InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With a Dream ❯ Problems lead to more problems ( Chapter 6 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Nor do I own his friends, his brother and Kikyo and Kouga. I don't own anything except for my computer and my life. =P unless someone owns that O.o
Hiya people! I'm back once again. It would be nice if I could finish the story before summer. But my mom doesn't want me indoors, in my room with my face stuck onto the monitor all summer. So she made me go do badminton lessons, art class, and dancing lessons. And with that I still have piano lessons, math class and a lot of other stuff. Sigh… sometimes I wish I could have a decent summer… well… I still think this year was more relaxing then last year =P anyways thanks for reading my fan fic, even though it takes me forever to update. =P o well… hope u enjoy the story. ^^
And special thanks to christinatails who almost always reviews after each chapter. Thanks!
Chapter 6
Problems lead to more problems
Inuyasha stared at the classroom clock, ticking as each seconds passed. He turned his shoulder so he could see what Kagome was doing. When he caught a glimpse of her, Kagome quickly turned away and stared at the front of the class like nothing happened. During the whole entire day, Kagome was giving him an eerie stare. She's been just staring at him for the whole day and it was starting to creep him out. Usually he didn't care if girls stared at him all day but Kagome gave him a weird feeling, like she was glaring at him evilly. Inuyasha looked down at the pendant again, it glowed a pinkish colour and Inuyasha saw something weird. The glowing came from the orange glass bead which was strange because the bead was orange; he quickly put the pendant back into his pocket and looked up only to see Kagome staring at him again.
School finally finished and the gang was walking out of the school when Rin talked about her party again. Everyone groaned except for Sesshoumaru who didn't want to upset Rin. However Rin was too busy to notice the other people. She cheerfully told everyone… once again that she was having a party and she was inviting a lot of people. Sango looked at Rin who was talking non-stop and sigh…. She leaned over to Miroku. "Let's just hope she doesn't invite anybody we don't want in the party." She whispered to Miroku. "Too late, she already did." He answered back to her. Kouga was invited to the party already, and he was an "anybody we don't want in the party" person. Sango just blinked at him, like she didn't understand what he was talking about. "What do you mean? Is Kikyo coming too???" She asked, but Miroku just fell over. Everyone looked at where the crash came and they saw Miroku on the ground and Sango just staring at him. Rin walked over to Kagome and whispered to her. "You can tell what just happened here." Rin whispered and Kagome just laughed. Miroku jumped back onto his feet, a bit confused from Sango's clueless ness about Inuyasha and Kagome. "Sango, can't you see? Can't you see that Inuyasha has the hots fo-mph" Before Miroku could finish, Inuyasha punched him at the sides, causing Miroku to fall back to the ground clutching in pain. Sango and Rin just blinked, pretending not to understand what had just happened but inside they were laughing because Miroku would have told who Inuyasha liked and everyone would have heard, even Kagome. Kagome on the other hand cocked her head to one side, confused about why Inuyasha stopped Miroku from finishing his sentence. Miroku looked up to Inuyasha. "Yo, what was that for?" Inuyasha just turned his head the other way. "Keh, you talk to much Miroku." Was all he said before he started walking.
"Inuyasha has the hots for who Miroku?" Kagome asked while he was getting up. Inuyasha froze in his tracks. Miroku doesn't know anything right? Right? But Inuyasha was becoming doubtful as he turned around to face Miroku again and gave him a glare. Miroku could feel Inuyasha hard glare and gulped. "Uh…" He started, "Did I say that? I meant… uh… I meant… that he." Miroku didn't know how to finish. Tell the truth and get killed by Inuyasha, or lie and when Kagome finds out, get her mad at him who makes Sango mad at him. Either way he loses. Miroku sigh… someone up there was making fun of him. Kagome looked at Miroku, waiting for an answer. "Miroku, I'm almost very sure that you said Inuyasha has the hots for someone, now spit it out. Who is it?" Kagome tapped her foot impatiently awhile waiting for an answer. Miroku looked around. `May be I can make someone up?' He looked at Rin. `Can't say Rin, Sesshoumaru will kill me.' He looked farer up to the school and saw someone. Without thinking who the person was, he said the name of the girl he saw walking towards the school.
