InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Impurity of Selfishness ❯ Light in the Darkness: journey/pt 1 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey- I'm back. Je reviens encore une fois! Bienvenue à ma petite histoire, tout le monde! Well I can hardly believe that this is part 12- ahhh! It certainly doesn't feel like it! This was going to be the entire trip for the shard but I kept putting in other things and I wanted to go ahead and update. Instead, this chapter sets up what is going to happen in the next chaper- where the real taste of action/adventure, limited and uncharted territory though it is for me, will be. At least Kagome and Inuyasha get a chance to talk in this chapter.
Angelstars pointed out that the last chapter might have been more about IY and his fighting thoughts, instead of partially clarifying what is known in the anime. To this I can only explain thus: I see him as someone who is extremely stubborn- to the point of pushing away possibilities because of commitments. For this reason, I didn't think it would make much sense to have IY change so much immediately. Since he tends to act more on instinct than on thought, I am going to reveal his change through his irrational thought- since I am assuming his obstinate self would filter out most thought out epiphanies. My father would call this a failure of imagination…
Angelstars: As for Kagome's memory- that'll all work out in the end- and I mean the end. But you know what's funny, my sister's name is Angie(she's 31)- just a little fyi.
Classic Cowboy: Thank you for reviewing again. I am so glad that you are enjoying the little fic. ^_^ Alright, I know it's not really that little anymore.
DiLLiRgA: Thanks! Yeah I love Madeleine L'Engle's works. There isn't a separate place on for fics dealing with her work and not many writers if any have tried that. I would like to write one myself but it would get lost in the bowels of the site and would never get read. <frown> I wanted to write something that happened after Many Waters but before a Swiftly Tilting Planet. Oh well, maybe someday!
Pt 12- Light in the Darkness: journey/pt 1
My eyes open and then close immediately; I am practically blinded by the bright sunlight shining through the cracks of the mat that covers the entrance to Kaede's dwelling. Muffled voices glide through all the fabric covering my head and I sigh. Yes, it's morning, but I don't want to get up quite yet. Savoring the feeling of warmth, safety and comfort, I squiggle down in the piece of fabric. Inhaling, I can smell the sweet scent of spring grass. Sheesh, that sounds like a fabric softener commercial. In my mind, I can imagine that light brown teddy bear floating down next to me and inhaling the scent of my sleeping bag. Yes, I can hear his high-pitched, patronizing voice echoing through the room. Try our new scent, spring grass, and make every day smell like you've been camping in the woods. I sweatdrop quietly. To some people, that may actually sound romantic but in actuality, camping smells more like sweat and dirt than it does grass… you can trust me, because I have enough experience to know- more than some fluffy little flying freak.
Languorously, I stretch silently with a yawn. Delicious warmth fills my body as I snuggle ever deeper into my bed. No, it's too comfy here- I want to stay here in bed. Don't make a sound and no one will bother you. I close my eyes and try to appear asleep just as the flap opens and I hear scampering sounds.
“Kagome! You're awake!” Shippo's excitement makes me happy and yet at the same time, I curse his darn youkai senses. Mothers are supposed to have eyes in the back of their heads, but having a surrogate youkai-son is completely insane- he has that edge on me. Oh well, at least I know that he would never use his youkai powers against me. I open one eye and peer at the adorable kitsune cub sitting by my side. He wags his tail and curls up in the crook of my arm. His tail is so soft- amazing… it's almost as fun to play with as Inuyasha's ears are… well slightly less so simply because Inuyasha's ears are off limits to me.
Youkai and hanyou… the Sengoku Jidai is a strange world, a very different time. Where did all the youkai go in my time? They are strong so it would seem unlikely that they would all disappear. Oh no matter- I'll find out soon enough. I wonder what Shippo's parents were like… and I wonder how long he'll live. What if he is alive in my time and I don't know it? Wouldn't that be strange? A warm fuzzy paw starts putting gentle pressure on my arm.
“Kagome? What are you thinking about- umm, I was just wondering; you don't have to tell me if it's really personal.” His ears and tail droop just a little bit. I should realize that his feelings get hurt very easily. I chuckle to myself a tad. Just like me in a way… I overreact and allow my feelings to get hurt easily if someone I care about is involved. I smile gently at him.
“Shippo-chan, calm down. Please don't jump to hasty conclusions. I'm not mad at you. Have I done something wrong?”
His eyes widen and shine. “No, of course you haven't. It's just that…”
“It's just what? Has Inuyasha been picking on you this morning already? Do you want me to punish him?”
