InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Just another night ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9

Inuyasha was walking back to the village, what seemed like the millionth time that week, he was deep in thought. 'What could Kikyo and Kagome be hiding? Why won't they tell me? So many questions, yet I have no answers. I'll try get it out of Kagome, she's easier then Kikyo...I hope.'

He walked into Kaede's hut and was bombarded with questions from all of them.

"Inuyasha, where were you?"

"Were you with Kikyo?"
"Yeah! What’s your fixation with that walking corpse?"


They were all taken aback by the roar of anger coming from Inuyasha, even though that was his usual personality.

"Calm down Inuyasha." Said the always calm monk.

"Mind your own business guys, it's none of your concern."

"We were just wondering, it really hurts Lady Kagome when you run off like that."

Inuyasha had to fight off a wince of guilt. "Feh! She can just deal with it then!"

They all narrowed their eyes at him and went back to their conversations they had been having before his arrival.

"Hey Kagome! Come out here with me."

"Alright, I'm coming." Then without another word she followed him out of the hut.

"Hey Kagome," He started "Do you know what’s the matter with Kikyo lately?
She's been acting differently. Did you say something to her?"

"Why of course not, Inuyasha would I do something like that?"

He sighed 'Of course she wouldn't do that, Kagome was to sweet.' He just hoped
Kikyo didn't do anything that could hurt Kagome. "Just never mind, and if Kikyo did
say anything just try to forget it, okay?"

She narrowed her colder then usual brown eyes at him. "Of course Inuyasha, except I would expect you of all people to defend the 'walking corpse'.
With that she walked back into the hut, leaving Inuyasha in a confused daze.

'Did I say something wrong?'