InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I am the Moon ❯ Reflections of the Jewel Part II ( Chapter 74 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: I do not own Inuyasha; Rumikio Takahashi does.
Thanks for the reviews! Here is a double posting and almost at the end.
Reflections of the Jewel II
I was in the West and very near the Tree of Ages that my grandsire had sealed the powerful Hyoga to. Yuudai and I had faced our own moth here some thirty eight years ago; both of us had barely survived. We had never known his name but I had found him beautiful and really quite deadly. I had fleetingly sensed Magatushi and I was searching him out. The power radiated still to this day from this ancient tree. I saw Touga's fang from his true form near the base. I went to it and looked around.
“Well my brother, I never did find out if you had mated Lady Izayoi.” I said softly.
“I really do not like the Taisho.” I heard from behind me.
I began growling when I turned around there stood the very same moth that Yuudai and I had faced before. He was not dressed in armor this time and his pale jade colored hair blew around him. He had on a navy colored haori and cream colored ku. His eyes were the pale blue I remembered and had feathered antenna like appendages above his eyes. He had very thin wings that were almost transparent. His skin was quite pale and he smirked at me.
“You!” I hissed.
“Oh yes me. I never did catch your name or your little boy dog either.” He said snidely.
“You attacked us.” I said putting my hand on Kumosaiga.
“Now now are we going to fight again? I have no armor and you are obviously looking for someone. You really did quite a bit of damage before little she dog!” he snapped.
He jumped up and glowered at me. He had to be a family member of Hyoga and Menomaru and therefore he would be ill towards my family.
“You are related to these remains how?” I demanded.
“I just am. You are related to the dog that killed the Hyoga.” He said in a nasty tone.
“My grandsire stopped an invasion of his lands and the islands. How is that wrong?” I asked raising a brow.
“He sealed him away as if a common youki! We did not have this much discourse last time. Your dog boy was growling and snarling at me. What happened to the bastard?” he asked smirking.
“He died in battle.” I said clenching my teeth.
“So before we come to blows I should like your name she dog.” He said smirking his rather pretty lips.
“Asuna and you are?” I demanded.
“Kenomaru. Are you the she dog that rules on the continent?” he asked leaning forward.
“Hai the very same.” I smirked at his obvious lack of intelligence on his enemies.
He jumped and pulled a short katana that he began brandishing with obvious skill. I blocked and clashed blades over and over. The moth looked at me in obvious surprise and delight it seemed. His blade cut into me in several places as did mine. He pulled back and threw his katana from him and jumped at me. He tackled me to the ground and I had to let go of my fang. We tussled and rolled several times and I kept his claws from getting me. Moths were highly poisonous and inu were not immune. They were one of the few toxins that could hurt or kill us. He leaned down and caught my lips in a surprising kiss and he jumped back.
“You shall be a treat to defeat. You have gained much skill in the nearly four decades I have faced you.” He said retreating into the tree.
“I can kill you moth quite easily!” I retorted.
“So much more confident. I do not know if I should fight you first then fuck you or fuck you then fight.” He said as his eyes flashed.
“You have an obvious exaggerated sense of your own prowess Kenomaru. It would take much more than what you have to please me.” I said with a ghost of a smile upon my lips.
Anger flashed in his blue eyes and males were too easy I thought. He jumped down and pinned me to the ground.
“Shall we find out?” he asked in an angry tone.
“I suggest you make sure and find a very tiny moth onna. It seems anything else would be too much for such obviously tiny pursuits.” I said smirking.
“You are missing several things are you not she dog? Oh there really quite lovely I imagine.” He stated as his hand slipped between my skin and silks.
“Quit touching me!” I snarled.
“As I said I would love to take you down in every manner. Well I have felt enough. I have had what I wanted for quite awhile anyway.” He stated as his fingers grazed my nether region.
He smirked down at me and I stared at him hard. He smiled at me rather lustfully and I growled.
“Till we meet next time she dog. Please try and wear silks that are much easier to remove.” He said lewdly.
I threw Dakkasou at him and he ported away. I knew Magatushi was near and I growled louder. I heard laughter and I ported away. I ported straight into the Western study and began going through old volumes of Touga's. My sire apparently had a meeting with several nobles and I paid him no mind.
“Asuna?” he asked.
“The journals on the Hyoga, where are they?” I demanded.
“Top shelf.” My sire replied.
“Thank you.” I said as I pulled the ladder to me.
“Why do you need it?” he asked.
“There was a moth by the name of Kenomaru that Yuudai and I faced nearly four decades ago. He is back and stronger then before.” I said as I found the journal.
I jumped down and nodded to my sire. The nobles left quickly and I saw Yuuta staring at me. We had been admonished severely for facing the moth in the first place. I met Yuuta's grey eyes and I looked away. He looked so much like Yuudai that I could not face him since Ken'ichi passed.
“Would you come to the castle after?” he asked me.
“Sir Yuuta I…” I muttered.
“Princess please.” He asked softly.
“Hai.” I nodded.
He left then I sat in front of my sire's desk and he raised a brow at me and I flipped open the journal and began reading.
“Hyoga was a powerful bastard.” I muttered.
“Hai and I remember you coming back bloodied and almost dead facing this moth.” He remarked.
“Hai but I was younger then too. I need to read, I shall make sure to return this when I am finished.” I said.
He nodded and I stood up. I decided to see Yuuta now and get it over with. I went to the family castle within the palace complex grounds. I knocked on the shoji door and it was slid open by Yuuto. I nodded to my former brother in law and he bowed to me. I walked to the office of Yuuta and he looked up at me. He smiled a little and I looked away. He was rather young himself having had his sons early like I had done with mine. He was in his fourth century and as handsome as Yuudai had been.
“You avoid me.” He said flatly.
“I failed this family.” I said holding back tears.
“Yuudai and Ken'ichi are together Asuna. I have to believe that. You had no control over what that kumo devil did.” He stated standing.
“If you plan on pouring sake then I shall take as much as you are willing to share.” I said meeting his eyes.
He poured me a wine glass full and I accepted it gratefully. He poured himself a liberal amount as well.
“You will not meet my eyes and it seems as though you shun this house.” He said bluntly.
“I do not shun your house. Your son is dead because of my family and my son is dead because of who I am mated to. I have a hard time facing you because I see you and I see my failings.” I said as I suddenly downed the sake.
I closed my eyes a moment and a tear slipped down my cheek. Yuuta wiped it away and I met his eyes.
“You need some food to buffer that.” He said bluntly.
“No. I will hunt in a little while.” I said as I grew dizzy slowly.
“I am not a wrathful individual and I do not hold you accountable for others actions.” He said softly as he again wiped away a tear.
“Yuuta stop.” I growled softly.
“You are all I have left of my son. I tried to keep him from you under the mistaken impression of who you were. I did not wish to see what a passionate and caring onna you were.” He said sighing.
“I failed him!” I said meeting his eyes.
“I am selfish my lady. I wish to maintain a close friendship because my son loved you so much.” He said lifting my chin.
“Yuuta do not.” I said beginning to cry freely.
“Please stop crying. I am not impervious to it.” He said wiping away the salty wetness.
“What do you want from me?” I demanded.
“Please do not run when you see me. Please talk to me.” He begged.
I was shaking in his arms and he was trying to stop it but I fought him. He held my chin and then kissed my cheek softly. I jerked in his arms and met his eyes again. Something passed between us at that moment and I did the unthinkable and kissed him. He suffered as much as I and he devoured me. I did not seem to fathom the passing of any time and I ended up with my back to the wall and my hands in his hair. He was not letting up and I knew exactly where my hormones were leading me. Somehow at the moment I did not care. I had no physical tie to his family anymore and I surrendered totally. Yuuta sensed the change and finally wrenched himself from me. His gray eyes were tinged pink and my eyes had changed completely.
“I am so sorry. I am not thinking clearly.” He managed.
“Stop talking.” I demanded.
We stared at each other and I turned on my heel and left. I surprised myself as I left his castle. He had followed and we were in the courtyard.
“Please stop my lady.” He asked as he stopped me from walking.
“Unhand me Yuuta before I dip into your mind and see your futon.” I said closing my eyes.
“I am sorry what just happened. It is just grief.” He said in my ear.
I did exactly what I said I would and I dipped into his mind. I ported us to his chambers and he looked surprised. I turned around and he growled gently.
“Asuna, I just wished to maintain a friendship.” He said pressing his forehead to mine.
I brushed his lips with my fingertips and he began nipping them. My fingers began undoing his haori and I slipped it off of him. I pressed my lips to his rather sculpted chest and laved my tongue around his flat nipple. I nipped the flesh and his eyes seemed glazed over suddenly. I pushed him back and he fell on his futon. I settled between his legs and pressed him back flat. His eyes met mine and there was no going back. I slipped my wide obi off and slipped of my fairly sheer hanfu. I had no intention of waiting and I freed him from his hakama. Yuuta was rather wealthy amongst the nobles and his clothing was rich under my fingers. He shook his head no but I ignored him. I sank onto him and we both closed our eyes and moaned. He rolled us and took control. He kissed me desperately as he did earlier and we began frantically moving against the other. I knew this had been the last thing on his mind but we were ensnared at the moment. I was lost in the intense closeness we were experiencing and I wanted more of it. It was glaringly obvious that Yuuta had his share of onna as was more than confident in his lovemaking. I drew my legs up and cried out as I felt him reaching deep. He released my lips and I clawed at his back. His eyes met mine and again something passed between us. He stopped for a moment and pulled me up so that I was seated in his lap. We wrapped our arms around each other as we moved with more urgency. We again began kissing as if we could not get enough of the other. I came aware as my body reacted to all the beautiful sensations. Yuuta slowly withdrew from my lips and pressed his forehead to mine. He was one who could hold himself from his own climax and I was rasping trying to do the same. I grabbed his wrist and sank my fangs in and he groaned as my uppyr nature reared. I took in his blood and I began inching my yoki along his conscience. His hands splayed across my back and my backside as he was rasping out this time. I was bringing about almost unbearable mental stroking. He got on his knees and moved in me in such a way; I let out short sharp cries. He was hitting the spot within my center over and over and I came undone. I began crying out harder as I released the sweet tension. Yuuta let himself join me and he leaned me back against the futon as his own climax was as intense. For once I had no regrets and I felt none from him either. We said nothing and I wished for sleep but I needed to read Touga's journal. He pulled out of me and lay on his back. He took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles. I saw his grey eyes and I was doomed I realized.
“Yuuta.” I managed.
“Please say nothing. I will be right back.” He stated as he slipped from the futon and slipped on a yukata.
He was only gone a few minutes and he handed me a porcelain cup full of water. I was still undressed and I stretched for a moment. I downed the water gratefully and he had stood. He had closets instead of armoires and he went into his and retrieved clean clothing. I watched him and he looked over at me.
“Why did you have Yuudai so early in life?” I asked.
“Wakana wanted a pup soon after we mated. He was such an easy pup too. She died when she birthed our daughter. Atsune was breech and we did not know. Hell that has been more than a century ago.” He replied.
He met my eyes then they traveled over my naked form. I had no idea why but I shifted so he could see more. He was a very elegant male and every inch the noble. He never said much but his eyes told a different story.
“Here.” He said handing me a yukata.
“Why?” I asked.
“You wish to remain unclothed?” he asked me softly.
“I am in your private chambers. Is Yuuto going to run in here?” I asked.
“No.” he smiled.
“I have run almost every inch of this castle. This is not the first time I have been in here.” I admitted.
“Really? When were you in here before?” he asked sitting next to me.
“Yuudai dared me to sneak in here. This was right after he had to spend the day with my sire for touching Tokijin. You were rather amorous with Lady Nagomi.” I said smirking.
“How old were you?” he demanded.
“Almost forty. Old enough to know what you were doing but not old enough to participate.” I laughed.
His eyes held amusement and I watched him.
“How many times did you sneak around my castle?” he asked.
“More than I think I shall admit. I have seen two or three of your lovers.” I said winking at him.
“I am a discrete man.” He said blushing.
“I know but I was a curious onna.” I said taking the offered yukata.
“What else have you done that my son should have been whipped for?” he asked holding back laughter.