The little fox cub shakes his head. “No, no, of course not. Inuyasha hasn't done anything. I got accused of being in the way last night… again. We were all talking about whether to take you with us and they told me that I was underfoot. So I ran off on my own.” His barely audible sigh reaches my sympathetic ears.
Sadness… I just hope I don't become Shippo's psychiatrist. “Oh poor little Shippo-chan. I'm sorry. They were probably just tired, so don't take what they said too much to heart. Wait please- you were all talking about taking me where?”
He nods. “Alright I'll try to remember that. We were talking about taking you with us to find the Shikon no Kakera that Kikyo told Inuyasha about last night. We weren't too sure that we should take you…” Sango races in and covers up Shippo's mouth with great haste.
“Sorry, Shippo, I didn't mean to interrupt you.” Yeah, perhaps, but that's not how it appears. I sweatdrop slightly as I sit up in bed. “We weren't sure that we should bring you because you fell ill last night. We did not want to push you if you were not completely healed and we weren't sure that you wanted to go with us. Please forgive us, but we did not want to force you.” The young taijiya lets Shippo go. Without responding, he pouts and jumps onto my head. Sango watches him, but continues to speak to me. “Oh please forgive me for being so rude, Kagome-chan. How are you feeling? Did you rest well last night? We were all so worried about you. Even our obnoxious hanyou watched over you all night to make sure that you were safe.”
Yeah, yeah. So Inuyasha watched over me all night long. He had been acting weird all evening long- holding my hand and acting rude to Kikyo, his love. I sigh and nod. “Thank you, Sango-chan. I am feeling much better- I'm feeling 100% better.” At the point, Miroku glides in silently and nods to me as he stands next to Sango. I nod to him as well. “Inuyasha watched over me? That's strange… but no stranger than he had been treating me all evening long.” Sango and Miroku give each other a covered glance.
Miroku clears his throat. “Please, Kagome-sama, forgive Inuyasha for that. He has been dealing with some difficult stuff recently. Of course, he does care about you and naturally, he wanted you to be better so you could come with us.”
“To help locate the Shikon no Kakera, yeah, I know. He's so impatient sometimes. Inuyasha no baka!”
“That is not the only reason, Kagome-sama.”
I wave my hand to shrug off his objection. “It doesn't matter whether it is or not. I want to come. I am tired of being around this village- I would like to get out for a little taste of adventure. Besides, I am happy when I can help you guys in any way, no matter how seemingly insignificant.”
The worried look in Miroku's eyes begins to fade but does not disappear. “Are you sure that you want to come with us? Are you sure that you are really feeling up to coming?”
I roll my eyes. I appreciate the concern but I am not a china doll! “Yes I am sure, Miroku-sama. You see- I am also hoping that it will help to bring my memory back. I really hate not remembering what I did.”
They both stare at me for a moment before nodding and murmuring something about breakfast being ready outside. A split-second after they leave the dwelling, Kaede walks in and sits down next to me.
“Good morning, Kaede-baa-chan. How are you feeling?”
She softly smiles and nods. “Good morning to you too, Kagome-chan. I'm feeling about as well as I can expect to feel- thank you for asking. How are you feeling this beautiful morning? You seem to be feeling quite a bit better, unless my old eyes are failing me.”
I giggle. “Yes, I am feeling much, much better. I don't know what came over me.”
She blinks. “Of course you wish to go with them to find the Shikon no Kakera?”
With a frustrated smile and nod, I agree. “Yes, I would love to go. I keep hoping that it might help bring my memory back to me. What do you think?”
“It's possible. If you feel as if you should go, I should certainly not stop you. They do need you more than you know, Kagome-chan. You have more power than you think you do.”
“You are very kind, Kaede-baa-chan- too kind actually. Please don't mix me up with Kikyo- I'm not like her. I may indeed be her reincarnation but that does not mean that I have her powers.”
“Perhaps, but do not underestimate yourself, Kagome-chan. You are correct that you are not my sister, but you have plenty of your power if you dare to look for it, deep within your heart. Go with your instincts is all the advice that I can give you at this point. If you doubt yourself, you will be unable to accomplish the task that you attempt. Trust and have faith in yourself. Fear is the opposite of faith. I have faith in you as you are, Kagome-chan. Good luck.” The older miko walks out and allows me to dress myself in peace.
