InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Can Get Better ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“’Kouga—“ Kagome started but Kouga cut her off.

“What’s going on? You can’t hide it from me, Kagome. I’m a Wolf Demon. You think I don’t know that you want him?”

Kouga had picked her up for school but they hadn’t yet left her apartment. She had barely closed the car door than he had started in on her. “Kouga, I don’t like Inuyasha. He annoys me. He aggravates me. Can’t you see that? You know I would never cheat on you.” She was getting a little tired of this. How many times would they have to go through this before he got his through his thick head? Maybe when she actually believed it for herself?

Now where had that thought come from?

“Kagome…” He sighed and then leaned across the small console. “I know. It’s just that…” He cupped her face in his hands. “Prove it to me. Prove to me that you want me and not him.”

“Anything, Kouga.” She covered his hands with hers, slightly hurt that he wanted her to prove herself to him. Inuyasha wouldn’t do this to me. Then she reprimanded herself for even thinking it.

“Anything?” He stared into her eyes. “Tonight. No more making me wait.”

The light in her eyes faded as she realized what he meant. She couldn’t help but wonder if she really wanted to be with him but she nodded. “Alright. Tonight.”


“Well, they got it right. It actually fits.” Kagome glanced over her shoulder and into the mirror behind her. Most costumes at school plays never fit but she actually liked this one. Kagura had had them costume made Victoria style. It made her waist look smaller! It was daring and sexy at the same time, with still a hint of innocent. The skirts of the dress were long with a few layers beneath them. Hell, she’d be lucky if she didn’t trip on them. ‘I look good.’ She thought. The top was fitted into a corset, pushing her breast up slightly. Inuyasha would probably like that.

“Too bad you can’t always dress like that. I like that.” He pointedly motioned towards her breast and she snorted. Of course. But when she saw him she paused. She’d never seen Inuyasha wear a white shirt but it looked great. He looked great. It was unbuttoned halfway down, revealing the smooth expanse of his chest muscles. And those black trousers…They fit his legs perfectly…outlining his body…

Inuyasha didn’t seem to like them too much though. He fidgeted a little, as if uncomfortable in them and he was. They were tight, clearly forming around his groin…which she noticed very, very well. She wondered if…She jerked her gaze up to find him smirking. “Stop.” She snapped out.

He cocked an eyebrow. “I wasn’t the one doing the looking.”

Her eyes narrowed as she stalked over him to him and poked him in the chest, trying to think of what to say. She poked him again, poked his hard, muscled chest…dammit. Maybe if she kissed him or something she could get this…this…What she was feeling out of her system. ‘No.’ She muttered to herself silently even as a little niggling voice in her mind whispered, ‘why not?”

“Inuyasha.” She poked his chest again. It was hard. “You know you’re really causing problems between Kouga and me?”

Something in his eyes shifted. “If you were my girlfriend I sure as hell wouldn’t doubt you.”

She opened her mouth to say that Kouga did trust her and then snapped her mouth shut. She didn’t owe Inuyasha any explanation. Her heart skipped a beat as his words registered then. His girlfriend. And what being his girlfriend might get her.

He smiled. He didn’t know what had turned the fates in his favor but he sure liked them. Kagome was definitely into him, whether she admitted it or not. “See you in the play, babe.”

She rolled her eyes at the endearment and turned towards Sango. A smack landed on her bottom and she actually growled. Inuyasha laughed in response before he too walked away.


Kouga was, to say the least, annoyed. He didn’t know what was happening between him and Kagome. Maybe after tonight she would go back to the way she was. He could tell she liked Inuyasha but he could change that. What could have Inuyasha done to get Kagomes attention?  He shifted his attention to his lines and read them. They had two more acts to go…two more acts of him being Inuyasha’s servant. This was utterly humiliating.

Three hours later Kagome finally stepped back onto the stage, staring at “Darius”—Aka. Inuyasha. She sighed softly. “Darius.”

He stared at her and lifted his hand, palm up to her. She walked over to him slowly. This was it. The big “love scene”. She was ready to get this over with. After reading over the part many, many times she had wondered…imagined…Shit. She hated it because when she thought about it, she wasn’t thinking about her and Kouga. She was thinking about Inuyasha. She took a deep breath. Maybe after tonight when things were done with her and Kouga, everything would go back to the way it was. Kouga would sure enough be happy.

“Come to me. Be with me.” Inuyasha lowered his voice to match the dark character. His blood heated as Kagome slid her hand into his and he curled his fingers around hers. With his other he helped her up onto the high chair and then played her left knee against his hip. He spread the skirts, bunching them up so that they were flowed around them completely.