“We used to raid the stores at your Kyoto estate. The sweets were our favorites. We used to lock Yuuto into his rooms and terrorize the servants. When you had to repair your hot spring that was because of me. I was in my true form and I had been tussling with Osamu and Yuudai. Yuudai threw me and I had landed along the retaining wall.” I laughed.
“You have cost me more gold in repairs then my sons ever did.” He laughed.
“I was not even yours.” I said smiling as I looked away.
“Thank you for this and please do not feel awkward around me.” He stated catching my eyes.
“I have no link to this house anymore. I regret nothing.” I said honestly.
I moved slowly and I realized that I was not exactly sober. Yuuta was not either but I said nothing sudden and did not overreact. I dressed and I bowed to him. I picked up Touga's journal and willed my fang into my hand.
“Have dinner with me.” He stated.
“Hai.” I nodded.
I ported out to my chambers and I sank into a low chair. I opened the journal and became immersed in all things moth.
I was sitting across from Yuuta and laughing as I sipped my wine. He was handsome and quite the speaker. We were eating with other nobles including Jouichi and his mate. Baku was there and I acknowledged him but we remained in our own circles. Juuna sat near me and we were laughing rather loudly at the antics of the young ones. Nobu had to stitch up his inu dominant son on more than one occasion. I saw Yuuta staring for a moment then he began speaking again. I was again quite into my spirits as we were served shark and tuna.
“Well I told him that no he could not have the kumo as a pet and he pouted. He said his chichi was a kumo and he wanted a pet.” Juuna laughed.
I busted out and I realized I had never seen Nobu's true form. She caught my eyes and shook her head.
“I have not either. He stays in his humanoid form always and I have never seen him hunt.” She said smiling.
“Well then. Sir Jouichi how have you been?” I asked.
“Quite well my lady. You seem in good spirits.” He said nodding.
“I have come against a moth youki that Yuudai and I faced awhile ago. His name is Kenomaru, have any of you heard of him?” I asked.
Everyone nodded no and I decided to forget the insect for awhile and I drank liberally. I was full and looked around.
“I shall see you all later. Thank you Sir Yuuta for having me. I miss this.” I said bowing.
“You leave already?” he asked.
“Hai. I have more reading and I need to spend some time in the dojo. I am without the pups for a little while and I can concentrate on felling my sire.” I joked.
He nodded and I slipped from his dining hall. I had so many memories of this place and I wandered to the hall. I looked out upon the courtyard and smiled softly. I sensed my host and I turned. He came closer to me and lifted my face. His hands were warm and they held me captive as he looked down at me.
“You have become such a handsome bitch. You were such a waif of a girl but so stubborn. You always defied me every chance you got.” He said in a deep whisper.
“I was arrogant.” I managed.
“Hai but so proud too. I did not think you had the strength to bear such a huge mantle as the West is. You were so young and thin. I used to wonder if your sire fed you.” He smiled.
“Hai he fed me. I was a glutton actually.” I smiled in return.
“Such a beautiful onna you are.” He stated as he lowered his lips to mine.
I responded with savage need and coaxed him with my lips. He groaned very softly as he pressed me into the wall as we began burning hotly.
“I am inebriated Asuna. Good night my lady.” He said softly.
“I am as well Yuuta.” I said clutching him to me.
Our eyes were burning and my hands went to his hakama to loosen it a little. He pulled up my kimono and then lifted me enough. He eased himself in slowly and watched me as my face contorted. I whimpered softly and I felt fingers slip through my dampened curls. He did not move within move but stroked my slippery flesh and grazed my nub over and over. I arched my neck and I began panting. He never moved but he continued to stroke my center and the blaze that was in me at the moment. I bit my lower lip over and over as the wonderful fullness and the manipulation of my bundle of nerves. His actions pushed me and prodded me until I reached my peak. I began convulsing around him and he began moving in me quite hard. The sensation was new and different and my inner flesh continued to squeeze Yuuta relentlessly. He had thrown me into a long orgasm and I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his own. His mouth worked mine and my yoki flared of its own accord. He gasped and we were growling softly; we were both trying to stay quiet but failing miserably.
“Port please.” He managed to say.
“Cannot.” I groaned.
“Yoki too much.” He rasped in my ear.
Instead of answering I cried out. My claws were piercing his shoulders as he moved in me hard and sure. I was going to be bruised but it did not matter to me in the least. He was nipping at my shoulder and lightly breaking the skin. Our primal dance finally culminated when I released again and he grunted out as he poured his whole being into me. His lips sought mine as he kissed me into total submission. We shook hard against the other and I had gained enough presence of mind to port us into his chambers. I was dizzy and tired as he pulled out and fell to his back.
“Did you love your mate?” I asked.
“I was fond of her. My sire wanted the alliance that a mating would bring about. She and I had an open relationship but she was a good mother to my sons. I regret her passing.” He said catching his breath.
I sat up and looked down at him. I stripped out of my clothes and I helped him out of his. I could not seem to stop myself as I craved to have him fill me again and again.
I was in Kyoto and in Yuuta's futon. We had removed ourselves from the palace and rumors that would eventually start. He was asleep on his stomach and he was magnificent. I wanted to admonish myself for my actions but I could not. I had been sharing a physical relationship with him for the last couple of weeks and I was getting to the point that I was consumed by him. He was sleeping without anything on and we had learned our silks fared better if we just kept them off whilst in his private chambers. I ran a hand down his muscular back and his thigh and he opened a gray eye.
“Hello.” I said.
“Hi.” He mumbled.
I lay down and watched him. I did not want to feel too much. He was an amazing lover and a great friend; we did not go a day with out even speaking. He had been in the palace and speaking with my sire the last time. I had come from the dojo and I had to physically tear my eyes from him. We had ended up in an alcove like two adolescents who had rutted the first time. I did not want to feel too much but I was.
“We should probably stop.” I whispered.
“Uh huh.” He mumbled.
“I cannot get enough of you Yuuta.” I murmured.
“I cannot either. I cannot get your scent out of my mind. I crave to smell our combined pheramones.” He stated in a sleepy tone.
“That is not helping.” I chuckled.
“I know.” He said softly.
He sat up and pushed me back. He spread my thighs wide open and lowered his nose to my center. He closed his eyes and growled quite softly. I watched him and he darted his tongue out.
“Oh.” I cried out softly.
He growled louder and began sucking and tonguing my core. I closed my eyes as I began to loose my mind. His eyes had bled red and he slid up my body. He slid a finger inside of me and then brought it to my lips. I darted my tongue out and tasted our combined juices. He watched me like a hawk and I needed him again. He buried his nose into my juncture and began licking at my pulse point. He was aggressive in his attentions and my beast was responding. I wanted him to wrap his jaws and clamp down hard. I was not trying to take over and my beast wanted me to submit.
“Do it.” I begged.
“Huh?” he asked me looking up.
“Please Yuuta. Please.” I groaned.
He seemed to understand and he pulled me up. I crawled onto all fours and he did not even think twice as he joined with me. He moaned loudly as he pummeled my body. I bared my neck and I was whining in inu. Again he did not deny me and he took my juncture into his hungry mouth. I was rasping out and begging him. He did not clamp down and I began whimpering loudly.
“Shhh. Come for me my sweet beautiful onna.” He said softly.
“Yuuta. Why? Please do not deny us. Please.” I begged in a deep tone.
“Do you know how amazing you are? Do you know how amazing you make me feel?” he asked in my ear.
“Then why will you not do as I ask?” I asked in an almost shrill tone.
“So sweet.” He muttered as he tasted my neck.
I whimpered again and I was dying to release and I wanted his fangs buried as deeply as he was stroking me. I whined over and over in inu. I had never begged a male like this and I actually wanted him to do it.
“Stop begging me. You are my princess and my beautiful lover.” He moaned.
I cried out in blissful agony but agony none the less. I actually barked out and his fingers were rolling my nipples and then my nub. I knew I had tears fall down my face and I heard him gasp softly. He could smell the salt and I again felt his fangs at my juncture. He was biting down just a little but I grew anxious and angry.
“You deny us? Why?” I raged.
“Release for me.” He demanded.
I closed my eyes and just felt. My body let go and I felt such incredible rapture. I felt his fangs clamp down and I screamed in complete bliss. I shook violently under him as he released as well. He finally released my throat and he lowered his mouth to mine. He finally stopped the kiss and looked down at me. My eyes were swimming and I felt like I was seeing stars. I snarled suddenly and snapped my fangs and clamped down on his juncture. He cried out in his own bliss as I growled. I released him and he laid his head on my chest.
“Silly girl what have we done.” He muttered.
“Just do not dishonor me.” I said sleepily.
“I am not as young as that. Look at me.” He commanded.
I turned my head and stared at him. It occurred to me that he was able to bring me to heel quite well.
“I am not Yuudai.” He said softly.
“You think I do not know that?” I asked.
“I know you know that but I am not he.” He said firmly.
“Why say this now Yuuta? Why say it after we make love?” I asked.
“Calm down! Do not yell at me as I will not hear it. You loved him and I know that. You two were devoted to each other and loved each other fiercely. I cannot replace that.” He said evenly.
I grew angry and I got up and pulled on a yukata.
“Sit down please. This has needed to be spoken. My feelings of you are separate from Yuudai. I would not even attempt to compete and I do not want to be compared to him. He was a great man in his own right and a brilliant leader. My son made me proud to be his sire. I am Sir Yuuta and I have been falling in love with you for some time now. I want you to see me and not him.” He said very bluntly.
“If you think I compare you to him then go to hell. You favor the other but I have always thought you one of the most handsome and elegant males I have known. I snuck into your chambers to see you naked idiot. I loved Yuudai but you were a fantasy at one time as I grew up.” I said narrowing my eyes.
“Come here.” He said softly.
I moved closer to him and he gathered me into his arms. Yuudai had been a soldier and warrior. Yuuta was a politician and so very graceful.
“I did not think of you this way because Yuudai was around. Neither one of us would have crossed this line if he was here. I cannot imagine this if Ken'ichi were still alive as well.” I said honestly.
“You are right. I would have continued to see you as my daughter in law. When you took over at the execution I was in awe of you.” He said as he nuzzled my neck.
“What because I could kill so easily?” I asked.
“No. You did not think twice in helping me save face and avenging Yuudai. I started to think you of differently then. When Ken'ichi died you would not let anyone near you. I wanted to help you but you stood on your own. You buried him right next to his sire and they will be together always.” He said in my ear.
“Yuuta stop.” I said closing my eyes.
“You would not look at me at state dinners and you would not acknowledge me. I honestly thought you could never see me.” He whispered into my neck.
“Your beloved son was dead because of me.” I said in a strangled sob.
“You gave him everything he wanted. He was not me and I understood that. He wanted to be a warrior and he wanted a pup by you. He had what he wanted; I just want you to be able to discern our differences. I am no soldier and Kamis know I do not like death. I do however find this amazing strength and passion when I am near you. You may be a warrior but you are clever and easy to speak to. You are an incredible lover and I want to drown in your presence and bury myself in your depths.” He stated as he held me tightly.
“Yuuta.” I stated dumbly.
“Why did you want my mark?” he asked.
“Because I wanted you to call me your bitch.” I said sheepishly.
He got a predatory look on his face and I had admitted to a very obvious alpha male that I wished to submit. He shut his eyes and tried to calm his heated blood.
“Asuna. I need you again.” He said suddenly.
I gave into him and I was lost to him. I would crave him from now on and I actually looked forward to it.
I was in Manchuria near the border to Mongolia. I was running down rumors of the moths and Magatushi had been rumored to have been seen here. I began to wonder at the words of Kenomaru and I was looking at maps. I determined that the moths were Mongolian just like my favorite wraiths. Ang Chi was beside me and he heard me growl.
“Mother?” he asked.
“Just thinking horrid thoughts of your ancestry my dear. Pay me no mind.” I laughed.
“I wish I was anything but a Shouten.” He mumbled.
“You are inu dominant and thank the Kamis for it. I will be back at the end of tomorrow. Your jii-chan is having a huge state dinner and I as his heir have to attend.” I grumbled.
Ang Chi laughed at my droll manner and my obvious disdain.
“By the way but I thought I should tell you that you should mask yourself.” He said blushing.
“Goodness you can scent that?” I asked.
