InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ At Sesshoumaru's Castle ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sesshoumaru looked at Rin in surprised. `You can hear me? That's amazing because baboon guy turned me fucking mute,' Taisho said in her `voice'.

"Rin, tell me what she says," Sesshoumaru ordered.

"Okay Sesshoumaru-sama, Taisho was turned mute by a baboon guy, she doesn't like being called by her brother's name, and she is a girl," Rin said.

`Tell this guy that I don't have a tetsusaiga, but I have a ten-tetsusaiga,' Taisho said. "Sesshoumaru-sama, Taisho says that she doesn't have a tetsusaiga but she has a ten-tetsusaiga,"

"Where did she get this ten-tetsusaiga?" Sesshoumaru asked.

`Father gave it to me as a child, it was made from his claws,' Taisho said.

"Her father gave it to her and made it from claws," Rin said. `Oh and tell him that he doesn't act like he's a brother,' Taisho said.

"You don't act like an elder brother, Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin said and giggled. Sesshoumaru turned around and grabbed Taisho by the neck. "Sesshoumaru, don't be mean to your sister, be nice, she's your family,"

Sesshoumaru dropped Taisho onto the ground she fell to her knees. "Thanks Rin," Taisho said and realized her voice was back. "That's much better, no that I can speak, I have a few things to say," Taisho said. Sesshoumaru turned and looked to her.

"Who is your father?" he asked.

"Ain't it obvious, Inutaisho, Lord of the Western Lands, he made two other swords, the Tetsusaiga and the Tensusaiga, given to my brothers. You have the tensusaiga so you must be one of my brothers,"

"So Taisho, you're still alive," Sesshoumaru said. But then the poison started to burn her leg and she fell to the ground and passed out. "Jaken, come we are going home," Sesshoumaru ordered.

"Milord, why are you caring for your stupid half-breed brother?" Jaken asked. "Forget I questioned you milord!" he exclaimed and they got on the two headed dragon.

Taisho awakened on a very comfortable futon. She realized that the room was huge and well decorated. Taisho jumped out of the bed and onto the soft thick carpet. She ran to the door opened it quickly and ran through the halls and bumped right into Jaken.

"Sorry, um what's your name?" Taisho said.

"Jaken, and milord wants you come with me," Jaken said. Taisho followed him and finally entered the study.

"Yo Sesshou, thanks for um healing me and um keeping me here," Taisho said.

"Tell me about this ten-tetsusaiga," Sesshoumaru commanded.

"Oh this?" Taisho pulled out her sword to show him. It was a bit smaller than the other two swords, it had purple streaks going across it. "Father got it made by some guy with his claws and gave it to me, I don't remember how I got it I just know it was from father, now brother, why do you have a strong hate towards-"

"Be Silent," he said quickly. Taisho felt her powers leaving. She looked out towards the window to see that the sun was going down.

"I have to go!" Taisho said quickly.

"You are not going anywhere until I say you can," Sesshoumaru said.

"How about a battle, if I win you take me back to where I was, and if I loose we can continue what we are doing," Taisho said. "A quick one, now!"

"Very well, half-breed," he replied.

Taisho stood with her sword drawn, Sesshoumaru in front. Taisho ran up to him with her sword, about to hit but then used her other hand and clawed his face. That surprised him. But the scratch wasn't that bad. He quickly grabbed the hand that clawed him and used his poison claw. Taisho used the sword and hit the chain of his armor. It fell to the ground. He let go of Taisho's hand.

"Can't do much with that sword, I'll take it off your hands then," he said. "You haven't mastered it have you," Taisho got mad she smelt something on instinct, she gut through what she smelt and realized that she cut Sesshoumaru.

"Sorry, please don't be dead, I don't want to kill my own brother," Taisho said looking at him on the ground.

"You can't kill, I Sesshoumaru Lord of the Western Lands, that easily," he said and got up. Taisho realized that it was already dark. Her hair was black and her claws were gone.

"Shit!" Taisho exclaimed. Sesshoumaru looked at her and saw her hair was black.

"Either way, you're still just an inferior half breed, now turned human," Sesshoumaru said. "Come,"

"Where's your honor, you said you'd take me back," Taisho said, now getting worried.

"I Sesshoumaru always keeps my promises, but you would be safer here for tonight," he said.

"What the fuck, first you wanted to kill me and take what I got and now you are giving me protection," Taisho started.

"I do not have a quarrel with you at the moment," Sesshoumaru said. Taisho thought that maybe she should keep quite, this guy contradicts himself easily. "We are to have dinner now, come," Taisho followed there were three plates on the table. Rin sat by one. Sesshoumaru sat in the middle and Taisho on the other side. They took off the lid and Taisho saw that it was soup. Sesshoumaru had a plate filled with steamed vegetables.

"What is that on your face, is it a shield for your eyes?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Glasses, I can't see properly so these give me perfect vision," Taisho replied.

"So you have weak sight, that's what happens when you have weak human blood in you," Sesshoumaru said. Taisho just ignored him. "Taisho-sama, can you play with Rin after dinner?" Rin asked. Taisho looked to Sesshoumaru who nodded.

"Sure, Rin, I'll happily play with you after dinner," Taisho said.

"Can you tell Rin a story before Rin sleeps?" Rin asked.