InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Sesshomaru, Captivated By Kagome ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter3: Sesshomaru, Captivated By Kagome

A/N: Oh yeah, I don't own Inuyasha so don't sue! Sesshomaru develops a thing for Kagome because Rin does not exist in this fic. Sorry R/S fans :(

Jakken took Kagome and Inuyasha through the palace's great hall. They stopped at the end of the hallway at a magnificent and extravagantly carved cherry wood door. Jakken announced Sesshomaru's visitors in his screeching voice. "Your brother Inuyasha, and his wife Kagome." Sesshomaru gave a small nod and dismissed Jakken. "You may leave us now Jakken."

"But Lord Sesshomaru!" His golden eyes narrowed as he spoke again. "I said you may leave us now Jakken, it was never an option." The little toad demon quickly waddled out of the throne room as he was instructed to do. Sesshomaru turned his icy gaze towards Inuyasha. "Why have you come here half breed?"

Inuyasha snarled his response. "Don't worry I didn't come here because I wanted to see you! I'm simply granting my wife her bizarre request to meet you. So don't get all sentimental on me or nothing!" Sesshomaru then focused his attention to the lovely dark haired woman standing next to Inuyasha. She was breathtaking to say the least.

This bewildered Sesshomaru because of his immense hatred for all humans. But this woman was pure radiance. From her perfect milky complexion to her alluring grayish colored eyes. He stared at her deeper as if memorizing every aspect of her body. Sesshomaru studied the woman's face closer and realized she looked oddly familiar to him.

It was like he had met her somewhere before now. The sound of his younger brother's voice cut through his thoughts. "Sesshomaru, this is my wife Kagome, she's the reason I came to pay you a visit." Kagome smiled and held out her hand. Sesshomaru stared at Kagome's hand in confusion. Then he took it in his own and pulled Kagome closer to him.

Sesshomaru leaned in and carefully sniffed at Kagome. Inuyasha placed his hand at his left side preparing to draw Tetseiga. Then suddenly Sesshomaru released Kagome from his grip. "I see your wife is four months pregnant little brother." "Yes Kagome is pregnant. That's why she wanted to meet you. It's because she wanted our child to know it's family." Sesshomaru smirked and then returned his attention back to Kagome.

"So ah, Kagome you have chosen to marry my brother, a mere half breed?" Kagome frowned. "I didn't marry Inuyasha for his demon heritage, I married him for love." Sesshomaru chuckled a cold and hollow laugh. "Love? Love does not exist my dear. And that child that you're carrying will also be tainted like my worthless brother. It will be less than half demon."

"I don't care if my child is part demon. Inuyasha is my partner and I love him regardless of his demon bloodline." Sesshomaru watched Kagome as she began to become frustrated from his hateful words. "Well, well aren't you the spirited one? I appreciate strong spirited women very much." Kagome narrowed her gray eyes at him in annoyance.

Sesshomaru met her glare with an unwavering golden gaze. "You seem strangely familiar to me Kagome. Almost like I've met you some place before." "Really? Well we haven't met before now, I would definitely remember meeting someone like you."

Sesshomaru studied Kagome a little more precisely as if to figure out why she seemed so familiar to him. Then it suddenly came to him when Kagome arched her right eyebrow and continued to stare at him. Almost immediately Sesshomaru realized where he remembered her from. 'It's her! It's the miko Kikyo! But it can't be, that wench perished over fifty years ago!'

"Sesshomaru?" Sesshomaru quickly cut Kagome off. "It's you, Kikyo. How can you be standing here in front of me if you died all those years ago?" Kagome swallowed carefully before she began to explain. "I'm not Kikyo, Sesshomaru. My name is Kagome, and I'm also a miko."

"But you look just like Kikyo." "I know that. It's because I'm her reincarnated soul that I resemble her so closely." Inuyasha decided to take this opportunity to speak up. "Kagome may be Kikyo's reincarnated soul, but they are nothing alike!" Sesshomaru chuckled.

"Obviously they share some likenesses because Kagome is now your wife." "What difference does that make?" "I know that Kikyo loved you as well. They also share the ability to purify the Shikon jewel." Inuyasha was tired of hearing about Kikyo and decided it was time to take his pregnant wife home.

"Well Sesshomaru, I hate to cut you short, but I'm taking my wife home. She's pregnant so she needs to rest." "Goodbye Sesshomaru." "Goodbye Kagome, until the next time we meet." Inuyasha glared at Sesshomaru as he reached for his wife's hand. Kagome took her husband's hand as he led them out of Sesshomaru's palace.

They began walking back in the direction of their own home. Kagome yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Inuyasha picked her up and held her close to his chest. Kagome smiled as she nuzzled her face into his broad chest so she could hear the steady beat of his heart.