InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: why hello!!! *^_^* hugs to my reviewers!!! You makes me feel SO special!!!! But yeah anyway, I like this chapter better than the other ones!!! Three isn't as bad either…my writing style is better in 3 and 4!!! But yeah, here it is!!! Story time!!!

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse

By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter Four

The rest of the day, Kagome avoided him. `Probably embarrassed her.' He thought amused. `I will go find her and invite her to spar and train…I have nothing more to do, and I am sure she would enjoy something to do.' With that, he swiftly walked to her room. When he got there, he found her napping.

`How angelic she looks, even though she is a demon…' he thought as he watched her. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. `She is dreaming…looks more like a nightmare though…' he thought as he watched her struggle on the bed. `Might as well wake her. I do want a sparing partner.' With those last thoughts he shook her into wakefulness.


Kagome's Dream

She was running down a dark forest she now recognized as Inu-Yasha's Forest. His voice and image along with Kikyo's chased her down and pounced on her when she tripped.

"Kikyo, I love you…"

"I love you to Inu-Yasha…I have a question for you though…do you love me…or that cheap…copy and lousy excuse…of a reincarnation?" Kikyo asked in-between kisses.

"I love you and only you…Kagome is just a shard detector…" he trailed off as he kissed Kikyo. An image of Kagome had appeared some time ago. At those words it shattered into a million pieces. Then much to her confusion, it reformed next to Sesshou-Maru looking quite happy.

"Inu-Yasha…I loved you! But no more…I HATE you now!!" she yelled at the dream hanyou. With those words all the images and voices swirled around her, creating a vortex of sound and color. And she was awakened just after she saw Inu-Yasha's and Kikyo's Bodies hung on the God Tree in a lovers embrace and she felt cold hatred surge through her.

End of dream


"Wha…what you want?" she asked him sleepily, still thinking about her dream.

"You will dress and accompany me to the dojo for sparing and training." He told her, inwardly laughing at how cute her appearance was when she first woke.

"What if I don't want to?" annoyance rang clear through her voice, as she grouchily snapped at him.

"Don't want to do what? Get dressed or get up?" he asked with amusement at her reaction to his reply.

"NANI???? I…I-you…you jerk!!!" she finally managed to spit out.

"If you are not down for me to take you to the dojo in fifteen minuets, I will come get you up in my own way." With those words he left her stuttering and blushing furiously.

`Jerk…I am not going to get dressed or even get out of bed! Let him come get me!' she thought angrily and went back to sleep.

*twenty minuets later*

"Wench get out here or I will come and get you!" Sesshou-Maru yelled through the door. When he went in her room, he found that she had gone back to sleep. `So you want to play that way huh? Well now…I would loveto play!' with those thoughts he suddenly pounced on her bed, earning a startled squeak. "I told you to be down stairs in fifteen minuets. It has already been twenty minuets." He whispered in her ear.

"Get…lost…you…overgrown&hellip ;mutt!!!!!!" she hissed at him, struggling to get out from under him.

"I suggest you don't do that unless you wish for me to lose any restraint I have at the moment…" he whispered suggestively to her, as he nipped playfully at her ear.

`Oh my GOD!!!!!!! This is just what I need!!! An aroused mutt and me under him!!! What am I going to do?!' she thought frantically, stopping in her struggles immediately. "I promise I will be down in five minuets this time!!" she said, frantically trying to get him off her without wiggling.

`She's panicking! She is so easy to make panic!' he thought happily as he stopped teasing her ear. "I will make sure that you come down this time." He told her, still lying on top of her. "If you aren't outside the room in five minuets, I will come in and get you. No matter what your appearance is." With that he leaped lightly off her and went out the door.

"Jerk!!!" she yelled after him. After the door shut, a pout was on her face as she got up and started to get dressed. `Great!!! I don't even know how to get these on!!! I will have to get Sesshou-Maru or Jaken to help me. Great.' She thought angrily. `I think I will go with…' "Sesshou-Maru!!!!" she yelled to him. "Get in here you pompous jackass!!!"

"Yes? What can I do for you?" he asked, even though he knew perfectly well what she wanted. `I am so glad I got some of mother's old sparing outfits! You can only get them on with help from someone!' he thought mischievously. He was so entertained that he let slide what she had called him.

"I have a feeling you know perfectly well what I want! Get over here and help me or I will not spar with you!!!" she spat angrily.

"Fine. Turn around." He told her. Laughing inside he unbuttoned her outfit and proceeded to fix what she had done.

"Jerk…giving me clothes I can't even get on without help!" she muttered.

"You forget, I can hear what you're saying." He said still straightening her clothes.

"Who said I don't want you to hear what I said?" she asked innocently.

"You are in a very bad position to be making me mad." He purred in her ear as he started to tease her ear with his tongue.