“Hai. I imagine all the male nobles would jump on you.” He said grimacing.
“Ugh. I hate being female sometimes.” I growled.
Ang Chi laughed again and I ported to the West. I made sure to scrub my skin and I began dressing for the damn dinner. My sire had invited the ookami as well as Ishin. I looked forward to seeing my kumo mate but I hated these damn formal dinners. I put on a shimmering gold colored lace hanfu. The wide obi was black and gold and heavily embroidered. Zhou came in and began pulling me hair up partially. She put a diadem of wild flowers in my hair and I smirked at her.
“Here my lady. Take that so the males will keep their noses to themselves. I hear Sir Yuuta will be there.” She said softly.
I smiled and she winked at me. Yuuta was a mate but we kept it quiet and said nothing. I stayed barefoot and went to the Great Hall. Several nobles were there already and my sire looked at me with a gleam in his eye. He was very pleased at my appearance as I sat at the low table. I felt Yuuta's eyes on me and I turned in his direction and lowered my head in acknowledgment.
“Your heir is handsome as always my lord.” Yuuta stated bowing low to my sire.
“Hn.” My father muttered.
“Inu?” Ishin stated as he slipped in and sat next to me.
“Hai?” I asked looking up at him.
-Can I take you now? - He pathed.
“Later.” I mumbled.
He smirked as he leaned forward and whispered rather licentious things in my ear. I smiled and caught Yuuta's eyes. He was boiling but kept his composure. I was intrigued at his jealousy but I ignored it.
“Lord Ishin.” My father stated.
“Lord Sesshomaru-sama.” Ishin said inclining his head.
Ishin could be quite the suck ass when he chose. My sire liked him well enough and I raised a brow at my mate. We were served soup first and Ishin leaned in.
“Naraku says he shall have his own feast later.” He whispered in my ear.
I blushed hotly and looked up at Ishin. He was amused and drank some white wine. He chuckled then began eating. I listened to inane prattle and my kumo kept looking up at me.
“Why do you scent that way? Are you in heat?” he asked under his breath.
“You are learning my inu smells?” I asked amused.
“Well that smell occurs so infrequently.” He replied.
“I know.” I said under my breath.
“My lady if I may interrupt?” Yuuta asked.
“Hai?” I asked.
“You said you were hunting down rumors of the moth. Did you find him?” Yuuta asked.
My sire arched a brow as to why Yuuta would know such a thing and not him. My mother sat up and paid a bit more attention.
“They are Mongolian Sir Yuuta. I have been to Manchuria and will venture out there again tomorrow.” I said flatly.
Ishin's hand tightened on mine and I had not really said anything to anyone. I looked at him and he was angry.
-You have faced a moth? Do you know how powerful they are? - He pathed.
-Hai I know. I faced him before and survived. - I pathed in return.
-I remember that memory Asuna! I am kumo and a natural enemy to the moths! You should have come to Naraku and me! - He growled in my head.
“Enough!” I snapped aloud.
I looked around at all and growled.
“I said nothing because I was chasing down rumors. I was not engaging the moths.” I said flatly.
“Sit down.” My sire commanded.
I sat down and downed my imported wine. Ishin was in a foul mood and I looked at him annoyed. The meal continued and as soon as I was finished I left the Great Hall. I went to the gardens and many guests were milling about. My sire grabbed my arm and sat me down on a bench.
“What is going on with Yuuta?” he asked.
“Nothing. He was my father in law and I just made mention of the moths because his son and I had faced one.” I said.
“I see. Please use more caution.” He said flatly then left my side.
Yuuta came and sat down beside me and I saw Ishin speaking with my mother. Yuuta kept his face neutral and he stared ahead.
“You are in heat.” He said in a strained whisper.
“I am masking.” I said under my breath.
“I have marked you; I am supposed to be affected.” He said looking over at me.
“Is that the jealous looks?” I asked.
“Hai.” He said slowly.
“Did you have to announce in front of all what I was doing?” I asked.
“Hai. I cannot help myself. Meet me at the old castle site?” He asked.
“We are not animals Yuuta. You can resist a heat.” I said under my breath.
“You say that so flippantly. I need you.” He said tightly.
I actually looked at him and he was trying to hold his beast in.
“Go. I will meet you there.” I said softly.
He stood and bowed to me. I looked as if I was bored and my sire watched like a hawk. I yawned and Ishin looked over at me.
-You need to be on our futon and crying out for me. - He pathed.
-Not when you act like I cannot handle myself. - I snapped in his head.
He chuckled and I stood up.
“I am hunting alone. I shall see you all later.” I said bowing.
I ported away and I masked myself heavily. I neared the old site and Yuuta came out from behind a tree. He leaned and scented me,
“It is faint but Kamis you smell like desert.” He moaned.
I unmasked and he lost it. He attacked my lips and he was in me rather quickly. I was rather sensitive at the moment and I ended up clawing at his back.
“Harder.” I cried out.
“Hai.” He growled in my ear.
I faintly sensed my sire and I wanted to kill him for meddling. Yuuta groaned into my neck and pulled away from me entirely. He quickly kissed me then left. I straightened my clothes and my sire was in his true form. I masked myself totally and he was sniffing the ground.
“Checking up on me?” I demanded.
He barked and I glared at him.
“I know I am in heat. I have been trying to mask the scent.” I said exasperated.
He barked again and he was concerned that I would be accosted.
“I was not born yesterday and you train me quite well to fight my lord! What is with you all tonight! I faced a moth before. I am quite grown!” I snapped.
He growled loudly then changed form.
“Yuuta has been glancing at you.” He said flatly.
“My lord, he and I have been talking more. He found me at Yuudai's shrine recently and he wanted to ask me some questions about his son. I told him of some of my worst antics as a pup. He misses his son as it comes up on the anniversary of it.” I explained.
“I do not like the nobles looking at you. If you take an inu mate, I want one from somewhere else.” He said growling.
“Why?” I asked surprised.
“Our nobles have become too power conscience and too rich. They would use you as a commodity in bids for power.” He replied.
“You think Yuuta is that way?” I asked shocked.
“Yuuta is a politician.” He answered.
“He is also one of your most loyal nobles. The house of Yuu has been honorable.” I pointed out.
“I do not want a mating with a member of my council!” he snapped.
“Well my lord, I am your heir and they are just a council. I wiped out the noble council in Shanghai because I did not need to hear their crap.” I said crossing my arms.
“What have you done?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused.
“You are rutting a member of my council!” he growled.
“My lord, I am old enough to rut who I wish. If I felt compelled then I would rut the moth!” I snapped.
He snapped at me and left me where I stood. He still wanted to control me and I was not allowing it. I sighed and I ported to Yuuta's castle. He was in his chambers undressing and he turned. He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall.
“Lay down for me and open yourself.” He whispered in my ear.
I shook with anticipation and slowly undressed. I went to take the diadem of flowers out but he stopped me.
“You look like a shrine maiden.” He murmured.
I smiled and opened my thighs. Yuuta had a way of making me more wanton and full of passion than I had felt in a long time. He slipped into me and I closed my eyes. He was breathing heavily into my ear and I moaned. I wrapped my legs around his hips and he grunted his approval. He took me gentler and brought me over the edge quickly. He was straining and sank his fangs into my neck at his mark. I was rasping hard as he was sucking and licking the wound. I felt him tense up and he dragged himself out of my body. I was stunned and he was overcome by his release.
“Have not discussed it.” He managed.
He did not want me hurt and I nodded. I laid back and stared up at the ceiling. He collapsed next to me and his breathing even out.
“You are right and I am not an animal. I only want what you are willing to give. You have not said if you wish another pup.” He murmured.
“I do.” I murmured.
“What is wrong?” he asked looking down at me.
“Nothing. Let us sleep for a little while.” I said laying me head on his chest.
“What is it?” he demanded.
“You are awfully arrogant Yuuta!” I said meeting his eyes.
“Answer the question.” He stated.
“Akemi rid me of a pup.” I snapped.
“She did what?” he asked shocked.
“Hai. It has been a few months but I banished her from court.” I said closing my eyes.
“Did you want the pup?” he asked.
“Hai.” I said sighing.
He growled and held me close. I closed my eyes and fell into a light sleep. I woke up later and Yuuta was slowly and lazily licking at my center.
“Yuuta?” I asked in a strangled gasp.
“Hmm?” he mumbled.
“That is nice.” I groaned.
He chuckled and we ended up making love again. This time he did not pull back and this time he made me scream.
I was in Manchuria again and I slipped over the border into Mongolia. I was determined to find where Kenomaru was. I scented the air carefully as I began to hunt for the insect youki. I moved along for several hours and I began to scent something akin to the moths. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not sense it till almost too late. I rolled quickly and looked up into Kenomaru's beautiful face. He smirked and he was barely dressed. His pein-fu was open and his ku was haphazardly tied.
“I sensed you. My you are far from home little she dog.” He said amused.
“You are rather close to Shouten settlements.” I growled.
“Wraiths have their uses. Especially when you use them to spy on others.” He said grinning.
“Why would you do that?” I demanded.
“Well let us say I have needed information. You killed the leader of the Hadasan Shouten. He was pest to be sure but rumor is he rather liked your charms.” He stated.
“Shut up!” I screamed.
Kenomaru looked at me funny and I threw him with my mind. He ended up having to catch himself with his wings.
“What has your hakama in a twist she dog?” he asked crossing his arms.
“He raped me ga! He was more interested in males then females you moron.” I said in anger.
“That is quite unfortunate. Rape is such an uncouth way of torture. You still seem as though you have lost something.” He said smirking down at me.
“Who was Menomaru to you?” I snapped.
“He was my brother.” He sneered.
“So you are trying to gather strength to take over leadership?” I demanded.
“I have had the leadership of my kind. No revenge is much better. You though. You are something I have wanted a long time. You are not your uncle who will die a cruel death for killing my brother. You are quite delicious. I remember tasting your blood.” He said coming closer.
“Back off!” I snapped.
He moved so fast that I was pinned. He was very powerful and I began to rethink the offer from Ishin. He pulled a tear shaped jewel from his ku and showed it to me.
“You will help me in revenge on your uncle. I am not evil she dog but he did kill my brother. You made me want you so long ago. You have finished growing into such a lovely creature.” He said ghosting my lips.
“I am mated to the Tsuchigumo lords ga! He said they are natural enemies to your kind.” I said smirking.
“Yes they are. You give me all kinds of reasons to want you. How often is it that a she dog attracts so many from different species? Must be your kiang shi blood. Gods you will feel magnificent as you ride me.” He said brashly.
“You said rape is so uncouth.” I snapped.
“No rape. Never rape and you will want what I want and soon she dog. This will only hurt a moment.” He whispered as he pressed the jewel thing into my forehead.
I cried out in pain and he backed away. He smirked and hovered above the ground.
“I shall have to suppress your will in order to kill your uncle but that fang is quite nice and should do the trick. Now as for this.” He stated as he pulled out the Shikon no Tama.
My draw dropped as I stared at the hated trinket. He slipped it back into his silk.
“I shall hand it back over when I have what I want. As I stated the Shouten have their uses.” He said smirking.
I clawed at my forehead and I could feel his powerful will. He moved closer to me and lightly teased my lips with his. He chuckled and darted his tongue along my lower lip.
“I fought you those thirty eight years ago and I dreamed of facing you again. I have been back to Japan looking for you. No one could tell me exactly who you were but I asked the wrong questions. I should have mentioned your crest. No one could tell me of the she dog warrior. You are quite famous now and to think you share blood with that half breed. I want you so badly.” He murmured lustfully.
I managed to back away from him and I was sweating profusely. I was fighting his will and it was hard. I ported away and ended up in Edo. I staggered to my uncle's house and pushed aside the reed door.
“Aunt Kagome.” I said as I sat down.
“Honey! What is going on?” she demanded as she wiped my brow.
“Shikon. I know who has it. Uncle Yasha in danger.” I said fighting the moth's influence.
“Who and what is going on?” she asked shaking me.
“Moth.” I said.
“Holy shit!” she stated.
I heard my uncle coming and I began growling. I shook my head no and I jumped up.
“Get away from me.” I groaned.
“Suna what's up?” he asked coming near me.
