InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ As time goes by ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.
"Hey Inuyasha, c'mon lets go to lunch, quit daydreaming." Miroku called after his friend. Inuyasha snapped back to reality and caught up to Miroku.
"I can't wait till we finally get out for winter break. It's gonna be so fun. I was thinking of going to the mountains and snowboarding or something." Miroku said fantasizing about his vacation.
"I just wanna sit at home warm in me bed, watching tv, drinking hot chocolate." Inuyasha said. Miroku nodded.
"That would be nice too." They sat down at the table and waited for the rest of the gang.
"Hey guys guess what?" Sesshomaru said coming towards the table.
"What?" Inuyasha asked.
"Mother and father told me that they would be going out of town for the winter break and we have the whole mansion to ourselves." Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because I didn't want to tell you earlier...I wanted you to be surprised."
"Well, It worked. The whole winter break by ourselves enjoying the winter without our parents...Oh, can we throw a winter party?" Sesshomaru nodded.
"Hell yeah...I already started inviting people." Inuyasha smirked.
"Good...I want to invite someone special." Miroku looked at him confused.
"Oh, you'll see." Just then, the girls walked in and sat in their chairs.
"The winter party is gonna be off the hook." Ayame said.
"My Sesshy throws the best parties, of course the party is gonna be 'off the hook'." Kagura said kissing Sesshomaru.
"Thanks for the compliment babe." Sesshomaru said kissing her back. They all ate and went to class.
The next three days went by like the wind and it was finally winter break. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had invited everyone who was worthy of coming to the big party at the Taisho Mansion. Kagome had been invited too, and strangely, Kimura was allowed to come as well. Today was the party and Kagome was getting ready. She wore a black long sleeved shirt and some white cotton pants that were tight to her thighs, so they gave her an hourglass shape and warmth, just the perfect pants to wear to the party. She wore some black snow boots and a knee length black coat. She let her hair loose and was ready to go.
She grabbed her keys and walked out to the black cadillac her dad had bought her. She drove to the large mansion and parked her car. She walked to the mansion steps and was stoped by a six foot tall man in black.
"Name?" Kagome looked up to him.
"Kagome Higurashi." The man looked at his keyboard then checked off her name.
"Enjoy the party." He said and stepped aside. The music was pumping loud and almost everybody was dancing.
"Hey Kagome over here!" Jakotsu called after Kagome. Kagome walked through the crowd and to the bar that was set up in the bar room. "Hey, Its cool you made it." Kagura said.
"Yeah, this party seems lively." Kagome said looking around.
"Here." Kagome looked at the cup weirdly.
"What is this?"
"It's a margarita drink...It's good, trust me." Kagome eyed the cup, but drank it. It tasted good, and soon, she was hooked. She drank anything they would give her with alcahol in it, and soon, she was drunk.
She was walking around the mansion until she bumped into a certain person.
"Inuyasha!" She said joyfully and tripped on her own foot. Inuyasha caught her and looked at her hazy eyes.
"You're drunk." Kagome nodded.
"Yeah, and I need some company, can you be my company?" She asked and Inuyasha nodded.
"Okay, c'mon." He took her to a blacony where there wasn't many people.
"Who got you drunk?" Kagome looked down.
"I dunno." He chuckled.
"You are gonna have one hell of a hangover." Kagoem suddenly looked up into Inuyasha's eyes.
"That sucks." Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah...Where's Kimura?" I thought he was coming." Kagome shrugged.
"I dunno. He's problably off somewhere with another girl."
"why would he be with another girl?" Kagome leaned into the balcony's rail.
"I think he' scheating on me...he doesn't act the same anymore." Inuyasha took Kagome's hand.
"C'mon...let's go some place more quiet." She agreed and they went through the back door of the mansion across to the camp house.
They walked in and Kagome was amazed. There was a fireplace adn a leather sofa near. Then there was a small bar where they could get their drinks. It was very romantic and quiet. Inuyasha led Kagome to the sofa and truned on the fire to get warm. He sat down next to Kagome and let her cuddle into him.
"You smell nice Inuyasha." Kagome said with her head pressed against Inuyasha's chest.
"What?" Kagome looked up at him.
"You smell nice." He chuckled.
