InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ competition ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You cannot sue because I'm not among the living, and even if you do, I have no mula so it is fruitless. Moreover, this is not mine besides the plot and Jenny so you can't sue.

AN: You people are probably burning for the time line so here it is. Ch 1- late August, Ch 2- September 8th first day of school Monday, Ch3- September 9th Tuesday practice, Ch 4- September 12th Friday, Ch 5- September 13th game Saturday, Ch 6 September 14th Sunday party.

Credit: to Lildrummergrl58 for writing the part from after the competition to the part after the fight.

The second week of school went by normally. Now all the band members found themselves in the band room getting ready for their first competition at Burlington City.

"Come on people get on the bus. I'm locking the doors now," Mr. Kinsey yelled to Jenn, Lindsey, and Becky.

(Jenn-unicorn, pit, freshman) (Lindsey- buffalo, timpani, sophomore) (Becky-Dog, saxophone, senior)

"We're coming," replied the three girls as they came running out the door and onto the bus. Once they got on, the bus took off. Kell and Muller were snuggled up in the back seat, same with Dan and Sandi, and Inuyasha and Amanda. Sango and Miroku were reading a book together while Emrys and Anna are just talking. Kagome just has her head on Sesshoumaru's chest while Sesshoumaru has a blank expression on pretending not to like what Kagome's doing, but deep inside, her closeness was very comforting to him.

Jenny and Dal are sleeping as usual, but woke up from the sudden jerk of the bus. "Get dressed people," commanded Tom.

Everyone did as they were told. A few minutes later, everyone filed out of the bus and into a warm-up arc right outside the vehicle.

"Ok, my dear band people, today we must work hard and kick Kingsway's ass," exclaimed Amanda.

"Yes," cried the band enthusiastically.

"Now, everyone, give me a concert `B' flat."


"Wow, everyone's in tune," muttered Amanda. We have about 15 minutes left before we perform so in these 15 we will warm up and go through the show with all the movements. 15 minutes later the performers are in line and ready to perform their well-improved performance. Moments later, drum major received a cue, and led the band to the field while somebody announced their information through the mike. Then suddenly, a vo8ice from the press box asked, "Is the Gloucester City Band ready? -Amanda did a salute, symbolizing ready- Are the judges ready. You may take the field in competition."

With that, Amanda counted off, and the Marching Lions stepped off aggressively with pride. The color guard did their job right. The band is still in time, and putting all the movements in at the right place at the right moment. The show went by like a breeze, and before the band knew it, they were making their way to the bus, leaving behind only wild applauses.

"That was the best we ever did!" cried Jenny happily to everyone.


"Okay, everyone, good performance, go ahead and change. There's food waiting for you outside so don't worry about money," yelled Ed as he suddenly got on the bus then left with Dalianna hand-in-hand towards the food.

After the sudden announcer dissipated through the rows of buses, the band geeks started to change, and slowly got off the bus.

"Kagome, would you like to go get something to eat?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Kagome sat there for a minute thinking and then replied, "I'm not that hungry. I would rather stay on the bus with you if you don't mind."

Sesshoumaru didn't say anything, but just shook his head and sat down next to her. They began to snuggle together. Kagome closed her eyes slowly and fell into a peaceful sleep in the ice demon's arms.

"Come on Muller, stop spying on them, we'll call them when it's time, just please get something to eat, I'm really hungry," whined Kelli, and the two of them got off the bus, leaving Kagome and Sesshoumaru in their own little world.

Kelli and Muller walked in between their bus and another one painted read and black. Kelli shivered, "Whoa, Kingsway, I hate them," exclaimed Kelli as they arrived at the food stand.

"Yeah, I know, they always think that they're better than everyone all the time." Muller added while putting ketchup on his hot dogs. They went over and sat down on the curb. Then Kelli noticed someone walking towards them . . . someone she didn't recognize.

"Umm, Muller who's that?"

Muller looked up and observed the person with a confused look. Then he saw the black and red uniform and sprang up.

"What are you doing here, you're from Kingsway."