“Tell me, Desari. Forever.” Inuyasha gripped the outside of her thighs to help her move, making it look as if they were actually engaging in intimacy. Otherwise, they would probably both get an ‘F’. He kissed her collarbone and three minutes later of an scene of “making out” which for Inuyasha had been more than a skit, he shifted Kagome a little more to the side and in front of him. He stopped when her skirts hid his entire right arm. She didn’t feel or notice anything as his hand swept back down.

The skirts were long and thick, hindering any view of both their legs and waists. When it was time for the ultimate part of the love scene Inuyasha lifted her again, shifting his hand. This time he smiled when he said his lines. “After this you’ll be mine. I’ll have marked you, Desari. For all eternity.”

Kagome nodded. As if. “I know.” She whispered just loud enough for the audience to hear. Inuyasha shifted beneath her again—didn’t he know how to stay still?—and her eyes widened when she felt one of his claws rip the center seam of her panties cleanly. The material parted and then he was gripping her hips again and applying a steady pressure, making her move downward on him as if they were really engaging in sex. Her breath lodged in her throat, her charcoal eyes locked onto his amber ones as he applied more pressure and then she felt the tip of his erection nudge against the small place between her thighs. She now realized what he’d been doing, all those small movements. He had opened his pants…and no one could see, no one knew what was happening between the two of them. She started to rear back but his hands tightened, pushing her down slightly. The thick head popped inside her body and she sucked in a sharp breath.

He knew she was going to move, to leave. Or so she thought. He had her there. “You’ll ruin the play…and then everyone will know…and see…” He whispered for her ears alone.

Her eyes turned molten, almost black when Inuyasha pushed her down further. Her nostrils flared as she felt more of his thick length slide deeper. Her body was nowhere near ready for such a penetration and it hurt. It made her realize how big he was, stretching her…

“Oh Darius.” Inuyasha mouthed the words.

She didn’t understand what he was trying to do. All she could focus on was the heavy feel of his body entering hers slowly, stretching her endlessly. He tried not to hurt her, that much was obvious and after a minute she felt the head nudge the deepest part of her, fully embedded. Oh God.

“Kagome, your lines.” Inuyasha whispered as he curled his around her thigh beneath the skirts.

“Dar…Oh, Darius.” She whispered, her voice tight. He felt massive inside her. Much more than Kouga had. It had hurt then and it hurt now but the pain was fading and…Inuyasha bucked his hips up beneath hers, forcing his thick length deeper, throbbing harder inside her. She shuddered and someone in the crowd whistled. Inuyasha smiled tightly. To everyone else they were just acting. Thanks to those damn skirts of hers, no one knew the true extent of the act. Not even Kouga.

Before he had come to the play he had bugged Kagura into placing fans around the stage and tones of flowers. He had said it would feel more romantic with a fake wind blowing and the scent of rose blossoms in the air. But the scent of the flowers would block the smell of sex and the fans would blow the scent away from everyone else.

She was better than he could have ever imagined. So damn hot and tight. He could feel her growing moist around him, her body squeezing his like a tight fist. So his little Kagome did want him after all. He couldn’t help but feel smug. While everyone thought it was fake, he was buried balls deep in the girl of his dreams. He bucked his hips up again and Kagome moaned, shuddering in his arms. They were going to make this real alright. Kagura wanted it real; well she was going to have it. They had five minutes to do it in. He knew he wouldn’t be able to cum in that short amount of time. Hell, making it in fifteen minutes was pushing it for him. He had a tendency to last for at least 30 minutes. But Kagome, he could make her cum in 5 minutes or less. She was going to be exploding around him.

He slid his right hand out from beneath her skirts discretely and ran his thumb over her hip bones as he grasped her hips and then slowly lifted her body slowly. Her eyes slid closed as she felt the thick, heavy length of him dragging free. “Inu—“ She started, gasping, but he interrupted her, growling quietly. “Darius.”

“Darius.” She somehow managed to gasp that name even as she felt his thick length sliding out of her body. And then pushing back in as he guided her back down onto his hard cock. She had never imagined being with him would be like this; much less happen like this…He lifted her….

He shoved her back down onto him hard and the chair creaked. He did it again and a few more whistles sounded from the audience. His ears twitched when he heard Kouga growl but he ignored him. He didn’t give a damn about him. All he cared about was the tight body squeezing his and making her come apart in his arms. He knew it wouldn’t be long. She was wound up so tight…He lifted her up fast and then slammed her back down, clenching his teeth at the agony of unspent desire it brought. He repeated the movement, thrusting his hips up at the same time he brought her back down. It felt so damn good. He cupped the back of her neck and pushed her face into the crook of her neck, muffling her cries as she came, her body rippling around his, tightening. She didn’t say her line but she got the movements right. Boy oh boy did she get the movement’s right…

He wanted to scream in frustration at the feel of her body tightening around his, the feel of each drag, the thrusts that he made. The feel of her cumming around him…He’d never felt anything like it.

