lightly on the lips. "And you look so handsom." She said. Kouga had light kaki pants on and a dark brown button uo shirt. He also wore a blue tie that matched his eyes. Ayame took his hand and he lead them to the door. The walked out and Kouga turned back. "We'll be home before midnight." He called.
mom, who was standing in the doorway, smiled and waved to the couple. "I know you will." She shut the door. "You always do." she whispered to herself. Kouga was always mindful of Ayame's curfew.

and Kouga ate their food happiy. They were in a fansy reasturant downtown. The ate most of their meal talking about the old days, when the went to their old school, and now they were talking about how they liked their new school so much better. "Everyone's so much happier here, I thought for sure we'd be fighting cats and dogs." Kouga said, and Ayame nodded. The way their teachers at the old school talked about the humans, Ayame was sure she's hate them. As weird as it sounded, she didn't know a single human before she changed schools. She though that all the demons would be discriminated against, and their would be blood for sure.
love all of our human friends." Ayame said. The waiter had come not too long ago, and taken their dishes away. Now he was back, and had something in his hands. He set it down and walked away. Ayame looked at it. It was a beautiful cake. It was white with deep red stawberries around the edges, and in the same red, cursive writting that said, Happy Anniversary, I Love Ayame. Ayame squeaked in happiness. "Kouga! It's so beautiful, I love you too!" She jumped up, ran to Kouga, threw her arms around him, and kissed him.
ate they cake, by feeding it to each other, then stood up. "Let's walk home, I'll pick my Jeep up tomarow." Kouga said. Ayame nodded. He kissed her lips, took her hand, kissed it, then they walked out, hand in hand.
older woman, who was sitting close to them with her husband, clasped her hands together. "Oh, that is so romantic." She whispered. "Remember when we used to do that?" she asked her husband, who nodded. "We had so much fun back them, you were so handsom, and caring. What happened?" she said, throwing her napkin at him, and walked out.
husband took the napkin off his face. "You started getting hair in unlikely places." He mummbled, rolling his eyes. Then letf to try to make peace with his wife, either that, or sleep on the couch.

u guys, im soooooooooooooooooooooooo sry this took soooooooooooooooooo long to update, but i got a phone call from my best friend's dad. He lives alllllll the way in cali, in the south. well it turns out he was surfing and he crashed. he was with his friend and he hit his head on some rocks, and got knocked out. they took him 2 the hospital, but he wont wake up. im really scared, bu u no wat? riting makes me feel better, so since this was so short, and im so depressed rite now, im going 2 rite another chapter.
abou my story, all u guys reading this r probally puking, but i think its cute. yea its short, but i dont no how 2 make them. theyre kinda my least fave 2 rite about, but i better put some drama in their lives soon b/c theyre getting boring. o well more next!