I stand up and stretch. Looking down, I realize that my school uniform is completely wrinkled and covered with dirt. Oh that must have happened when I fell. I sigh and walk over to my bag. I better wear something else or I am going to single-handedly defeat the youkai when it bursts into fits of uncontrollable laughter at my ragged appearance. I shake my head and begin searching through my bag. I knew I put a couple extra outfits in this bag when I left!
Finally, I pull out a simple v-necked forest green dress. With a few quick tugs, I yank off my school uniform, which of course had doubled as a nightgown. Hugging the long-sleeved green dress to myself, I spin around a couple of times. Ahh… my new dress that I bought with Mom... it's so pretty. I haven't even gotten a chance to wear it yet. We decided that I needed something else to wear when I was back in this time fighting with everyone. I grin and tear the price tag off the dress before pulling it over my head. Sweet- it still fits perfectly! Happily laughing, I spin once more and grab my new shoes and socks before I dash out the door. Smirking to myself, I try to imagine everyone's reaction. Nope, no time for that now- no daydreaming. Let's go!
The sun shines brightly in the clear, blue sky. I grin as I shade my eyes; it was darker in the house and my eyes need a moment to adjust to the change. Unlike yesterday, which was foggy and mysterious, today is bright and happy. Nothing bad could happen today, at least that is how it appears. I hope this means that we will have good luck on our little mission. Gently, I lift up my heart in an unspoken prayer for our collective safety and success.
Once outside, I see everyone except Inuyasha resting near the door. Oops- they were obviously waiting for me. That's right- the main event is here… ok maybe not. Regardless, they all look at me as if I was the main attraction. Their eyes overflow with concern, happiness and curiosity. I am so lucky to have such wonderful, caring friends. Even our tempestuous Inuyasha definitely has his moments… I wonder what kind of mischief he's getting himself into right now. I bet that he'll be happy- we are going to destroy some demon. He may not be here right this second but I bet that he will appear soon and try and make me hurry through breakfast so that we can leave.
I look around and almost expect Inuyasha to pounce at that moment, but he doesn't. Instead, the rest of the gang greets me. Sango, who has already changed into her black, pink and red taijiya outfit, sits down next to me. “I like your dress, Kagome-chan. Is it new?”
I smile. “Yeah, it is. I know it's a little different.”
Miroku closes his eyes and nods. “Yeah, it's not as short as your other outfit.”
I sweatdrop. “Actually, that is one of the best things about it. It's only one inch above my knee and is therefore much better for running and fighting.” He does not respond. Sheesh, you would think that he'd be used to long skirts. Now, women normally wear ankle-length dresses, not mini-skirts. I shake my head and pull on my socks and shoes.
Sango nods. “I agree with you, Kagome-chan. You said that the other outfit was your school uniform.”
“Of course it is and everyone's skirt is the same length. The main difference is that we don't run around and fight youkai while in school.”
“Uh right, of course, Kagome-chan..” She peers down at my shoes. “Um, please forgive me, but I really want to know…”
Shippo runs towards my foot and pounces on my shoe. “Yeah, Kagome. What on Earth is this thing?” He pokes at it and bounces on it for a moment before hiding behind my leg.
Sheesh, I thought that they might be impressed, not afraid. This is kind of embarrassing. “These are my new shoes. We wear these shoes when we play sports and exercise. They are called tennis shoes. Well technically they are cross-trainers, but let's not go there.”
Miroku kneels down next to the white leather shoes and glances at them. “So these are the shoes that you wear when you are physically active?”
I sigh in relief. “Yes, that's right. It'll keep me from twisting my ankle and hurting my leg when I run, jog, etc. Mom decided that it was time that I take care of myself when I go out fighting with you guys. On TV, I have seen that Americans wear tennis shoes more than we do. They wear shorter socks with them and so that's why I have socks that…”
Shippo interrupts, “They stop at your ankle instead of going up almost all the way to your knee.” Sango lightly beats him on the head for interrupting. In response, I do not know what to do but nod and sigh.
After a few moments of silence, an exasperated voice growls from a few feet away. “Hey, if you are all done examining Kagome's feet, we should get going. We are not sure how long this is going to take.” He slowly walks over to me. “Hey, are you ready yet, Kagome?” He turns to walk away but after two steps, he faces me once more with a complicated glance. His face softens along with his course voice. “I hope that you're feeling better and everything… because we, uh, might have to go a long way.”
I smile and nod. Before I get a chance to say anything in response, Miroku glomps Inuyasha on the head. The long-haired hanyou glares and pouts. “Miroku, you messed up monk- what'd you do that for anyway?”