"It's Kikyo!" He sputtered and shut his eyes tight. He knew that Kagome knows he's lying. But there was silence and Miroku looked up to see everybody with a shocked face. He turned to see Inuyasha who was pale and his jaw was opened. Now who did he say Inuyasha liked?
Kagome blinked twice. "Inuyasha, you like Kikyo?" Kagome asked, unsure if she heard clearly. She was pretty sure that Inuyasha didn't like Kikyo. Miroku smiled, `Ah.. So I said Kikyo was who Inuyasha liked.' Miroku thought but then he paled a bit when he fully realized what he had just said. `Oh shit!! Did I just say Inuyasha just liked Kikyo???' He turned to face Inuyasha to see his reaction. Inuyasha quickly ran to Kagome. "Kagome, don't listen to him! He doesn't know anything! I don't like-" Kagome placed one hand up to stop Inuyasha mid-way. "It's ok Inuyasha, you don't have to explain why you like Kikyo. Besides…" she turned to face somewhere else. "I wouldn't want to know anyways." Inuyasha's face fell, did that mean she didn't care about him at all? Did that not affect her at all? "O yea… one more thing…" Kagome started… Inuyasha looked up to see what she wanted to say, only to be hit full in the face. Something he didn't expect to happen, Kagome slapped him… HARD at the face. Everybody was quiet for awhile, they didn't know what to do anyways. No one expected Kagome to hit Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked at Kagome, what did he do wrong?
"You lied to me Inuyasha, you lied." Kagome started. "You told me you disliked Kikyo. And the way you acted in class when she was sitting beside you… you lied to me." Kagome shook her head. "I didn't care about we you liked and who you hated, but I do care when someone lies to me." She was almost in tears. She looked down to hide her tears, her bangs covering them. "I trusted you… I trusted everyone here and you just broke that trust that I had in you." She looked up, teary eye. "Be grateful that I actually trusted you in the beginning." And with that she walked past him, stopping to pick up the pendant that Inuyasha had dropped when he was slapped. She gripped onto the pendant and dashed forward to her house. Everyone didn't move, no one knew what to do or say. Inuyasha stared at Kagome's retreating figure. `What just happened here? And was Kagome just crying right now because she thought I was lying???' Inuyasha thought everything over again, trying to figure out what had made her so angry. Sango and Rin glared at Miroku, it was his fault for being so stupid. Miroku saw there stares and looked at them. "What?" He asked, even thought he knew perfectly well what he just did. He probably ruined the Inuyasha's and Kagome relationship already. Who knew someone can be so sensitive about someone lying.
Inuyasha figured out why Kagome got mad and it was Miroku's fault. Inuyasha growled and looked up to Miroku. "Miroku?" He started. Miroku turned to face him. "Yea?" "You better start running now because when I catch you I'm going to thrash you and I don't know when I'll stop." And with that Inuyasha lunged forward, trying to grab Miroku and beat the crap out of him. Luckily Miroku dodged and ran for his life, being followed by Inuyasha, Sango and Rin. Sesshoumaru just laughed and followed the gang who was busy trying to kill Miroku; this is going to be one long day….
(A/N should we have the gang beat Miroku up for ruining Inuyasha's and Kagome's relationship? Oh well, we'll see what happens to him later. =P)
Inuyasha got back to the cottage and luckily no one was home yet, not even Mukire. Sesshoumaru had to keep Rin from killing Miroku so he decided to drop her off at her house. Sango was still aimlessly looking for Miroku, since she lived near his house. Inuyasha flopped down onto his bed; this must have been the worst day of his life. Kagome now thinks he likes Kikyo AND believes he was a liar. Inuyasha stared at his ceiling, why had Kagome been so upset with him lying, even though he didn't. `It must have been something from her past, if not she wouldn't have been that angry to slap him.' He sat back up and reached into his pocket for the pendant only to remember he didn't have it. Kagome had took it when she ran back home, and why had she stopped to get the pendant anyways? Normally when someone is upset, nothing could make them stop running away from the place where they were upset. `Unless… that pendant is hers and means something very important.' Inuyasha closed his eyes and tried to make an imagine of Kagome. He remembered her tucking her head down to keep her tears hidden. How hard she had tried to prevent the tears from falling but in the end it was a pathetic attempt. Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, it was all that stupid friend of his. If he didn't say anything at all, none of this would have happened. Inuyasha growled in frustration, what the hell is he supposed to do know? Kagome would just ignore him if he tried talking to her at school and probably just hang up on him on the phone. But he didn't know her phone number anyways. `Great…' Inuyasha thought, `Can things get any worst?' He turned to face his window only to find that it's already night time and he had a lot of homework to do. `Apparently it can.' He thought with a sigh. Inuyasha took out his textbook from his backpack and opened it to page 55. Before he could even start on it, Mukire had come home bringing home some dinner. Sesshoumaru had not arrived home yet but Inuyasha didn't care, he had too much on his mind to worry about his brother. He quickly gobbles down his food down and went straight to his room. Mukire looked at him leaving the dinner table; already she could tell that something was wrong. She decided to check on him after she washed the dishes and finish eating dinner.
