InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Disecting a fish ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Okay your test starts now, it's an oral and you will be graded as a class," The teacher said. "The Sengoku Jedai was about how many years ago, Satya,"

"Five-hundred," she said.

"Name one famous person that wasn't myth or legend, Taisho," Inuyasha remembered Kagome talking about someone named Nabunaga,"

"Nabunaga," Inuyasha said.

"Correct. Saya, name one person who was of myth or legend we have learned about,"

"Ooh, my favorite, Sesshoumaru, that Lord," Saya said.


"Yeah I know, I saw a picture of him, he looks like a girl," Saya whispered to a girl named Yum.

"Feh," Inuyasha murmured.

"What was that Taisho, you can tell the whole class," the teacher said.

"Sesshoumaru looking like a girl, that's funny,"

"I highly agree, how did he get respect when he wore makeup and had long white hair," Satya said.

"Remember students, it's just a legend, demons, magic, powers, they don't exist,"

"Where'd you hear that," Inuyasha said. "What world are you from,"

"In-Taisho, shut up," Satya whispered. Inuyasha could hear with those ears.

"I will ignore that comment, Taisho, but I don't want to hear that again," The teacher said.

"Okay, Satya, I'm hungry," Inuyasha said.

"Taisho, lunch will be after the next class, Science,"

"Fine," Inuyasha said.

"Okay class, today we'll be dissecting a fish, Taisho, since you were partnered up with Kagome and she's not here, you'll be paired with Satya, since Hojo isn't here either.

"In-Taisho, follow the directions, oh wait, just sit right there, and I'll do the cutting,"

"Then I'll eat it," Inuyasha said.