InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With a Dream ❯ Rin's and Kagome's condition ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't Inuyasha, someone else does.

Whee… I'm updating again! Don't you just love updates? ^^ Thanks to all the people who still read my fan fiction and take a moment to write a review! Thanks a LOT. Oh and about the "what happened last time" thingy, I think I'll use that when I don't update very often. When I think some people might forget. XP I guess I'll talk more at the end of the chapter so…


Chapter 12

Rin's and Kagome's condition.

The sun was shining brightly in the morning as an 11 year old Kagome walked towards the big hill with her friends. Smiling happily she fell down to lie on the soft green grass. The sky was so clear and it was almost cloudless. The air was so fresh and clean in the little village. True the village wasn't as `advanced' like others but this place suited Kagome really well.

"I-I'm still here!" she cried out happily. Touching her hands and was surprised to see it didn't go through. She cupped her face and grinned. "It was just a dream. A horrible dream I had. It seemed so realistic but it was nothing more then just a dream. I'm still at my village and everyone is alive and well. There was no Inuyasha, no school anymore and best of all, no Sonaki!" Kagome paused for a second. No Inuyasha also meant no Rin, Sango, Miroku and Sesshoumaru. A pain struck through her heart when she thought that all her friends were just maple leaf and something she had made up.

Kagome's three friends called out to her and she sat up to wave. Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka run up to Kagome with smiling faces. Kagome looked at the three girls. `At least I have them…' She thought a bit sadden that Inuyasha was just a dream and not real.

"Hey, Kagome." Ayumi began. Kagome looked towards her. "Yea?"

"Eri, Yuka and I are going fishing by the river. You wanna come?" Ayumi asked. Kagome nodded and the foursome ran downhill and towards the river. When they got there, the river was a beautiful sight to behold. The morning sun made it glitter like a sea of gems. Kagome grinned ear to ear and turned around to smile at her three friends. Only to see them gone. She cocked her head to one side and began calling for their names.

"Eri? Yuuuukaaa! Ayumi? Where are you guys?" Kagome called out while walking by the river to see if any of her friends was there. She shrugged and ran back to the village. Happily skipping towards the village, she heard strange voices but ignored it and quickly made her way back. "I'm back everyone!" Kagome called out cheerfully as her mother and some other villagers came out. They were all smiling down at her and welcomed her in open arms. Her mother started walking towards Kagome spreading her arms to hug her daughter.

Eyes began to fill with tears. Kagome was so scared when she thought she had died and lived to be a spirit of a 13 year old. `May be it was one of those dreams that tells you about the future.' She thought. `If it is, then I should stay away from any new person coming towards the village.' Kagome ran towards her mother tears flowing from her eyes as she ran.

All of the sudden the sun disappeared and the sky grew dark and cloudy. Kagome stopped mid-way and looked up towards the sky. The wind blew harsh and chilly breezes. Kagome looked back at her mother only to see her and the other villager's smiling faces fade away. It started to rain, hard. Beating down on Kagome when reality struck her hard into her heart.

When she entered the village, it was quiet. Way too quiet for Kagome's village. She stopped in her tracks to see what her eyes had laid on. Out there on the middle of the road laid her mother, father, Eri, Ayumi, Yuka and the other villagers. All covered in blood and dirt. Kagome walked closer to see if what she was seeing was actually true. Slowly, she moved her gaze over everyone person that laid there. They didn't move one bit and their faces were so paled. Death clouded around there lifeless bodies. Everyone was murdered. But what surprised Kagome the most was…

Rin was also there.

Kagome screamed and sat up. What she saw couldn't be true. She moaned and grabbed her head, it throbbed in pain. She ducked her head down as tears began to form. Rin couldn't die, just not yet. She couldn't die now and leave everyone here. She clutched onto the blanket sheets in front of her. The tears were pouring out freely. She couldn't stand to see another friend die.

She brought her hand up to brush away the tears and took a look around her surrounding. Kagome saw that she was in a room on the bed. She looked down at her clothes to see she was wearing pjs. Suddenly, the door to the room opened.

