InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha's feelings for Kagome ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"The fish youkia, got eaten by a shark youkia, and his mother is gone, that's so sad, and the father going after Nemo, Inutaisho would probably not do that for me, or maybe he would," Inuyasha babbled. "Hey, my senses are going away, god damn it, it's that time of the month, I have to take shelter," Inuyasha said.

"Taisho, that's a good thing, now we can take off that wig and headband," Satya reasoned, "There is no danger here,"

"Fine," Inuyasha said and took off the wig and headband.

"You don't look like a girl anymore, and without those glasses, you look so much like a guy, tomorrow at school you're going to need to wear makeup, you don't want people to know you switched,"

"No fucking chance, I'm going to wear makeup,"

"Inuyasha you can't fight Naraku, if you're human, let's just stay here," Miroku, Sango, and Kagome reasoned.

"Fine, let's go stay at Kaede-baba's ," Taisho suggested.

"Inuyasha, those glasses makes you look like a girl," Shippou said.

"Shippou-kun, you are testing my patients, continue and you'll regret that," Taisho said calmly.

"Kagome, Inuyasha is threatening me," Shippou said.

"Inuyasha, stop,"

"Feh," Taisho said.

"Inuyasha, I sense a more pure aura around you, you have changed, and where is ye rosary?"

"Oh, I took it off, I decided I trust him now," Kagome said quickly.

"Oh? Well I hope ye judged well," Kaede said.

"I did," Kagome said.

"Well anyways, let's get some rest, so tomorrow we'll be ready to fight Naraku and find shards," Taisho said.

"Yeah," they agreed.

Taisho sat on a tree branch while everyone else slept in Kaede's hut. Miroku was in another room with Kirara and Shippou was with Kagome and Sango. Taisho decided that she was getting tired so she went into the hut and sat against a wall as far away from Miroku as possible.

"Taisho," Kagome said walking up to her, "It's funny that I never noticed the resemblance when I was at school,"

"Yeah, well, I tried, and you weren't at school most of the time," Taisho replied. "So are you and Inu mates or mates to be? Wait the right words are, are you two going out?"

"Well, I do like him, but I don't think it's mutual, I look like his dead girlfriend and I'm her reincarnate, I think he still likes Kikyou,"

"But I can sense that he has a feeling for you and it doesn't take a demon none the less half demon to figure that out. He does like you," Taisho said.

"Um, okay,"

"He just doesn't show it," Taisho said.

Miroku pretended to be asleep and heard what they were saying.