"Thanks?" Kagoem giggled and stood up.
"I want another drink!" She said and walked over to the bar. Inuyasha followed and got two glasses out. He poured some wine in them and handed one to Kagome. She quickly took it and took a big chug out of it.
"Careful, you don't wanna choke." She shook her head.
"I won't." They talked and drank until they were both wasted.
"Ka-Kagome...come here." He said from the couch. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to him.
"What?" He pushed her down and pinned her to the couch.
"You're s-so sexy, y-you know that?" She blushed.
"Oh really?" He nodded and started kissing her neck.
"Yeah, y-you are." He said while kissing her.
They shared a long passionate kiss, then Inuyasha pulled away for air.
"I kinda missed your kisses." Admitted Kagome and Inuyasha smirked.
"Yeah, I missed kissing you too." They started kissing again and Inuyasha moved down and nibbled on her neck. He made her a small bite mark, then another and another.
She had a total of four mark on her neck. They were sure gonna show in the morning. They were kissing passionately when suddenly a knock was heard at the door. They quickly pulled away and looked at the door.
"Kagome?" A guy's voice was heard from the other side. Inuyasha stood up and walked to the door and opened.
"What the hell are you doing in here with her?" Kimura said staring madly at Inuyasha.
"None of your goddamn business you ass." Kimura looked over to where Kagome was sitting.
"C'mon, I told you to stay away from this guy a bunch of times." Kagome slowly got up and walked to the door.
"Lets go." He demanded and Kagome looked at Inuyasha sadly.
'sorry.' She mouthed and followed Kimura inside leaving Inuyasha outside alone.
Kimura pulled Kagome outside through the front door and to the side of the mansion.
"Kimura, where are you taking me?" He didin't answer, but when they were out of people's sight, he turned around.
"Why are you with him?" He asked with anger in his expression.
"I was just talking to him." Luckily it was dark out, so Kimura couldn't see the marks on Kagome's neck.
"I don't allow you to see listen to me when I say something!" He yelled at her and slapped her. Kagome eyes widened from the impact and she put her hand on her cheek, tears starting to fall from her eyes.
" hit me."
"You sure damn deserved it!" He yelled and stormed off.
Kagome dropped to the floor in tears. 'I hate him.' She said mentally and looked down onto the floor.
Suddenly Inuyasha arrives and picks her up.
"What happened? I heard you crying and came here. Where's Kimura?" Kagome looked at him sadly.
"He...He hit me....Inuyasha." She said in between sobbs. Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"That bastard. Where did he go?" Kagome shrugged.
"I don't know...Inuyasha, please don't go to him. He doesn't want me near you anymore. If you go to him, things will get worse." Inuyasha looked at her.
"I have to, but don't worry. He will never touch you again." Inuyasha said and took off to look for Kimura.
Kagome went inside and looked for Sesshomaru. She found him near the bar and tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey Sesshomaru, can I stay at one of your rooms? I feel so totally wasted and I don't want to get into an accient while driving home." Sesshomaru nodded.
"Sure, c'mon." Sesshomaru led Kagome to a room and opened the door.
"You can stay in here until you feel like you can drive." Kagome walked in.
"Thanks." She walked to the bed and sat on it. 'confortable.' She said to herself and laid down.
Sesshomaru walked down the hall down to the party with a big smirk on his face.
'Wait till Inuyasha walks into his room, he's up for a big surprise.'
Inuyasha found Kimura talking to some girl and quickly turned him around by the shoulder.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kimura. Where's Kagome?" Kimura growled.
"I don't know. Why don't you look for her...I could care less." He said darkly and turned around.
"Oh no you don't. Im not done with you." Inuyasha said turning him around again.
"What do you want? I told you that you could have her, I could care less about her...I was cheating on her anyways." That sent Kimura down to the floor with a busted lip.
"What was that for?!" Inuyasha glared at him.
"Get the hell out of my house before I get serious with you." Kimura obeyed and ran for the door.
"Inuyasha, what did you do?" Came Jakotsu telling Inuyasha.
"I sent him home with a memory...He's never coming here again." Jakotsu chuckled.
"You always end up beating someone up at parties."
"no I don't. I didn't fight when I went to your party 2 months ago."
