InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Can Get Better ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Kagome, are you alright?”

Kagome nodded but didn’t look at Kouga. She couldn’t believe it. A week ago she had cheated on Kouga. After she had left the school theater Kouga had made his move, thinking he’d get what she had promised. She had promised after all. But she knew she couldn’t go through with it. Especially after what she had just done with Inuyasha. Not once, but twice. She couldn’t deny it though. She wanted Inuyasha. Since then she had managed to keep from being with Inuyasha alone. She had shrugged Kouga off, saying she was feeling ill. Kouga had been nice and let it go. For now. For how long?

They were sitting in his car at a drive-in movie. What she had done with Inuyasha was over and done with. It was as simple as that.


Kagome groaned. “Sorry, Sango. I can’t. Remember, I got in trouble for writing on the Girl’s bathroom mirror…and they wouldn’t even give me detention. How messed up is that? They gave me something far worse. I have to clean up the kitchen.” She shuddered. “That’s disgusting. All those dishes…Well, at least I won’t be alone. Some other kid is helping because he skipped one too many classes and then bragged to the teacher about it. What kind of idiot would do that?” Who would be that stupid?

It wasn’t until Kagome was standing in front of the sink filled with dishes an hour later that she realized how little she was going to enjoy this. It was stacked with dishes. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at them. “This isn’t fair. This is why we have detention.” And she was wondering where her “partner” was 20 minutes later. 20 minutes LATE later. She dried a huge pan and set it aside just as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. A deep chuckle vibrated against her neck as she nearly jumped. Warm breath tickled the side of her neck.

“You’ve been avoiding me.” Inuyasha whispered against her neck. He’d seen her get into trouble a couple of days before so he’d went and got himself in trouble too. He figured that was the only way he’d get her alone. Kagome was too smart for her own good. But he was more clever. He wanted to do more than screw her senseless, though, that was a mighty fine idea. He really wanted to talk to her, too.

She snapped her teeth together. Of course. Inuyasha was that idiot who had bragged to the teacher. No one else would do something like that. But oh, his body felt so good against hers. Warm and soft.

“Sorry I didn’t come sooner.” He nibbled the soft skin on the side of her neck.

She curled her fingers against the steel counter top and closed her eyes. “You’re a jackass, you know that? I have a boyfriend. Remember that.”

He shrugged off the boyfriend part. He really didn’t care. Kagome wanted him and from what he could tell, definitely more than Kouga. “But you love me being a jackass. Admit it.”

She nodded to get this want out of her body. Her tongue slid over her lips. “I think…I think I just need to get you out of my mind.” She felt his hand slide down her body, his fingers teasing her side before they moved around and slid over her ass.

“Finish what you were doing.” He murmured. He gave her ass a brief squeeze when she picked up the large ladle and started washing it.

Kagome knew she shouldn’t but maybe if she let him fuck her again then she could get him out of her mind, out of her senses. She wasn’t so sure that she and Kouga were going to work out anyways. Her hand froze over the ladle as his hand cupped her breast. He growled, pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Wash.”

She shuddered and laid the clean ladle aside and picked up a bowl and ran the washrag over it clumsily. She could feel him behind her, shifting; hear the sound of his zipper. His hand slid around then and worked the fastening on her jeans until he could push them down around her ankles. She sucked in a sharp breath. He didn’t let her step out of them though. He tugged at her pants and pushed them down and then pressed his foot into the center seam and pushed them the rest of the way down. He didn’t say another word, just pressed the tip of his cock against the hot, wet entrance of her body and then pushed steadily forward. He didn’t stop till he was embedded deep in her body; his hips flush against her ass. He slid his hands up her sides and then followed her arms up till his fingers collided with hers and he twined them together as he started thrusting into her. He held her hands tight, keeping them pressed against the counter until they were both cumming.


She remembered that—clearly—5 hours later. She looked down at the ground as Kouga frowned, trying to make sense of what she was saying.

“Kouga, I want to break up.”

But he didn’t seem to understand. He stared at her as if he hadn’t heard her right and then his nose wrinkled and he sniffed the air around her. Recognition flared in his eyes. “What the fuck? Dog shit screwed you!” He reached out and gripped her shoulders, pulling her to him. “Kagome! You let him fuck you! WHY? What the hell?!” He shook her slightly, pissed that Inuyasha had touched—taken—what was his.

She didn’t tell him about the time at the play. She left that part out completely. “Kouga, I’m sorry.” ‘No, you aren’t.’ A little voice inside her mind whispered. Ok, so she wasn’t sorry. She couldn’t deny the fact that she had liked it. She had liked it. A lot. “I…I didn’t mean for it to happen but it did. Kouga, you know it hasn’t been working out between us…” She twisted her hands.

“God dammit, Kagome. Don’t tell me you’re going to him.” He muttered, dropping his hands.

Her head jerked up. “No, I’m not.” She had thought about that. Not once. But…

He shook his head, the look in his eyes unreadable. “You fucked him…You cheated on me with him.” His lips peeled back. “You’re nothing but a whore.”

Something inside her snapped. “Ever since we’ve been together you’ve done nothing but try to tell me what to do. I’ve done everything you’ve wanted. Still, you complain. I gave myself to you but was that enough? I guess not. Maybe I’d rather be his whore than be your girlfriend.” Kouga had a right to be angry. But it wasn’t just this. He’d lost her long before now.

“If you leave now, Kagome, you won’t find  anyone else like me. No one else who can make you feel the way I do…the way I made you cum…”

She started to turn away but stopped. It wasn’t Inuyasha’s fault. This had been coming. “Is that so? I promise you that I can find someone better than you and maybe you’re right.” She smiled mockingly. “Inuyasha didn’t make me feel the way you did.”

He started to smile at that.

“He made me feel so much better. So much more. I came. And more than once.” She heard Kouga mutter something beneath his breath as she turned away. That wasn’t the worst of it, though. The next day when she went to school, Inuyasha was gone. Not just out from school but gone. His family had moved. She didn’t know why but she had actually been looking forward to seeing Inuyasha…Then again, he’d gotten what he had wanted from her for so long. What reason had he to call her or even let her know he was leaving?


That was what Kagome remembered when she saw that silky white hair. She frowned as she stepped out of a classroom, locking the door. Five years had passed since High School. She’d been glad to get out of the hell hold of school but strangely enough, she’d started college a year later learning to be a teacher. Funny, huh?

She started walking quickly in the direction she’d seen the man go. He looked…familiar…it couldn’t be…She caught up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me—“ He turned the moment her hand touched his shoulder. And she froze. He looked so much like…so oddly familiar…

“I’m sorry but have we met before? You look like someone I used to know…” But he wasn’t.

He arched an eyebrow and when he spoke his voice was oddly cold. “I don’t believe we have.” He curled his clawed hand around her fingers and removed her hand. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She frowned, her gaze taking in the markings on his cheeks. A demon. He looked almost like…


Kagome watched him walk away and sighed. That was stupid.

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