Inuyasha flopped back down onto his bed again, what was he doing before Mukire called him for dinner? He stared at his text book lying on the ground. He sighs…' Oh right… homework.'
Finally he finished his homework and flopped back onto his bed.
(A/N He did that 3 times in one day. Don't you just love to do that? ^-^)
Staring at his ceiling again, he tried to finds ways to make Kagome forgive him. Rin's birthday party was coming very soon and if Kagome was still pissed off at him, Rin will never forgive him, or should he say, his brother is going to tear him limb by limb for making Rin upset. He turned to look at his clock, it said 10:42 PM, and he figured it might be dark enough for the ghost girl to come out. He has only seen her at night time, never daylight. He walked towards the river, it was quiet, very quiet and Inuyasha found that strange. Did that mean the little girl wasn't upset anymore? But he knew wrong when he reached to the river. No one was there. There was nothing, just the splashing of the water and the light sound of the wind blowing. The little girl was not here. Inuyasha became to panic, did that mean she's gone for good? But he never did helped her with her problem. Then something hit him and he relaxed a bit. May be all this has been a dream. Nothing but a stupid he had. He sighed. But it seemed so real to be a dream. But they do have to powers to do anything, even make it feel so realistic when it's nothing but a fake. Inuyasha grumbled a bit, had he been so worried about nothing all this time? He felt like he had been cheated. He angrily went back to the house and went to bed.
When the clocked hit 11 in Inuyasha's room, he was already dead asleep. The gently waves splashed as someone walked towards it. The little girl frowned as she looked at the house that belonged to Mukire, the house where Inuyasha was staying at. She walked towards the river and sat down. She sighed and flopped down onto the dirt underneath her. After staring at the stars she finally said something. "Stupid Inuyasha." She quickly jumped up onto her feet. "I HATE YOU!!!" she screamed but quickly covered her mouth when she saw the lights in Inuyasha's room lit up. `Oh uh' she thought. `I forgot Inuyasha was a light sleeper.' And with that she left the moonlight night.
Inuyasha yawned as rubbed his eyes tiredly. He cursed for awhile and sat on his chair while reaching for his Math textbook. Yawning again, he opened it and started doing the problems. "I can't believe I forgot to finish my homework."
The next day Inuyasha woke up irritated, he had the dream again, the same stupid dream about the girl and the stupid fucking boy. He growled angrily, when will these dreams going to stop haunting him? He was annoyed to the bone and growled more as he picked up his shirt. This time, the dream showed him how the little girl's life was. She had lived in a small and peaceful town. She was a happy and cheerful girl who also helped everyone. She was the village's leader's daughter and only daughter. She was the joy of the village, she was everything to everybody of the village. If anything was to happen to her, no one would know how to react or forgive themselves. It was a wonderful town until a little boy moved in. The little girl had tried to make him feel more at home in their little village and as days pasted she fell in love with him. But he killed her. He pretended to love her so he could kill her. When she had died, the little boy had sent a letter to he village telling them that. And when they received the letter, the army attacked them. The battle didn't last very long and everyone was wiped out.
Inuyasha shook his head, he had got to stop thinking about his stupid dreams. He's going to go crazy one day.
The next day, Inuyasha saw Kagome talking with this new girl he didn't think he had ever met before. They were laughing and Inuyasha thought that Kagome could have forgiven him. But that idea was soon thrown away when Kagome gave him an evil glare and walked off with her new friend. He sighed and walked towards his friends. Sango was still busy yelling at Miroku.