Miroku grabs one of Inuyasha's ears and drags him a few feet away. As covertly as possible, he whispers in Inuyasha's huge ear. “Did you not notice how lovely Kagome looks today in her beautiful forest green dress? You should compliment her! You spent the whole night looking after her and you can't even praise her?” Inuyasha sticks his tongue out at Miroku, who throws his hands up in frustration. The dog demon walks back over towards me and opens his mouth to speak but does not say anything. Taking a deep breath, he looks at me and takes an inventory.
“What's with the new outfit?”
“Oh do you like it?” I get up and spin a circle. “It's new. We got it so that I would be a little warmer and so that I would have something other than my school uniform to wear. I don't know why I chose this forest green, but I am growing to like it more and more the longer that I wear it.”
He swallows and then looks away. “Keh, that's silly. At least you will blend in with all the green leaves.” That's about as much of a compliment as I am likely to get from Inuyasha. He stops but does not turn around. “Hurry up and eat- we need to get going.” He leaps into the nearest tree to perch and fidget while he waits.
I smile at his back as if he could see me, although I know that he can't. He's right. I have been slow and I need to hurry up. I quickly eat and then stand up to announce that I am ready. Everyone smiles nervously and nods. This is just another trip to get a Shikon no Kakera, or maybe if we are lucky, more than one.
Inuyasha walks in front of me. “You know, it would be easier if I could carry you on my back. You can sense the direction of the Shikon no Kakera and so you can tell me which direction without having to yell from Kirara's back, but that is if your boyfriend won't mind…” He looks away and I roll my eyes.
“Are you daft, Inuyasha?” His golden eyes widen and stare unbelieving and disappointedly into my own. “You silly hanyou, I asked Kisho about that ages ago and he has no problem with that. Besides, it's not as if you like me. You are just as taken as I am; you have your Kikyo and I have my Kisho. Besides, I don't see you asking Kikyo's permission unless perhaps I am the one who needs to ask her…”
His yellow eyes widen in surprise. Unaware of how he should react, he simply holds up his claws in a slightly defensive gesture. “No, no, no… not a problem. Anyway, are you ready?” He glances towards Miroku and Sango, who are both sitting on Kirara and patiently waiting for their friends. Inuyasha turns around and bends his knees to help me get on. Without a trace of anxiety, I lightly, but enthusiastically jump on and Inuyasha takes off with the fire cat on his heels.
I lean forward on his back and close my eyes. His back is so warm. I wonder how long it will take to find the shard this time… Kikyo said it was nearby but she doesn't always define her terms. Therefore, it could be less than a day or conversely, more than ten days away. Sheesh, that is annoying.
Why should we praise her for giving us vague tips as a gift? At home, professors do not give out extra credit for suspense or ambiguity. Maybe that is one of the benefits of being a miko. Well, in order to escape writing long papers, I would have to stay here in this time… forever. Kikyo- I know that you are much stronger than I am but I do not think that you could live my life any better than I could live yours. Oh well, whatever her reason or reasons are for not giving us better directions… I can't help but wonder… I know that she has to be mysterious but if she is giving him a gift, perhaps she could be just a little more practical with her presents… say give him a basic direction, timeframe or map? I just don't understand her… partly my soul or not, she's just an enigma.
Still, he loves her very much even though she is evidently very different than she used to be. I hope it will be that way for Kisho and I. People change and love accepts change in people, especially when it is for the best. They are part of each other now just as Kisho and I are. When I was younger, I used to believe in fairy tales or in the impossible possibilities. My heart dreamt, but I, lost within a place beyond reality, missed most of the point. I know it would be presumptuous of myself to say that now I know, but perhaps I can at least say that I know now a bit more than I did before… and I know that I possess less knowledge than I thought I did. For these and many other things, I thank Kisho from the bottom of my heart.
“Kagome? Hey you- Kagome? Can you hear me back there?”
“Oh yes I can. I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I was just randomly thinking…” I bet he's narrowing his eyes at me. I can't blame him- I should postpone my random thoughts.
“Yeah well somewhere in your random thoughts, did you remember to focus on whether you can sense any Shikon no Kakera?”
I frown. “Um, no, sorry.” I need to do that. It's my main job- depressing and more than slightly self-defeating as it may seem, it also appears correct. He doesn't always have to go after my weaknesses like that! “Well at least Kisho thinks I'm good for things other than finding the Shikon no Kakera!” He does not say anything. Since my arms are around his neck, I can feel him swallow hard a couple of times, but he still does not say anything in regards to my challenge. Normally, I would have gotten something- anything from a keh to hmph or any other non-answer.