“Oh Darius.” He whispered through clenched teeth.

“Oh, Darius.” She whispered hoarsely, repeating her final line. She shuddered against him, her body still rippling around his from her release. She couldn’t believe that she’d come so quick. Barely five minutes. She couldn’t believe what they’d just done with a whole audience…What had she done? She winced as she felt his cock leave her body and then felt him tucking himself back into his pants.

She couldn’t stop thinking. What had she done?

“Stand up.” He whispered suddenly. She pulled away slowly, her knees weak. His hands caught her hips, keeping her upright before she pulled away, not looking him in the eye. In just a matter of minutes he’d given her a killer orgasm.

Kagura’s voice came over the speakers, echoing in the room. “And as you all saw from our lovers—“ Oh so true. “—they defied everything to be together.”

Her knees shook as she bowed.


“That was a little much, don’t you think?” Kouga muttered, a look of disgust and annoyance on his face.

She sighed, her thoughts going over what had happened on the stage. Inuyasha had sprayed some kind of perfume on her body to mask the scent. She didn’t know what it was or how it worked but it had definitely worked. Kouga was just pissed off about the scene.

She turned to face Kouga then, his ranting’s grating her nerves. “Shut up, Kouga. It was just a part of the play. You get that?”

He closed his mouth and then, “Look, I’m sorry—“

She held up a hand, stopping him. “We’ll talk later, ok?” She just wanted to make things right between them again. But first she wanted some water. She was hot. She turned and walked away from Kouga and turned the corner. She opened the door to the girl’s bathroom and then closed it, locking it behind her. She opened her eyes and dropped her head back against the door. “I’m too young to go through things like this. I’m still in school.”

“So what?”

Her eyes flew open as Inuyasha uncrossed his arms and closed the small distance between them. “Inuyasha! What are you doing in here? This is the Girl’s Bathroom!” He placed his right hand beside her head, palm flat against the door and then cupped the back of her neck with the other. “What are you doing in here?”

“Finishing what I started.” Was all he said before he kissed her.

Inuyasha didn’t give her a chance to say no. He just kissed her and then wrapped his hands around the back of her thighs and lifted her, turning. He sat her down on the edge of the small counter top. He was glad she had changed into the clothes she’d been wearing before the play. The jean skirt was short, stopping mid-thigh. Perfect. He pushed the skirt up clear to her waist and then jerked his pants open. He was still hard. Still aching. This time he wasn’t going to stop till he came. From out of the pocket of his jeans he pulled out a condom and ripped it open with his teeth before shoving his pants down to his knees. He rolled the condom down the thick length of his cock and then cupped the base and spread her thighs wider. He pulled her closer to the edge of the counter top and then nudged the tip against her swollen, wet body.


He cupped the back of her thighs when she spoke and jerked her forward. He groaned at the tight clamp of her body around his, dimly muted by the condom. Faintly he heard her gasp, arching in his arms. But there was no denying the way she cried out his name, the scent of her arousal rocketing his senses. He stared down at their joined bodies as he slowly pulled back, watched the heavy length of his cock glistening from her body before he thrust back in slowly. “Hold on to something. Anything.” He ordered gutturally. He tightened his hold on her thighs, his fingers curled around them from beneath as he started to thrust into her. He didn’t go slow like he did in the play. He couldn’t. He needed release. He had been waiting ever since the play had ended and he needed this.

Kagome gasped, her eyes sliding closed. She fell back slightly, her upper back coming up against the mirror. Her hands fumbled blindly, one grasping a handle inserted into the wall while the other grabbed ahold of the faucet behind her as she felt him thrusting into her, over and over.

His head dipped, his breathing ragged as his lips stretched over his teeth in a grimace. She felt so good. So damn tight. “Kagome…” He growled her name and then started hammering into her. His hips driving into her hard and fast. He could feel his balls drawing up tight, his cock growing painfully harder inside her. “Fuck.” He was going to cum soon and he’d never done that, not this soon. He slammed up against her again and then stopping rubbing and grinding his pelvis against hers before pulling out and slamming back in. “Come for me again, Kagome. I want to feel it again.” He released one of her legs and slid his hand up under her shirt and beneath her bra. He cupped her breast, his thumb sliding over her nipple. He started to thrust again, his body hard and fast.

His words seemed to make her burn hotter. The thrust and drag of him inside her… “Inuyasha…” She whispered his name, begging before she bit his shoulder, her body cumming around his again and when he felt that first rippling around his cock he exploded inside her, his cock throbbing as his seed spewed into the condom.

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