I actually fought as I held my hand down but I growled terribly.
“Yasha, she said something about a moth youki.” Kagome said grabbing her arrows.
“I killed that fucker!” he cursed.
“Inuyasha watch your mouth!” his mate cursed.
“Suna? Whatever it is fight back.” He commanded.
“Ishin! Uncle get Ishin.” I begged and I then shoved my claws through his chest.
Kagome screamed and my uncle grunted. I pulled my hand back horrified and I felt a tremendous jolt of purity and I fell.
Ishin stared down at his mate and she was mumbling. Nobu had tended the hanyou's wound and he was shaking Asuna. She was mumbling but incoherent.
“Nobu what is going on?” Ishin demanded.
“Some kind of control my lord. She is trying to fight it.” He commented.
“Damn stubborn bitch!” he growled.
“Ishin, she is pregnant.” Nobu said softly.
“And?” Ishin asked tightly.
“Inu my lord.” Nobu said softly.
Ishin wondered when she had seen Shezmu but put it out of his mind. Between Naraku and himself they had four young ones. She sat up and looked around. She was not there and her eyes were glazed over. Ishin dipped into her mind and sensed the moth.
-So you are the kumo. - He heard.
-Leave her be! - Ishin pathed.
-See I knew her before you did. - The moth replied.
-She has bound herself to my brother and I. She has given us babes. You are nothing but an enemy. - Ishin hissed.
-Is that not what you started out as? - Kenomaru pathed in return.
Ishin grew furious and she collapsed. He picked her up and he looked at the miko.
“Where did you say she came from?” Ishin asked.
“I am not sure my lord. She did say that he had the Shikon no Tama.” Kagome said grimacing.
Ishin's face blanched but he produced his shoki mist and disappeared. He went back to Sendai and laid her on the futon. Naraku came in reading a scroll and he saw his brother's face.
“What is wrong?” he asked.
“Our mate has found the Shikon no Tama and a major problem.” Ishin said in a low growl.
“What now?” He asked.
“A moth youki named Kenomaru.” Ishin replied.
“A moth? Wait I remember this story. The Inu no Taisho sealed one away called Hyoga.” Naraku said.
“Hyoga?” Ishin asked turning every shade of red.
“You know of these creatures?” Naraku asked surprised.
“Hai. I faced him in Korea. His was a powerful being.” Ishin said shaking his head.
“You became as red as a wedding gown brother. What happened?” Naraku asked.
“It was a close contest. This Kenomaru put some sort of jewel in her forehead. She tried to kill Inuyasha.” Ishin explained.
“Really? Too bad she did not finish the job.” Naraku mused.
“Brother not right now!” Ishin snapped.
I stirred and looked around. I needed to get to the West. I prayed Yasu could help me. I crawled to the end of the futon and ported. I could feel my mates' ire as I staggered in the Western Palace. I made my way to Yasu and he looked up. He stood and came to my side. I sagged in his arms and he looked me over.
“Moth,” I managed.
“Did he put one of those things in you?” Yasu asked shaking me.
“Hai. Inuyasha. Wants Inuyasha.” I growled out.
“Come here.” He said as he pulled me along.
He sat me down and sent a runner for my sire. I breathed hard as Yasu looked me over.
“You have an almost pure inu pup in your womb. What have you been up to?” Yasu demanded.
“Mate.” I growled out.
“Huh. Well you are masking as usual. Where did he put the crystal?” Yasu asked.
I pointed to my forehead and I heard my sire in the doorway. Yuuta and my mother were with him as well. I clawed at my own forehead and Yasu slapped my hands. I growled louder and my mother came to my side.
“Baby open to me totally.” She commanded.
I did as she asked and she explored my subconscious. She saw everything from recently and I mentally groaned. She said nothing and I grabbed my head as she was exerting tremendous pressure. I screamed as pain shot through my head. Something exploded and she held me up. Yuuta gasped softly and blood trickled down my forehead.
“My lady you never cease to amaze me.” Yasu said to my mother.
“He is angry.” I murmured.
“Hai well he can kiss my backside.” My mother said hugging me.
“You missy need to act like the pregnant bitch you are and stay away from your enemies.” Yasu growled.
My sire raised a brow to me and I stared right back. Yuuta slipped away and my parents just stood there.
“Honey what is going on?” my mother asked.
“I carry an inu and no I have no intentions of saying who sired it. It is my business and I wanted this.” I said lifting my head.
“Depending upon who sired this pup then this pup will be in line for the title.” My sire stated matter of factly.
“It is no matter. Kenomaru is after Inuyasha.” I said looking my sire in the eye.
“Because he killed Menomaru?” My father asked.
“Hai.” I nodded.
“Alright. Augusta bring Inuyasha here to the palace. You need to rest and regroup.” He said to me.
“I will rest for a little while. Yasu can you send a message to Sendai?” I asked.
“Hai missy I can. Here wipe up your forehead.” Yasu said handing me a cloth.
I wiped up the blood and jumped. I ported away suddenly and appeared in Yuuta's castle. He was there speaking with Yuuto when he saw me.
“Go to Kyoto for me. Thank you son.” He said patting him on the shoulder.
“Hai sir.” Yuuto said bowing.
Yuuta motioned for me to follow him and I did. We went into his office and he slid the door shut. He watched me as I sat down.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I am fine. I shoved my claws through my uncle but otherwise I am perfect.” I said looking away.
“Yasu said you are pregnant.” He said softly.
“Hai but we expected that did we not?” I asked him.
“I expected it.” He nodded.
He was keeping his features calm and neutral and I was confused. I stood up and Kumosaiga was on my hip. I bowed to him as I went to leave. He stood up and held me tightly.
“I know you want this. I am happy if you are.” He whispered in my ear.
“I am happy.” I said softly.
He nuzzled my neck and I softly sighed in contentment. He held me tightly as the mood changed between us. Moods and airs seemed to ebb and flow drastically between us often. I remembered standing in this very office getting yelled at for costing him yet more money and the damage to his property.
“Did you ever get your goddess replaced?” I asked suddenly.
“You remember that? Kamis that was a century ago. You were twelve or thirteen at the time. No, I never did.” He chuckled.
“You were so young to have Yuudai.” I muttered.
“You are younger.” He said as his breathing was heavy in my ear.
“You used to hate me.” I said closing my eyes.
“No. I never hated you. I feared your influence on my son. I did not want him to think like a royal. We are of noble blood but it is not the royal house. Your sire is a fearsome male and very unlike you.” He said undoing my stays.
“Did you really think that I was that awful?” I asked distressed.
“I did not think you were awful. I thought you too pretty for such a powerful bitch and too intelligent for your own good. You figured things out quicker than Osamu and Yuudai combined.” He said stroking my belly.
“Yet you could not see me?” I asked him.
“How was I supposed to see you Asuna? You were the only princess in a house full of male pups. You had more yoki then both and your sire made a female his heir. It was not just unheard but it just was not done. You are as handsome and regal as any palace bitch but more fearsome than most male warriors I have seen. You did not flinch an ounce when you slew Natsumi.” He stated in my ear.
“You think one thing and act another. You are quite a politician Yuuta.” I said pulling away.
“You think this is using you? Do you think I am rutting you to improve my standing?” he demanded.
“You mentioned it when Ken'ichi was born.” I accused.
“It was true! The other nobles were looking for a pup between you and him. It did elevate this house. I was your father in law and an extended member of the royal family. You want me to deny it?” he asked.
“Oh and what does a pup directly from me do for your standing?” I demanded.
“No one knows we are mated! I have not shared it and neither have you.” He growled.
“Well just imagine what happens when they do.” I snapped.
“This is what I fear when I deal with your family. You think that we nobles are out to get you. I stay prosperous by supporting your sire and not opposing him. You are brash and arrogant. You do not think through your actions.” He accused me.
“You still think that of me?” I demanded.
“Asuna, I will always think it of you.” He retorted.
“You figured I would get Yuudai killed. You prepared yourself for it and then it happened.” I said narrowing my eyes.
“I did not want him trailing after you. I did not want him in the military but it was what he wanted. He wanted to brandish a katana and plan wars. I wanted him to continue on in our family business but his beloved chuusin led the troops. I am bitter that I could not sway my son to good sense but I do not blame you for his death. I do not blame you for Ken'ichi either. Do not think to visit your cousin about this pup.” He said in anger.
My face drained of all color and I slapped him. I walked to his shoji door and yanked it off its mechanism.
“There I have cost you more money. Fuck you Yuuta and go to hell.” I said furiously.
I did not let him get in a word in retort and I stormed from his castle. He was angry as I was and followed after me. I ignored him as I made my way toward my home.
“Get back here!” he yelled after me.
“No!” I yelled rather loudly.
“I said get back here.” He said jerking me rather hard.
I fell backwards into his chest and I was growling loudly. He too was growling as he held onto me.
“You carry my pup and you will not dismiss me! You wanted me to give you it so do not dare act as though I am nothing!” he hissed.
“Be quiet.” I hissed in return.
“Shall I show you what a disobedient bitch in my house gets?” he snapped.
He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and bit it harshly. I yelped in pain and I began beating at his chest.
“I do not use you Asuna. I do not use you for power or elevation in status. I did not intend for any of this but it has happened and I do not regret it.” He hissed in my ear.
“Maybe I do then. Maybe I am trying to hold onto Yuudai.” I said cruelly.
He calmly let me go and slapped me in return. He turned on his heel and walked away. My face stung badly from where he slapped me and I mentally shut out my feelings. I ported to the palace and into my chambers. I let my hair down and began brushing it to calm myself. I had said the one thing that I knew would infuriate him. I yanked the silver backed brush through my hair as I fumed. Yuudai had thought things and Yuuta thought things. I grew angry that the nobles should think themselves better than my own family. I grew more and more agitated and I yanked out of my clothes that had blood spatters on them. I went to my armoire and pulled out a light tunic that came to my ankles. I wrapped a narrow obi around the bronze silk and slipped in my fang. I ported back to Yuuta's castle and pounded on the main entrance's door. A man servant answered and fell prostrate before me.
“Tell Sir Yuuta that I am here.” I said in a low growl.
“He is packing my lady.” The servant said.
I nodded and walked past him. I made my way up the short stairs and into his chambers. He turned and glared at me.
“You may leave Asuna. I do not want you here now.” He said as he carefully packed a trunk.
“I said it to make you mad.” I stated.
“I realize that young onna. When you decide to grow up then maybe we can discuss things. I am not here to admonish you like you are still a pup and I sure as hell will not stand here and take your insults. You are my lover and not some adolescent female who just entered puberty.” He growled.
My eyes widened at his words and he continued to pack. Tears stung my eyes and I picked up a statue and threw it at him. He actually caught it and set it down and continued packing. I went over to him and clawed at him. He shoved me down onto the futon and stared down at me.
“I mated Yuudai's mother because it was a political match. This was the biggest folly I have ever done. I never do things in a fit of passion but you manage to make me loose my head.” He growled.
“Since I am such a little girl then why not set me aside!” I snapped.
“Because I think what it feels like to breathe you in and feel your skin.” He hissed.
“In your numerous lovers did you never touch any royalty? I mean you seem to enjoy feeling dirty.” I said snidely.
“Oh you think your family normal? You can change anyone's life on a whim and you think yourself just fine. I had a right to try and save my son from your life. I should have enough sense myself!” he snarled.
“Get off of me. I shall try and not sully you again with myself. I went through this with you before. You will not dare treat me as if I am filthy because of whom my sire is. This has been the biggest mistake of my life.” I snapped as he allowed me up.
“You have part of me within your belly Asuna. Do not think you will keep me from my pup. I shall keep our little diversion quiet but do not even think to try the shit you have in the past with me.” He warned me.
“You threaten me?” I asked stunned.
“I speak truth. There is an inu court and I can press my case. I can press our mating but I will not be disrespected by my mate as you have.” He said throwing his clothes in his trunk.
“Rot!” I screamed at him.
He went to slap me again and I caught his hand. He pounced on me and pinned me down. He was a dominant male and I horrified myself that I wanted this. I pulled his head down to mine and he kissed me savagely. I could not stop my riotous feelings and I shredded his hakama to get to him. He pulled up my tunic as our bodies untied. Sharp cries pierced the air and I was breathless.