She shivered as he stared licking her. Then she remembered what had got him this close to her to give him the opportunity to do that and her temper flared. "Bite me!" she hissed, still angry about the clothes, and now with him trying to arouse her. `Doing a good job to…' `ACK!!!! NO he isn't!!!!!!' `Baby!! Before you give yourself another headache, I am outta here!' with that, her favorite mental voice took off. `Man I hate me sometimes!!!' she thought before she was brought back down to earth with a bump as she felt one of Sesshou-Maru's fangs lightly tracing over her skin.

"I am very tempted to…"

`I can't believe I just said that of all things I could have said!!!' she groaned mentally. "What do you want Sesshou-Maru?" she asked in a weary voice.

"You are dressed now, so I think it would be obvious I want to spar." `And you.' He added mentally. He then started laughing at how inattentive she was when angry. "For all you were taking notice, I could have had you naked and in bed."

"…I am going to pretend I didn't hear that. Lets go." She said after a moment of shocked silence. `I am so going to kill him!!'

"Of course. Follow me." With that he led her out the door and through the maze like complex of his castle. When they reached the door he shoved her in when she hesitated.

"What was that for?!" she yelled angrily after regaining her footing. `He's up to something. We passed about three other dojos…what is he doing???'

`She suspects something. My she is a smart one.' He thought as he watched her as she warily looked around the room.

"Why did we come to this dojo? I saw we passed about three other ones." She asked him warily.

"This one is bigger." He lied to her. "I am going to teach you how to fight and how to transform." He told her, straight faced.

`I guess that passes inspection…' she thought to herself. "Whatever. Lets begin shall we?" she asked him.

"We shall train for three hours, then we will break." With those final words he charged her, to teach her the fine art of hand-to-hand combat.

*three hours later*

"You did, surprisingly well." He told her.

"Yeah, well…I'm tired…I can't do much more…without a long break…and some much needed food." she told him in-between puffs for air.

`She is too tired to struggle much…but should I do it?' his conscience was screaming `no' at him, and he decided it was right. `I should get her trust first…then her love…it will take a while maybe, but I will wait. If she loves me, and comes willingly to me, then it will only be more pleasurable when she does come. For the both of us.' he thought, changing his original plan. "I will call Jaken and tell him to bring us food and drink." He told her, now confidant that he would wait for her to love him. When he rang a little bell, a winded Jaken stumbled into the room after about ten seconds, obviously having had run to the dojo.

"Hai, Sesshou-Maru-sama?" he squawked.

"Jaken, bring food and drink for the both of us down here. And go play with Rin some more." He told his retainer.

"Hai, Sesshou-Maru-sama! Food and drink for you and the lady, and to keep Rin occupied until you are back up." After his repeat of the orders, to make sure he left none out, he left the two alone again. `Please lord Sesshou-Maru! Don't be as foolish as Inu-Yasha was and let her slip through your fingers! She is exactly what you need!' he thought as he imagined his lord truly happy after so many years of unhappiness. `Rin was the first to discover a `flaw' in the wall you built up around your heart. Maybe Kagome can finish what the girl has started…' he pondered as he went to retrieve the food his master had wanted.

"Sesshou-Maru, what are we going to do after we finish our rest?" Kagome asked him.

`There are a lot of things I'd like to do…' Sesshou-Maru thought as his mind went down a gutter and he stopped paying attention to anything else except his fantasies.

"Sesshou-Maru?? Hello??? Earth to Sesshou-Maru??" she asked again when his eyes glazed over, in apparent la-la land and wasn't coming back for a while.

`Such as having you in a bed…hehe…oh how I'd love that!' he thought with mental pleasure at how that would feel.

Kagome continued to watch him, as he was non-responsive to her calls. Then she got an idea that should get his attention. `It's not like he's ugly…and I think I love him to…I do love him…I have unwittingly let him into my heart.' she thought shocked for a moment then was blanketed in joy and happiness as she realized how she felt. Then she wondered if her plan could work. `And he has been doing it to me! So why can't I do it to him?' with those last thoughts she crawled over to Sesshou-Maru. "Fluffy-chan…" she purred in his ear. When he hardly responded, she started to place open-mouthed butterfly-kisses along his neck and jaw. "Fluffy-chan…wake up." She purred again. When she got a bit more of a reaction, she started to allow her hands to roam over him.

`This feels so good…I wonder, if she has any idea, about what this is doing to me…' he thought as he came back down to earth with a bump and realized what she was doing. `She has started it…lets see if she can finish it.' He thought as he relished what she was doing, and fought down a purr that was trying to make itself known.

