InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Taisho vs. Kouga...Inuyasha & Finding Nemo ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Taisho, be quiet," Satya said. "Sorry about her, she's a bit angry today,"

"Well, what is this?" Inuyasha asked.

"A battery powered hair drier, and it's ten fifty, I'll buy it and you can give it to your brother, Taisho said that you had one, go look for some more things," Satya said.

"Why would I care about my bastard brother!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

"I can't believe you can't shut your mouth one bit," Satya said. They were now in the parking lot of the story. Satya had bought the battery powered portable Hair drier before they left.


"And I can't believe you tried to attack the security guards, your lucky we weren't taken to the police station. If you can control yourself now, I think we can go to see a movie,"

"What's a movie," Inuyasha asked.

"Okay here's the deal, you have to be very quiet, eat the popcorn and watch the big screen television, it gets kind of loud there, and Taisho's ears are sensitive, but she can cope, so I think you can," Satya said.

"Inuyasha's afraid of the big bad wolf, he, he, he!" Shippou egged on.

"I will not be intimidated by a wimpy wolf," Taisho said, "But I do not have a quarrel with you so just back off, and let go of Kagome, before I'll have to use my ten-tetsusaiga," Taisho threatened.

"Uh, Kagome, my woman, I'll be back later, I picked up Naraku's scent," Kouga said.

"Inuyasha we have to follow him!" Kagome said.

"Very well, let's go guys!" Taisho said and they ran off after Kouga. "Hey, my senses are weakening," Taisho, said. "Damn it's not that time again!" Taisho said, slowing down.

"Satya, what movie are we going to see?" Inuyasha asked.

"Finding Nemo, I heard it's good," Satya said.

"Oh, this popcorn, *cough, cough* is great, though *cough* it makes me cough," Inuyasha said. "What kind of spell *cough* causes this?"

"It's not a spell, it's just you eating it," Satya said. "Drink the sprite, it'll help," Inuyasha drank it and coughed even more. "What's with the bubbles!"

"Okay be quiet, now, the movie is starting." Satya said.

"Feh," Inuyasha said.