InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Inuyasha's Revenge ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter7:Inuyasha's Revenge

A/N: Inuyasha bravely comes to Kagome's rescue! Yay :) Sesshomaru realizes that you can't mess with true love!

Inuyasha reached Sesshomaru's white stone palace and could see the light blue spirit barrier glowing all around it. He drew his Tetseiga and began angrily slashing away at the barrier. The barrier held firm against his endless assault for what seemed like forever. Finally after one final sweep of his blade the spirit barrier was shattered into a million tiny specs of glowing light.

With the spirit barrier now gone Inuyasha made his way through the courtyard of Sesshomaru's palace. His golden eyes blazed with anger as he continued through the palace. None of Sesshomaru's servants dared to try and be brave enough to stand in Inuyasha's way. Inuyasha furiously flung the door open to his brother's throne room.

Sesshomaru looked up to see his little brother glaring daggers at him angrily. "Where is she Sesshomaru?" "Where is who half breed?" Inuyasha marched up to Sesshomaru's throne and pointed the Tetseiga at his throat. "Don't play stupid with me you bastard! Where's Kagome? I know you have her!"

Sesshomaru chuckled coldly. "Ah yes, your spirited little wife Kagome. Why she's here." He snapped his fingers for one of his servants to go fetch Kagome. Moments later Kagome was led into the throne room. She was still dressed in her red and white miko clothing. "Inuyasha!" Kagome pushed away from the servant and dashed into Inuyasha's arms.

Inuyasha held Kagome with his right arm while his left kept the Tetseiga trained on Sesshomaru. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you now you bastard!" "You know that you can't kill me with the Tetseiga Inuyasha." "I didn't say that I was going to use the Tetseiga to kill you now did I?" Sesshomaru went to stand but Inuyasha gestured for him to stay put using the Tetseiga for added emphasis.

"What did he do to you Kagome?" "He raped me Inuyasha!" Inuyasha allowed a low feral growl to escape from his open mouth. "I'll kill you for touching her you asshole!" He pushed Kagome out of harm's way and prepared to fight Sesshomaru. The two brothers began a fierce battle over Kagome.

She watched as they matched each other's strengths equally but neither could surpass the other. Kagome then screeched out. "Just stop this! Stop fighting over me! Sesshomaru let me go, I love Inuyasha!" The two siblings dropped their fighting stances and turned their attention to the now crying dark haired woman.

"But Kagome, I love you." She sobbed as she turned her grayish eyes to meet Sesshomaru's amber eyes. "Then if you truly love me as much as you claim, you'll let me go." He reached out his hand to grab hers but then simply dropped it in defeat.

"I do love you Kagome, that's why I cannot deny you anything you desire. And if it's Inuyasha you desire, then you shall be with Inuyasha." Tears began flowing freely down her milky white cheeks as she walked over to Sesshomaru. Kagome leaned up on her tip toes and planted a small kiss of thanks on his cheek.

Sesshomaru lightly touched his cheek with his fingertips to the spot where her lips had brushed his skin. Inuyasha spoke up. "You're just lucky that I can't deny her anything she wants either. For some reason my wife desires me not to kill you so I won't."

Sesshomaru returned his amber gaze to the beautiful gray eyed woman that had spared his life even though he had raped her. He watched as Inuyasha picked Kagome up and carried her out of his white stone palace. Sesshomaru sat down on his throne in his empty throne room and began to ponder his situation.

He was alone and had no one to love him. 'I shall have my witch, Jita cast a spell to create a mate for me who is similar to Kagome. If I cannot have her, then I shall create my own version of Kagome just for me." Sesshomaru went down to the lower levels of his castle to pay the witch, Jita a visit.

"What is it that you wish of me Lord Sesshomaru?" "Jita, I wish for you to create a mate for me in Kagome's likeness." Jita smiled and nodded. "What do you desire her to be like?" "I wish for her to love only me and to be kind and gentle like Kagome." "Do you wish for her to have a name of her own?"

Sesshomaru remained silent for a moment before answering. "Yes, I wish for her to be called Laryn." The witch nodded and grabbed a large block of clay to mold into a likeness of Kagome's body. She used the bones of the dead and then her magic to breathe life into her creation. Sesshomaru watched as the lifeless copy of Kagome's body stirred before him.

Her eyelids fluttered open to reveal the same grayish eyes that Kagome had. When she looked up at Sesshomaru a smile softened her emotionless face. Sesshomaru smiled back as best as he could manage. "Laryn, welcome home." Laryn smiled up at him sweetly and spoke. Her voice was soft and angelic like Kagome's. "Sesshomaru."

He lifted her nude body up off the table and carried her up to his private chambers. Sesshomaru gently laid Laryn on his large futon. He stripped off his clothing quickly and climbed on top of her. Laryn instinctively spread her legs wider for Sesshomaru to lay between them.

He carefully eased his swollen length into Laryn's small entrance. Once he was buried in her up to the hilt he began a slow thrusting motion. Soon Laryn was raising her hips to meet Sesshomaru's powerful thrusts. He brought her to an earth shattering climax and felt her inner walls tightly clench around his length.

This made him lose his self control immediately. Sesshomaru moaned and felt his length throb inside Laryn as he spilled his seed at the mouth of her womb. He knew he had succeeded in giving Laryn a child. Sesshomaru allowed sleep to claim him as Laryn curled up beside him on the large futon to sleep as well.