"You stupid!!! Why in world did you say Kikyo was the person Inuyasha liked? You just ruined their relationship mister!" Sango screamed into his ears. Miroku looked back Sango. "I said I was sorry, it wasn't my fault that the first girl I saw was Kikyo. Did you want me to lie to Kagome? Didn't you know how much pressure was on me?" Miroku yelled, he was frustrated out of his mind, why couldn't they stop yelling at him? Suddenly Sango cooled off. She took a deep breath and sighed. She looked at Miroku with sorry eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just that, Kagome and Inuyasha makes such a cute couple. And Kagome is my friend, it hurts seeing her like that." Sango looked down. "I'm sorry Miroku, really I am." Miroku patter her on the back. "Your forgiven, don't worry about it." Sango was about to turn around and smile at Miroku but she felt something at her backside. She growled quietly and resisted to smack the boy hard in the face. "Miroku, can you please take your hands off me before I claw them off." She warned him dangerously. He looked at her eyes and could tell she wasn't joking. He removed his hands smile. "The deed is done." He said. Sango rolled her but saw Kagome walking towards the school. Sango poked Rin and pointed to Kagome and they both ran after her. Inuyasha walked to Miroku and Sesshoumaru. Miroku greeted Inuyasha and asked if he had talked to Kagome about it. Inuyasha shook his head and Miroku looked disappointed. Sesshoumaru looked to where Rin, Sango and Kagome were. They were talking to this new girl and walked into the school. Inuyasha sighed as the bell rang and walked to the school. He could already tell this was going to be a loooooooooooooooong day and with Kagome pissed at him was going to make it longer and more miserable for him.
At class Inuyasha looked at Kagome, he really needed to tell him what really had happened. He couldn't stand it anymore. Kagome was mad at him and it was making him feeling very comfortable. Life was just getting worst and worst for him while other better gets better and better. Life just wasn't fair. He sighed and looked at Kagome again. She was focused and listening to Mrs. Kaeda teaching Math. Kagome was copying down notes and answering in class. Inuyasha sighed again, her voice sounded so angelic, no wonder life was making it so hard for him. He didn't deserve someone like Kagome but he didn't care. He just wanted Kagome to be his friend again. Just knowing she's pissed was ruining his life already.
Inuyasha flopped down onto his bed.
(A/N Used this around 4 times in this chapter. But flopping down on your bed id so cool!!! ^^ go try it. *runs to her bed and flops down, only t miss and fall* ouch… ok, may be flopping on your bed isn't as great as I thought it was. T-T)
He had literally died and gone to hell, he just couldn't take it any more, and Kagome being angry with him was starting to drive him to go crazy! Inuyasha sighed again. `I have to think on the positive side, at least I don't have homework today. That means I can do other stuff.'
"Like what?" said his mind. "Besides, what does not having homework have to do with Kagome being angry with you." Inuyasha growled but didn't bother arguing with himself. He must be going crazy now. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
He heard something. A very faint something. It was coming from the river. He opened his eyes to only see darkness. It was night time already and Inuyasha got up. He could hear soft sounds coming from outside.
(A/N I'll give you three tries to guess what it is but I bet all of you guys can guess one the first try.)
He stepped outside and walked towards the river, as he drew closer he heard more sobs and cries. Already he knew who it was. As he found his way through the dark, he noticed the little girl, all bunched up and curled into a ball again. Her face was dug into her knees has she trembled slightly. Inuyasha sighed. Seeing two girls cry on the last few days was pretty much unbearable and he couldn't stand it anymore. He walked towards the little girl and reached for her shoulder. May be he can clam her down. Before Inuyasha touched her shoulders, the little girl threw up her arms and screamed in frustration. Inuyasha, surprised fell backwards and landed on his back. He sat up ignoring the pain when his back hit the hard rocks and stared at the little girl. `What the fuck has gotten into her???' he thought angrily. He was about to open his mouth to say something but the little beat him to it.