"Yes you did. You were too drunk to even remember the next morning." Jakotsu said walking away. Inuyasha suddenly felt tired adn decided to call it a night.
He went to look for KAgome, but she wasn't where he let her so he walked to his room thinking she problably left home. He opened the door to his room and his eyes widened. There on his bed lay Kagome with just a shirt on, which was his and nothing else, but her underwear. She was sleeping soundly and Inuyasha couldn't believe it.
"She made herself feel at home alright." He said to himself aloud.
"She needed somewhere to rest her little drunk self, so I was being a good friend, and brother, and told her to sleep here until she felt better." Sesshomaru said coming up behind Inuyasha.
"You're lucky I like her. Now lets just hope she doesn't kill me tomorrow by thinking I raped her or something when she wakes up." Sesshomaru chuckled.
"That ought to be fun." He said walking back to the party. Inuyasha closed the door to his room and went to the bathroom. He turned on the water and striped his clothes. When the water was nice and warm he stepped into the shower and let the water run down his body.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes and looked around.
'what's that noice?' She got up still a little drunk and walked slowly to the bathroom. Seh opened the door slowly and took a glance inside the fogginess of the hot water in the shower. She blushed and let him have his privacy. She walked slowly to his desk and sat down infrotn of his laptop. She turned it on and sighed when she saw that she needed to put in a password. She clicked on the hint button and it said 'my love' She looked at it confused and thought.
'Well, he does tell me he loves me...' She typed in her name and amazingly it worked. The desktop screensaver showed up eith a picture of the gang before Kagome was in it.
Inuyasha turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and threw his dirty clothes in a basket. He walked out and jumped in fear. Kagome jumped in her seat and quickly turned to see a half naked Inuyasha.
"You scared the wits out of me girl." Kagome blushed.
"Sorry, but i'd feel more confortable if you'd put some clothes on." She said starring at the towel around his waist. Inuyasha blushed and scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh yeah, sorry." He walke dover to his drawer and pulled out a pair of red boxers and some black pajama pants. He walked into his closet and put on his clothes. He walked into the room and sat on his bed.
"Umm...I kinda cracked your password." Inuyasha blushed.
"Sorry." Kagome looked at him confused.
"Why are you apolagizing for?" Inuyasha looked away.
"Forget about it." Kagome sighed.
"Is the party still on downstairs?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Yup...these people can party for hours."
"Can you?" He nodded.
"Yeah, I just wasn't in the right mood to party." Kagome giggled and walked towards him.
"Im sure you can party just a bit longer." She said dropping herself on him.
"Uhhh...Kagome?" She looked at him seductavely and moved closer to his ear.
"I think Im ready for you." She whispered into his ear then nibbled on it. Inuyasha pushed her up a little.
"Kagome, you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing and im not gonna take advantage of sorry." Kagome huffed.
"Aww, I guess you are in a bad mood to party." He smiled and laid her down next to him.
"Yes, I guess. We can party tomorrow okay?" She nodded.
"Okay." Inuyasha pulled the cover up and wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist.
"Goodnight Kagome." She snuggled into his chest.
"Goodnight Inuyasha." In about 5mins. they were both dead asleep.
A few hours later the party was over and everyone went home. Shesshomaru and Kagura were walking down the hall when Sesshomaru stoped.
"Hold on, I need to check on someone."
"Who?" Sesshomaru slowly opened the door to Inuyasha's room.
"Look." Kagura walked by Sesshomaru and glanced inside.
"Aww, they look so cute together." Sesshomaru chuckled.
"Just wait until tomorrow, they're ain't gonna be nothing cute about it." Kagura giggled.
"Yeah...they make a cute couple though." Sesshomaru nodded.
"That's why im trying to get them together." Kagura smiled.
"You are?" He nodded.
"Yeah, and it looks like things are going my way." Kagura smiled.
"Like always." They closed the door slowly and made their way to Sesshomaru's room.
A/N: Yeah I tried to update sooner so here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy.
