InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Can Get Better ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Why did Inuyasha have every class that she had while Kouga only had one? It didn’t take her long to realize how much of an annoyance that was. She noticed it within the first couple days of school and months later, it was the same, if not worse. Kagome gave a muffled gasp as two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind and pulled her down onto a lap. “Kouga!” She laughed and snuggled into the arms surrounding her.

Warm lips nuzzled her neck, gave it a teasing bite. “Nope. Try again.”

She stiffened at the arrogantly familiar voice. Inuyasha. She pulled out of his arms just as Kouga turned the corner and saw them. His reaction was instant. He walked over and jerked Inuyasha up by the collar of his shirt. All Inuyasha did was smirk.

“I told you, Mutt, keep your hands off her.” Kouga shoved Inuyasha back and wrapped his arm around Kagomes shoulders.

If anything, Inuyasha’s grin turned into a smirk. “You know, Kouga, even though I’m a half demon, I can still tell if someone wants me and—“

The bell rung, cutting him off. Inuyasha was the first to respond.


“Ah hell.” Kouag said.

“Shit.” Kagome whispered as they all took off at a slow run towards their class.

“Thanks, Inuyasha. Thanks a lot. We might just all get detention now.” Kouga snapped out.

“Both of you stop it. Now.” Kagome pushed both of them out of the way and strode into the Art & Literature class ahead of them. Adult Education was more like it.

“Well, well. How nice of you three to join us.” The black haired teacher said. Kagura was a pain in the ass where teachers was concerned. Still, from the sarcastic tone of her voice, she seemed to be in a good mood. “You’re late.” Her words confirmed it. “I’m in a good mood today so all three of you, take your seats. Now, if you don’t mind.”

“Now, as all of you know we’re going to have a play soon. As you all were aware when you joined this class voluntarily, you knew this was Adult Education class.” Kagura knew most of the students here had taken this class because it was extra credit, plus, all they did was pretty much play around. Still, she could give them some mean ass work. Today was that day. “This play is…how would I say it?” She tilted her head back and tapped her chin thoughtfully and spoke with a French accent to get her point across. “Passionate.”


“I want that part! The lead!” Kagome pointed to a name on the character sheet that she was holding.

“I applied for that one, too. If I don’t get it I’ll take whatever part they gave me. I need this extra credit. Kagura said if I didn’t join the play she’d fail me.” Sango rolled her eyes.

“Let’s see….The main character is Julie.” Kagome wanted that part so bad. She’d kill over if she didn’t get it. “And the next is…Dairus. They have a love scene.” She read down the script and fanned herself mockingly with her hand. “Steamy. You know, sometimes I’m glad we don’t go to a normal school, otherwise things like this would be banned.”

Sango twined her arm through Miroku’s and then gave him a brief hug before talking in the opposite direction. He got in a squeeze of her ass and called out, “Maybe we’ll get the part, Sango.”

Oh yea, Miroku would have loved that.

“We’ll see.” Sango muttered.

Kagome pulled Sango with her towards the bulletin board at the end of the hallway and then started reading the character sheet frantically. She ran her finger down the list of names, searching. “Ah hah! Let’s see…well, Sango, you’re a maid.” Kagome couldn’t help but laugh at that. “And me…I’m Desari! Yes!”

“And I’m Darius.” A tanned, muscled arm slapped up against the wall beside her and Kagome turned, tilting her head back to stare up at Inuyasha’s grinning face. He arched an eyebrow, as if daring her to say something.

“This is bull.” Kouga muttered two hours later. It was humiliating. He’d ended up with the role of being Darius’ servant. Hell was going to break loose over this.

“People, people. We have our costumes but we aren’t going to bother with them today. I want my Darius and Desari to come up! Inuyasha, Kagome!”

Another hour later Kagome placed her hands on her hips. “If he does that again he’s going to drop me…I just know it.” She sent a glare towards Inuyasha. They had practiced a scent where she had fainted and fell backwards, nearly over the edge of the stage. Inuyasha had been near the end of the stage and he was supposed to catch her. He had almost dropped her. The bastard had done it on purpose.

Kagura clapped her hands. “Now, both of you to that chair.”

Kagome frowned. There was only one chair. As if Kagura knew what she was thinking, she spoke. “He sits down and you sit in his lap, facing him. This is a love scene.”

“Teach!” Kouga stood up, his face twisted in annoyance. He was pissed. “You’re really going to let Inuyasha have Kagome in his lap? He’ll grope her to death.”

“Like you haven’t? Now sit.”

Kouga sighed in resignation and muttered something beneath his breath that sounded suspiciously, “Dumb mutt better watch where his hands go…”

“Now…” Kagura said, motioning for Kagome to straddle Inuyasha.”

“Come on, Kagome. Listen to the teacher.” He sat down and crooked a finger towards her. Oh yea, he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

He had crooked his finger at her? He had beckoned her? Her eyes narrowed as she placed a hand on his right shoulder and then pressed a knee on either side of his hips and lowered herself until she was straddling him. His hands came down, gripping her waist.

“In this moment of the play, you’ll both be passionately locked together. Kissing, etc. You’ll have to make it like you are having sexual intercourse.”

Kagome snorted.

“This is going to be wonderful!” Kagura said with glee.


“This is going to be hell.” Kagome said later than night as she sank deeper into the tub. Steam rose, fogging the side window. Of all the people she had to end up being paired with, it had to be Inuyasha. She didn’t like it. Kouga sure as hell didn’t like it. He was extremely jealous and had informed her that she was to tell him if Inuyasha did anything that she had to tell him. Even if she didn’t tell Kouga, she could deal with Inuyasha on her own.

But it was obvious Inuyasha was enjoying this. And he was going to enjoy every other moment of it.

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