"This is all your fault!!! Why did you have to do that?" the little girl screamed and cried even louder. Inuyasha gulped, now what did he do? He was just about to ask when he noticed her carrying something. It was the pendant!!! The same pendant he had found, the same pendant he had brought to school, the same pendant that Kagome took when she left. So if Kagome took the pedant, how did the little girl have it? Unless she… Inuyasha shook his head, he shouldn't assume stuff. May be it was a different pendant. He leaned towards the little girl to hear more about what she had to say. She was saying something but it was muffled from her bawl. She shook her head rapidly and gripped onto the pendant. Inuyasha was pretty sure that the pendant she was holding was the same one Kagome had grabbed before she left him and his friends. But how? The little girl hiccupped and took a deep breath, only to start crying right after. She opened her mouth to say something.
(And this would be a cool place to stop cause I think the chapter is long enough but… since I'm in a happy mood and that christinatails always seems to review I decided to make this chapter a bit longer. Thanks again christinatails! Hope you keep reviewing!)
And now back to the story!
"It's all your fault, its all… your… fault!" She said between sobs. Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore. `Who the hell's fault is it?' The little girl threw the pendant on the ground and stood up. She lifted her foot up and with all her might brought her feet back down to crush the pendant. When her foot came near it, she stopped. She tried again and no matter how many times she tried, she just couldn't destroy it. Tears rolled down her face once again. "Why can't I crush you?" She replied quietly. "Even after all these years, why do you still keep me trapped in your hands?" She looked up towards the night sky, the stars were shining brightly, flickering with glee. The little girl looked back down at the pendant. She wiped her tears away but more just flowed down. "Why can't I just forget about you and move on?" She whispered. "And…" She placed a hand on her heart. "Why does it still hurt that you left me." She fell over onto her knees and brought her hands up to her face and sobbed more. Inuyasha just stared at her. Had love hurt her that much? Had it made an unfixable mark on her heart? Inuyasha looked back into the river. Love was suppose to be a nice thing, something that makes you feel all warm and cared for but… he turned back to the little girl. `She on the other hand had experienced something totally different.' He wondered if she would ever love again, after going through some much pain. His gaze went back to the little girl who became to talk again.
"I gave everything away for you. And you took it and threw it away like trash, like my life didn't matter at all. I gave up my family, the safety of my house, the warm greetings from my friends and neighbor. Gave that all away so you can kill me?" She tried to stand up but she wobbled a bit and fell back down. She fisted the dirt underneath her as tears rolled down and onto the ground. "How could I have been tricked by you? I gave you my heart and you threw it away like you did everything else. I thought I was your friend, but now I know the truth." She slowly got back up onto her feet and looked at the river with a smile on her face. "And even thought I know all that… I still love you." She laughed quietly. As she walked closer to the edge of the river, the cold water flowing to her feet. She shivered but did not move. Her tears still dripping down her face. She laughed again. Inuyasha just looked at her strangely, has she gone insane? Why the hell is she laughing? He couldn't take it anymore and he walked up to the little girl who was still too busy crying. She had fallen back down with her face buried into her knees. Inuyasha coughed and that got the little girl's attention.
She turned around to face him. What Inuyasha just saw nearly tore him apart. The little girl's teary eyes have became red from the crying. She was shaking uncontrollable and sobbing endlessly. Inuyasha stared into her eyes. Different emotion flowed into her eyes and Inuyasha only recognized a few. She was afraid. He could also notice the sadness her eyes showed but mostly they told him she was afraid. Her blue sapphire eyes continued to leak out tears as the little girl hugged herself to keep warm. Her skin was pale and her lips were bluer then ever. Even thought the first time he had seem her, she already looked a hypothermic person. This time however, she was really pale and her lips were near a purplish blue colour. Inuyasha didn't know what to do. How could he cheer her up? He did the only thing he could think of, he took off his jacket and flung it around the girl's shoulders. He walked back to land and motion her to come over which she did. When they got back to land, Inuyasha sat down and the little girl followed. There was a long silence before anyone spoke. Inuyasha cleared his throat and decided to say something. "So… mind telling me the problem?" Almost instantly the tears returned and the girl started to weep again. Only this time she flung herself into Inuyasha, sobbing loudly. Surprised, Inuyasha didn't know what to do. He patted her on the head trying to calm her down. She hiccupped by didn't stop the waterfall from her eyes. "I-I'm afraid Inuyasha." She whispered quietly. Inuyasha looked down, her face buried into his shirt as she fisted a piece of it with her hands. "I don't know what to do anymore. Everything is just a blur to me I-" She took a deep breath. "I'm scared Inuyasha, I'm scared that he will haunt me forever, never letting me go. I'm scared that I will never be able to forget about him and move on. I'm really scared." She looked up to him with big teary eyes. "Help me." She pleaded in a soft whisper. "Help me."