R&R plz
Love: @nime_b@by
Chapter 4
As time goes by
It had been 2 months since that day at the park that he had been with Kagome. Inuyasha since then had changed. He was calmer and more serious about things. Kagome had chosen Kimura over him a few weeks after their lunchdate. Inuyasha still loved her, but he had given up on trying to get her since she clearly told him she didn't love him. It was winter season and they only had three more days before christmas break.As time goes by
"Hey Inuyasha, c'mon lets go to lunch, quit daydreaming." Miroku called after his friend. Inuyasha snapped back to reality and caught up to Miroku.
"I can't wait till we finally get out for winter break. It's gonna be so fun. I was thinking of going to the mountains and snowboarding or something." Miroku said fantasizing about his vacation.
"I just wanna sit at home warm in me bed, watching tv, drinking hot chocolate." Inuyasha said. Miroku nodded.
"That would be nice too." They sat down at the table and waited for the rest of the gang.
"Hey guys guess what?" Sesshomaru said coming towards the table.
"What?" Inuyasha asked.
"Mother and father told me that they would be going out of town for the winter break and we have the whole mansion to ourselves." Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because I didn't want to tell you earlier...I wanted you to be surprised."
"Well, It worked. The whole winter break by ourselves enjoying the winter without our parents...Oh, can we throw a winter party?" Sesshomaru nodded.
"Hell yeah...I already started inviting people." Inuyasha smirked.
"Good...I want to invite someone special." Miroku looked at him confused.
"Oh, you'll see." Just then, the girls walked in and sat in their chairs.
"The winter party is gonna be off the hook." Ayame said.
"My Sesshy throws the best parties, of course the party is gonna be 'off the hook'." Kagura said kissing Sesshomaru.
"Thanks for the compliment babe." Sesshomaru said kissing her back. They all ate and went to class.
The next three days went by like the wind and it was finally winter break. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had invited everyone who was worthy of coming to the big party at the Taisho Mansion. Kagome had been invited too, and strangely, Kimura was allowed to come as well. Today was the party and Kagome was getting ready. She wore a black long sleeved shirt and some white cotton pants that were tight to her thighs, so they gave her an hourglass shape and warmth, just the perfect pants to wear to the party. She wore some black snow boots and a knee length black coat. She let her hair loose and was ready to go.
She grabbed her keys and walked out to the black cadillac her dad had bought her. She drove to the large mansion and parked her car. She walked to the mansion steps and was stoped by a six foot tall man in black.
"Name?" Kagome looked up to him.
"Kagome Higurashi." The man looked at his keyboard then checked off her name.
"Enjoy the party." He said and stepped aside. The music was pumping loud and almost everybody was dancing.
"Hey Kagome over here!" Jakotsu called after Kagome. Kagome walked through the crowd and to the bar that was set up in the bar room. "Hey, Its cool you made it." Kagura said.
"Yeah, this party seems lively." Kagome said looking around.
"Here." Kagome looked at the cup weirdly.
"What is this?"
"It's a margarita drink...It's good, trust me." Kagome eyed the cup, but drank it. It tasted good, and soon, she was hooked. She drank anything they would give her with alcahol in it, and soon, she was drunk.
She was walking around the mansion until she bumped into a certain person.
"Inuyasha!" She said joyfully and tripped on her own foot. Inuyasha caught her and looked at her hazy eyes.
"You're drunk." Kagome nodded.
"Yeah, and I need some company, can you be my company?" She asked and Inuyasha nodded.
"Okay, c'mon." He took her to a blacony where there wasn't many people.
"Who got you drunk?" Kagome looked down.
"I dunno." He chuckled.
"You are gonna have one hell of a hangover." Kagoem suddenly looked up into Inuyasha's eyes.
"That sucks." Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah...Where's Kimura?" I thought he was coming." Kagome shrugged.
"I dunno. He's problably off somewhere with another girl."
"why would he be with another girl?" Kagome leaned into the balcony's rail.
"I think he' scheating on me...he doesn't act the same anymore." Inuyasha took Kagome's hand.
"C'mon...let's go some place more quiet." She agreed and they went through the back door of the mansion across to the camp house.
They walked in and Kagome was amazed. There was a fireplace adn a leather sofa near. Then there was a small bar where they could get their drinks. It was very romantic and quiet. Inuyasha led Kagome to the sofa and truned on the fire to get warm. He sat down next to Kagome and let her cuddle into him.