Finally, he answers me. “I think you are good at other things, Kagome. I just wanted to know if you had any directions for me- that's all. I'm sorry to barge in and accuse you…” Oh I feel sorry for him. He said that he was sorry- is there something wrong with him?
“Inuyasha- you just said that you were sorry? Do you have a fever or something? Besides, I have no right to tease you- you were correct. I wasn't thinking about the shards and that is one of the reasons that I came with you guys. I should not have made fun of you but I assumed that you would just make fun of me instead, as you usually do.” We all know that he's pretty touchy sometimes. He's course and obnoxious, but he has a good heart on the inside. He cared enough to look after me and he always protects me from danger- as much as he can and whenever Kikyo is not involved. “Inuyasha, I did not get a chance to thank you.”
He clears his throat. “Uh, thank me for what?”
“Thank you for watching over me last night- the others told me that you did that. It was very kind and considerate of you. You were there for me when I needed you.”
“Well Kisho couldn't do it, so I figured that I should do that for him. He would never forgive me if I had not.”
“Oh have you met him yet, Inuyasha? I wasn't sure but it would make sense considering that he's always hanging around the shrine.”
“Well, no, but you know. I just figured…”
“Yes, I think that I understand, Inuyasha.” After I say that, I feel a tingle in my heart. I do understand, but I don't know everything. It's more a spiritual thing, as if I can feel him in my heart. Isn't that weird? The only one I have been able to have a spiritual connection with is Kisho- and they have very little in common. A shiver runs through my body as I can feel the warmth from a glowing Shikon no Kakera directly in front of us. My thoughts gone and the connection broken, I shake my head and forget. “Hey- the shard is directly ahead!”
“Alright, I guessed correctly. Something is finally going right for a change! Let's go!” He gestures to the others to continue their course and to speed up.
After leaping a few more miles in comfortable silence and growing anticipation, we finally arrive. From a glance, the village appears normal, smaller than Kaede's but not completely puny. The inhabitants mill around with varying degrees of purpose through their little town. As we come closer, I can see mixed looks of blank shock and grudging acceptance on the faces of the wandering villagers.
Inuyasha lands gently on his feet and I silently step down from his back as I examine our surroundings. Just behind us, Kirara leaps into view with Sango, Miroku and Shippo. An almost-tangible wave of unease passes through our hearts, but we are here. I encouragingly smile at my companions and walk over to the nearest villager.
Waving candidly, I greet the poor, but well-kept woman. “Good day madam. How do you do?” Meanwhile, Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha watch from a distance and allow me to begin the introductions. Even farther back in the shadows of the trees, Shippo and Kirara wait patiently.
The village woman looks me up and down and then inspects the others with a slightly raised eyebrow. I barely nod to them and consequently, Sango and Miroku glide over to us without a word. Turning back to face me, the woman smiles sadly and shakes her head. “Greetings and welcome to you, young woman.” She nods in greeting at Sango and Miroku. “You and your friends are here for the Shikon no Kakera, are you?”
She does not look anxious about us taking the shard, but there seems to be more underneath the surface. Should I tell her? Why lie? The truth is the truth. I nod. “Yes, we are. Do you hold it within the village?”
She does not respond either way but examines Miroku and Sango. “Houshi-sama, you are welcome here and you, miss,” she says as she looks at Sango, “you are a taijiya, maybe?” Sango nods in surprise. “Yes, taijiya-san, I saw your clan exterminate a youkai around these parts once. I recognize your outfit.” She is older than she appears; I think. Peering at Inuyasha, Shippo and Kirara, she nods to herself. “Mmm, those two are youkai and he,” she points at Inuyasha, “is a hanyou?” We acquiesce as she glances in my direction. Her eye stops when she sees my bow and arrows. With admiration, she smiles at me. “You are a miko, aren't you, miss? Well that will be interesting to see. It will be a nice change. Perhaps it will be enough. Tell me, dear, why do you seek the Shikon no Kakera?”
“I am a miko, but I do not seek to use the Shikon no Tama as you may suspect; I only wish to protect it from the youkai and humans who would try to use it.” Her brown eyes conceal a bit of disbelief. It does sound more than a little crazy; I'm sure. “We are a strange group; I know, but please, I beg you- can you help us?”