Inuyasha didn't know what to do. He was never good with helping others. He looked back at the river, trying to find someone, anyone to help him at a time like this. But it was in the middle of the night and no one should be here anyways. Inuyasha looked up to the sky. `If anyone up there is listening to me, please tell me what to do.' After a few minutes, nothing happened. He growled quietly in frustration. What the fuck was he supposed to do? He looked back to the river and saw something glowing pink. Then something sparked in his head. The pendant was bringing back more painfully memories, if he could just reach for it. He petted the little girl again. "Don't worry, don't be scared, I'm here. I'll protect you." Even thought he didn't know how he can protect her from her inner feelings and from the boy she stopped crying a bit. Inuyasha settled her on the ground as he walked to pick up the pendant, the little girl watching him carefully. Inuyasha threw the pendant with all his might into the river. The little girl's eyes went wide as saucers. After a few seconds later, they could hear that it had finally landed into the water. Smiling, Inuyasha turned to look at the girl but was startled when she ran to hug him. She was once again crying as she clutched onto Inuyasha. Then after a few moments she laughed and looked up to Inuyasha.
"Thank you." She said smiling. "May be now I cant slowly forget about my painful past." She motion Inuyasha to come down and he sat down to face her level. She grinned ear to ear as she gave Inuyasha a kiss and then a hug. She moved back and giggled while blushing a bit. The little girl started to run off but turned around to yell back to Inuyasha. "THANK YOU INUYASHA!!!" And with that she ran off.
Inuyasha smiled, he was glad to see the little girl so happy. He went back home and sighed. If only he could make Kagome as happy as her then everything would be back to the way they were. But what can he do to make Kagome smile again? A gift may be? Or should he just face her and tell her the truth? He didn't know, the only thing he did realize is that he needed sleep, he was dead tired. With a yawn, Inuyasha went to bed.
The next day (God… how many the next day have I used already?) Inuyasha stopped Kagome walking towards him. `This might be the only chance I can talk to her, it's now or never.' He waited until Kagome reached to him and when she did, she blushed a bit. Looking down to her feet she shifted her foot back and forward. If only she remember why she went to Inuyasha in the first place. Inuyasha cleared his throat and Kagome looked up. "Kagome, I need to tell you something about what Miroku said a few days ago, I-" Not able to finish for the shock when Kagome lunged into Inuyasha giving him a big bear hug. "It's ok Inuyasha, I shouldn't have been so angry at you. It wasn't your fault anyways. It's just that… I don't like it when people lies to me." She looks up to him, "Your forgiven just don't do it again. I won't always be this forgiving you know?" She laughed and Inuyasha was so glad to hear her laughter again. He mentally sighed. `Oh well, at least Kagome isn't mad at me anymore, but I bet she still thinks I like Kikyo.' Kagome blushed when she realized that she was still hugging Inuyasha and in front of other students too. She jumped back and her face turned a crimson colour. Inuyasha smirked, now where had he seen something so familiar? Not able to figure it out he shook it off and followed Kagome to school. There was an eerie silence when Kagome asked a question. "So… why do you like Kikyo?" Inuyasha face flared with angry. "I do not like Kikyo. I was going to tell you but every time I do you always interrupt me." He snapped. Kagome swiftly turned to face him. "Excuse me? Well sorry for forgiving you and I'm sorry for interrupting you when you talk." She spat. Inuyasha smiled. "Your forgiven." Kagome rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She mumbled and she walked into school. Inuyasha smiled. Now this is how his life was suppose to be.
YAY!! I finished. And I didn't leave a cliffy either ^-^ I want to thank all the people who reviews my story. I made this chapter longer for all you guys who did. ^^ And once again I will like to thank christinatails again! =) oh well, I'm done the chapter. See you guys next time! And remember. More reviews = faster updates. I do check everyday for the reviews when I go read other people's story. Dead famous is one of them. You should really read it. It's a really cool fic. Remember Dead Famous. =P Should be at the most visited section. =) Until next update, I'll see you guys later. HAVE A NICE SUMMER!!! And don't forget to review! ^-^ BUHBYE!!!