“I love you! You stubborn and hard headed bitch!” he snarled in my ear.
“Hai.” I moaned out.
“My pup! Do you hear me?” he hissed.
“Hai. Please Yuuta.” I moaned out.
He moved in such a way and his fingers manipulated my nub and I came quickly. He released a harsh hiss as he also released. He rolled so that I rested on him. He was strangely considerate but he had said he loved me in such an unloving manner. I shut my eyes and listened to his heart calm.
“Why were you leaving?” I asked.
“Furious with you.” He said softly.
“Cowering?” I demanded.
“Oh you are a spoiled brat Asuna! Did your sire ever discipline you?” he snapped as he sat up.
“Hai. I got whipped many times and had to sit in the dojo in very painful positions.” I retorted.
“You probably enjoy said positions now.” He said in sarcasm.
“You seem to enjoy them.” I said as sarcastically.
I straightened my clothes and got up. I went to the mirror and looked to see if I was presentable and I slipped my fang back into my obi.
“Where are you going?” he demanded.
“I am going after Kenomaru.” I said.
“You are not!” he said in a fury.
“Hai I am. I am a warrior Yuuta. Sit on the council and do your job and let me do mine.” I said flatly.
“I am telling your sire.” He threatened.
“You would not. You do not want the fall out.” I said smugly.
“Watch me.” He said going to his closet and dressing.
“Yuuta do not.” I snapped.
He ignored me as he dressed and left his castle. I ported first and waited inside of the palace. I did not think he would and he showed up anyway. I saw him enter the study and I stormed in. Yuuta was furious as hell and my sire looked from him to me.
“My lord may I speak?” Yuuta asked.
“Hai.” He nodded.
“Shut your damn mouth Yuuta!” I snarled.
“Learn your place bitch!” Yuuta retorted.
My sire's eyes widened at his noble's words and I cracked my knuckles. Yuuta reached over and jerked my tunic down a little and exposed my neck.
“That is my mark and my pup is in her womb.” He said growling low.
“I already knew Yuuta.” My sire stated in his baritone.
“If you already knew then why did you warn her away from me?” Yuuta asked.
“Your feelings on my heir are rather well known. I am surprised you even still speak with her.” My father said flatly.
My eyes widened at my father's words and I felt like I had been slapped. I narrowed my eyes at Yuuta and he kept his cool.
“I have not always agreed with your actions. I have never lied to anyone about my feelings.” He said crossing his arms.
“I told you in Kyoto that what I do is my business. What is this to you? A good fuck with a royal bitch?” I asked hurt.
“Asuna!” my sire snapped.
“Should I lower myself to lie to you? You have been reckless in the past and you have brought this state danger with your recklessness! You are mated to me now and you will think before act or else!” he growled.
“Or else what? What can you do?” I asked in a fury.
“Sir Yuuta, you are in my home and if you raise a hand to my daughter then you will regret it.” My father said in a terrible growl.
“I apologize my lord. Do as you wish Asuna. Visit your abortionist cousin if you wish as far as I care. Get taken by the moth but Kamis forbid you do as you are begged. I again apologize my lord. I shall leave court awhile.” Yuuta said bowing deeply.
“Think carefully from now on about what you say Yuuta or you will loose your eloquent tongue.” Father said in a cold voice.
“Of course my lord.” Yuuta again said bowing.
Yuuta left and I went to go after him. My father held my arm and I tried to jerk away.
“You will not lower yourself anymore. He is not worth this effort!” My sire hissed.
“Father let me go!” I said trying to break his hold.
“Yuuta is a crafty politician with quite a history in his short four centuries. He is well connected and well liked amongst other nobles. He has spoken out against you on many occasions and will continue to do so I imagine.” He said bluntly.
“He loves me.” I said softly.
“Against his nature.” My father said.
His words hurt me and I nodded. He released me and I held my head up. I left his presence and ported to Yuuta's castle. He was gathering up papers and other things and looked up at me.
“What? What more can you or your sire say? Who thinks ill of whom?” he asked calmly.
“How often have you spoken out against me?” I asked in a tired voice.
“Often. I asked your father to rein you in some. I admit it was partially selfish because I knew you would drag Yuudai into some damn fool mishap.” He said sharply.
I had suppressed enough and I began sobbing. He looked at me and sighed. He came over and pulled me into his arms.
“I never meant for my words to hurt you. I was trying to be cautious is all. You are not the calmest persona out there and I do sit on the council because of rank and birth. I do not cower away from my opinions because your sire holds more power than a kami.” He said candidly.
“You do hate me. You care for me or you say you do against your own nature. You do not think me worthy of the virtue of my birth.” I said wiping my eyes.
“I think you worthy but I think you head strong. I think you have had to bust so many balls in your life that you forget that you are onna. I will not kowtow Asuna anymore than you will kowtow.” He said firmly.
“You did not say you did not hate me.” I said looking away.
“I have said I love you. You have never said it to me. I am fine with that but do not accuse me when you cannot even tell me the same thing.” He snapped.
My eyes widened and I jerked out of his arms. He sighed and closed his trunks.
“Goodbye princess. I bid you happiness in your life. This has been a rather wonderful experience for me but I am no glutton. I continue to grieve my losses and you will continue to shelter yourself and make horrid mistakes.” He said bowing and walking away.
I covered my mouth and shook my head. He was like Yuudai in some ways but so much more hard. I ported to Shenyang and fell upon my bed in my chambers there. I intended to center myself and then pursue Kenomaru.
I was in Mongolia again but my senses were high as I moved. I kept my hand on my fang and my heart was heavy. If Kenomaru was around he would find me. I actually found a large forest with hundreds upon hundreds of cocoons in the trees. I was amazed and I felt the moth. I whirled fast as I blocked his katana. He did not half try but his eyes were hard.
“You managed to break my hold on you. I am quite amazed.” He said scowling.
“Your presence was not wanted.” I snapped.
“Such a foolish woman. Have you not figured out that I shall have my way?” he purred.
He moved with such speed that I was stunned to my core. He had me against a tree and he lifted my chin.
“I am going to have to try another way to keep my hold on you.” He said in my ear.
“I shall shove my claws through you as I did my uncle!” I hissed.
“Shhh. Do you feel me presence in your mind? You may have broken the major hold but there is just a bit to influence you.” He said licking along my neck.
“Stop.” I said with a shaky breath.
“You find me beautiful like I find you.” He said in my ear.
His hands slid down my sides and cupped my back side as he lifted me up a bit.
“Your uncle loves his niece I imagine.” He said as he pressed his lips to my silk covered breast.
“My uncle defended himself and his mate from your deranged brother.” I managed.
“Menomaru got too greedy but he had been sealed away with our father for all those years. He was bitter. Your half breed uncle was in the damn way.” He said kneading my backside.
He pulled my lower half and pressed it to his own groin. I could feel his desire and I blushed. He smiled at my actions and ground against me harder. I kept my eyes straight and I felt his will niggling at the back of my mind.
“You like this little she dog? You like the wicked and forbidden. You mated a Byakko tiger I have come to find out. You also mated those damn kumo. Lord Ishin fought my sire and your mate is an incredible fighter. Gods I want you!” he growled as he began grinding more urgently.
“Give me back the jewel and you will be spared!” I managed to say.
He was pressing against my nub and I was trying not to pant. I was fighting back moans and groans at the moment. He held my backside firmer and he moved against me faster. I ended up gasping loudly as pure pleasure erupted from my loins and I grabbed his shoulders to steady myself as I gouged him. He closed his eyes as he released a breathy moan as he found his own pleasure.
“I will have my revenge and you will be in my bed.” He growled softly in my ear.
“Never!” I said vehemently.
“You enjoyed that a moment ago. You are a screamer are you not? When you reach the height of you rapture you release a sweet sound do you not?” he asked me.
“None of your business!” I hissed.
He kissed my neck and he seemed bent on this course. I could feel his want. I had apparently intrigued him when I had nearly killed him all those years ago.
“You will come to me. You will want this as I consume you over and over.” He said in my ear.
I finally gained some sense of my self and shoved him away. He grabbed me tightly and I struggled in his arms. He was fast and vastly powerful. His physical strength was surprising in of itself. He pressed another one of his tear drop shaped crystals into my forehead. I groaned in pain a moment and I felt the immense feelings of another. He had put a shard of the horrid jewel into me as well.
“I hate to do this to you but I shall watch much closer as you kill your uncle. I intend to deliver the killing blow. That little demon fellow has been quite a nuisance and we shall have to kill him together it seems.” He said in my ear.
“Release me!” I growled.
“No I cannot do that. You will get me in and I will finish him off. My issue has always been how I would get close. When I saw you the first time I was just scouting. You stood there and issued that ultimatum. Such passion from such a young creature. I was rather put out when you nearly killed me but quite taken with my would be killer.” He said softly.
“You are bent on revenge when my uncle defended himself.” I growled.
“Menomaru had lost his mind! He was in no shape to make the decisions he did but if your uncle had thought to send for us! I would have contained my brother! I was young when my sire attacked Japan.” He said in anger.
“Inuyasha was left with no choice but to kill Menomaru.” I said fighting his will.
“Take us to where your uncle is my beautiful she dog.” He said flatly.
I tried to fight him and he chuckled. I ported us to the outskirts of the palace grounds. I felt my uncle brandishing Tetsaiga. I pulled my own fang and I released the wave. Inuyasha had to jump and roll to avoid my destruction.
“What the hell Suna?” he yelled at me.
“Run!!” I yelled.
-Tsk tsk my little she dog. - I heard in my mind.
I rolled and jumped up and began striking the Tetsaiga with all my strength. My uncle had to duck and jump away. Kenomaru filled my whole senses as I began pounding harder and harder against his fang.
“Suna wake up!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Sorry!” I cried out.
Inuyasha was forced to fight back and he was pretty skilled with his fang and I still fought. The metal clanged in the fighting and I heard my aunt screaming and my father yelling. I was fighting so hard that I was pouring sweat.
“What did you teach her asshole? She is lethal!” Inuyasha yelled at my father.
My father started to say something but instead he pulled his own fang and protected his brother.
“Father!” I cried.
“Half breed get my mate.” My sire ordered.
I was blocking and thrusting with rather deadly accuracy. I renewed my efforts and Kumosaiga slid through my sire's armor and I shoved it in harder. My sire grunted and he stepped back slowly.
-Not my father! Release your hold! My sire is innocent! - I screamed in his head.
-He protects the half breed! - Kenomaru thought back.
-My sire protects his kin! Release me. - I screamed in his mind.
I dropped my fang and I came to my father's side.
“Father!” I cried as I staunched the wound.
My sire saw that the hold was lifted and he backhanded me so hard I went flying. I understood if I was not conscious then I could not hurt them.
Kagome pulled out the Shikon shard and it purified right then and there. Augusta had managed to break the hold again but Asuna stayed knocked out. Inuyasha glared at his brother and Sesshomaru had been bandaged. His daughter was getting stronger and she had done considerable damage.
“Why'd she go back after the asshole?” Inuyasha asked in irritation.
“Duty or honor, who knows Inuyasha.” Augusta said.
“Yeah well it was dumb!” the hanyou said.
“Little Brother shut up!” Sesshomaru said in a low growl.
“I'm just saying that if ya had beat her more often she may not have turned out so damn wild!” he said to his brother.
“Just like Akemi? Your daughter poisoned mine. Shall we compare wild?” Sesshomaru snapped.
“Look I know what she did was wrong but she was trying to help her. Like you would have accepted another hanyou runnin around. Mister half breed this and half breed that.” Inuyasha said crossing his arms.
“Brother, I believe we had discussed our differences. You are holding onto the past and not I. I would have accepted any pup from my beloved daughter.” He snarled in anger.
“Maybe that's the problem. You are wrapped so firmly around her little claw you don't think like a dad should. You worship the ground she walks on and she walks all over ya.” Inuyasha said smugly.
The Western Lord turned red and balled up his fist and struck his baby brother for all he was worth. He glowered down at his brother and snapped his fangs.
“Listen to me well Inuyasha. I raise my pups and care for my family as I deem. She was the first thing that was blood to me that accepted me as I am. She is mine and always has been. You should speak with your murdering daughter!” he raged.