"You smell nice Inuyasha." Kagome said with her head pressed against Inuyasha's chest.
"What?" Kagome looked up at him.
"You smell nice." He chuckled.
"Thanks?" Kagoem giggled and stood up.
"I want another drink!" She said and walked over to the bar. Inuyasha followed and got two glasses out. He poured some wine in them and handed one to Kagome. She quickly took it and took a big chug out of it.
"Careful, you don't wanna choke." She shook her head.
"I won't." They talked and drank until they were both wasted.
"Ka-Kagome...come here." He said from the couch. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to him.
"What?" He pushed her down and pinned her to the couch.
"You're s-so sexy, y-you know that?" She blushed.
"Oh really?" He nodded and started kissing her neck.
"Yeah, y-you are." He said while kissing her.
They shared a long passionate kiss, then Inuyasha pulled away for air.
"I kinda missed your kisses." Admitted Kagome and Inuyasha smirked.
"Yeah, I missed kissing you too." They started kissing again and Inuyasha moved down and nibbled on her neck. He made her a small bite mark, then another and another.
She had a total of four mark on her neck. They were sure gonna show in the morning. They were kissing passionately when suddenly a knock was heard at the door. They quickly pulled away and looked at the door.
"Kagome?" A guy's voice was heard from the other side. Inuyasha stood up and walked to the door and opened.
"What the hell are you doing in here with her?" Kimura said staring madly at Inuyasha.
"None of your goddamn business you ass." Kimura looked over to where Kagome was sitting.
"C'mon, I told you to stay away from this guy a bunch of times." Kagome slowly got up and walked to the door.
"Lets go." He demanded and Kagome looked at Inuyasha sadly.
'sorry.' She mouthed and followed Kimura inside leaving Inuyasha outside alone.
Kimura pulled Kagome outside through the front door and to the side of the mansion.
"Kimura, where are you taking me?" He didin't answer, but when they were out of people's sight, he turned around.
"Why are you with him?" He asked with anger in his expression.
"I was just talking to him." Luckily it was dark out, so Kimura couldn't see the marks on Kagome's neck.
"I don't allow you to see listen to me when I say something!" He yelled at her and slapped her. Kagome eyes widened from the impact and she put her hand on her cheek, tears starting to fall from her eyes.
" hit me."
"You sure damn deserved it!" He yelled and stormed off.
Kagome dropped to the floor in tears. 'I hate him.' She said mentally and looked down onto the floor.
Suddenly Inuyasha arrives and picks her up.
"What happened? I heard you crying and came here. Where's Kimura?" Kagome looked at him sadly.
"He...He hit me....Inuyasha." She said in between sobbs. Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"That bastard. Where did he go?" Kagome shrugged.
"I don't know...Inuyasha, please don't go to him. He doesn't want me near you anymore. If you go to him, things will get worse." Inuyasha looked at her.
"I have to, but don't worry. He will never touch you again." Inuyasha said and took off to look for Kimura.
Kagome went inside and looked for Sesshomaru. She found him near the bar and tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey Sesshomaru, can I stay at one of your rooms? I feel so totally wasted and I don't want to get into an accient while driving home." Sesshomaru nodded.
"Sure, c'mon." Sesshomaru led Kagome to a room and opened the door.
"You can stay in here until you feel like you can drive." Kagome walked in.
"Thanks." She walked to the bed and sat on it. 'confortable.' She said to herself and laid down.
Sesshomaru walked down the hall down to the party with a big smirk on his face.
'Wait till Inuyasha walks into his room, he's up for a big surprise.'
Inuyasha found Kimura talking to some girl and quickly turned him around by the shoulder.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kimura. Where's Kagome?" Kimura growled.
"I don't know. Why don't you look for her...I could care less." He said darkly and turned around.
"Oh no you don't. Im not done with you." Inuyasha said turning him around again.
"What do you want? I told you that you could have her, I could care less about her...I was cheating on her anyways." That sent Kimura down to the floor with a busted lip.
"What was that for?!" Inuyasha glared at him.
"Get the hell out of my house before I get serious with you." Kimura obeyed and ran for the door.
"Inuyasha, what did you do?" Came Jakotsu telling Inuyasha.
