InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I love the cook, I mean to cook ❯ do you think you're better off alone? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kikyo grabbed his hand gently and as she stood up with her hand still enlaced with his, Inuyasha had no other choice than to follow her from not so far behind. Kikyo walked towards the lady's room, she stood out there and took a heavy sigh before watching Inuyasha's amber eyes for a whole minute. Inuyasha felt a mixture of awkwardness and worry; he had no idea what Kikyo wanted to talk about. `Oh man, I'm screwed! Not only did Ayame make me look like the player I once was but Kagome was there and now everything is even more fucked up than it was before! On top of that, Kikyo is going to break up with me after only a day of dating me… am I jinxed or destiny just likes to make fun of me?' He thought desperately as he tried to appear calm, Kikyo let a small smile curve her lips and she let go his hand before she began.
“I wish I would have asked you about your ex girlfriends before we started formally dating.” Kikyo let out with some disappointment, she turned her eyes away from him for a moment and Inuyasha felt like killing himself.
“I know what comes next.” He mumbled, believing that it would be the last time he would see Kikyo.
“This little event, so to call it, has made me realize that I don't know much about you Inuyasha… and that maybe it should be better to break apart.” Inuyasha sighed heavily and let out frustrated sigh, he wanted to walk away and end it just like that but she grabbed him by his arm. “But… I'm more attracted to you than I initially thought and I think that I can get to know you better while we spend more time together.”
“Really?” Inuyasha asked a bit incredulous, Kikyo nodded before moving her face closer to his.
“And… to start our time together, I thought that maybe you will want to join me while I judge another restaurant tonight.” She whispered and he touched his nose lightly with hers.
“Of course, what's its name?” Inuyasha asked in the same lowly voice tone she had talked before, she pulled away and he half smiled.
“I'd like it to be a surprise, being the stubborn chef you are I bet you will say no the moment I pronounce its name.” Inuyasha laughed a little and she kissed his lips lightly.
“Yeah, but I hate to remind you that you are now dating this stubborn chef.” He commented proudly and Kikyo nodded before placing her arms around his neck, Inuyasha immediately locked his on her waist.
“And it was your stubbornness that brought us to this moment.” She added before kissing his lips sweetly and deepening the kiss as she maneuvered her lips on his, Inuyasha enjoyed the way she kissed him, so feverishly, so lovingly, so…
“Am I interrupting?” A deep voice said and cleared his throat, Inuyasha pulled away from his loving girlfriend's lips and Kikyo blushed rapidly. Sesshomaru looked at booth a bit surprised but soon remembered the reason he interrupted the happy couple.
“What's up Sess?” Inuyasha asked as Kikyo, due to embarrassment, buried her face in her boyfriend's chest. “Does your visit have a reason?”
“Yeah, I need to talk to you… in private, if you don't mind of course.” The older man said addressing to Kikyo, she didn't want to face him and shook her head before quickly walking back his table.
Inuyasha kept his eyes on his delightful girl until she was out of sight, but his mind started to take control and suddenly started imagining being with her instead of his brother. Sesshomaru, who had been saying his brother name for a long time but without getting any answer, stared at his silly face as he daydreamed. Finally, he got tired of it and decided it was better to get him back to earth. Sesshomaru slapped his cheeks several times, until Inuyasha fought back by pulling his hair.
“You fight like a girl.” Sesshomaru said before arranging his hair, Inuyasha arched his brow as he watched his brother with amusement.
“If you didn't notice, I was in a very important thing a few seconds ago and I would like to get back as soon as possible so you might wanna open your mouth and start saying what ever you have to say.” Inuyasha said with some irritation, Sesshomaru looked at him with an emotionless expression.
“I'm afraid you'll have to kiss goodbye to that horrendous moment I happen to witness because you are supposed to be working now… not kissing!” Sesshomaru said infuriated, Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“I'm more than pretty sure that you pay other 4 people to cook, not only me.” Sesshomaru nodded and plastered a fake smile on his face.
“Of course, but you gave Kagome a free day and now your coworkers refuse to work under so called `preference' you give to her.” Inuyasha arched his brow. “You should not let your interest on her affect our work… got that?”
“Whatever.” Inuyasha mumbled with enragement and Sesshomaru nodded.
“I'm glad we understood each other, now get back to work.” Inuyasha mumbled a few curses for his brother while Sesshomaru walked back to his comfortable office.
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“That idiot! Oh, he was so very happy with his restaurant and he thought that pretending that he didn't know me would be enough, but guess what! I'm smarter than that Takashi!” Ayame yelled as soon as Kagome uncovered her mouth. “And did you see his girlfriend? God! That girl was so white she could be easily mistaken by a ghost!”