Augusta's eyes widened at her mate's declarations. He fully admitted he favored his eldest and it hurt her to hear it. She sighed and growled low.
“This beast has the Shikon and we know of about where he hails. I suggest that you ask Lord Ang Chi if we may launch an offensive out of Manchuria. I shall call upon him directly. Inuyasha grow up! Akemi has done as many questionable things as Asuna. You both are dolts and should realize that your daughters are just like their fathers!” She said in an angry voice.
Augusta stood up and ported away. She appeared in Shenyang and went in search of her grand son. She found him in his dojo with Sheng. She bowed and he stopped immediately.
“Your mother was taken over by the moth Kenomaru. Your jii-chan needs to speak with you as a fellow lord now.” She said quickly.
“Is my mother alright?” Ang Chi said wiping his brow.
“Hai. She is fine. Calm down Sheng.” Augusta said without looking at him.
“I still care about her Lady Augusta.” Sheng snapped.
“Come to the palace please Ang Chi.” Augusta said bowing.
She ported out and appeared next to her daughter. The moth was enamored with her girl and she had no intentions of telling the rest of the family that though. She had seen the fight with Yuuta from her memories and she intended to go to Kyoto.
“Jii-chan!” Ang Chi said bowing all of a sudden.
Sesshomaru inclined his head and Ang Chi bowed. Inuyasha snorted and the young Manchu lord leaned down and picked up his adopted mother.
“I am taking her to her chambers. Ichigawa is here and at your disposal my lord as well as General Geming.” Ang Chi said.
“Excellent. I intend to launch a small attack from your borders within the week.” Sesshomaru stated.
Ang Chi nodded and then carried his mother to her chambers. He looked down and scented his newest sibling and it was almost pure inu. Somehow that thought made him especially happy and he kissed her forehead.
“I love you mother.” He whispered.
I woke up in my own chambers and I looked around. I saw Kenomaru barely ten feet from me.
“They have no idea that I am here.” He laughed.
“Leave my chambers!” I snapped.
“No. Your son is the Manchu lord. That I did not know. How very powerful and influential you are.” He purred.
“This is my personal space.” I said glaring.
“Quite befitting the Western heir. Very grand.” He said slinking closer.
I threw him but he caught himself with his yoki flight. He smirked and again came closer. He settled next to me and held himself up as he looked down at me.
“You are not fighting me like you could Lady Asuna. You are interested if nothing else.” He said smirking quite beautifully.
“Leave my chambers. This is my sanctuary and I will not have them violated.” I said ignoring his statement.
He lightly butted my nose with his and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back and desire stole across his face. He was right and I was intrigued. I hated what he wanted me to do but this forbidden aspect did heat my blood. He chuckled and looked up when he felt the powerful auras of my family. One hand tangled in my hair as he pulled me forward and devoured my lips. I fought him weakly and he withdrew.
“You will be mine.” He said breathing against my lips.
“Like hell I will.” I retorted.
He smiled then ported away in a flourish. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. I sighed and growled in irritation. The sire of my unborn was not speaking to me and an enemy wished to take me. I owed my sire and uncle apologies and I intended to deliver.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////
Augusta stood at the door of the large house that served as Yuuta's residence away from the palace. She knocked sharply on the shoji. A maid servant answered and she bowed low. Augusta bowed and she was led into the breezy and rather open mansion. Yuuta came out of wing and looked up at the Western Lady. He bowed low to his lord's mate.
“You know that I know Yuuta.” She said softly.
“Has she rid herself?” he asked sarcastically.
“That is a terrible thing to say Sir Yuuta.” She hissed.
“Well I am not in a charitable mood at the moment.” He retorted.
“What possessed you to bed my daughter?” she asked raising a brow.
“Not thinking clearly my lady. She has no ties to my house. My son and her son are dead. There is no impropriety.” He replied.
“You have said terrible things in the past about her!” Augusta snapped.
“I did. I do not regret what I say as I believed in those words at the time. I have seen her change dramatically over the years and she buried my son and grandson with honor. She avenged Yuudai quickly and honors his memory always. Now I did not intend to fall into my futon with her but it happened. She asked me to give her a pup and I did. She is an adult and I do believe this is between her and me.” He stated raising a brow.
“She thoughtlessly disregards any and all inu traditions. If she could be banished and made to act proper then she may be worth the effort. Those were your words in the past.” Augusta said disgusted.
“Leave my home my lady. I have spoken with her and it has been determined that she cannot handle a grown up relationship. She should go home and allow you two to coddle her as you always have.” He growled.
“You arrogant piece of shit! We have not and never will coddle our pups. She is more than you will ever be.” She said glaring.
“All of you are under the impression that I hate her or I have hated her. That is so far from the truth. I have served this state and my son gave his life for this state. My feelings have been rather tender towards her along time. I have admitted to loving her and she says not one word. Hai coddle her.” He said turning away.
“You are no Yuudai. How she can see anything in you is beyond me!” she snarled.
“Get out of my home. I have been a big supporter of your family but you make it quite difficult.” He growled.
“You support us in support of yourself. You are rich and prosperous because you ride my mate's glory.” She stated in a snide tone.
“My family was well off and in no need of yours for many centuries before your mate took the title of lord. I will not say it again! Leave my home or I will have you thrown out!” Yuuta said coldly.
“Stay away from Asuna!” she hissed.
“As you command.” He bowed with sarcasm.
“Spread your poison elsewhere!” she said as she ported out.
Yuuta stood there in utter disbelief. He could not believe that the lord and lady would manipulate and coerce their heir so much. He scowled and made up his mind. He had land on the continent as well and he intended to remove himself and his mate there.
I sat above Shomyo Falls and watched the water cascade down the sheer cliff. It was beautiful and I felt Yuuta behind me.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“I was hoping we could speak.” He said very gently.
“About what?” I asked looking at him.
“You engaged the moth?” he asked.
“Hai I did. You came all the way from Kyoto to ask me that?” he asked.
“You have impressions that are false about my actions and my words. You assume just as your parents do and I am trying to see if you will be different and hear me out.” He stated.
“What do I assume Yuuta? You stated in Kyoto all those years ago that my family could eat you alive, have you been devoured yet?” I asked.
“Come with me please.” He asked imploring me.
“Look let us admit that it was a mistake and move on.” I said looking down.
“I will admit no such thing. Do you feel it a mistake when you are in my arms?” he asked arching a brow.
“You say you will not be disrespected but you seem to think that you can do it to me. I may be a bitch but I will not simper and beg for my alpha. I will not be told what I can and what I cannot.” I said standing.
“That has always been your problem. You think that it has to do with you only being a bitch but it is about you being an inu.” He snapped.
“I am half uppyr.” I said flatly.
“You are inu dominant and you know it. You would not have a true form if you were not. You give yourself permission to act however because you are half uppyr. You are an inu bitch who carries an inu pup. You crave and beg to be taken in inu fashion and you glory in it. I see your face when I am inside of you.” He said harshly.
“Where do you wish to go Yuuta?” I demanded.
“My estate on the mainland.” He said slowly running his hands down my arms.
“Okay.” I answered.
I dipped into his mind and saw his estate. It was actually between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. I ported us there and he released his breath.
“You are unused to porting.” I said gently.
“It is not among my own yoki and hai I am unused to it.” He said stepping back.
“What is your yoki?” I asked.
“I have a Dakkasou like almost all silver do. I can travel in my energy form.” He said as he went and poured himself a cup of sake.
“You have more of a variety than Yuudai did.” I said amazed.
“Wakana was just a normal inu. Yuudai inherited her sharp reflexes and quickness. He could change into an energy form but he never nurtured it. He was always too busy wrecking my homes.” He said smirking.
“You mean he was too busy following me on same damn fool mishap?” I asked.
“Hai that too. You were a trouble maker, admit it!” he said raising a brow.
“I was.” I nodded.
He set down his cup and moved over to me. He suddenly gripped my backside and I looked at him surprised. His eyes were watching me closely as he kneaded the flesh.
“You were not beat enough you know.” He murmured.
“Maybe not.” I replied.
“Come. I need to check on my fleet.” He said pulling away from me.
I nodded and followed after him. I could name Lady Nagomi, Lady Aya, and Lady Sarai as his lovers. Two were mated to others. He was a gorgeous male and very sure of himself on every level. He did not ascribe to monogamous mating which shocked me but I knew the West's court was a sinful as any other.
“You said you were fond of Lady Wakana, did you not love her?” I asked as I followed.
“She was a very good friend and we liked each other well enough. I was not who she had wanted to mate and I saw no reason to hold her back from her true love. She gave me two pups and loved them fiercely. She died trying to give me my daughter. I respected and honored her but no I did not love her. My house it was about duty, honor, and glory to our family.” He shrugged.
“How delightful.” I muttered.
“Your grandsire mated Natsumi for power Asuna. You know this and you judge what I have done? Your father has allowed silly notions to flit through your head.” He murmured.
“What is it we are doing? You say it is not about power or elevation, what is this Yuuta?” I asked.
“I am being a fool and going against every ounce of common sense I possess.” He growled.
“Say it Yuuta. What is this about? I shall accept that it is gratifying to you and I bring you pleasure. I suppose that is what Nagomi, Aya, and Sarai were about.” I said crossing my arms.
“You bring up my past lovers?” he asked in irritation.
“How many more Yuuta?” I asked curiously.
“I have enjoyed my life Asuna. Have you not enjoyed yours? You are mated to Ishin, Naraku, and the ancient one. Oh hai the uppyr ruler.” He said sarcastically.
“I barely see Eyal anymore as it is, it seems he is enamored with Rina whom he guards jealously. I am not allowed to bring my daughter to my home.” I said bitterly.
“What of Kaito?” he asked.
“That is a fleeting thing. It has been hot and cold. He is a fey youki and there is no way I could be mated to him.” I said lifting my head.
“Shall I go on? Do not judge my list of lovers my dear for yours rivals mine.” He said crossing his own arms.
“I was not judging, I asked what this was about. I can accept if this is just something to amuse yourself with.” I said clenching my teeth.
“Oh Kamis. I am not discussing our relationship like you would a battle.” He snapped.
We reached the docks and his fleet was impressive. He went up to a captain and looked over invoices and records. Yuuta had a business head and it showed. It reminded me that I needed to tend Shanghai and Hong Kong. I needed to write to Changming. I decided to let him do his business and I would do mine. I ported back to his estate and found a desk with writing supplies. I wrote Chang first and poured all manner of feeling and sarcasm into my words. I loved writing to the snow inu as his replies left me laughing for days. I asked for a list of public works projects that needed funding and signed it as the renegade ruler. I sealed the letter and began writing to my magistrates in Shanghai and Hong Kong when Yuuta came in.
“You reminded me that my lands needed tending. I shall be done forthwith.” I said without looking up.
“You have ink on your cheek.” He said amused.
“I will get it later.” I said irritated.
“Allow me.” He stated as he wiped it away.
I stood shortly thereafter and delivered my letters to runners. I looked around and found the outside and the gardens. He watched me as I looked back at him.
“You had this dwelling built.” I stated.
“Hai.” He nodded.
“You prefer an open plan in your homes.” I said looking around.
“The palace is built along similar lines.” He replied.
“Shall we dispense with niceties and I shall ask what do you want?” I asked.
“I want you to try and understand where I was coming from when I spoke out against your actions. I did not speak out against you per say. You fully admit you were wild and you brought yourself danger many times.” He said watching me.
“When you say you speak out against my actions, you were speaking against me. I dissolved the noble council in Shanghai. I am the lord and not some overly rich and lazy council. I get out on the battle field and I bleed with my men. I rule my lands and hai I am the heir to the West. Treaties that I have brought about lined your pockets quite well. So do not espouse your crap that it was just against my behavior. Try and lie to my sire but do not lie to me. You deemed me a problem but you really liked the results.” I said in anger.
“Fine. I admit it. Your reckless nature has brought about many outstanding business opportunities for me but I had to whip the Western heir on many occasion because she was impervious to the asininity of her actions. I had to see your eyes as I tried in vain to bring you to heel somehow. I saw you a lot as a young pup. I apparently would have seen even more of you if I had known what a treacherous little onna you were, my son was just as bad. Your eyes have haunted me for nearly a century! I cannot get the image out of my head. You needed to be contained but nobody had the gumption to do it. You were such a powerhouse and gorgeous to boot. No man was willing to tell you no and you ran rough shod over all who tried. Your sire is so devoted to you that he cannot see he did you a disservice.” He said bluntly.