"Demanding, aren't we?" Mocked Kaimaru, the mallet player from Kingsway. "I mean no harm; I'm just here to borrow some ketchup. Can I have some?" he asked, looking at Muller, smiling; secretly cursing at him.

Muller shifted his eyes to the ketchup bottle in his hands. "Sure. . ." he answered hesitantly, slowly handing the bottles over to Kaimaru. Kaimaru smiled and turned to walk away.

"Stupid, trailer trash, Gloucester Band," he muttered to himself, but unfortunately Kelli heard it with her enhanced hearing.

"Excuse me?!" exclaimed Kelli acidly while her hands rested on his shoulders; claws extended. "Care to repeat that?"

Kaimaru turned around angrily towards Muller, and threw the ketchup bottle down to the ground.

"I called you guys all a stupid trailer trash, Gloucester Band," growled Kaimaru.

That statement was too much for Muller to take; he had his claws wrapped around Kaimaru's throat in less than two seconds while using his other hand to beat the crap out of him.

"Hey! Hey! Break it up you guys!" Ed yelled, running over to break up the fight. He pulled Muller off of Kaimaru and pushed him aside, "And who are you? You're not from Gloucester, so go. Go away."

Kaimaru turned and walked away angrily. "Gloucester sucks! You'll never be better than us! We're better. You'll never win against the all might KINGSWAY!"

"What a jerk!" Jenny said cockily, scarring the crap out of Kelli.

"When did you get here?"

"Yeah," Muller agreed.

"Oh, I just got here," replied Jenny.

"He'll see. We'll show him. Right you guys?" Kelli stated confidently.

"Yeah," agreed everyone and headed to the visitor's stands where all the other bands are watching other bands compete.

"So who's going to go for retreat?" inquired Heather.

"Ummm, I think the drum major and the seniors this time," answered Kell.

"I see," said Heather.

"Speaking of retreat, I think it starts in about 15 minutes, and the seniors and drum major went back on the bus to change," stated Jenny. "Good, cuz we WILL kick Kingsway's cocky asses!" exclaimed a fiery Kelli.

"Ok, Ok, calm down, you're scaring me," choked Jenny.

"Don't I always scare people?" asked a now calm Kelliann.

"Yes," chimed the other two girls.

Then, suddenly, the crowd quieted and the drum majors and seniors marched onto the field in their flashy uniforms.

"Hm, I guess the judges decided to announce the score early since there's still five minutes left," commented Jenny.

"I guess," said Heather.


Palmyra cheered while a person from the sideline handed Palmyra's drum major the participation award. Then the drum major did a salute of his own.

"IN FOURTH PLACE WITH A SCORE OF 70.25. . . SENACA REGIONAL HIGH," continued the voice.

Again, Seneca cheered while their drum major received the participation award fallow by a salute of their own.

And so on with the scores, "71.75. . . PITTSBURG . . . 72 . . . SCHALICK."

Finally, came the last two scores, "IN SECOND PLACE WITH A SCORE OF 74. . . GLOUCESTER CITY HIGH."

"Damn, Kingsway beat us, but we'll get all the special awards, I swear," muttered Kelli while the others cheered, even though Kingsway booed Gloucester for not winning.


As expected Kingsway cheered, and then booed at Gloucester.


Upon hearing all the awards that Gloucester won, they immediately cheered then booed at Kingsway while Kingsway just sat there emotionless. After the awards for division `A' of Independence division was announced, the seniors and drum majors filed off the field and a new set came on indication the awards announcement for division `B'. It went on like this for American Division and Yankee Division. About an hour and a half later, the Gloucester Ban d found themselves on the bus on their way home.

"I can't believe we lost by point one!" growled Kelli.

"No worries, we'll win next time, and besides we won most of the special awards anyway," reasoned Jenny.

"True," agreed Kell, then proceeded to go to sleep along with the rest of the band from the tiresome day. After Kell fell asleep, Jenny got up and went back to her seat to sleep.

AN: So, how was the first competition? Good, bad, mediocre, great, marvelous, super, prodigious, sucks. Just hit that purple little button down the bottom and let me know.