“Why Ayame, why out of all the 6 billion or more people living in this planet did you have to date him during senior year?” Kouga asked irritated and Ayame stopped her loud complains and looked at him with innocence.
“I remember he was very hot but… I thought that maybe if I was his girlfriend he might listen to me instead of his brother and maybe he would stop bothering you. Unfortunately it didn't come out as I plan it because he was even handsomer than I thought… inside and out, except for the whole player scheme.”
“You know what? There are so many things I would like to tell you and I…” Kouga pulled out his cell phone; he listened carefully to whoever was the caller and soon hung up. “You are very lucky; I have to go work earlier than I thought.”
“So we are not having lunch together.” Kagome said more like a statement than a question, Kouga sighed with deception and kissed her lips lightly.
“I'll be home early, I promise.” Kagome smiled a little and watched him walk away; Ayame looked at her and sighed.
“So… are we eating or what? I bet my stupid cousin isn't hungry when it comes to his work but I feel like eating a whole elephant by myself.” Kagome giggled a bit and placed her arm around Ayame's shoulders.
“Let's go to my place, I know a very great chef that will be more than happy to cook for us… me.” Ayame laughed and the got inside the car along with Kagome.
Their trip back to Kagome's apartment was quiet; neither of the ladies wanted to say something or had something really important to say. Kagome was still thinking about what happened back at the restaurant, everyone who surrounded her seemed to despise Inuyasha for very good reasons and although she thought she should do the same, something inside her told her to give him another chance. `He is a womanizer, arrogant, proud man and I still think that maybe he is different? That perhaps he can change? I must be completely out of my mind, thinking that all his flaws can be fixed! Only a desperate woman for attention will try that stunt… fortunately, I have a man who loves me.' Kagome thought and a small sad smile formed on her lips. She walked out of the car followed by Ayame and they entered to the elevator.
“How come you never talk about your job?” Ayame asked intrigued, Kagome shrugged her shoulders and looked at her friend.
Kagome didn't answer the question, although she was very curious to know about what did Ayame wanted to know. The two girls entered the apartment and straightly walked to the kitchen, Ayame sat on a chair as she watched her friend move around the kitchen to cook for Ayame her favorite food, spaghetti and meatballs. Kagome took out from the counter pasta and after pouring some water on a pot; she placed it on the stove and added the pasta. She then made her way to the refrigerator, Kagome grabbed meat and added some salt with pepper before frying it on a pan. Kagome then took out tomatoes; she carefully washed them and started chopping them. As Kagome tried to cook a question, that had been torturing her, came out of her mouth.
“My job or my boss?” Kagome mumbled as she mutilated with her knife a very fine tomato, chopping it enough to make it sauce. Ayame's face colored.
“What are you talking about?” Ayame asked pretending that the red color on her cheeks wasn't there and that may soon vanish.
“I mean about what you asked me on the elevator.” Ayame showed her a nervous smile and Kagome rolled her eyes. “Seriously, who did you expect me to talk about?”
“Never mind. It's all in the past, besides he's a jerk… and I really don't feel like talking about the man who broke my heart when your friend was barely a teen.” Ayame said, trying to look dramatic, Kagome sighed and put in the boiling pot her tomato sauce.
“Okay, you have 5 minutes before I get bored and ask you to shut up.” Her friend smiled and stood next to her.
“Inuyasha was the coolest guy in our high school after Sess, of course, and I caught him looking at me at lunch time. Finally, like a week or so after that event he asks me out and I of course said yes. Inuyasha was the most romantic, sweet, charming, caring boyfriend I had till then and I did what I could to convince him to stop bothering my dear cousin. He promised, he swore and more but he never did and at last I was about to talk to him about this matter after a month and a half but I saw him with the new exchange student who, coincidentally, was in the school a month and a half. She might have cursed even my mother in her native language but all I cared was the blonde girl approaching to us, the three of us fought for about 15 minutes till we decided to hit Inuyasha but he had already disappeared, I never saw him again until graduation and he just ran out of there with his car before I could lay my hands on him.” Kagome looked at Ayame as she related her story; she let out a frustrated sigh.
“Well, he's a complete asshole for trying to pull off that kind of stunt… I'm glad that not all men are like him, thank god Kouga isn't like that.” Ayame giggled and Kagome turned off the stove before getting her kitchen mittens and grabbing the hot pot that contained the pasta, Kagome poured out the water and placed the pasta on a large white bowl.