“You were not my sire Yuuta. You did not have to bring me to heel as they say and you are not my sire now.” I said flatly.
“No, I am not. You have grown into the most incredibly beautiful bitch I have ever laid eyes on. You put every other noble lady to shame in that regard. There is no other silver bitch as stunning as you and the others pale. I had no intentions of bedding you when I asked you to come to the castle that day. You know that. I would not have crossed the unspoken line but when I felt your skin against mine, I was doomed. I have held you before after Yuudai died and I fought myself from touching you more. I was torturing myself for desiring the one onna who has dogged my life the past century.” He said in a low tone.
“You keep saying that you desire me against your true nature. Thank you Yuuta. My self worth is in the gutter when I speak with you. Look do not torture yourself and make yourself endure my presence. I am quite fine without you. I can love and give my pup all it needs. I do not need you.” I said coldly.
“I am saying that I fell in love with you sometime ago you stubborn onna. I realized that I was seeing you differently after Yuudai passed. It was wrong but I wanted you. You could not look at me and not feel pain. I wanted to ease your suffering as I was suffering. I did not see the young pup that destroyed my castle but a strong, beautiful onna. Kamis when you kissed me, I lost my rational thought. I was not saying no to you the first time but to myself. You helped me to stand after my son died and you helped me to move on. You asked me for a pup and I was desperate to see a smile on your face. You need to see past my own past. I am not just Yuudai's sire anymore Asuna. I am your lover and your friend if you allow it.” He said impassioned.
I was stunned to my core as I stared at him.
“I love you.” I whispered.
His face was full of powerful emotions and he moved to me. He swept me up in his arms and growled softly.
“I want this pup as badly as you.” He said in my ear.
“Hai.” I said closing my eyes.
“When did you become such a handsome bitch?” he asked ghosting my neck with his lips.
“Hush.” I murmured.
He undid my obi and it fell to the floor. He opened my hanfu and pressed his hands to my belly. His hands touched my lightly and he slipped the hanfu from my shoulders.
“Yuuta! Oh my Kamis.” I cried out as he held me firmly.
My back was pressed firmly to his chest. He had managed to enter me whilst we stood. I was breathing hard and he shifted in me.
“You are gripping me tightly.” He groaned out.
“Yuuta, make us one.” I cried out softly.
“Take me as your mate before the inugami.” He said gripping my shoulders.
“A ceremony?” I said.
“Hai.” He said softly.
He growled loudly and he guided me as he moved in me hard and quickly. He was asking me to participate in an ancient tradition. I figured it was because my sire could not tear apart a proper ceremony and a religious one at that. I wanted this pup to have a proper inu heritage.
“Hai.” I nodded.
He helped us down and I went to my hands and knees. I was gasping and crying out as he brought us both to the abyss. I was riding my high as I fell asleep. Yuuta was a dynamic and complex male. It also occurred to me that he was bluntly honest. He did not lie about his past feelings and he was open with his current ones as well. I lifted my head after a little while and stared down at him. His silver hair was almost the same shade as my own and his features were along much chiseled angles. His mane was past his shoulders and he wore it loose. I could not remember him ever wearing it up. We had ended up in his bedroom and on the bed.
“When do you want to do this?” I asked in his ear.
“As soon as possible. I want it private.” He said coming to.
“Why?” I asked.
“You are thinking in the back of your mind that I do this for something that it is not. I want you to myself and I will not allow your father to take you away from me.” He said holding my chin.
“You are rather bold.” I said.
“You are not?” he smirked.
“I am very brash and very bold.” I admitted.
“Yuudai was more like his mother. I know there are huge differences in us.” He said closing his eyes.
“I did not say anything.” I said surprised.
“You were thinking it.” He murmured.
“You assume.” I said annoyed.
“I do? Were you not thinking that Yuudai had more flair and would run through something head on?” he asked me directly.
“He would have.” I said.
“Well I shall be more covert. I will present proof of our union to the high court. Your sire would not dare rip you from me then.” He said laying back.
“What happened between you and my sire? He was quite cordial with you in dealing with Natsumi.” I said confused.
“We came to blows over you and Yuudai. I did not like how he handled many things and he very forcefully shoved his opinions down my throat so to speak. I truly thought you and Osamu brats. I am sorry for my ill feelings but I swear you two did cost me a lot of money and you broke so many family heirlooms. Your sire had a much freer way with you all. I guess I thought he spoiled you two too much.” He said sheepishly.
“Father had a contentious relationship with Touga. Natsumi was more concerned on court intrigue and he had no siblings that he grew up with. I know he appears cold but he was a good father. Osamu and I always had the ability to path and hai we pulled Yuudai into much trouble. Father tried to discipline us but we had our uppyr yoki that allowed us to get away with a lot.” I admitted.
“I have seen your pups and they are very well behaved most of the time.” He said.
“I learned from myself?” I offered.
He chuckled and held himself up by his arms. His gray eyes were passionate as he joined us again. My lips trembled trying to keep a straight face.
“Today my love. I want you and I to face a houshi today.” He stated.
“Hai.” I cried.
I knew there would be some consequences but I knew I could handle it or so I thought.
My sire's eyes were blazing in fury. I had truly never seen him this angry and my mother even cowered.
“You go and do the one thing I said not to do!” he snarled rather loudly.
“I make this pup totally legitimate!” I said calmly.
“You mate and marry the one council member that rivals me in power? I will absolve this farce now!” he said standing and grabbing me forcefully.
“You cannot! Yuuta made sure and went before the court. Even you would not dare go against them.” I said more calmly then I felt.
The great Lord Sesshomaru was barely holding his form as his yoki was crackling along his skin. He shook me roughly and he stormed from his study. My mother ran after my sire and she glared at me.
“You are being used you stupid idiot! Why would you do this?” she asked in fury.
“You do not know him!” I snapped.
“Do you? This goes beyond anything Asuna. You made him your official mate. You put him above Ishin and Naraku. You married him before the inugami and took him as your inu mate. You did not even do that with Yuudai! Yuuta has sway over anything and everything. Your pups are his by law. Do you understand all this?” she said in a fury.
“I understand what I did and why he wanted it. He feared father would try and take me and this pup away from him permanently. He wanted a way to insure his pup's status.” I said reasonably.
“Oh my God. Yuuta actually fell in love with you.” She said astonished.
“Hai he did.” I said shaking me head.
“He has only ever been concerned about his family's interests. You are his family and he is still acting the same. Asuna that pup is in line for the title. That pup is almost pure silver. The nobles will demand that Kazuo be deposed.” She said lifting my chin.
“They would not do that.” I said shocked.
“Hai they would. Yuuta is that powerful. Your father and he have been contentious as long as I have been around and that was before you and Yuudai were companions. Baby go to your father and convince him Yuuta actually loves you. He will not accept anything less than that.” She said shaking her head.
I nodded and I followed my sire's aura. He was in the garden pruning his favorite tree. He was plucking the dead leaves with precision borne from his warrior training.
“He loves me.” I said softly.
“I would almost welcome Naraku here with open arms.” He snapped.
“He loves me.” I said again.
“He loves your title and your power. Yuudai had no designs on what was yours.” He snarled.
“Father, I tell you I have felt his emotions and seen his thoughts. He loves me.” I said gently.
“He has been my rival since he came into adulthood. He may not be a warrior but he has an eloquent tongue and the resources to get his will. This state has never been a despotism and never will be. The Western inu are used to having a say in their lives. Yuuta and I vied for the Lady Wakana. He wanted her because his sire said to. I wanted her because I thought myself in love with her. I realized when I met your mother that I was only lusting for her.” He said in a rare long speech.
“I see. He did not say anything.” I said sheepishly.
“Well Yuuta is honest and blunt but crafty as the day is long. He had better not show his face at court or I will remove it. He had better figure a way to prove his intentions or I will find a way of destroying him.” He growled.
I nodded and slipped from his presence. I ported to Kyoto and walked into the mansion. Yuuta was busy writing and I stood in the doorway.
“You did not say that you and my sire fought over your mate.” I said raising a brow.
“Your sire tried to take what did not belong to him. My father and her father had already entered negotiations. Lord Sesshomaru is used to facing down his enemies on a field of battle where he reins supreme. Wakana was not his for the plucking and he has a past the same as us all.” Yuuta growled.
My eyes widened and I realized they both spoke the truth but how they saw it. I let out a frustrated sigh and left my mate. I heard him get up and follow me as I began dressing in a haori and hakama.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I have lands that need tending and I need to send in Geming and Changming to spy upon Kenomaru.” I said as I strapped on my armor.
“You intend to fight?” He demanded.
“If need be Yuuta.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I do not want you fighting.” He said softly.
“Yuuta, I am a warrior. I am not going to sit around and gossip who is rutting who. I am not going to wait around for you to pay me attention. Sorry but I am just not that bitch.” I said tying the armor in place.
“I do not want our pup in danger. You have lost a few due to battle.” He said bluntly.
“I am not engaging the enemy and he has no intentions of harming me anyway.” I said absently.
“What do you mean?” he asked narrowing his eyes.
“Nothing. I meant nothing by it.” I said slipping my fang into my obi.
“Asuna!” he growled.
“Yuuta you need to accept my nature. You wish me to accept your feelings and such. This is who I am.” I said looking up.
“I am coming with you.” He said crossing his arms.
“Yuuta!” I said exasperated.
“You need armor and a katana. You will not accompany me unless you can defend yourself.” I said frigidly.
“I can wield a blade dearest. I choose not to be a warrior, not because I cannot. I have never killed an onna before and that is why I faltered at the execution.” He explained.
“I have killed many.” I said crossing my arms.
“You also command the army of the West and your own. I will accompany you and find out what this moth wants.” He said stubbornly.
“Yuuta, I am mated elsewhere you know!” I said flushing hotly.
“I know. I do not like it but I shall figure it out.” He said coming up to me.
I sighed as his inu nature reared its head and I had to deal. I took his hand and ported us to Shanghai.
Sesshomaru was fuming still. It was one thing to deal with Yuuta as the sire to his general but it was entirely different to deal with him as a son in law. He had already broken his wrist putting his fist through the wall. He had traveled to Sendai and was meeting with Naraku. Yuuta had done the unforgivable in his eyes. The others had just mated and not married in a scared ceremony.
“I am Lord Sesshomaru. Tell Naraku that I am here.” He said in his deep voice.
He sensed Mizuki and she came flying out of a side room.
“Jii-chan! Jii-chan!!!” she shrieked.
He had a small smile as she hugged him. Naraku appeared and he looked intrigued beyond measure. They sized the other up and he nodded.
“Chichi! It is jii-chan! See hell did not freeze over!” Mizuki said excited.
“Go tend your business young onna.” Naraku said sternly.
“Hai.” She said smirking.
Sesshomaru watched his ebony haired grandpup leave and he raised a brow to Naraku.
“I shall be blunt. I want you to kill someone.” He said coldly.
“Who and why would I do that?” Naraku asked circling the Western lord.
“It is of benefit to us both.” He stated flatly.
“Explain.” Naraku said coolly.
“Do this and I shall be indebted to you.” He said frigidly.
“There is a certain noble in the West who oversteps his bounds. I cannot kill him as it is a matter of honor. If you were to get rid of him then no one could a say a word. For you it would be a matter of honor.” Sesshomaru said with calculated coldness.
“Asuna.” Naraku said in a rather angry tone.
“Hai. Kill him and rid us both. She is this Sesshomaru's heir and I will not have this sacrilege.” He said in terrible fury.
“Do you not think the same of me?” Naraku asked.
“You cannot be helped. You and she have the history. This is a bid for power and I will not have it. She will not be used to gain a higher standing in court. The West belongs to me and to me alone.” He said with narrowed amber eyes.
“Who?” Naraku asked.
“Yuuta.” The Western lord sneered.
“Yuudai's father? You have to be joking! Why would he take Asuna to mate?” Naraku asked astonished.
“Power.” He said bluntly.
