InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha asked out. ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"You, eat a fish! It's got preservatives on it, and that's just gross," Saya said.

"Yeah, and next period is lunch," Satya added.

"Feh, whatever," Taisho said.

"You know, your voice seems a little bit weird today, are you sick or something?" Yume asked.

"Feh, I do not get sick," Inuyasha replied.

"Hey, Taisho, I've been wanting to ask you, um will you go out with me please?" a boy from behind asked. His name was Jojo, Hojo's cousin.

"Satya?" Inuyasha asked.

"No you," Jojo replied. Satya whispered, knowing Inuyasha would hear. "Tell him yes, but not today,"

"Feh, I'll `go out' with you but not today, maybe Saturday or something," Inuyasha said.

"Hey, Taisho, where are your glasses," Yume asked.

"Contacts," Inuyasha said.

"Okay so lets kick some Naraku's ass," Taisho said. "I'm searching for wolf boy's scent," Taisho sniffed the ground and ran. The others followed.

"I think we should go on Kirara, we'll get there faster," Sango suggested. Kirara transformed and Shippou, Miroku and Sango got on. Kagome got on Taisho's back and they flew off.

"There it is!" Sango exclaimed. They landed at the castle.

"Yo, Baboon boy, get your ass over here, so I can kick it!" Taishi, said. Miroku and Sango looked at her funny.

"Hey, Taisho, this may be the wrong time to ask but, will you-"

"Houshi you better start acting proper now!" Sango said showing him her boomerang. Suddenly they all shut up because Miasma was surrounding them.

"Screw the miasma, hey if any of you need my haori, here take it because the ten-tetsusaiga will protect me,"

"Okay Naraku, I don't know why I'm fighting you but, TEN-TETSUSAIGA!" Taisho yelled and cut through the miasma. "Everyone get out!" Taisho said. They all did.

"Okay Naraku, take this," SLASH!!!! "CUTTING WIND!" SLASH!! SLASH!!! Naraku turned into the hair on the stick again.

"That was plain stupid," Taisho said, "He's so cowardly that he won't ever come himself,"

"The puppet," Miroku said.

"Okay, is it lunch now?" Inuyasha asked getting anxious.

"Yes, now if you just sit quiet, I'll go buy our lunch," Satya said.

"I'll sit right here," Inuyasha said.

"Fine," Satya said walking to order lunch.

"Hey, Taisho," a girl said sitting next to Inuyasha.

"Hi," Inuyasha said.

"You're going to go out with Jojo, right?" she asked.