With an air of cloaked sadness, she sighs. “I cannot help you much, but I will tell you what I know. A few months ago, we protected a couple of Shikon no Kakera in our village shrine. You see, our miko passed away and could obviously no longer protect the shards. The threat gone, the youkai in the area began to attack us in hopes of obtaining the shards, but we had many fine warriors. Then, our warriors began to disappear and one of them, took the Shikon no Kakera with them. Since that time, many have tried to defeat the youkai but all have failed and disappeared. What I can tell you is that if you go about a half a mile in the direction you were going, you will run into the youkai's barrier.”
Inuyasha's ears perk up and he smiles. Quickly, he dashes over, grabs my arm and begins to drag me along with him. “K, that's great. Let's go!”
The woman looks at me and yells after us as we go, “Good luck!” I yell thank you in return but I am not sure that she could hear it. Darn him, why couldn't he have been more polite? I guess that was enough information for Inuyasha. To myself, I chuckle softly enough that even his ears cannot hear me. Oh well, that is how he is- and it is done. Maybe someday Kikyo will find a way to teach him a few manners.
The aforementioned hanyou races off to the barrier with me in tow. As we see the shining dark purple light of the barrier, he lets go of my arm, which almost makes me fall on my rear. Luckily, I manage to stay on my feet- thanks to the addition of my new shoes. Gratefully, I profusely thank my mom in my mind before watching Inuyasha with a sigh. The ever-enthusiastic Inuyasha takes out his precious Tetsusaiga, makes it transform from its pathetic state to its real appearance and gracefully points it at the barrier. As he concentrates, the blade glows orange-red as the white winds wrap themselves gracefully around the full length of the magnificent sword. I can hear his low growl and see his fangs glisten from the slight distance.
A split second later, he unleashes himself at the obstruction with his tangled, but still beautiful hair flying behind him. A vision of blurred red and white, Inuyasha yells Kaze no Kizu and extinguishes the barrier. As the force field falls, the hanyou who is smiling with glee, dashes forward in barely concealed triumph with the rest of us chasing after him as fast as we possibly can. The barrier now down for good, I can feel an immense amount of jyaki emanating from the center of the barrier. As I glance back and forward, I can tell that the others have also felt the overwhelming amount of evil energy.
When we arrive, several warriors come out of nowhere and begin to attack us. With condescending words of challenge, the warriors mock Inuyasha for being a weak hanyou. Growling with uncontrollable rage, Inuyasha, who is spoiling for a fight, goes after them with eyes that burn with hatred. His demon blood held in check by the Tetsusaiga, he remains himself, but still forgets that the warriors are humans and are only being used. That's Inuyasha- he looses it whenever anyone provokes him. Of course, that's a combination of instinct and habit, so I can't blame him too much. He has protected himself this far, after all.
Still, I sigh and shake my head. I yell at him from my place so that he can hear me. “Inuyasha, stop that right now!” His ears flicker and so I know that he hears me, but he only increases the power of his attacks on his enemies. A nerve pops in my head and I grind my teeth together a bit. I have no choice. “I'm sorry but I am forced to do this. Osuwari!” The hanyou forcibly hits the ground face first.
Sango and Miroku drag him back towards me so that we can all discuss a little bit of strategy. His eyes are swirly but after a moment, they return to normal. He looks at me and obstinately sticks his bottom lip out in an unmistakable pout. “Hey, what'd you do that for, wench?”
I roll my eyes as I turn to Miroku in hopes that he will explain. The monk nods. “Inuyasha, the real source of the immense jyaki that we had felt was not these humans, but the mind controlling them. There is no reason to attack them or hurt them. If you want to help them and put them out of commission, please leave it up to me.” Miroku stands up and walks towards the group of warriors. Lightly muttering a prayer, he closes his eyes. He still whispers strange words, but chases all of the enemies and lightly touches his staff to each of their foreheads. After he is done, each of them falls to the ground in a deep sleep. “They will sleep until we destroy this youkai.”
Out of the darkness, the youkai congratulates us on our strength. “You are very strong, oh yes- you are the first ones to break down the barrier on your own. The others I let in deliberately, so they could fulfill certain purposes for me.” He walks out into the light and smiles a disgusting smile.
In response, a completely undeterred Inuyasha readies Tetsusaiga and holds it in front of him. “Keh, why do you supposedly strong youkai always use weaklings to take care of your own business? Your lack of practice and attention will be your downfall. Hand over the Shikon no Kakera and if you do not, I will destroy you, and show you the true definition of strength. That will be my pleasure.”
Alright, that's it for part one. As always, I hope to update soon! Reviews are always greatly appreciated. If I could and if I knew you guys, I would bake you cookies or something. Oh well thank you and stay tuned!