InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Inuyasha's Nightmare Come True, Kagome Kidnapped ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter5: Inuyasha's Nightmare Come True, Kagome Kidnapped

A/N: Sesshomaru is evil right now, but I promise he won't stay evil through the whole story! ;)

Once Inuyasha had successfully slain the dragon like demon he hurried home to see Kagome. When he arrived home he found the front door to their house was slightly ajar. His heart began to pound quicker in his chest. "Kagome?" No answer came so Inuyasha carefully pushed the front door open and drew his Tetseiga.

He tip toed lightly through the eerily silent house. "Kagome? Kagome where are you sweetheart?" Still there came no reply when he called for her. Once outside their bedroom door Inuyasha pushed it open hastily. He saw that Kagome was not lying on their futon as she had been before he left.

Inuyasha carefully placed his hand palm down on the futon and could still feel warmth from the spot where she had been laying. He sniffed the air and could smell the little toad demon Jakken's scent all over the room. Inuyasha clenched his fists as he screamed out. "Damn you Sesshomaru!"

Jakken quickly returned to the magnificent white stone palace that belonged to Sesshomaru and sealed it with a strong spirit barrier. He scurried into Lord Sesshomaru's study to find his master impatiently awaiting his return. Upon seeing Jakken empty handed Sesshomaru began to get angry. "Well Jakken, where is she?" Jakken nervously reached into his side pouch.

"Not to worry master, I retrieved the girl just as you asked." He pulled out the round bubble like orb and held it up for Sesshomaru to see. Sesshomaru leaned down and gazed into the small sphere. He could see the tiny and graceful body of Kagome inside. She looked absolutely terrified as she placed her small hands against the force field.

Sesshomaru held out his hand. "Jakken release her from the force field." Jakken nodded and pointed the staff of heads at the transparent sphere. Almost instantly Kagome fell into Sesshomaru's open and waiting hand. "Why isn't she back to her normal size Jakken?" Kagome shrank back in fear as Sesshomaru leaned closer to look at her.

"Don't worry my dear, I will not harm you." His hollow sounding promise did very little to comfort Kagome. Jakken carefully recited another demon chant and Kagome was quickly restored to her normal size. Her state of balance had been quite thrown off and she fell into Sesshomaru's eager arms.

Sesshomaru held Kagome's delicate body up against his own muscular frame. He could see unshed tears begin to glisten in her grayish tinted eyes. "Why are you about to cry? I told you that no harm will come to you here." Kagome stammered out. "I-I'm af-afraid of y-you. I w-want to g-go h-home now!"

Sesshomaru rubbed her cheek softly. "But Kagome, this will be your new home now." Kagome blinked and the tears began to spill down her cheeks almost immediately. Then she placed a hand on her rounding abdomen and rubbed it softly. Sesshomaru watched Kagome as she showed affection to her unborn child. "Jakken you will leave Kagome and I alone now."

Jakken gave a quick bow and hastily exited the large and elegant study. Once Jakken had gone Sesshomaru returned his attention to Kagome. She watched him with uncertainty and nervousness clouding her grayish eyes. "Well my dear, how do you like your new home?" "This isn't my home. My home is with my husband Inuyasha."

Sesshomaru frowned at her mention of his little half breed sibling. "Why did you bring me here Sesshomaru?" "I brought you here because that worthless hanyou doesn't deserve a woman as amazing and gorgeous as you. You're worthy of becoming only my mate." Kagome arched her right eyebrow in slight annoyance from Sesshomaru's cocky attitude.

"I will not become your mate Sesshomaru. Inuyasha has already claimed me as his wife. I'm pregnant with his child!" Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome's slightly rounded stomach. "Ah yes, the tainted brat. We'll just have to get rid of it at once." Kagome's grayish eyes widened in fear. "You're not killing my baby!"

Sesshomaru closed the space between his and Kagome's body. "Well how are you supposed to carry my child if you're carrying the half breed's little mutt?" She looked directly into Sesshomaru's amber eyes and coldly replied. "I'm not ever going to carry your child Sesshomaru." He grabbed her and yanked her small body up against his much larger one.

"You refuse to carry my child?" "Yes I refuse!" "Then you refuse me as well! Why do you deny me Kagome?" "Because I don't love you Sesshomaru! I love Inuyasha and no one else!" Sesshomaru released Kagome from his tight grip. He glared down at her furiously. "Make no mistake about this, I will have you Kagome!"

Kagome lowered her gaze from his piercing amber glare. "You might take my body, but you'll never touch my heart or soul! They will always belong to Inuyasha, not even god himself could change that!" Sesshomaru chuckled a cold laugh that seemed to echo throughout the room. "Well you may not love me, but you will go to bed with me."

Kagome's delicate shoulders slumped. She knew that Sesshomaru was far too powerful for her to stop him from having his way with her.