"Fluffy-chan…come on…are you awake yet?" she asked him in a low purr. `I like this…I don't care if he is awake…' she thought as she lost herself once again in her task. She then moved in front of him still moving her hands about and saw he had his eyes closed and a smile on his lips. `Those lips have more than once, bothered me…I will return the favor…' she thought with an evil grin as she moved closer to him.

`Wonder what she will do next?' he asked himself. Just then he felt her sit in his lap. `What?' he asked as his eyes flew open in shock. And there she was grinning like a cat with a mouse. He was about to ask what she was doing when she spoke.

"Hello Fluffy-chan…" she whispered huskily as she moved closer. "I wanted to make sure you were back from your mind-trip before I did this…" she murmured as she leaned forward and started to kiss him. At first it was a light kiss, then it deepened and she started to bite at his lip lightly. When he started to shiver in pleasure she opened her eyes and met his.

`She does know what she is doing…and she likes it!' he realized when he stared into her eyes. What he saw in those eyes was love, mischief, want, guilt, and pain being wiped away. `She does love me…but why the guilt? I will find out later…' with that last thought he stopped thinking and responded to Kagome's ministrations. He started to let his hands wander over her graceful curves, and instead of fighting to be released she shivered in pleasure. He started to lightly lick at her lips requesting entry and she gladly gave it. As he started to probe her mouth she let a groan of pleasure escape her lips as he pulled her down on the floor beneath him. The purr he had been holding escaped and the air vibrated with its deep rumble. He started to pull at her clothes and he smelled her apprehension. "I would never hurt you." He whispered in her ear as he felt her start to shake in fear. "Never would I hurt you! Or let another hurt you!" he told her as he gathered her shaking form into his arms.

"Thank-you. Thank-you so much!" she whispered into his chest. "You have helped me to love again!" she murmured to him.

"I should be the one thanking you." he told her. "You have shown me how to love." After a short pause where he lightly smelled the air, he informed her, "Jaken is coming. If we don't want to give the fool a heart-attack, then we should get back to our respective places."

A small whimper came from her throat as he put her on the ground and moved away. "I don't want to…" she muttered sullenly.

"We will have plenty of time tonight to do what we want. And we will not have to do it on a hard dojo floor." He told her as she started blushing. "Something like that should be savored and taken in comfort." He told her as he moved in closer to her. When he was hardly an inch away from her she murmured something. If it weren't for his youkai hearing, then he would have missed it. He had to strain anyway to hear what she said and it didn't surprise him one bit and only made him want her more.

"I've never done it before…never even close." She whispered to him.

"I will be gentle and if you want to wait, you can have all the time you want." He said comfortingly to her.

"My lord…" Jaken stopped what he was saying instantly as soon as he saw Sesshou-Maru was doing a very rare thing. He was smiling at Kagome and then swooped down to kiss her. `She has done it!! She has finally cracked the walls about milord's heart!!!!' he thought ecstatically.

"What can I do for you Jaken?" Sesshou-Maru asked after he was done.

"Here is your food lord Sesshou-Maru!" he squawked and then turned and ran from the dojo.

"I think he was startled." Kagome said with a smile at him.

"I think you are right. Care to eat now?" he asked her.

"Absolutely!!!" she said happily as she dragged him towards the food.

"Earlier. What was the guilty look for?" he asked casually.

She choked on her food at the innocent question. As she gulped down air after clearing her throat she turned her head down to where he couldn't see her eyes and told him of Inu-Yasha.

"So? You gave him what he deserved." He said gently, reassuringly to her.

"But…he only wanted to be happy. I'm happy. He should be to." She quietly told him.

"If it will make you happy, then we can go and get the fool down from his tree." Sesshou-Maru sighed exasperated.

"Thank-you Fluffy, thank-you…" she trailed off as she kissed him deeply in thanks. "I will give you much more in return later. Right now though, we need to get back to training." She told him as she left him and walked to the end of the dojo.

"Fluffy? Fine my naresoume." He murmured to her.

"Naresoume?? Makes me feel special that does…no one has ever called me that…" she told him with a small and happy smile.

"Well, now you have been. Let us continue now that we have had a very refreshing break. We will be practicing in youkai form now." He told her with a smile of his own and started the tedious process of helping her change and train.


*two hours later*

"You did very well at the end." He told her after they had transformed back to their humanoid form. "You were actually a challenge for me." He told her. `I have picked a strong woman for my mate.' He thought pleased.

"Arigato Fluffy-chan." She said quietly.

"I can tell you want to go now." He looked at her. "What you want, you get my naresoume. Let us leave now and we will be in Inu-Yasha's forest by night." He told her as he guided her towards the door.

"Arigato Sesshou." she said once again as they left.

"It's Sesshou now? Well anyway, it is nothing to mention." He said calmly as they took off in the air towards Inu-Yasha's forest where a Lady named Fate waited for them.