Inuyasha walked in smiling at her. "I see you are awake." He said as he walked towards her. Kagome blinked when she saw Inuyasha. "Where-Where am I?" Kagome asked and looked around the room to see if it was familiar. Inuyasha laughed and shook his head. "Can't you recognize it?" He asked and Kagome shook her head no. "It's my room. After you fainted, I brought you home while Sess took Rin to the hospital and Miroku took Sango home." Kagome froze. "Is Rin ok?" She asked quietly, not really sure she wanted to know the answer.

Inuyasha had a blank look on his face so Kagome couldn't read any emotion that could be written on his face. Kagome stared into his amber eyes. Her mother had told her that the eyes are windows to the person's soul. It's really hard to keep people from looking through them and make sure they didn't see anything. Right now, his eyes were clouded in worry and Kagome knew that something had happened to Rin. She gulped and shook Inuyasha a bit to answer. `She can't die just yet. She just can't." Tears started to fill her eyes when he didn't reply to her question.

Inuyasha flashed her a smile. "If you mean is she alive? Yeah, she's alive… kinda." Kagome's face fell when she heard kinda. "What do you mean by kinda Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered, did that mean she was going to die in a few days? Did she suffer too much from blood loss?

"Well…" Inuyasha started. `That doesn't sound good.' Kagome thought sadly. `She probably did suffer a lot from blood loss.' Tears began to well up again and threaten to pour any second. As each second went by in silence, Kagome felt her worries growing. She shook Inuyasha and encouraged him to continue. "Inu! Comon! You can tell me! Rin's my friend!!!" She yelled out as the tears rolled down onto her face when she mentioned her friend's name.

"Rin's fine. She's alive but… she's unconscious. The doctor said that she's in a coma right now. Rin has been like that since 3 days ago and-"

"What? What do you mean 3 days ago?" Kagome shouted to him, her teary face was already dried up. Wasn't the party yesterday?

"I meant exactly what I said. 3 days ago, you were also unconscious but you woke up today. So, how do you feel? If you didn't wake up today, Sango and Miroku were going to drag you to the hospital and I don't want to know what would happen if they find out you're a spirit."

"How am I feeling?" Kagome said, more to herself then to Inuyasha. "I feel horrible. I woke up from a nightmare, I was asleep for 3 whole days, found out one of my best friend is in a coma, and do you think I'll be feeling ok?" Inuyasha just looked at her. "Look at the bright side, at least Rin is alive."

"Yea… but I have heard that some people die when they are in a coma. What if Rin dies?" Kagome started trembling and her sad eyes looked down, refusing the tears to fall again. Inuyasha gave her a hug and started stroking her back. "It's ok, she's going to live." Inuyasha said calming and Kagome nodded her head and laid it against his chest. Inuyasha sighed. `How do I expect Kagome to trust that when I barely do myself? The doctor said she was in horrible condition…'

"So…" Kagome started. "Why did Rin jump out of the window anyways?" Inuyasha looked at her, he had forgotten about that part. "I don't know. You want to go see her at the hospital?" Kagome shook her head no. "I'll love to be I have been in this form too long. It's tearing me apart. Even though I was asleep all this time, I was asleep in this form, and keeping this form up takes a lot of work." Kagome changed back into her ghost form and let out a sigh. "I'm going to rest her a bit. Is that ok with you?"

Inuyasha nodded. "It's not like anyone comes into my room anyways. Even if my aunt sees you, she'll think you're a lost little girl and would probably wake you up. Let's just hope she doesn't try to shake you when you're asleep." Kagome nodded and laid her head onto the pillow and went to sleep.

Inuyasha got up and walked out of his room, closing the door along the way. But before he got there Kagome asked him a question. "Did you change me into these pjs???" she said while blushing a bit. Inuyasha laughed. "Nah, my aunt did." He smirked "Unless you wanted me to next time." He quickly ran out of the room, dodging the shoe that was flung towards him and closed the door. He heard Kagome scream, who are you? Miroku the second? And he laughed. "Now to see how's Rin and Sess are doing." He muttered to himself. He grabbed his cell and opened the door. He yelled to his aunt he was going to go visit Rin at the hospital. Just when he left the house and turned towards the hospital, Sango came walking from the other way to visit Kagome.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Mr. and Mrs. Nagari and Mr. Takashi, can you please leave the room for a moment, the doctor wants to do some check ups." The nurse called to Rin's parents and Sess as she entered the room with a doctor and some other nurses carrying equipments. Mrs. Nagari looked sadly at her only daughter before leaving with Sess and her husband. The door instantly closed and no one said anything.

