InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With a Dream ❯ Past Coming Back ( Chapter 18 )
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Inuyasha.
Hey everyone! Thanks for still reading my fan fic even though it takes forever for me to update. >.>
Thank you to the people who review my work. Hope you guys will continue to read this ok?
Chapter 18 (wow, I'm this far already? =P)
Past Coming Back
It was sunny the next day but Inuyasha didn't feel as cheerful as a person would normally feel on such a nice day.
"Wake up Inuyasha! Hurry and get ready for school or you'll be late." Hollered his aunt, but Inuyasha didn't move. The door opened and Mukire entered. "Inu…" There laid Inuyasha on the bed staring lifelessly at the ceiling. "Inuyasha dear? Is everything ok? You seem a bit… down." Mukire bit her lip. Something was wrong with Inuyasha, but she didn't know what. "If you're not feeling well, I'll call the school and tell them you're sick. Is that alright with you Inuyasha?" He didn't reply. He didn't move his head to face her. He didn't nod or show any sign that he was even listening. Mukire sighed and left the room.
As she walked towards the phone, she looked back at Inuyasha's room. Picking up the phone she dialed the school's number.
"Are you sure Miroku?" Sango asked as she was walking to school. Their gang seemed so small now.
"Yes I'm pretty sure Sango. I saw them walking together."
"This is bad. THIS IS BAD! What's wrong with Kagome? I had always thought that she liked Inuyasha. Not Kouga." Sango sighed and tilted her head downwards. "May be I assumed wrong?" Before Miroku could answer, Sango jerked her head back up. "No, that can't be it. I'm never wrong! Something IS wrong with Kagome! I just know it!!!"
"Or you're just wrong." Miroku stated.
"That makes me feel SOOO much better Miroku." Sango said sarcastically. "You actually believe that Kagome actually likes Kouga?" Miroku nodded. "You actually believe that?" Once again, he nodded. "ARE YOU SERIOUS???" Miroku nodded again.
"Sango, clam down! Why are you going so worked up for? It's just Kagome going out with Kouga. Besides… It's not like you to meddle in someone's love life." Sango looked down and stared at her feet. "I know but…"
"But what?"
"Kagome and Inuyasha look like a better couple then Kouga and Kagome." Miroku stared at her for awhile. "And this is what you were getting so worked up for? Because Kagome is going out with Kouga but you think she looks better with Inuyasha?"
"Well… yes." She stated. "I'm a bad friend aren't I?" She asked softly. "Maybe I should just leave those two alone. Come on Miroku, class is going to start." Miroku nodded and started to follow.
"Where's Inuyasha anyways?"
<What are you doing Inuyasha>
<Then get up.>
<Why are you talking to yourself?>
`You're talking to me'
<If you want me to shut up then get up!!!>
Inuyasha rolled to the side. He didn't fell like doing anything. Like all the strength had somehow vanished all away from the day before.
<You do know that mopping isn't going to do anything…>
`I'm not mopping you fag.'
<Congratulations! You have just called yourself a fag.>
`I called you the fag, fag.'
<I am you, you big idiot!>
Inuyasha didn't bother talking back to the voice inside his head.
<Just get up Inuyasha! Kagome never liked you.> Inuyasha just glared at the river that he saw through the window.
<If you just admit it that you liked Kagome then none of this would have happened!!! She would be with you right now!>
`It wouldn't have made a difference. She would end up with Kouga either way'
<Well if you think that way then GET UP!!!> Inuyasha stood up and walked into the washroom to wash up.
"I feel like shit right now…" He muttered as he closed the bathroom door.
Kagome sat at her desk and couldn't help but feel a bit miserable. Her only friends that were attending school today were Miroku and Sango. She turned to face Sango, trying to get her attention but failed. She felt as if there were something wrong. It was as if Sango was… avoiding her.
`Why? Why would Sango do that? She's my friend…'
"Or maybe I have been a fool all this time." She whispered to herself. "Sesshoumaru probably told them that I'm a ghost and no one wants to be friends with a walking dead spirit." She turned back to Sango and sighed. `Or maybe she's avoiding me because of Kouga?' Kagome's face turned into a scowl. `That's it! She doesn't like Kouga that's why she's avoiding me!" Her face relaxed a bit as she saw Sango stand up and read from the textbook. "I thought you were different…" Kagome uttered to herself. "I thought you were different… from my other friends…"
Kagome looked back at her desk. Her old friends had stopped playing with her because of Kouga. However… she had told Inuyasha that she had been too busy with Kouga to play with them. The truth was that her friends HATED Kouga…
"Kagome! Where are you going?" Eri cried as she ran to catch up with Kagome.