“Yuudai was a friend. I cannot outright kill his kin.” Naraku said shaking his head.
“When did you get any morals? You condone him taking your mate as his own? According to Western tradition he is her mate and you are relegated to nothing. He married her before our deities!” Sesshomaru hissed.
“I have to think mutt. I am a lord now as well and I am sure my mating is quite legal.” Naraku said in a fury.
“Maybe but you are Tsuchigumo and not inu. Think really hard mongrel as I will not wait long for an answer. I go to the mainland to find the moth. Perhaps you and your brother would join me.” He stated.
“I will go. Ishin will fly into a fury and kill the mutt without thought.” Naraku said gritting his teeth.
“Perhaps I spoke with the wrong kumo.” Sesshomaru said under his breath.
“What my esteemed baby brother does not realize and I do mutt, Asuna normally has a good reason for most of her actions. She has been careless in the past but why would she mate him?” Naraku asked thinly.
“To give the pup she carries every legitimacy and rank that a proper mating would provide.” He said.
“I see. She is still not completely right after the pups' demise. She must have desired an inu puppy.” Naraku said gritting his teeth.
“Are you right after loosing your sons?” Sesshomaru snapped.
“No. I feel her pain constantly. I feel her despair as she sleeps. I feel it because I live it. You wish for this inu's demise then you need to figure a way politically. You are cold enough to figure it out.” Naraku said.
“You are different mongrel. You have morals and you actually feel.” Sesshomaru said backing away.
Naraku said nothing further and intended to find his mate. She should be in her lands about now. He produced his miasma cloud and stepped through. He walked into mayhem.
I was fighting hard; stabbing and cutting my way through the throng. It was overwhelming numbers and I saw my enemies were hordes of different youki. I had managed to leave Yuuta in Shanghai as Hong Kong was overwhelmed. I had been at this for more than an hour as my soldiers were packed in too tightly to do much. Geming was across the room and I pushed my way through and we were back to back.
“General where did all these beasts come from?” I asked.
“I am not sure my lady. Son of whore!” he yelled as he was stabbed.
“Move the soldiers now!” I snapped.
He barked out my order and the inu scrambled. I channeled all my yoki and produced a huge wave of power that I unleashed. I was thrown backwards and I hit a hard body. My Hong Kong palace was ruined as hands clasped my shoulders. I recognized the pale hands as those of Kenomaru.
“Well that was some display. You killed my hordes. Does that exhaust you?” he asked in my ear.
“Why did you send these mindless beasts here?” I growled.
“To get your attention. You are spent!” he said shocked.
“Unhand me!” I snarled.
“I sense a very strange but powerful aura. Hmm I wonder.” He said softly.
I was straining after channeling so much yoki and he took advantage of it. He tipped my head back and boldly kissed me. I struggled some and I heard a hiss and Kenomaru pushed me behind him.
“The famed Naraku.” The moth leader said smirking.
“You are touching my mate.” Naraku said in a deadly whisper.
“You love this luscious piece of inu flesh?” Kenomaru stated.
“She is mine bug.” Naraku stated.
“Naraku now!” I yelled.
I threw Kumosaiga and he caught it easily. Kenomaru lifted me up and held onto me. My mate released a small amount of his yoki and it hit Kenomaru in the back. He grunted in pain and looked at Naraku darkly. I saw a crystal between the moth's fingers and I began struggling violently.
“Stop! You will fall idiot!” he hissed in my ear.
I struggled harder and he could not hold on. Naraku had been surrounded and I landed roughly at my mate's feet.
“Asuna!” he cried.
I had fallen quite a height and I was breathing roughly. I was wheezing and cursed my ribs. Horrid pain assaulted my chest and Naraku helped me up. I saw Kenomaru land gracefully a few feet from Naraku and he drew his katana. He brandished it with tremendous skill and Naraku was decent with our blade but I was the swordsman. I shoved Naraku back and took the blade from him. I was trying to catch my breath and Kenomaru scowled.
“Back down she dog.” He snapped.
“No.” I rasped out.
I struck with speed and accuracy. I pierced his leg and ducked a blow. Naraku was fighting off his own youki at the moment. Kenomaru seemed intent on felling me and not cutting me. I had to side step the moth over and over. He was naturally quicker than I but I almost matched him.
“Surrender now! You are injured.” He hissed out.
“Never!” I snarled.
I began choking as Naraku had to release his miasma. I could not breathe at all and tears pricked my eyes as I was fighting to see. I still fought and stabbed Kenomaru through his chest. He grunted and finally grabbed me. He squeezed my hand so hard that I yelped. I dropped my fang and he pulled me to him.
“Give it up dark one. You have lost.” Kenomaru yelled.
“Release her or you make an enemy the likes you have never seen!” Naraku growled in a sinister tone.
“Naraku fight him!” I wheezed.
“Asuna!” he growled.
I elbowed the moth but he held onto me and I again yelped in pain.
“I swear to every Kami that you had better fight him! He has the Shikon!” I yelled.
Naraku willed our fang into his hand and began fighting Kenomaru. The moth snarled suddenly and released his cocoon silk. It burnt Naraku terribly and I scrambled over to him. The noxious stuff burnt my skin deeply as I wiped it from him.
“Back away she dog!” Kenomaru growled.
I ignored him and I pulled on both Naraku and I's yoki and ported us to Korea. I fell against my mate's body and he stank of the poison. I looked up and called out for a soldier or something. I crawled forward a little and clawed at the marble floor.
-Ishin! We need you. Ishin hear me! - I pathed loudly.
Suddenly I felt hands on me and I felt relief but it turned to horror when I saw the moth ruler.
“I will not allow you to die.” He said hauling me up.
“Let go.” I hissed softly.
“No. Sorry bastard is quite strong. I connected myself to you when I put in my crystals. You may have broken the hold but not the link.” He said holding me close.
“You will let her go!” Ishin said in a tremendous growl.
“So I meet you at last. Your brother did not fair well under my silk. Yes kumo healer it burns deep. Come she dog.” Kenomaru said in my ear.
“Asuna!” Ishin said inching closer.
“She is losing conscious. If you want her to die then detain me. She punctured a lung and she burned herself trying to save that thing.” Kenomaru said disdainfully.
“Ishin.” I whispered hoarsely.
He growled terribly and I felt his silk attach to me and he yanked quite roughly. I mewled in pain as Kenomaru finally lost his temper. He pulled his katana again and cut through Ishin's silk. He ported out in his flourish of yoki. I felt myself laid on a bed and his face neared mine.
“My healer will be here in but a moment.” He said softly.
I groaned in pain and I felt him laving his tongue along the burns. I groaned again as the burning was being eased.
“You have the antidote like an inu.” I mumbled.
“Yes.” He said a moment later.
“Why Shikon?” I asked coughing.
“The half breed wanted it a century ago so I figured if it was missing then he would look for it. Lei Jing had mentioned he had felt a tremendous amount of power coming from the Western Palace. I told his wraith brother to retrieve it. The Shouten really hate you.” He said as my eyes closed.
“Stronger then Shouten?” I asked in a broken sentence.
“Much stronger and greater in number.” He said brushing my hair from my forehead.
“Why me?” I rasped out.
“Difficult to answer. I just desire you. I have since we first met. There was nothing more erotic then watching you wield a blade.” He said smirking.
I closed my eyes as my wheezing worsened. I felt hands on me and I blissfully passed out.
Naraku was bandaged and coming to. The moth had surprised him and that did not happen often. Ishin sat in the room and looked quite angry.
“That thing took her! You let a damn moth overwhelm you? Kamis you are the great Naraku!” Ishin hissed.
“I have never faced one before and I am not all kumo in this life Ishin. Damn you did not say we would be affected by that shit.” He growled.
“Well even the silver inu are no immune to moth silk. You have horrendous burns everywhere that will take weeks to heal.” Ishin remarked coming closer.
“That beast is what took the jewel.” He muttered.
“So what does he want with it?” Ishin demanded.
“Unsure. Our dearest mate would know. He wants her.” Naraku said standing and grimacing.
“Hai you will feel like bad for awhile. Look I faced Hyoga when the bastard tried to invade my lands.” He said pacing.
“Lord Sesshomaru came to see me.” Naraku stated.
“Really? Why?” Ishin asked shocked.
“He wanted me to kill one of his nobles.” The former hanyou stated as he put on a fresh haori.
“Why?” Ishin asked intrigued.
“Asuna has cemented a political alliance within the West. It just so happens to be Yuudai's sire.” Naraku said diplomatically.
“I see. How did she cement this alliance?” he asked containing his fury.
“There was a meaningless ceremony.” Naraku said trying to calm his brother.
“Would this noble's name be Yuuta?” Ishin asked darkly.
“Hai. Look do not be rash.” Naraku said calmly.
“Do not be rash? This inu has the gall to touch what is ours?” he raged.
“Brother she had not a thing left of Yuudai. You do not understand their relationship. I barely understood it. She is grieved daily over our losses but Ken'ichi and Hana were all that was left of Yuudai and Tekeshi. You would have respected Lord Tekeshi greatly. This is her way of holding onto her childhood. Can you understand that?” Naraku said.
Ishin went through wild emotions and growled. He stepped away from his formerly elder brother and hit a wall. Naraku sighed and stared at him.
“No more Naraku. I will accept no more! This is the last time or I will start picking off my rivals one by one.” He said flatly.
“We can encourage her away from this inu like we have the uppyr. Killing is not necessary when we are linked the way we are.” Naraku said with crossed arms.
“You are sly.” Ishin said calming.
“Do not think I shall allow this little diversion too long. Even I have my limits.” Naraku said smiling.
“You wish for her to have an inu?” Ishin asked with distaste.
“Ken'ichi was mine Ishin. I know the mutt loved him and sired him but he was every bit mine. I miss my sons more then I can say. It would be as if Karu were ripped from you. It is in a small way a link to my lost inu son, so hai I want her to have this pup.” He said sighing.
“I respect your wishes. Ken'ichi was a sweet boy.” Ishin said.
Naraku nodded and grimaced as the silk of the haori rubbed against the burns. He would not tolerate the moth coveting his mate. That particular male would pay. He decided to pay Yuuta a visit while Ishin went on and scouted on ahead for the moths. They pathed back and forth to formulate a plan. He ended up in Shanghai and he searched the lavish palace. He found the inu noble in the forest devouring a deer. Yuuta stared at him and began growling.
“You had better shut your trap inu. You overstep your bounds. Asuna is mine and will always be mine. You are a temporary distraction and when she tires of you, well you can imagine.” Naraku said crossing his arms.
Yuuta changed form and his eyes were burning. He hated Naraku more than he could have imagined and really could not stand the sight of him.
“Funny that she so readily mated me. Actually she begged me to mark her.” Yuuta said in a snarly tone.
“You must be decent in rutting.” Naraku retorted.
“Do you wish to make an enemy of me mongrel? I am not my son.” Yuuta hissed.
“No you are not. He was a good friend and quite worthy of my mate. You provide her with an inu babe. You are a link to Yuudai and nothing more.” Naraku said flatly.
“Where is Lady Asuna?” Yuuta demanded.
“Actually she is being recovered as we speak. Whilst you sit here and feed your face my brother is retrieving her. Ishin really is much more jealous than me; I am never one to turn down an opportunity and you are my opportunity to make my mate happy. Ishin on the other hand would just kill you and be done. It is quite funny seeing as Lord Sesshomaru would see you dead as well.” Naraku said inspecting his claws.
“Sesshomaru said that did he? You are just a fount of information mongrel. Who took his heir may I ask?” Yuuta asked coldly.
“The moth named Kenomaru.” Naraku said darkly.
“Well then. You are in for a time.” Yuuta snorted.
“Why did you really lay your claws into Asuna? You did not care for her for the longest time.” Naraku asked leaning against a tree.
“You know nothing of me.” Yuuta said angrily.
“I have her memories of you mutt. I have seen every interaction she ever had with you up until recently. You forget your plaything is one the strongest telepath's there is. Very interesting her sneaking into your chambers.” Naraku said smirking.
Yuuta grew furious at his privacy being exposed and he was angry. He transformed into an energy sphere and left. He thought hard on his issues and he would engage his own methods of having his bitch returned.