InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Kagome's Disappointment ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Well upon request I have decided to continue my little story! ;) Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Kagome's Disappointment

Inuyasha and Kagome had revealed their blossoming relationship to everyone and soon after admitted that Kagome was also pregnant. Sango had been thrilled for Kagome at the idea of her and Inuyasha having a child. Kagome was now four months along in her pregnancy and her stomach was only slightly starting to pooch.

She sat down next to Inuyasha as they prepared to enjoy some freshly picked strawberries. "Inuyasha I know that you told me your mother and father are both dead, but don't you have any living family left?" Inuyasha frowned as he chewed a strawberry carefully. "I do have a living relative, but you need not worry about ever meeting him." "Why? Who is he?" She carefully and slowly chewed a plump strawberry. "He is my older half brother Sesshomaru, and you won't meet him because we despise each other." Kagome swallowed her mouthful of fruit and continued with her exhausting questions. "Why do you despise each other? You're brothers." Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and growled a feral sounding growl. "We may be brothers, but I don't give a damn about that cold blooded bastard! He hates humans and he hates me because I'm half human!" Kagome visibly flinched at her husband's words and rubbed her barely rounded abdomen as if to protect her unborn child. "Well my mate, I wish to meet this brother of yours."

Inuyasha's golden eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What the hell are you crazy?!" She smiled and reached for more strawberries. "No I'm being serious. Would you please just allow me to meet Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha rolled his amber eyes in defeat. "Fine, but you're going to see what a real asshole Sesshomaru is. Don't say I didn't warn you before hand." Kagome giggled at Inuyasha's grumpiness concerning his half brother.

After finishing their fruit they headed west towards Sesshomaru's palace that was located in the western lands. After a few hours of walking Inuyasha and Kagome had reached Sesshomaru's palace. Kagome gasped in amazement at the huge white stone castle that seemed to raise up into the heavens. There was a tall and matching white stone wall surrounding the castle It was adorned with a large and contrasting black stone gate at the entrance. The heavy black stone gate suddenly thundered into action as it was lowered.

Kagome watched as the stone gate came to rest on the ground with a resounding thud that would be heard for miles. She clung tightly to Inuyasha's left arm as he led them into the palace. Kagome couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness settle into the pit of her delicate stomach. Once past the stone gate it quickly rose and loudly boomed shut. "Well are you ready to hate yourself for wanting to meet my bastard half brother?" Kagome smirked at Inuyasha's obvious sour attitude. The two walked through the lavishly decorated courtyard to get to the main door.

There were many plants, flowers, and various shrubbery growing in the outdoor courtyard. Kagome's gaze caught a pair of white stone benches adorning either side of a medium sized fountain. In the middle of the fountain was a white stone statue. It was sculpted to resemble Lord Sesshomaru. Inuyasha snorted in disgust at his brother's vanity. Kagome trailed close to Inuyasha as they finally reached two elegantly carved cherry wood doors with wrought iron handles embellishing them.

Inuyasha grasped one of the wrought iron handles and rapped it loudly against the large wooden door. Moments later an un ugly toad demon answered the door. Immediately he jumped back in fear of seeing Inuyasha standing there before him. "Inuyasha! Why have you come here? What business do you have with Lord Sesshomaru you incompetent half breed?!" The ugly little toad demon shrank away from Inuyasha as if waiting to be struck for his choice of words.

The assault didn't come and Jakken resumed his forward and upright stance. "Hello to you too you ugly green little freak! I'm here merely because my wife Kagome wishes to meet my half brother." Jakken glanced at Kagome who was dressed in miko's clothing which was the traditional white kimono top and red pants. She was lovely with almost mesmerizing grayish eyes and milky white skin. The girl seemed so familiar to Jakken even though he knew they had never met. Jakken reluctantly ushered Kagome and Inuyasha into Sesshomaru's palace.