"I heard there's a new visitor today! I'm going there to greet them!" She yelled back but stopped to let her 3 friends catch up.
"Well. *huff huff* you didn't have to run there did ya?" Ayumi said as she took a deep breath.
"I wanted to greet them before they wander around the village! Come on! Let's go!" She chirped happily as the four girls skipped to their destination.
Kagome smiled happily as she saw her father talking to this older guy with a little boy. She was happy to see that the boy looked her age. Kagome turned around to see her three friends trying to drag her away.
"Hey! What are you guys doing?" Kagome asked as they dragged her away from the newcomers.
"Trust us Kagome, those people are no good." Yuka Explained
"W-what? Why?"
"Because, I could have sworn I saw logo of something really REALLY bad!"
"What logo?" The three girls stopped dragging Kagome and started at Yuka.
"Uh… I dunno what kind it was or what it means but my mother and father says those people with those logos are BAD PEOPLE!!!" Kagome laughed quietly. "Oh Yuka, maybe you saw wrong? Come on! Let's go greet them!" The three girls didn't move and Kagome looked sad. Then she looked kind of angry. "You aren't suppose to judge people by how they look or where they are from!" Kagome stated and quickly ran over to her father.
`After that…' Kagome thought sadly. `They never spoke to me again. They gave me weird looks and whenever I was with Kouga; they would avoid me or give evil glares.' Kagome placed her head on the table and sighed. `Maybe I should had listened to them and told my father about that. Then maybe everyone wouldn't have to die.'
"But if that did happen! I would have never met him!" Kagome stated. She was greeted with a few giggles and laughs. She looked around the class to see everyone staring at her. Her face heated up as the teacher walked up to her.
"Take a seat Ms Higurashi. The teacher said calmly before returning to the front. A few giggles were heard and everyone watched as Kagome sat down. Everyone watched all except for Sango, who acted like she didn't hear anything or just didn't care.
Kagome felt that Sango didn't want to be her friend…. She had a funny feeling about this.
. The next day Inuyasha came back to school like normal. He was the same old Inuyasha with only one difference. He ignored Kagome just like Miroku and Sango did. Kagome was saddened by that. She thought that if anyone would understand her and Kouga, it would be Inuyasha. `But why Inuyasha?' she thought. She shrugged and entered the school with Kouga. Kouga gave her a weird look.
"What's wrong?" He asked. Kagome shook her head and smiled a fake smile. "Nothing's wrong Kouga! I'm fine!" Kouga smiled back and nodded. They continued walking as Kagome glanced down at the pendant. It looked so pale…
`It's like a living creature. A living creature that's sick.' Kagome thought as she wrapped the jewel with her hands, and looked back at Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku talking. They were smiling and laughing. `Just like they were even before that met me.' She thought sadly. As she entered the school, she had that same weird feeling again.
"Kouga, you go to class first, I need to go to the bathroom." Kouga nodded and left. Kagome started walking back out of the school to spy on her three 'other' friends. `Why does this situation seems so familiar?' Kagome thought. A metal flash in her mind made an image of Yuka, Eri and Ayumi standing where Inuyasha and friends were. They were also talking. As the school bell rang, the three girls disappeared and it was back to Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku talking. Kagome quickly ran back inside. "I think I'm just imagining things." She said. I could have sworn I saw Yuka, Eri and Ayumi standing in the place of Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku. But why? They weren't my friends anymore-" Kagome froze. She slowly slid down the wall she was leaning against as reality hit her hard. Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku aren't her friends anymore… "Just like Yuka, Eri and Ayumi." She said not believing it. Her eyes dazed and confused at the same time. It felt as if the past was coming back to haunt her.
She shook her head and ran into her homeroom for class to start. "I'm probably just having a weird case of déjà vu." Kagome said to herself.
"It doesn't mean anything." Kagome stated to herself as she got out a pencil and a clean sheet of paper.
Kagome could have never been more wrong…
To be continued
Hope you people enjoyed the chapter! Well, gotta go! Bye!!!