Mrs. Nagari looked at Sesshoumaru. "Do you think she will be alright?" she asked quietly, afraid to know the truth. She didn't want her daughter to die. Sess didn't say anything as a nurse quickly stepped outside. As she tried to go through Rin's parents and Sess, Mrs. Nagari grabbed the nurse by the arm. "How's my daughter? Any improvement yet? Is she going to be ok?" She asked with teary eyes.

The nurse shook her head no. "I'm sorry, but your daughter hasn't improved much. The doctor doesn't know who long the coma would last and there is a slight chance that your daughter will… uh… not make it through." Mrs. Nagari looked puzzle. "Not make it through? What do you mean by that?" The nurse hopped on one foot and then the other nervously, how was she suppose to explain it?

"Uh… it means that your daughter might never wake up. She might just sleep for all eternity." She said looking away. The nurse hoped she got the point, she didn't want to rephrase the news to her again. Mrs. Nagari looked at her, unsure she had heard correctly. She opened her mouth but no words came out.

"Thank you for telling us." Mr. Nagari said politely and the nurse bowed and left. "Please tell me she didn't mean what I think she meant." Mrs. Nagari asked, her voice was so soft, they could barely hear what she was asking. Mr. Nagari looked at his wife sadly. "I'm afraid it's true." He said back to her. She burst into tears and hugged her husband tightly. Her Rin might die from the coma.

Sesshoumaru looked towards the wall, not bothering to say anything. His face showed no emotion but he was slowly dieing from the inside.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inuyasha stopped and turned around.

"Ah great… I forgot something." He muttered and started walking back home. It wasn't really that far since he didn't walk that much to the hospital.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sango knocked on the door and Mukire answered.

"Hello Mukire. May I go visit Kagome?" Sango asked politely. Mukire smiled. "Why of course Sango, she's sleeping in Inuyasha's room. She should be asleep right now." Sango nodded and walked towards Inuyasha's room. When she opened it she saw someone lying on the bed sleeping. Sango smiled and walked over towards the bed. Kagome had the blankets over her face and it looked like a big lump that had formed on the bed.

She laughed slightly and moved the blanket slightly to uncover Kagome's face. She was sleeping peacefully and Sango grinned. She was just about to leave when she noticed something that freaked her out a bit. She ran back towards the bed and looked at it carefully. Kagome seemed a LOT shorter in bed then she did in real life. Sango moved her gaze towards Kagome's face. It seemed so childish like. Sango took a deep breath and moved the blanket away to see a mini version of Kagome sleeping on Inuyasha's bed.

"W-What is this?" Sango stuttered when she saw the mini Kagome. "Could this be Kagome's daughter?" Sango reached out to touch her face when her hand went through mini Kagome. Sango's eyes widen as she moved her hand through Kagome's body. Carefully, she lifted back up her hand and grabbed it with her other hand. This was NOT happening. Sango panicked a bit as she started walking backwards only to crash into the wall.

Just then Inuyasha happened to enter his room, he didn't notice Sango against the wall in fear and disbelief. Inuyasha walked towards Kagome only to see the blanket was moved around. He was about to reach out and cover her again when a hand came t stop him. Inuyasha's eyes widen as he slowly turned around to see who the person was.

Sango stood there, fear clouded her eyes. She looked like a lost little girl who didn't know what to do anymore.

"Inuyasha, don't go near that-that thing! It isn't Kagome!" Sango said sternly but Inu caught a hint of panic. Inuyasha grabbed his head and sigh, now what the fuck was he supposed to do now?

To Be Continued.

Woohoo! Don't you just love cliffhangers? *silence* uh… I'll take that as a no. Oh well, its 1AM right now and I'm supposed to wait up at 8AM tmr to take my antibiotics. Sigh… oh well, at least the swollen cheek and lips aren't that bad right now. I think its beginning to heal ^^ R & R!!! I'll update ASAP! I bet that if Rin dies in my story, everyone is going to hate me forever. O.o;; Rin's also one of my favourite characters too! So… I'll see what I'll do to her. Until next time! JA!!!
