InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'm sorry, its all my fault!! ❯ Confessions of love ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Confessions of love
Previously on “I'm sorry it's all my fault”: Sesshomaru is attacked by Naraku and Kagura who kidnap Rin only to bring her back, Sesshomaru owes InuYasha for saving his life.
It was dawn and InuYasha was laying awake in his favourite tree near the hut. “Damn, I hardly slept all night, what Naraku did is just ticking me off” he thought.
Then he heard a few moans coming from the hut. He jumped down from his tree and walked inside to see Kagome turning over and over in her sleeping bag full of sweat. “What the hell?” He thought. He walked over to her and lightly touched her forehead she had a light fever. Then her eyes fluttered open. “Oh shit I woke her up...”
Sorry, did I wake you?
No, its ok(she looked pale and dizzy)
You have a fever; do you want to go back to your time to rest?
InuYasha, I don't have a fever, I only had a nightmare, that's all.
Oh, I should have known, sorry I woke you.
I'm actually glad you did, nightmare, remember? I just want to go to the hot springs and take a hot bath.
You're not going alone, demons could attack you.
Do you intend on following me?
Well, nobody else is awake you know.
Fine, but no hentai thoughts or actions.
Like I would do that.
And with that they left for the hot springs. What happened there was not what they expected…
When they arrived InuYasha sat by the trees of the surrounding forest, not looking when Kagome gets undressed.” She's so beautiful in the water…” (A/N: Yup, you got it InuYasha loves Kagome AND thinks she's pretty)
Once she in water he allowed himself to look once in a while, not only to check if she was alright, but also just to look. Then she spoke what he never thought of hearing from her…
I was wondering if… well… if you wanted to join me? I'm starting to feel a little lonely.
Uh... well… ok. He said uncertainly.
As he got undressed he noticed Kagome's glare, but he didn't bother to look up. He got in the water, slowly.” Why's the water so hot in here anyway” He thought annoyingly. He looked up; Kagome was still looking at him.
Is something wrong? He asked.
No… um fine.
She turned away blushing.
Kagome POV.
“I can't believe I just asked him to join me. AND he actually agreed. Oh god, he looks good with no clothes on… What!!! OMG!!!! What am I thinking!!! When he got in the water I just couldn't keep my eyes of him.”
Is something wrong? He asked
No…um fine.
“Then I turned away, blushing of course, I just kept starring at him and he was NAKED of course I blushed. What is he doing??? He's coming closer to me, what the hell?! Not that I mind, but it's too much, if he gets too close, I won't be able to keep my hands off him…
Normal POV
As InuYasha got closer to her, she couldn't keep wondering what was happening. Right when she was about to ask him, he pressed his lips against hers. Her lips parted and her eyes widened in surprise, he tilted her head up to be able to kiss her properly and she just melted into him. He was just as surprised as she was when her tongue brushed his lips for access. He opened them (A/N: obviously) and he himself started playing with her tongue, obviously using his own. When air became a problem they both pulled away slightly out of breath and flushed. InuYasha expected her to be angry or something, but not the breathless” wow….” That escaped her.
You're not mad??
No, I liked that.
Yes… I did.
I would have told you before I kissed you, but I couldn't bring myself to do it…
(A/N: We are obviously wondering what he's about to say…)
…Kagome, I love you.
(A/N: Gee, What a huge shock that must be for the reader.)
-I love you to InuYasha, I always did.
After a few minutes of making out, with more intensity and passion then the last time, they got out of the water, got dressed and made their way back to the hut.
When they came back, the sun had fully risen and the gang was awake…
“Damn, their awake, now what are we going to tell them?”
Hey KAGOME!!!!(A/N: I wonder who said that)
Hi Shippou, did you sleep well?
InuYasha?( A/N: Miroku talking)
What now?
Where have you and Kagome been?
Uh… Taking a walk. He said quickly.
Oh, how was that walk? He asked with a perverted grin on his face.
HENTAI!!!! Yelled Sango.
Well what? Don't tell me people go for a walk in the early hours of the morning just to walk, now do they?
Shut up Miroku!! They all said in unison.
“Thank the gods I got out of this one…”
Kagome POV
Thank the gods I got out of this one…”
Just then InuYasha came walking up to her.
We need to talk, now.
And with that he took Kagome in the forest.
How are we going about telling them about us? He asked.
Well we should just go with telling them that were going out.
Maybe, but, what if they ask about this morning?
We'll just tell them that during our “walk” we confessed our love and kissed.
Gee, I should have thought of that, I feel stupid.
Well, you're my stupid guy then.
I never said I was stupid, I said I felt stupid.
Hey, that's my li-
Kagome cut in his reply by kissing him, gods, she loved the feeling of his warm lips, and knowing that it her that made InuYasha moan in pleasure. Before she knew it their tongues had joined together and they were in for a passionate kiss for of love and desire that had been burning to come out.
Then Miroku came out of the blues, pointing and yelling:
HA!!!!! I knew you two are up to something; now spit it out what were you really up to?
We really did go for a walk, it's just that, we told each other are feelings and kissed. Kagome explained.
Really, that is all?
Ya, what do want more monk? Said InuYasha rather rudely.
Oh nothing, I'll be off now…
You better. He replied.
And with he was gone.
InuYasha? Asked Kagome.
What is it?
I completely lost track of what we were saying, could we go from when I cut you in the middle of what you were saying?
Of course. He replied.
And they kissed, taking from where they had left their “ conversation” as to say.
(A/N: Well that's all for chapter 3, hope you liked it, remember R&R, I will update as soon as I can, since, final exams are coming up!!!)