"I sent him home with a memory...He's never coming here again." Jakotsu chuckled.
"You always end up beating someone up at parties."
"no I don't. I didn't fight when I went to your party 2 months ago."
"Yes you did. You were too drunk to even remember the next morning." Jakotsu said walking away. Inuyasha suddenly felt tired adn decided to call it a night.
He went to look for KAgome, but she wasn't where he let her so he walked to his room thinking she problably left home. He opened the door to his room and his eyes widened. There on his bed lay Kagome with just a shirt on, which was his and nothing else, but her underwear. She was sleeping soundly and Inuyasha couldn't believe it.
"She made herself feel at home alright." He said to himself aloud.
"She needed somewhere to rest her little drunk self, so I was being a good friend, and brother, and told her to sleep here until she felt better." Sesshomaru said coming up behind Inuyasha.
"You're lucky I like her. Now lets just hope she doesn't kill me tomorrow by thinking I raped her or something when she wakes up." Sesshomaru chuckled.
"That ought to be fun." He said walking back to the party. Inuyasha closed the door to his room and went to the bathroom. He turned on the water and striped his clothes. When the water was nice and warm he stepped into the shower and let the water run down his body.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes and looked around.
'what's that noice?' She got up still a little drunk and walked slowly to the bathroom. Seh opened the door slowly and took a glance inside the fogginess of the hot water in the shower. She blushed and let him have his privacy. She walked slowly to his desk and sat down infrotn of his laptop. She turned it on and sighed when she saw that she needed to put in a password. She clicked on the hint button and it said 'my love' She looked at it confused and thought.
'Well, he does tell me he loves me...' She typed in her name and amazingly it worked. The desktop screensaver showed up eith a picture of the gang before Kagome was in it.
Inuyasha turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and threw his dirty clothes in a basket. He walked out and jumped in fear. Kagome jumped in her seat and quickly turned to see a half naked Inuyasha.
"You scared the wits out of me girl." Kagome blushed.
"Sorry, but i'd feel more confortable if you'd put some clothes on." She said starring at the towel around his waist. Inuyasha blushed and scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh yeah, sorry." He walke dover to his drawer and pulled out a pair of red boxers and some black pajama pants. He walked into his closet and put on his clothes. He walked into the room and sat on his bed.
"Umm...I kinda cracked your password." Inuyasha blushed.
"Sorry." Kagome looked at him confused.
"Why are you apolagizing for?" Inuyasha looked away.
"Forget about it." Kagome sighed.
"Is the party still on downstairs?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Yup...these people can party for hours."
"Can you?" He nodded.
"Yeah, I just wasn't in the right mood to party." Kagome giggled and walked towards him.
"Im sure you can party just a bit longer." She said dropping herself on him.
"Uhhh...Kagome?" She looked at him seductavely and moved closer to his ear.
"I think Im ready for you." She whispered into his ear then nibbled on it. Inuyasha pushed her up a little.
"Kagome, you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing and im not gonna take advantage of sorry." Kagome huffed.
"Aww, I guess you are in a bad mood to party." He smiled and laid her down next to him.
"Yes, I guess. We can party tomorrow okay?" She nodded.
"Okay." Inuyasha pulled the cover up and wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist.
"Goodnight Kagome." She snuggled into his chest.
"Goodnight Inuyasha." In about 5mins. they were both dead asleep.
A few hours later the party was over and everyone went home. Shesshomaru and Kagura were walking down the hall when Sesshomaru stoped.
"Hold on, I need to check on someone."
"Who?" Sesshomaru slowly opened the door to Inuyasha's room.
"Look." Kagura walked by Sesshomaru and glanced inside.
"Aww, they look so cute together." Sesshomaru chuckled.
"Just wait until tomorrow, they're ain't gonna be nothing cute about it." Kagura giggled.
"Yeah...they make a cute couple though." Sesshomaru nodded.
"That's why im trying to get them together." Kagura smiled.
"You are?" He nodded.
"Yeah, and it looks like things are going my way." Kagura smiled.
"Like always." They closed the door slowly and made their way to Sesshomaru's room.
A/N: Yeah I tried to update sooner so here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy.
R&R plz
Love: @nime_b@by