“Oh god, you're so in love with Kouga that you can barely accept the fact that he isn't perfect.” Kagome sighed and a small smile formed on her lips.
“I know that, if he was Kouga would be here with us having lunch.” Ayame looked at the saddened smile on her friend's face and soon Kagome turned her eyes to her. “But I try not to mind his flaws, the things he does for me are enough to compensate all those times he had left me behind.”
“I think the meat is burning.” Ayame lied just to keep Kagome's mind away from those thoughts, she immediately jumped to the stove and after checking it was perfectly good she turned off the stove and put the meat on the pot with the tomato sauce.
“Thanks, aren't you tired from your flight? I mean you got here like 4 hours ago or more…” Ayame smiled and shook her head.
“Believe me I had plenty of time to sleep on that plane and I feel like I just woke up.” Kagome shook her head with disbelief, knowing that the only thing keeping Ayame away from her comfortable bed and tons of books was her.
“Right, after this you'll get back to your apartment and I'll get back to my job… if I still have one, the idiot you punched my boss after all.” Ayame laughed a little as she watched Kagome place the tomato sauce with the meatballs on top of the pasta, she mixed it for a while and walked to the cupboard to grab two plates, she poured some of the spaghetti on one and some on the other. Kagome gave one plate to Ayame and the other one she put it on her place.
“Fine but just `cause you know how much I love your pasta and that after I sleep I feel like sleeping.” Kagome smiled pleased and Ayame handed her a fork and a spoon. “Thanks for this, now time to eat.”
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A long, long time ago she had wanted a moment to speak with him. Ever since she realized what she lost everything made no sense to her, she missed the cold night in which he would place his arms around her and try to keep her from shivering. She wanted to wake up and smell the delicious aroma of just made coffee and then look at his priceless smile as he walked up to her bed with two cups of hot coffee on his hands. Sango sighed as she took off her apron and watched him wash his hands, they were alone in the kitchen since Hojo and Yura had gone out before Inuyasha asked them for any favor and because Hojo was begging for them to talk somewhere they could be alone. She walked towards the kitchen sink; she stood behind Miroku watching him wash his hands before she gathered the courage to speak to him. Sango opened her mouth but no words came out, she heard the kitchen door open and both of them looked at the door. Inuyasha appeared and arched his brow as he looked at Sango for a moment; she turned around and walked away.
“Since your very nice coworkers already left I guess it's up to you to get everything back inside the freezer, you wouldn't want it to spoil right?” Inuyasha asked and got no answer, he cleared his throat. “Like it or not do it already and you can go home and do it fast because I have to close this place and I'd like to get out of here fast too.”
“Miroku…” Sango said, he walked towards the tables and started gathering all the leftovers of meat, chicken, fish and other foods that needed to be frozen.
“Will you help me please?” he asked as he interrupted her, Sango sighed and nodded before grabbing the other stuff he had left on the tables.
The two of them walked inside the freezer and left the food on the counters, both of them walked towards the door and it suddenly shut on their face. Miroku sighed and tried to open it with the knob located inside but it simply broke. He sighed annoyed and sat next to the door and Sango sat on the other corner.
“You're not going to talk to me?” Sango asked, Miroku took a look at her and after a deep breath he removed his eyes from her and watched at the door. “We might be here for a while and still you're not going to say a word?”
“I told you before, there's nothing I would like to say to you… maybe you might like to talk to Inuyasha.” He added saying his name with hate; she felt as if she hated herself at that moment too and stopped talking.
A few minutes elapsed in silence before someone opened the door; Miroku fell on his back on the floor and looked at their rescuer. He let a big smile slip his lips once he saw Yuka standing above him, Miroku immediately stood up and she smiled as she blushed a bit.
“Thanks, I was wondering if I was going to die in there.” Yuka giggled and he kissed her cheek softly.
“Inuyasha told me I might find you in here, well not in the fridge but in the kitchen but since I didn't find I thought that maybe you were doing something in there… if you're done with whatever you were doing, I thought you might wanna come with me to the movies, I know it's late but Kagome gets out at this hour and I was going to invite her but I don't see her anywhere and I'm just talking too much… so what do you say?” Sango walked out of the freezer and laid her eyes on Yuka for a moment. “Oh, I'm sorry… who is she?”
“She's… nobody, so what are we going to watch?” Miroku asked as he grabbed Yuka's hand lovingly, Sango felt her heart tear apart and soon walked out of the restaurant with tears on her eyes.
A/N: I know I'm making my chapters shorter but it's been a hard end of the week and starting again hasn't been easy either… I'll try to update by the end of the week and to make that chapter longer, review please!!! =)