InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha meets his sister ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Not so innocent anymore I see…that day…you know the fire…a miko sent me to live in the future,"

"What's that thing on your face?" he asked, referring to her glasses.

"These? They're glasses, can't see properly without them," Taisho replied. "Got them from the future. Did you know they make you wear short green skirts to school, and those tests and exams, gosh, they are hard? By the way, what's Kagome doing here?"

"You know Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.

"Well she does go to the same school as me, and my best friend is her cousin, Satya, she's the only one that knows that I'm a hanyou,"

"Well tell me, where's mama, how were you two getting along while I was gone, how long has it been for you, it's been a few days for me, though a major chunk of my life was unlived, very weird, I just kinda was sent to the future at this age,"

"Oka-san is dead and I lived on my own in my forest and then got pinned to a tree by a woman who was turned against me by Naraku and then her reincarnate, Kagome unpinned me and burst the Shikon Jewel and now we're finding it and killing Naraku,"

"God, Shit happens, eh?" Taisho said.

"How did you go to school with dog ears, claws, fangs, and white hair?" Inuyasha asked.

"Easy, come I'll show you," Taisho said. They went through the well, and to Taisho's house.

"This is a headband, it covers the ears so it doesn't feel the end of the wig, er, fake hair." Taisho put it on and showed Inuyasha. "As for the claws, I put nail polish on it and call them fake nails," Taisho said.

"So you pretend to be human," Inuyasha said.

"Yeah, hey want something to eat before we go back?" Taisho offered.

"Ramen," Inuyasha said.

"I love ramen, we have plenty of that here." Taisho replied. They went to the kitchen. Taisho made some Ramen and they both ate quickly.

"So have you met our brother, Sesshoumaru, he is so contradicting but there's a nice side to him he hides though it shows," Taisho said.

"You've met Sesshoumaru?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yeah, he was asking me for the tetsusaiga, and mistaken me for you, so I guess you know him, but since I was poisoned, he healed me with his tensusaiga and during the new moon, he let me stay there, to be safe, then after a battle he decided to bring me back," Taisho said.

"Did father leave you a sword too?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yep, the ten-tetsusaiga, it's made out of his claws, and it does exactly what the tetsusaiga and the tensusaiga does," Taisho said and showed him her sword. DING DONG!

"What the fuck was that?" Inuyasha asked.

"The doorbell, I'll get it, stay here, Inuyasha," Taisho said. She walked to the door and saw that it was her friend Satya again.

"Hey Taisho, I called last night to invite you over, but you didn't pick up, nor did you go to school today, so I was wondering if you were okay," Satya said.

"I was at my brothers, if you know what I mean, he's here, want to meet him?" Taisho asked. Satya said sure and came in.

"Inuyasha, this is Satya," Taisho said.

"So you're Kagome's cousin, you two look alike a bit," Inuyasha said. "Why don't we all go to Kagome's," Inuyasha suggested.

"How do you know my cousin?" Satya asked.

"She'll explain to you when we get there," Inuyasha said.

"Hey Satya, get on my back, we're going the fast way," Taisho said. Inuyasha and Taisho went out to the backyard and jumped onto the tree. Then they flew to Kagome's backyard fast.

"Hey, Kagome!" Inuyasha said from the window.

"Sit! I'm not late, I haven't even gone to school yet!" Kagome exclaimed. Inuyasha fell down the tree. Taisho jumped and landed beside him.

"Are you okay, brother?" Taisho asked.

"Feh," was his response.

"Hey, Kagome," Satya said.

"Satya, what are you doing here," Kagome went to her window and saw a `human Inuyasha and a normal Inuyasha'.

"Inuyasha how are there two of you?" Kagome asked looking at them.

"Bitch, I just wanted to introduce you to my sister, Taisho, and her friend Satya!" Inuyasha said.

"How are you friends with Satya?" Kagome asked and realized that she was Taisho from school. "Taisho?"